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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Summer Roadmap


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Please Keith, or Eric, tell me that we don't have to PVP to get the new stronghold. I want to know I can look forward to this as a non-pvper. I've been wanting a Rishi beach front for years and if I'm told I have to pvp to get it, I'm going to be one very sad camper. You don't want to see a sad Lunafox. No one does. :(


I'm begging you please, don't put it behind a pvp wall. I've been dying for this house for ages, like so many others.


PS. When is the house coming out?

Edited by Lunafox
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Please Keith, or Eric, tell me that we don't have to PVP to get the new stronghold. I want to know I can look forward to this as a non-pvper. I've been wanting a Rishi beach front for years and if I'm told I have to pvp to get it, I'm going to be one very sad camper. You don't want to see a sad Lunafox. No one does. :(


I'm begging you please, don't put it behind a pvp wall. I've been dying for this house for ages, like so many others.


PS. When is the house coming out?


Sad fox is sad.

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So, while I'm not upset about a Rishi stronghold being PVP friendly, I am concerned that it will be designed in a way that doesn't leave much for creating a home there. SNIP...


You mean like it being nothing more than a copy of sorts to vizla's lair with some open area to create that PVP thing they talked about but not really a SH "house" that has that home feel?

Edited by Quraswren
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Please Keith, or Eric, tell me that we don't have to PVP to get the new stronghold. I want to know I can look forward to this as a non-pvper. I've been wanting a Rishi beach front for years and if I'm told I have to pvp to get it, I'm going to be one very sad camper. You don't want to see a sad Lunafox. No one does. :(


I'm begging you please, don't put it behind a pvp wall. I've been dying for this house for ages, like so many others.


PS. When is the house coming out?


I probably won't get it for being on the beach rather than nestled somewhere on the boardwalk, but I agree, even if on the boardwalk, I'd pass on getting the stronghold if there was a PVP requirement. Not at all interested in PVP.

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Dear Eric, thx for the hint - dear Keith, thx for the roadmap!


I love this roadmap an i am happy, that the story is going on :)

As i'm not the biggest PVP-player...love PVE much more i would give you some thoughts from PVE-players:

-is there a possible way to split PVP and PVE such as a switch every time turning to PVP?

For example the big nerf of the tanks (especially Vanguard and Powertech).

The thread has been improved by 50%, but also the damage has been reduced too much.

You lose the aggro more frequent and have to spot more frequent as it was before this changes.

One guild-member gave up defensive points to regain tank-control by adding offensive points.

On the other hand - most of the story of KOTFE and KOTET including the stuff around Iokath and the traitor-storyline is nearly impossible to play for a full-tank.

My guild-member died two times in the Nathema-flashpoint with his fulltank-powertech 242 with 230-augments equipped!

I myself have seen, that during dailies (Yavin 4, CZ, black hole, Ziost...) i need a lot more time to complete them, especially with Vanguard- and Powertech-Tank.


So it could be a fine idea to implement a kind of switch when players enter a PVP-instance - and for example change Skank-Tanks automatically to Fulltanks!

I think, that the use of Skank-Tanks in PVP is nearly a kind of cheating, i use my offensive-skilled Tanks only in little groups (dailies, H2's, Flashpoints) and never in PVP-matches.

Such a switch would give us PVE-players back some power, which we really need for our Fulltanks.



And please: overhear voices who say cross-section-stuff would kill the game: i know many of us like KOTFE, KOTET, Yavin IV and Odessen!

I love this stuff and use it nearly every day!!!




Well done


Edited by TSCYoda
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And then no more PvP focus for another 3 years.


You mean kinda like the 4 years hiatus that was given to any thought for end game raiding? And when they put out a new one, the gave it to us one boss at a time over the course of many many months? And now we can expect a similar amount of time to pass before that's brought up again....

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Thanks for the roadmap.


But, it seems it'll only be PvP / multiplayer content and nothing new storywise until... september, well, that's sad :'(


Considering the wonderfull quality of my internet connexion, anything multiplayer is quite out of the question for me, because being kicked out of the server every 5 minutes just kind of spoil the tiniest bit of fun i could find in anything multiplayer... Which i actually don't enjoy at all anyway.


I guess i should be happy for people who actually enjoy that kind of things, but, there's absolutely nothing for me untill the new expansion comes out :(

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Will we get a new line of chapters that focus upon moving the game destiny forward in time line so we learn how Lana, outlander Alias Alliance command disappears or dies bring in new emperor or challenger for supremacy of the galaxy that will see new class and race of force users to smugglers join in battle.


Here is example of a storyline I suggestion


""""Hiding in the Mist""""


Republic and the empire are once again fight among themselves tearing apart the universe in the inner rim as the war enters it 16 year it implode into the outer space spanning galaxies the Outlander / Alliance command and Lana Benkio already decided whom side they would fall behind is all but cement the fate of the alliance,


Those loyal to the Alliance commander knows he is both ruthless to those whom have tried to kill him in the past and that he has loyal followers like Lana Benkio, Arcann and plan to take down the commander by remove Lana influence over the commander.


As they plot their revenge they learn that Lana is carrying the commanders child and that child is threat to there very existing the empire new leader Admiral Adonis who himself is both a ruthless and thorn in the Alliance commander side whom reckless and dangerous mission have unleashed countless off losses up the Alliance followers and those remain are questing weather to stay local to the Alliance commander or join the rebellion against him.


Admiral Adonis soon learners of Lana Pregnant and set in plan a motion to create doubt in the Alliance commander mind over the baby true heritage while sending out a bounty team of sith assassins to kidnap and take the baby from Lana while still in the womb,


In the back ground The former Jedi Master Salate shan learns of this and knows full well what this means for the galaxy as this would unleash the alliance commanders wrath and set in motion destruction of every planet in the galaxy where the republic followers are living and hiding.


In her bid to prevent this Master Jedi Satel Shan must over come adversary more dangerous than she ever face in the past and take down the team of sith assassin facing her own rebellion internal some of whom blame her for the failure’s to remove the former emperor and former sith council leader Darth Marr’s,


Unknown to every one is new sith emperor whom will change the galaxy for ever that is of Lana child for centuries Lana has hidden her true birth right and her heritage for she former emperor hidden Apprentice lovers child and daughter the one whom Alliance commander has long been aware of strong in the force as equal as himself.


Lana already feeling the child strength and power insider her fears others know of this child strength and power too and seek both to exploit the child and to use the child to gain access to the throne.


As equally concern Lana confides in the only person she can trust and known her only surviving relative Arcann, Arcann unaware he as a half sister and that she is the reason he truly lives alongside the Alliance commander soon know Lana hidden secret a washed with both surprise and angry wanting to know how she has kept this from him and his mother for so long,


While Arcann is now aware Lana is his half sister and she is pregnant and angry he tell her he will protect her from those that seek to harm her or the baby and want to take her to see his Mother Senya.


Lana concern about the trip but equally concern of leaving her one true love know she and Arcann must inform Senya that she has a half daughter and grand child on the way.


( this is where I got too so far with it and I hope you can see where I am taking this too)

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As they plot their revenge they learn that Lana is carrying the commanders child and that child is threat to there very existing the empire new leader Admiral Adonis who himself is both a ruthless and thorn in the Alliance commander side whom reckless and dangerous mission have unleashed countless off losses up the Alliance followers and those remain are questing weather to stay local to the Alliance commander or join the rebellion against him.

Questions :

How do you make it work for a female Commander ?

Or a male Commander who did not romance Lana ?

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It's nice to see some more PvP content coming for the game as well as cross-faction throughout PvP.


This kind of leads into another issue I think the game should move toward:


1) I think it's time for a server merge again. One NA server and one EU server. Considering both regions are already each in the same datacenters, it just comes down to doing what they did after they moved the server location prior to the last merge. Why do we need another merge? Quite simply, the separation of community, even after the last merger, the community is still spread too thin. NiM raiders are limited depending on the server they are on. HM raiders even as well, and pugging HMs doesn't really seem to exist anymore. Waiting for HM Flashpoint pops can still take awhile. PvP dies out after a certain time of night or slows significantly. RP'ers find themselves on the less than ideal RP server. Raiders find themselves on the less than ideal raiding server. Late night players such as 3rd shift workers, APAC players, etc have a small server population to play with. Pub side players have less options for various activities compared to Imp side. Conquest can't even get 10 guilds to complete the large yield goals. All of these factors wouldn't be solved by further merging the servers, but they would benefit from it greatly. As it currently stands, Satele Shan is no bigger, potentially even smaller than what Harbinger was pre-merger. Star Forge obviously has been the most profound gain since the merger but still lacks in some areas endgame wise compared to Satele Shan due to how prior to merger many players migrated to Harbinger. Merging both would keep queues active longer, bring NiM raiders together that may be limited on one server, bring RPers together that may be limited on the other server. As for EU servers, I can't comment on Darth Malgus population but based on the servers grouped into it, I can't imagine it is any bigger than what The Red Eclipse was at this point. The German server is barely chugging along, and the French server is dead. I'm pretty sure more French players play on Darth Malgus at this point than The Leviathan as well. The biggest potential lost any player could have from such a move is player names, but that is inconsequential to the importance of keeping the community as populated and integrated as possible to keep the game feeling healthy in all game modes as long throughout the day and night as possible.


2) To piggy back off of #1 and trying to bring as much of the community together as possible, and the to piggy back off the fact cross-faction will be arriving for most if not (hopefully) all warzones... we need cross-faction in PvE. Pub side players shouldn't have to feel required to either deal with a smaller sized community or deal with living imperial just to enjoy certain facets of the game. That being said Imps that want to do Pub side as well shouldn't feel like they can't just because they know Pub side is smaller. I'm not sure how this would be doable for fleet integration or being able to communicate to group up, but ground work is clearly there. For example on Iokath if you fight for the opposite faction you can't group with your own faction for the Gods Operation. The ability to do GF Ops, SM Ops, HM Ops, and NiM Ops would be a welcomed changed to letting people be more free in their class/character choice for playing. Same thing for Uprisings and Flashpoints. Let Pubs and Imps running Ops and Uprsings together on all difficulties via walk in or Actifivty Finder. I know some items are faction specific, either just leave them out of the cross-faction play (likely the easiest options) or somehow tweak the PvE instance to allow dialogue or bosses to be of the majority faction when playing.


As this game continues to decline in population, one of the worst things is to allow the community to be split too long. It only enhances the rate at which people leave. I can only imagine with how long it took for the last merge to happen, how many people that could potentially still be playing today left just because their server was dead or dying and felt like there was nothing left to do/enjoy in the game just because they couldn't find the community to do it with.

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Will we get a new line of chapters that focus upon moving the game destiny forward in time line so we learn how Lana, outlander Alias Alliance command disappears or dies bring in new emperor or challenger for supremacy of the galaxy that will see new class and race of force users to smugglers join in battle.


Here is example of a storyline I suggestion


""""Hiding in the Mist""""


Republic and the empire are once again fight among themselves tearing apart the universe in the inner rim as the war enters it 16 year it implode into the outer space spanning galaxies the Outlander / Alliance command and Lana Benkio already decided whom side they would fall behind is all but cement the fate of the alliance,


Those loyal to the Alliance commander knows he is both ruthless to those whom have tried to kill him in the past and that he has loyal followers like Lana Benkio, Arcann and plan to take down the commander by remove Lana influence over the commander.


As they plot their revenge they learn that Lana is carrying the commanders child and that child is threat to there very existing the empire new leader Admiral Adonis who himself is both a ruthless and thorn in the Alliance commander side whom reckless and dangerous mission have unleashed countless off losses up the Alliance followers and those remain are questing weather to stay local to the Alliance commander or join the rebellion against him.


Admiral Adonis soon learners of Lana Pregnant and set in plan a motion to create doubt in the Alliance commander mind over the baby true heritage while sending out a bounty team of sith assassins to kidnap and take the baby from Lana while still in the womb,


In the back ground The former Jedi Master Salate shan learns of this and knows full well what this means for the galaxy as this would unleash the alliance commanders wrath and set in motion destruction of every planet in the galaxy where the republic followers are living and hiding.


In her bid to prevent this Master Jedi Satel Shan must over come adversary more dangerous than she ever face in the past and take down the team of sith assassin facing her own rebellion internal some of whom blame her for the failure’s to remove the former emperor and former sith council leader Darth Marr’s,


Unknown to every one is new sith emperor whom will change the galaxy for ever that is of Lana child for centuries Lana has hidden her true birth right and her heritage for she former emperor hidden Apprentice lovers child and daughter the one whom Alliance commander has long been aware of strong in the force as equal as himself.


Lana already feeling the child strength and power insider her fears others know of this child strength and power too and seek both to exploit the child and to use the child to gain access to the throne.


As equally concern Lana confides in the only person she can trust and known her only surviving relative Arcann, Arcann unaware he as a half sister and that she is the reason he truly lives alongside the Alliance commander soon know Lana hidden secret a washed with both surprise and angry wanting to know how she has kept this from him and his mother for so long,


While Arcann is now aware Lana is his half sister and she is pregnant and angry he tell her he will protect her from those that seek to harm her or the baby and want to take her to see his Mother Senya.


Lana concern about the trip but equally concern of leaving her one true love know she and Arcann must inform Senya that she has a half daughter and grand child on the way.


( this is where I got too so far with it and I hope you can see where I am taking this too)


Several problems with that.


This also doesn't work if your character is a nice person that isn't ruthless.


"Unknown to every one is new sith emperor whom will change the galaxy for ever that is of Lana child for centuries Lana has hidden her true birth right and her heritage for she former emperor hidden Apprentice lovers child and daughter the one whom Alliance commander has long been aware of strong in the force as equal as himself."


Aside from the fact that this didn't grammatically make sense, we know that Lana isn't Arcann's half sister, or any relation. It's not possible. Vitiate would have known. He never did anything without a reason. And Lana can't be equally strong in the Force as the Commander if they're not a Force user.


It's far out there fan fiction, waaaaaaaaay out there. But nothing more. Too many holes and inconsistencies.

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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


Please, speak for yourself. :mad:

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"For our Story and PvE players, you have not been forgotten and coming this Fall,"


So we're forgotten for Summer, but hey at the very end of the year we might have something. Didn't we just wait 6 months for only one flashpoint? *sigh* now we have to wait another 5 months.


At least yet again one section of the player groups will have new stuff, don't get me wrong it is needed, I'm just tired of the release time frames being so long between everything.


I hope there's still story players around by the time we get the next presumed tiny story thing. I preferred it back during the expansion times. big chunk of story, with bits for everyone else as well all at the same time and enough to last more then 4 hours playtime even if a longer wait between, there was far more to do then .. run a flashpoint once per character, for story, for 6 months.

Edited by Asmodesu
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