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  1. Bitraider may well be the issue... it is worth uninstalling it
  2. Hmm have you uninstalled bitraider?? That might be worth a try!
  3. Or if it is non recurring, it will tell you how many days you have left
  4. I realise that I am probably just being stupid but I can't seem to find any good info about the origins of temple guardians and their place in the old republic (especially with the Coruscant temple destroyed), but I have the armour set and was planning on roleplaying one... don't suppose that anyone could help me??
  5. I'm getting excited now!! I don't think that it is going to be released until late 2019 but at least that gives me time to rewatch every episode
  6. They do have Dathomir mounts and a cool (but expensive) armour set, so if you had the money you can role play as a Dathomir sister or just as a sith Zabrak if you don't have the credits :csw_redsaber:
  7. I would recommend completing first planets on all servers ( you can get cc for achievements for that) and they should get you a few hundred if you put the time in... or i would really recommend subscribing for a month at least to get referral link cc (reminder to click on my link ) and monthly cc, other achievements are rarely worth it
  8. hmmm don't know if this is an appropriate moment for a guild recruitment message... Join <Hope Squad>!! We are an active PVE and RP guild with discord, flagship, full bonuses and welcome players of all abilities... pm me for an invite or shoot out a message on Satele Shan general fleet chat and someone will send you an invite
  9. there is a braid in swtor and a green/blue colour, but i couldn't get the link to work
  10. There is something about the people on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant general chats... they just always have something to say about everything
  11. I can definately answer the second question!! I played the expansions with my knight and going in to them was a T7 lover... but during the eternal throne I Vette grew on me and i have her as my main comp now, with customisations and all!!
  12. Come to Satele Shan!!! We are always happy to help there (mail Joyseite to get a guild invite or for missions and fun )
  13. I accidentally romanced theron and just had to roll with it..
  14. Yup... i had that problem and then i tried again the nest day and it was fixed!!
  15. Make sure you create a ticket for an in-game agent, I 'm sure they can resolve this issue very easily
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