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Theron - Nathema Spoilers

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Hopefully his mum will come looking for vengeance, though from the letter she sent she seemed to agree that he deserved to die alone contemplating how he let a Gemini droid fool him into thinking she was Omniscient, ultimately resulting in the restarting of a galactic war.
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Hopefully his mum will come looking for vengeance, though from the letter she sent she seemed to agree that he deserved to die alone contemplating how he let a Gemini droid fool him into thinking she was Omniscient, ultimately resulting in the restarting of a galactic war.


Totally agreed.

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Just count me among the legion of people who plainly see that Theron is not, in fact dead. The reason you don't get to slice him to bits is because that would make his death final, and, well, like I said, he's not dead.


Theron will be around in 6.0. Either because you lightsided him and he returned with you, or because you dark sided him and didn't kill him. In fantasy settings, no one is ever dead if you don't see their body, and even THEN it's not a sure thing (Kaelthas Kephess, Valky, etc).


I'm calling it now: when 6.0 comes out and all the people who THOUGHT they killed Theron see that he's back and a part of the story again, whether they like it or not, there will be thread after thread on here from people griping about how choices don't matter, how betrayed they feel, blah blah blah. Just get ready for it now, folks.

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Therons Life / Role


Why Kill Theron for this? If not for Theron, you wouldn't have known this even existed? Kill Theron for saving everybody's life? Not to mention Gemini and Zildrog only planned on *Starting with the Alliance, then on to the galaxy. Theron did his job and would be killed by his friends for that?


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Just count me among the legion of people who plainly see that Theron is not, in fact dead. The reason you don't get to slice him to bits is because that would make his death final, and, well, like I said, he's not dead.


Theron will be around in 6.0. Either because you lightsided him and he returned with you, or because you dark sided him and didn't kill him. In fantasy settings, no one is ever dead if you don't see their body, and even THEN it's not a sure thing (Kaelthas Kephess, Valky, etc).


I'm calling it now: when 6.0 comes out and all the people who THOUGHT they killed Theron see that he's back and a part of the story again, whether they like it or not, there will be thread after thread on here from people griping about how choices don't matter, how betrayed they feel, blah blah blah. Just get ready for it now, folks.


Satele herself said she felt his death. So you're pulling at things that are non existant.

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Are you kidding me?!?


I don't get to kill Theron?!? I just leave him to die.


After everything he did, I wanted to stick my lightsaber right through his heart.


Yea it was a complete joke. Not only did bioware steal the shot from us. They stupidly wrote in just leaving him there so at some point, you'll be forced to deal with him again.

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My sorceress is dark side and didn't romance him but after listening to his reasons, even she would not kill him. If it wasn't for him the galaxy would be destroyed as Odesson was just the beginning. So Theron was actually helping and not coming to me, yea was upset until it was explained the droid was recording everything so in my sorceress way of things he actually helped bring to her attention the threat that they may or may not found out about until it was too late so yes she didn't leave him there.


Even as a Empress you have to look past your pride. If the Order was successful what would you be ruling over? Nothing and not sure about you but my Empress wants people to rule over not corpses.


What I did enjoy on my sage was finally telling Lana to shut up and listen to me finally.

Edited by casirabit
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My sorceress is dark side and didn't romance him but after listening to his reasons, even she would not kill him. If it wasn't for him the galaxy would be destroyed as Odesson was just the beginning. So Theron was actually helping and not coming to me, yea was upset until it was explained the droid was recording everything so in my sorceress way of things he actually helped bring to her attention the threat that they may or may not found out about until it was too late so yes she didn't leave him there.


Even as a Empress you have to look past your pride. If the Order was successful what would you be ruling over? Nothing and not sure about you but my Empress wants people to rule over not corpses.


a successful emperor/ress would use the weak link (this being theron) to their advantage until they are obsolete, then discard them.

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Count me in the camp that thinks they deliberately set up a loophole to bring him back later. If you saved him he'll be a friend and a questgiver; if you didn't save him perhaps he'll be a foe, along with Satele. The Commander has survived much more than that, and Satele's email could be a ruse.


It's weird. The attitudes of some fans has made me despise Theron. I was fully expecting to use that kill option on every single character, even my LS V, because I hate him so much.


But the way they set it up, nope, can't. I can't kill him. I just can't leave someone to die like that when they were trying so hard to help. Even on my most DS character I don't think I can kill him - although I think one or two characters of mine will be telling him to leave on Odessen.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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He fake betrayed me, and that is no excuse.


It wasn't fake. He admitted it in the story. Put you through hell. Made a stupid and reckless move. Blah Blah Blah. Knew about it for months. Couldn't tell you because we were being watched but whats this. An entire planet to go to that has nothing electronic to the point anyone could hear. If you had known earlier you could have actually used the fleet or the gravestone and he could have still stayed hidden.


It was just terrible.

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Satele herself said she felt his death.
The Commander has survived much more than that, and Satele's email could be a ruse.


Yeah, a ruse is most likely. Also likely, given the troperiffic and godmoding writing we've been saddled with recently, Theron DID die, for like 2 seconds, and was reborn by whatever Genesis-Effect thing is happening on Nathema. He'll be revived, won't remember who he is at first, a buncha still-angry zakuulans will be tracking him down, thinking HE has the secret of the lifeforce-thing happening on Nathema, and by the time they capture him, the Commander will arive. The whole time we've been seeing his reborn journey through cutscenes where his face is obscured, either just camera angles or like a mask or something, and then in the first flashpoint of 6.0, we'll return to Nathema to find the source of the secret of the Genesis Effect, and we'll find out it's THERON (SURPRISE!). He'll be all reborny and stuff.


And to make this hone with people who lightsided him and married him, the start of 6.0 will include some kind of prelude scene where ... SHOCK! "Theron went missing ... again, again again ... and no one knows where he is! But we can't worry about that right now, we just got word that the Genesis Device is working on Nathema and could be used as (yawn yet another) superweapon so we have to go after that now, no time to worry about Theron go go go go ogog!"


This way the end the first 6.0 flashpoint brings both Theron-killers and Theron-lovers back into a singular unified storyline.

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