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Solo Opinions - SPOILER TALK


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I watched Solo: a Star Wars Story yesterday morning and I have to say that, at least for me, it’s top 3 in my list of ranked Star Wars movies. I absolutely loved it. I am now interested in the Solo character when I was indifferent to him before, Alden’s portrayal of a young Han Solo was top notch—he really sold me. I used to complain about this movie being made, but I will GLADLY choke on my (ambition) words now.


Lando was great, Beckett was great, even Qi’ra was great. The way Chewbacca was found and included into Solo’s life was hilarious and endearing. The new Chewy did very, very well, and I’m glad to have him. For those who don’t know, he also played Chewy for the majority of TFA and (I think) the entirety of TLJ.


But the dude who left my jaw hanging was, of course, Darth Maul. I’m so, so happy that Disney finally acknowledged that the prequels and the prequel conflict had consequences, and I’m stoked to see him show up in more standalone movies; perhaps he will be the antagonist in the Obi-Wan movie. Anyway, I am not a very active movie watcher in the sense that I cheer and yell and whatnot, but his reveal had me going “YES.” And obviously, Sam Witwer is brilliant. Zero complaints that they used him instead of Ray Park.


I hated the droid, but I loved that she died and what she did for Lando’s character, as well as the Falcon’s. The Kessel run sequence was easily one of the best space moments in all of Star Wars.


But discuss away! I am a rare specimen within our fandom because I adore ALL the Star Wars movies, but here’s my ranking of them as of yesterday:


1. Last Jedi

2. Revenge of the Sith

3. Solo

4. Force Awakens

5. Empire Strikes Back

6. Phantom Menace

7. Return of the Jedi

8. Rogue One

9. New Hope

10. Attack of the Clones

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A seriously fun movie that I really enjoyed, and a great example of how they can do a Star Wars film that doesn't have to particularly epic in its scope. Some flaws to be sure -- including a particularly big one in that I never really bought that this Han was the same person we see a few years later in the main films -- but overall a blast to watch.


I'm sure my rankings will fluctuate after a few re-watches, but for now, best to least-best:


The Empire Strikes Back

A New Hope

The Last Jedi

The Force Awakens

Return of the Jedi / Rogue One (tie)


Revenge of the Sith

Attack of the Clones

The Phantom Menace

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Why do they keep bringing Maul back? Seriously? Didn't they already kill him at least once after TPM?


He's not even that interesting; he pretty much existed to be Palpatine's heavy, and now he's just a generic villain. Sure, his tattoos are cool, but... you could have another zabrak with cool tattoos? Maybe one who wasn't cut in half?


He seems emblematic of what's wrong with the movie: plenty of good ideas and good moments, but seriously damaged by Disney's obsessive need to cater to trufans by throwing in random cameos and canon wanking. It's like they were afraid that the movie wouldn't stand up on its own without reminding the audience "hey, this is a Star Wars movie!" every five minutes, which is a shame because if they hadn't done that, it would've been by far the most able to stand in its own of the new movies.


The less said about L3-37 the better. I'll skip lightly over the "sarcastic droid" and "droid revolution" angles, save to note that they were done much better by other works (I'm thinking respectively of Squeaky the 3PO from the Wraith Squadron novels, and honestly the droid subplot from KotOR 2, which was much better than its main plot) and simply note that that name alone should be enough to ensure you never work in Hollywood again. This isn't a 90s hacker movie. Have some self-respect.

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Why do they keep bringing Maul back? Seriously? Didn't they already kill him at least once after TPM?

They (LucasArts, not Disney, since it was pre-buyout) brought him back and made him a crime lord during the Clone Wars. They (now Disney-owned) killed him for good about a year before the battle of Yavin. This movie is set between the two.

Edited by DarthDymond
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This movie is set between the two.


That's not an excuse. It's a big galaxy, there's plenty of crime lords in it. There's no need to use this one dumb character for an extra scene when they could've put somebody worthwhile in, like Jabba. Or, if they're bound and determined to use something from the EU (which they normally don't, of course) - why not Prince Xizor? Now there's a character who's worth reusing.

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I thought solo personally was at best a 5 out of 10. The Kessel chase was amazing and the train heist was also excellent. Outside of that I found the movie quite flat. Most of the characters were not very believable. Woodie, Emilia, and Paul Bettany seemed more like they were doing cosplay than actual acting.


Alden for me was hit or miss. Only really sold me when he was flying the Falcon. Otherwise he seemed like a wet vehind the ears puppy instead of Han Solo. And Dan Glover as Lando, again hit and miss.


Oh and L3, worst character of the movie.


So over all the movie was ok. Not terrible like TLJ but certainly not good.


My list is:










TLJ- May this dumpster fire of a movie burn forever in the depths of hell.

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Why do they keep bringing Maul back? Seriously? Didn't they already kill him at least once after TPM?


Thank you. I absolutely despised seeing him appear. I figured they would show some Jedi or Sith at some point, but I was quite surprised that this is the one they chose. And I am disappointed. It's easy to ignore the cartoons as canon, but now they placed him in a movie.


The dude was CUT IN FREAKING HALF! He should be dead. Period. Full stop.



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Alden for me was hit or miss. Only really sold me when he was flying the Falcon. Otherwise he seemed like a wet vehind the ears puppy instead of Han Solo.


To be fair, Han Solo was, at this point, wet behind the ears. I thought Ehrenreich nailed it. He looks enough like Ford and he acted just like Han. I had no trouble accepting him as being Han Solo.

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Thank you. I absolutely despised seeing him appear. I figured they would show some Jedi or Sith at some point, but I was quite surprised that this is the one they chose. And I am disappointed. It's easy to ignore the cartoons as canon, but now they placed him in a movie.


The dude was CUT IN FREAKING HALF! He should be dead. Period. Full stop.




Not only that but in the Rebels series Obi finishes the job. So we already know his fate ultimately - why they keep bringing back characters that we already know what happens to them is so annoying.

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To be fair, Han Solo was, at this point, wet behind the ears. I thought Ehrenreich nailed it. He looks enough like Ford and he acted just like Han. I had no trouble accepting him as being Han Solo.

No not really. If you've been hustling on the streets and then tossed out of flight academy for having a brain, you're not wet behind the ears. A bit lacking on certain knowledge, but not blind to realities.


No. Only time Alden really nailed it, was when he was flying the Falcon and when he confronted Beckett for the last time.


Other than that. Just didn't see Han Solo.

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No not really. If you've been hustling on the streets and then tossed out of flight academy for having a brain, you're not wet behind the ears. A bit lacking on certain knowledge, but not blind to realities.


No. Only time Alden really nailed it, was when he was flying the Falcon and when he confronted Beckett for the last time.


Other than that. Just didn't see Han Solo.


Young Han. Still getting experience. It worked for me. Your experience may vary.

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i thought it was great. it's a crime syndicate/money heist movie set in Star Wars. And it only took about 20 minutes for me to forget it wasn't Harrison Ford. I thought he did great. I was never on board with them bringing back Maul in the cartoon series, I pretty much stopped following it at that point, but now that they put him in here it adds a nice bit of intrigue. Seeing Teras Kasi and vibro knuckles was a nice touch too for an old SWG player.


Oh, and Han shot first! :D

Edited by kodrac
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Not only that but in the Rebels series Obi finishes the job. So we already know his fate ultimately - why they keep bringing back characters that we already know what happens to them is so annoying.


Probably because not all of us know or watch the cartoons.

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Young Han. Still getting experience. It worked for me. Your experience may vary.


If it worked fot you that's cool. For me it was disjointed. At times I could see Han, at other times it was like he stole Harrison's clothes and tried to act like his older brother.


Honestly had Alden acted more like the College Freshman Quarterback with something to prove, I'd of bought it more.

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Probably because not all of us know or watch the cartoons.


Those poor people are even more confused. If you just watch the movies, even assuming you've seen all 10 in the first place (and weren't, say, someone who started watching movies in 2010 or so, who heard that the prequels were lousy and didn't see them) then you last saw this character in a movie released almost 20 years ago. (Some people rewatch the movie a lot, of course, but then those are exactly the kind of people who keep up with events in other canon.) And if you remember anything about him from that movie, it's probably the climactic fight in which he is, again, cut in half. Honestly, from that perspective I don't know why you'd think it was actually Maul rather than someone who just happened to look like him.

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Those poor people are even more confused. If you just watch the movies, even assuming you've seen all 10 in the first place (and weren't, say, someone who started watching movies in 2010 or so, who heard that the prequels were lousy and didn't see them) then you last saw this character in a movie released almost 20 years ago. (Some people rewatch the movie a lot, of course, but then those are exactly the kind of people who keep up with events in other canon.) And if you remember anything about him from that movie, it's probably the climactic fight in which he is, again, cut in half. Honestly, from that perspective I don't know why you'd think it was actually Maul rather than someone who just happened to look like him.


Well, he is rather distinctive. And since they bothered to have him ignite his saber for no apparent reason... they want people to know exactly who it is, even if they didn't keep up with the cartoons.

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Well, he is rather distinctive. And since they bothered to have him ignite his saber for no apparent reason... they want people to know exactly who it is, even if they didn't keep up with the cartoons.


He even stood up so you could see his metal feet. So for those people it's a big reveal. They're the ones going whoaa! I think it's a pretty cool tie-in even though I didn't care for the cartoons.

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Those poor people are even more confused. If you just watch the movies, even assuming you've seen all 10 in the first place.

12. There are 12 Star Wars movies:




IMO Solo was great. Ranks above Rogue One for me, simply because I enjoy heist adventures more than war stories. That puts it at a solid place 4 in my personal ranking, right after the original trilogy. Shorten the droid uprising and have a longer plot for the marauders (Frankly, just anything more than "Hey, we're the good guys! See? Our reckless leader is a freckled girl.") and Solo would replace RoTJ at rank 3. (because I hate Ewoks :p)

Edited by Mubrak
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I just saw the movie Solo and there was a holo transmission at the end with Darth Maul. I saw in the movie it showed that he had the same Lightsaber as he did in Rebels. After the movie was over, I got to think about the Impact of Maul in the movie Solo, and first thought that it made a major Plot hole. So I decided to revisit the episodes of Rebels that Darth Maul was in. In all there is 4 episodes Darth Maul was in for Rebels. Then I came onto a clue in season 3 episodes 3 ' The Holocrons of Fate', & 11 'Visions and Voices'. The big clue was his ship, a Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter. Despite Maul walking around in rags, his ship The Nightbrother was in pristine condition. Also in season 3 episode 3, he had a bunch of droids. So I got to thinking, How did Maul Get the Credits to maintain his ship, and get a few Droids. The answer is in the position in the Crime Syndicate he holds, shown in the Solo Movie. This also shows that Maul is more cunning then originally thought. Sense he came to Ezra Bridger in rags, he was hiding he true self to Ezra to gain his sympathy as a victim of the Empire. Also in the Movie & the show, it states he lives on Dathomir. So in conclusion the clues I seen in Rebels would dispel the thought of Plot hole I first saw in the movie to keep both the Show & the Movie canon.
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I just saw the movie Solo and there was a holo transmission at the end with Darth Maul. I saw in the movie it showed that he had the same Lightsaber as he did in Rebels. After the movie was over, I got to think about the Impact of Maul in the movie Solo, and first thought that it made a major Plot hole. So I decided to revisit the episodes of Rebels that Darth Maul was in. In all there is 4 episodes Darth Maul was in for Rebels. Then I came onto a clue in season 3 episodes 3 ' The Holocrons of Fate', & 11 'Visions and Voices'. The big clue was his ship, a Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter. Despite Maul walking around in rags, his ship The Nightbrother was in pristine condition. Also in season 3 episode 3, he had a bunch of droids. So I got to thinking, How did Maul Get the Credits to maintain his ship, and get a few Droids. The answer is in the position in the Crime Syndicate he holds, shown in the Solo Movie. This also shows that Maul is more cunning then originally thought. Sense he came to Ezra Bridger in rags, he was hiding he true self to Ezra to gain his sympathy as a victim of the Empire. Also in the Movie & the show, it states he lives on Dathomir. So in conclusion the clues I seen in Rebels would dispel the thought of Plot hole I first saw in the movie to keep both the Show & the Movie canon.

Solo also takes place 7-8 years before Maul's appearances in Rebels, it seems very possible that the Crimson Dawn is defeated / destroyed during that timeframe (or Maul is personally deposed from his leadership), and Maul is genuinely left in the state we see him in by the time of Twilight of the Apprentice. He still has a few leftover resources, like his ship and droids, from his time with the Shadow Collective and the Crimson Dawn, but has otherwise been reduced to his own dark version of a crazy old hermit.


If Solo had been more successful, financially, I suspect they might have springboarded Crimson Dawn as antagonists in future movies (they still might, but who knows), showing its downfall or Maul being usurped.

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1. Attack of the clones (don't hate me!! :) )

2. New hope

3. Solo

4. Phantom Menace

5. Revenge of the Sith

6. Rogue one

7. Return of the Jedi

8. Empire strikes back

9. Last Jedi

10. The force awakens


I am one of those rare people that enjoyed the prequels and I really liked solo too!!

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