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What side is more interesting for Bounty Hunter?


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I think I leveled a full dark side BH once but I don't really remember the character quite well.


I think I also did light side but again, not sure.


Like, what if I want to act like a mandalorian? Do I balance them or what?


Which side makes sense?

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I think I leveled a full dark side BH once but I don't really remember the character quite well.


I think I also did light side but again, not sure.


Like, what if I want to act like a mandalorian? Do I balance them or what?


Which side makes sense?


I play my Mercs the way a Merc or mandalorian would. That often means a balanced approach because it’s about the money more than being evil or good.

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just remember in your oirigin storyline, the hunter becomes the champion of the great hunt, attracts the attention of Sith Master Jun Seros and with the SIS involved as well. Also don't forget you are involved with the Mandalorians and they consider family more than blood, for those who join a clan is in the family.


Purely from the RP side of things, stick with the empire. If you are going heretic/traitor i would suggest the pubs. :p

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I play my Mercs the way a Merc or mandalorian would. That often means a balanced approach because it’s about the money more than being evil or good.


Same. My main BHs and Smugglers ended up right in the middle and solidly grey. I don't even consciously pick LS or DS choices, I just go for the profit. I mean, why else did you become a BH or Smuggler in the first place? Couldn't care less about the fate of either side. I just wish there were more benefits for playing this way, because all in all you'll end up shoehorned into one direction or the other due to the unfortunate forced dichotomous nature of the setting.

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Same. My main BHs and Smugglers ended up right in the middle and solidly grey. I don't even consciously pick LS or DS choices, I just go for the profit. I mean, why else did you become a BH or Smuggler in the first place? Couldn't care less about the fate of either side. I just wish there were more benefits for playing this way, because all in all you'll end up shoehorned into one direction or the other due to the unfortunate forced dichotomous nature of the setting.


Well, I suppose a player can "benefit" by accumulating some sweet Cartel Market / GTN Items along the way and also pimp-out multiple Strongholds in the process by earning / spending those in-game credits. However, there's not much "story-line wise" to be enticed by, when merely going for the money over light / dark side choices.

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Well, I suppose a player can "benefit" by accumulating some sweet Cartel Market / GTN Items along the way and also pimp-out multiple Strongholds in the process by earning / spending those in-game credits. However, there's not much "story-line wise" to be enticed by, when merely going for the money over light / dark side choices.




However, I was referring to the dilemma that there are some items you can only equip when you've gone far enough on the LS or DS scale respectively. So there's a definite 'benefit' for going full DS/LS as opposed to, say, going for pragmatic choices that may result in keeping your alignment more or less balanced (and your character in line with what you want their personality to be like). Good thing it's few enough to not be a bother anymore (I believe they stopped including items like this pretty early on, I may be wrong).

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I have a LS Bounty Hunter, but honestly the character makes little to no sense. The Bounty Hunter story is an inherently evil one. I'm thinking a Mandalorion style Hunter would be Neutral or Dark with a few LS choices. Edited by OldVengeance
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I have played both sides, and in my view the story is largely the same generally speaking


The darker choices being kill them versus capture them, are you a bounty hunter or an assassin kind of thing, or just being largely mean spirited.


The light side is more of an honorable warrior type thing, what i see as the true definition of Mandalorian, not just a hired killer.


I play mine in the spirit of how i think he would be, and 99% of my choices have leaned to the honorable path. Now, dont get me wrong, hes no goddie 2 shoes jedi, hes certainly had his fun and has on occasion pulled that trigger when he otherwise might not have, but he is no assassin.


In the end, i find both extremes far too predictable on basically all classes, and i have played all classes to max level. The light side is so boyscout you should get an eagle scout badge for finishing it, the dark is just a douche in general. I feel like we all have a little of both, so thats how i play them.

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Well, the thing is that you're always a hired killer and an assassin. The difference between LS and DS is that LS Hunters are less sadistic and occasionally spare people that the DS Hunters do not. The problem is that the story is structured in such a way that who the Hunter kills and who the Hunter spares is largely random and arbitrary.



The entire first act of the Bounty Hunter is an assassination competition. And one that the Bounty Hunter has no choice but to follow selectively, I might add. Chapter 2 is when you start to get the choice to spare your targets.


Edited by OldVengeance
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Well, the thing is that you're always a hired killer and an assassin. The difference between LS and DS is that LS Hunters are less sadistic and occasionally spare people that the DS Hunters do not. The problem is that the story is structured in such a way that who the Hunter kills and who the Hunter spares is largely random and arbitrary.



The entire first act of the Bounty Hunter is an assassination competition. And one that the Bounty Hunter has no choice but to follow selectively, I might add. Chapter 2 is when you start to get the choice to spare your targets.


Absolutely not true in my opinion. Yes there are situations that call for it, but its not all of them. What you call arbitrary is the difference in my view.

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It's arbitrary because there is no consistent reason for doing so.



When the Bounty Hunter confronts Jedi Master Kellian Jarro, Jarro believes he can win so he begs the Bounty Hunter not to throw his life away. There is no option to spare his life. The LS option is to essentially say, "I'm sorry, but I was assigned a job to murder you and I always complete my mission."


Except, we know for a fact that is not true. The Bounty Hunter always spares Gault's life on Tatooine. There is no option to kill him. So even though the Hunter makes an appeal to the Bounty Hunter Code as justification for killing Jarro, it is also canon that the Bounty Hunter does not take the code that seriously because he is willing to let Gault live despite it.


The story also features events like that one quest on Nar Shadda where you break into an office, slaughter everyone in there except one guy and then get LS points for it.




Edited by OldVengeance
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It's arbitrary because there is no consistent reason for doing so.



When the Bounty Hunter confronts Jedi Master Kellian Jarro, Jarro believes he can win so he begs the Bounty Hunter not to throw his life away. There is no option to spare his life. The LS option is to essentially say, "I'm sorry, but I was assigned a job to murder you and I always complete my mission."


Except, we know for a fact that is not true. The Bounty Hunter always spares Gault's life on Tatooine. There is no option to kill him. So even though the Hunter makes an appeal to the Bounty Hunter Code as justification for killing Jarro, it is also canon that the Bounty Hunter does not take the code that seriously because he is willing to let Gault live despite it.


The story also features events like that one quest on Nar Shadda where you break into an office, slaughter everyone in there except one guy and then get LS points for it.




YOU are the reason, thus the difference. Those things you have no choice arent the point, the ones you do are.

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Honor in completing your contracts to the T no matter what, the Mandalorian way, is fun. However, a cranky Light Side ******e who has a heart of gold and no love for the Empire (or the Mandalorians, by association) is awesome, too. At least, that’s how I would play them.
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It's arbitrary because there is no consistent reason for doing so.



When the Bounty Hunter confronts Jedi Master Kellian Jarro, Jarro believes he can win so he begs the Bounty Hunter not to throw his life away. There is no option to spare his life. The LS option is to essentially say, "I'm sorry, but I was assigned a job to murder you and I always complete my mission."


Except, we know for a fact that is not true. The Bounty Hunter always spares Gault's life on Tatooine. There is no option to kill him. So even though the Hunter makes an appeal to the Bounty Hunter Code as justification for killing Jarro, it is also canon that the Bounty Hunter does not take the code that seriously because he is willing to let Gault live despite it.


The story also features events like that one quest on Nar Shadda where you break into an office, slaughter everyone in there except one guy and then get LS points for it.




The BH does 'kill' gualt, at least as far as everyone else knows, he uses the body double to prove he killed his target, so he is following the code, in a way.

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The answer for the Bounty Hunter is the same as the answer for every other class. No "Pure Light" or "Pure Dark" story will ever be as fun as a mixture of the two.


Especially for non-Force Users like the Bounty Hunter, whether or not you espouse to the religion of the Sith or the Jedi (being peaceful or being emotional) feels out of place. Instead, play your Bounty Hunter like they are an actual Bounty Hunter.


I played the Bounty Hunter story through once with a strict Hunter's Code, where every time I took a contract, I fulfilled it. Sometimes that was Light Side, and sometimes that was darkside. If the client wanted the target brought back alive, I brought them alive. If they were supposed to die, I never spared them. Sometimes it was unpopular with my companions, but I was a businessman who never compromised or made exceptions. And it was way fun.


Second time through, I played as the staunch Mandalorian. Code of Honor, never killing people weaker than myself, and always having fights to the death against the toughest opponents. It was a totally different experience. Also way fun.


The problem with pure-light and pure-dark is that they feel too disjointed. There are simply times where the guy who chose option A in an earlier encounter would not choose option B for a later encounter without it seeming really out of character.


Best advise for EVERY story. Turn the light/dark prompts off and just pick whatever feels right. Do not hamstring your story by being a slave to the red triangle or the white sun.

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Honor in completing your contracts to the T no matter what, the Mandalorian way, is fun. However, a cranky Light Side ******e who has a heart of gold and no love for the Empire (or the Mandalorians, by association) is awesome, too. At least, that’s how I would play them.


Well said, or in my case he honors the Mandalorian way, AND has no loyalty to or love for the empire in the slightest.

In the end he maxed light side, but often falls from grace in certain situations.

My goal wasnt to max light, just to play him how i perceived him to be, and it ended up that way.

Most people dont even look at the options, they just hit red or white like Pavlovs dogs without even understanding what they are hitting.


Sidenote, one thing i will never understand in this game is the idea of a dark jedi or a light sith, its simply makes no logical sense. Ive never been able to play those story lines as they are simply absurd to me for the most part. A sith by nature is dark in the force... a light side sith is by definition a jedi and vice versa.

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Jedi can fall to the darkside in service of destroying the Empire or protecting the Republic. LS Sith are a little harder to make sense of. The best way to look at them is that they were people who were forced into a bad situation by being put into the Sith Academy and try to hold onto their humanity despite Sith training. Of course, seeing as you can't switch sides, they are still always party to all the terrible things the Sith Empire does regardless, especially if they do all the Quests. Edited by OldVengeance
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Jedi can fall to the darkside in service of destroying the Empire or protecting the Republic. LS Sith are a little harder to make sense of. The best way to look at them is that they were people who were forced into a bad situation by being put into the Sith Academy and try to hold onto their humanity despite Sith training. Of course, seeing as you can't switch sides, they are still always party to all the terrible things the Sith Empire does regardless, especially if they do all the Quests.


Perhaps, I can see the do a little evil for a greater good kind of thing jedi wise, but a few small actions doesnt make them dark side aligned. AS far as sith i kinda feel like the minute their masters got wind of the benevolent actions they would have destroyed them. IDK its just me im sure it makes sense to others and they enjoy it so thats all that matters.


Sidenote, i pray that one day they will make our alignment choices place us faction wise. I think it would be cool to have for example BH on the Republic side and scoundrels on the imps based on those choices. since neither is force sensitive anyway.

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Perhaps, I can see the do a little evil for a greater good kind of thing jedi wise, but a few small actions doesnt make them dark side aligned. AS far as sith i kinda feel like the minute their masters got wind of the benevolent actions they would have destroyed them. IDK its just me im sure it makes sense to others and they enjoy it so thats all that matters.

I played one LS SI, and yeah that made little sense to me, i'm trying the LS SW aswell, but, that's kind of meh so far, i actually find the guy quite borring to be honnest.

Well the fully DS SW looked like an idiot, so now i play my SW as more DS but a pragmatic kind of DS, who can take LS choices if that helps him achieve his goals. He's loyal to the Empire and will do whatever is necessary.


My SI was fully DS until he became Darth Nox, then he started to act a bit less for his own interests and a bit more for the people he rules alongside his fellow Dark Councilors.


My BH is more on the DS, but she started out as going after money and honor her contracts, then changed a bit, and started to follow the Mandalorian ways after becoming one and getting to know Torian better. She has no loyalty to the Empire, and is now only loyal to the Mandalorians.


My IA is mostly LS though, she'll take DS choices if its good for the mission, but will not take it if it amounts to a great number of collateral damages.


I think my only really LS characters are my JC and JK, though i don't always pick the LS choices, but never DS ones.


And i agree, that playing LS or DS is not necessarily the best way to go, i think it depends mostly on what you want for your character.

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