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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Summer Roadmap


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Waiting now on Lunafox to request the volley ball court decoration, beach chairs, beach umbrellas, coolers, etc. :D


LOL.. and I guess some of us will be looking over our armor collections tabs to find appropriate pieces of gear to role play swim-suits too. :p


Well the women's underwear set could work for the top since the top does not have any flaps attached to it. I would have said some to the dancer's outfits but the tops have those stupid flaps. You could use the dancer's bottoms or even the women's underwear set for the "bottoms"

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Well the women's underwear set could work for the top since the top does not have any flaps attached to it. I would have said some to the dancer's outfits but the tops have those stupid flaps. You could use the dancer's bottoms or even the women's underwear set for the "bottoms"


Ventilated Triumvirate pants.. which are actually shorts. Kind of my go to short shorts so far in this game since the studio has some censor squad somewhere that insists on butt-flaps on almost everything.

Edited by Andryah
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Definite flapless bikini is in order, and maybe a nice one piece for those who prefer them. ;)


Revealing Bodysuit Jacket + Ventilated Triumvirate Leggings (select a primary dye slot color of your choice) = an outstanding analogue of a skintight, high gloss, one piece for a female character, particularly when you pick a high contrast primary dye color (such as white on a red Zabrak for example). And for white I use crafted white/orange dye to get the primary white... so it's quite inexpensive.


So.. if they don't put something theme specific in game for swim suits.. the above will work quite nicely in my view. This is in fact the outfit I use on my female Juggernauts/Mauraders (I add in covert pieces for everything else) because it just seems so appropriate for them to flaunt danger and not hide behind armor. :D But it definitely will make a good swimsuit I think.

Edited by Andryah
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Now I have to sweet talk my boyfriend in getting rid of Manaan for the guild stronghold for Rishi: instead. :D


Maybe you role play him into it -----> he logs in one day and finds that somehow the train has jumped the track and is now a train wreck all over the landscape. :D

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Maybe you role play him into it -----> he logs in one day and finds that somehow the train has jumped the track and is now a train wreck all over the landscape. :D


Lol. Or tell him I will make a special area for his dueling lol.

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Revealing Bodysuit Jacket + Ventilated Triumvirate Leggings (select a primary dye slot color of your choice) = an outstanding analogue of a skintight, high gloss, one piece for a female character, particularly when you pick a high contrast primary dye color (such as white on a red Zabrak for example). And for white I use crafted white/orange dye to get the primary white... so it's quite inexpensive.


So.. if they don't put something theme specific in game for swim suits.. the above will work quite nicely in my view. This is in fact the outfit I use on my female Juggernauts/Mauraders (I add in covert pieces for everything else) because it just seems so appropriate for them to flaunt danger and not hide behind armor. :D But it definitely will make a good swimsuit I think.

Huh, never tried that combination, gonna have to toy with that. Look at you Andryah with the fashion advice on a Friday. ;)

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Waiting now on Lunafox to request the volley ball court decoration, beach chairs, beach umbrellas, coolers, etc. :D


LOL.. and I guess some of us will be looking over our armor collections tabs to find appropriate pieces of gear to role play swim-suits too. :p


Haha yeah, how'd you know? :D I've been hoarding umbrellas and voss beds for a while now, I hope they make different colours :D


Got my slave bikini and underwear all dyed and ready. Space volleyball...yes...the idea has merit! :D

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Huh, never tried that combination, gonna have to toy with that. Look at you Andryah with the fashion advice on a Friday. ;)


I don't recall how those two pieces look, sans a belt... in other words how the seams line up, etc. I generally put a small metallic belt dyed in orange (which comes out gold tone) as an additional finishing touch (because hey .. a girl's got to assessorize some right? :) ) ... so I don't recall how it looks absent anything except the two pieces. worst case.. pick out a nice belt... and in this regard there are many to choose from.

Edited by Andryah
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Haha yeah, how'd you know? :D I've been hoarding umbrellas and voss beds for a while now, I hope they make different colours :D


Got my slave bikini and underwear all dyed and ready. Space volleyball...yes...the idea has merit! :D


You know.. you really need (and want) actual multi-color beach themed umbrellas that can either be stood upright in the sand, or ones that lay angled on their sides on the sand. :D

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Waiting now on Lunafox to request the volley ball court decoration, beach chairs, beach umbrellas, coolers, etc. :D


LOL.. and I guess some of us will be looking over our armor collections tabs to find appropriate pieces of gear to role play swim-suits too. :p



Pssssst! Lunafox! Please request some exotic drinks with tiny umbrellas! And an army of attractive women! ( a lot of Risha clones will do) . Thank you! :D

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Hey all,


Still reading through the thread and all of your comments. I saw a number of times the Stronghold was mentioned and the question raised about whether you have to PvP.


Easy answer - Nope! This is your stronghold and you'll purchase it on the fleet just like all the other strongholds. The PvP designated areas will have hooks so you can customize it with any of your decorations. The difference will be you can use those decorations to block Line of Sight, create barriers, and even set up chairs for other players to observe the action. But, it's your choice on how you use your own Stronghold.


It'll have a fun beach area for those of us who like to catch some sun and...and lots more. It's a very large Stronghold.


I also saw a question about Strongholds being purchased by a Guild and the answer to that is - Yes it can a Guild Stronghold, too.


We'll keep reading your comments. Keep in mind, the Roadmap doesn't provide you with all the details so you can expect to see more information, and gain access to the changes on PTS toward the end of June.





Sounds good. However, will you please raise the guild stronghold cap so we can have more than the current limit of 1 guild stronghold and 1 guild flagship and won't have to give up an already decorated guild stronghold to get a new one? These things are expensive as they are, the least you can do is raise the cap for guild strongholds to those of personal strongholds, although at least 3-4 on top of the ship would be nice.


On a side note, the rodemap mentioned quality of life improvements, is an option to enable chat bubbles for /say, /yell and /emote chat finally included in this? I sure hope they are, we've been waiting more or less patiently for them soooooo long.

Edited by Glzmo
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A few things in the roadmap sound VERY GOOD.



1.) Cross faction queues for PvP. OMG, this is great. This will bring an entire faction back into the play and thus give life into the queues (and the overall game) for years to come. This is huge and I must congratulate this idea. This should be extended to GSF also.

2.) Ability to choose which maps to queue for. Another GREAT idea that will massively improve EVERYONEs queueing experience, significantly reduce droppers, bring more people back into PvP, and overall enjoyment of every match will increase a lot. GSF should also have a similar option, but instead of by map would be choose style(s), deathmatch, satellite or both.

- One comment though: This has to be BY CHARACTER, and NOT by legacy. I may want to play certain maps with my stealth characters that I would never play with a healer etc.

3.) Stronghold ability to do 4v4, 8v8 pvp outside of the general queuing. Great idea guys.


Seriously, the above things are just plain excellent. Well done.



1.) Guild management does need work. Would be nice for GM to be able to easily email groups (or entire guild). Would be nice if there were better weekly and lifetime conquest totals by character and by legacy so players would feel their name in lights as they contribute to guild conquest goals. Things like top10 most conquest lifetime by char and by legacy would also be nice.



1.) PvP Matchmaking. This could go very good, or very bad depending on implementation.

- VERY BAD if the matchmaking would put X number of healers, X numbers of tanks ans X number of DPS on each side. Might as well get rid of all the depth and dimension you can get in a match.

- VERY GOOD if the matchmaking would pit premade groups against other premade groups of similar skill level.

- VERY GOOD would be if players could choose to avoid match-ups against premades if they are solo queue.

2.) New huttball map. Makes this sound like it will be up-high, one thing we dont want is to have the ability to bump people off to instant death (like we have in another map). It is very weak in PvP to insta-kill someone just because you have a typically weak bump spell. PvP is about using your skills to bring another players HP to 0, before yours gets there, not just insta-killing someone who is out of position. That's just an annoyance.

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Haha yeah, how'd you know? :D I've been hoarding umbrellas and voss beds for a while now, I hope they make different colours :D


Got my slave bikini and underwear all dyed and ready. Space volleyball...yes...the idea has merit! :D


... and a hot tub... don’t forget to ask for a hot tub and cabana boys and girls to serve the drinks 🍸

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Revealing Bodysuit Jacket + Ventilated Triumvirate Leggings (select a primary dye slot color of your choice) = an outstanding analogue of a skintight, high gloss, one piece for a female character, particularly when you pick a high contrast primary dye color (such as white on a red Zabrak for example). And for white I use crafted white/orange dye to get the primary white... so it's quite inexpensive.


So.. if they don't put something theme specific in game for swim suits.. the above will work quite nicely in my view. This is in fact the outfit I use on my female Juggernauts/Mauraders (I add in covert pieces for everything else) because it just seems so appropriate for them to flaunt danger and not hide behind armor. :D But it definitely will make a good swimsuit I think.




That’s one of my favourite combos I’ve been using over the years. I really like the yellow and pink dye on them and it’s one I use in a lot of my Hutt Ball matches ( I have different outfits for different pvp or types of game play )

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Hey all,


Still reading through the thread and all of your comments. I saw a number of times the Stronghold was mentioned and the question raised about whether you have to PvP.


Easy answer - Nope! This is your stronghold and you'll purchase it on the fleet just like all the other strongholds. The PvP designated areas will have hooks so you can customize it with any of your decorations. The difference will be you can use those decorations to block Line of Sight, create barriers, and even set up chairs for other players to observe the action. But, it's your choice on how you use your own Stronghold.


It'll have a fun beach area for those of us who like to catch some sun and...and lots more. It's a very large Stronghold.


I also saw a question about Strongholds being purchased by a Guild and the answer to that is - Yes it can be a Guild Stronghold, too.


We'll keep reading your comments. Keep in mind, the Roadmap doesn't provide you with all the details so you can expect to see more information, and gain access to the changes on PTS toward the end of June.





What the what!? :eek: PTS you say? Is this a real PTS or a closed one after which we will get updates on what's happening?


Also thanks for the info on the Stronghold. Large you say? Must. Run. More. Copero & Nathema for decoration drops :D


P.S. IOKATH REPLAY & CUSTOMISATIONS!! I'm not going away - my question will never die :p

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