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Worth the Wait: Nathema Conspiracy = 10/10


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World Design: 10/10 - some of the best in the game.

Combat: 5/10 - it was me'h, but at least it wasn't KotFE/ET or Iokath.

Story: 3/10 - it did what we knew it had to do, in a very lacklustre, predictable, and below mediocre way, that still left far, far, far too many plot-holes and unresolved / unexplained elements.

Rewards: 7/10 - some nice decorations, and a few schematics (that I assume will be obsolete come 6.0 so will barely be worth making).


Overall a nice enough FP (far better than Traitor or Crisis) but mainly carried by the outstanding world building (which is as good as any in the game), with a very weak story clearly designed to bring a much needed (but as a coherent Story, very much premature) end to the FE/ET / Iokath nonsense the game has been plagued with.



All The Best

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I liked the flashpoint. I was little disappointed on knowing what or who Zildrogg is about. I came back to this game after a hiatus (was playing WoW for the last few months) So maybe I missed out on background story about Zildrogg, but I didn't get that part of the story. I wish it was told better. And how was he able to control

the gravestone and destroy it?

I guess I wanted more explanation on that end. I haven't played a character who romanced Theron yet. I wanted to play it with a neutral character first to see what options there would be for him in the end. Now that I know, it will make playing my romanced characters very interesting indeed!


My understanding was that



Zildrogg was the Gravestone to some extent.


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My understanding was that



Zildrogg was the Gravestone to some extent.


Ah, yes. That actually would make sense and I like that idea a lot. I didn't make that connection in my own brainz, but now that you said it, I want it to be true. ;)

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I found it an intense and exhilarating experience. Very well done on that part!

Beautiful immersive world, that's how I like it.


The story was a bit thin but the stakes were very high and I really did wonder whether someone was going to die.


Truth be told, story-wise I didn't expect much so there was no dissapointment there.

Edited by Gokkus
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There were characters from your class story that appeared? Where? I played it on my JK and didn't see anyone. That I recognized anyway.


before the spinning droid boss. my agent got watcher 2.

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As a Flashpoint, I liked Nathema way better than the previous two. Stable performance (unlike umbarra), not too many, and more importantly, not too anoying trash-mobs, decent boss-fights that don't go on forever and some nice deco's as rewards.

It would be nice, if the bonus-mission actually did something (codex-entry, achievement, extra rewards, whatever). Also, in Mastermode, the bosses could have used some extra mechanics or at least a damage buff. With how the fp is tuned now, I see no reason to gate it behind a 242 gear requirement.


The story was ok, imo. It was predictable, but they did their best to come out of the corner they wrote themselfs into and they did it as good as could be expected, I think.


Ps: I didn't gather that we met a character from our class-story. I assume it's the one before the guardian droid. My BH got some sith-lady (I think), that I had zero memories of. I also got Darth Mo-something (name sounded familiar, but couldn't place him) and a Nautolan that was pissed, because I'm friends with Arcann now (she has a point tbf).

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Have not played it yet.. but I have to say... it's nice (and a bit refreshing) to see some positive reviews about some new content. :)


Putting it at the top of my list of things to do next log in.


I agree. So tired of all negativity. Now I'm looking forward to the new FP.

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I know its unlikely the devs will read the forums but having looked over the letter from the provisional Zakuul government which basically said since you don't have the fleet any more go **** yourself and given that I'm so tired of hearing how great Valkorion was for Zakuul; I really hope that if you side with the Empire your first act is to sack the planet and take back everything Valkorian stole from the empire to build the planet and make sure they wanted for nothing.


I can't think of anything that Zakuul has done which was good for you. 5 Years in prison (carbonite), loss of all your companions and when they do return its with little more than a hey thought you were dead. Pretty much everyone from Zakuul can betray you or want you dead. Death of Companions that did return, the Death of Trillions upon trillions of people in the galaxy, suffering and wholesale looting with resource shortages as the norm. All so this one planet could be happy.


And lets face it at this point they have no defense fleet, their citizens are pampered gits, their knights who gained their power from devotion to the emperor will have lost that connection (makes you wonder how traitors and renegade knights can use the force) and their planet took the brunt of the bombardment from the eternal fleet. So it would be nice if empire affiliated players could go there and bring retribution on the planet so you never have to hear how a world devouring force god was 'good for the planet' yet this was totally out of character.

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well I wouldn't give it a 10/10 .



I mean that 'vilain' was just another Koth with a different skin tone . 'Oh Valkorian made Zaakul great ! I don't care if he killed billions on your corner of the galaxy! But how dare YOU kill peoples from Zaakul and take away our stuff !'' . :rolleyes:


Missed chance : If you let Scorpio live , I would have loved to see her show up and have a show down against the Gemini . Since I for one didn't wanna go trough her 'clone myself' battle .


Also , wth! Zash!!! ARGH! There goes my dream of keeping her as a companion! Boo! and where is my dashad then ! If she was able to get free and get a new body!


Last complain , if you have time to make a fp . How about tuning that glaring blinding bubble of the Jedi consular . It's freaking way too intense and we use it alot .


Also , when do we get to hear something from Senya ? I'm happy for peoples who love Arcann . But I for one don't care for him . I rather hear Senya instead of him .


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I found the smuggler one odd , I got the impression we left on good terms. I couldn't for the life of me remember who the consular one was. Had to google, but that one seemed odd also but less odd then the smuggler one.


I am curious about the other classes.


It comes down to the choies you made at the end of the vanilla class story, did you help the republic or did you create a pirate fleet and become a crime boss? If you went the pirate fleet route you got Master Sumalee if you helped the republic you got the void wolfs daughter. I do not find the smuggler one odd when you learn what the difference is based on.

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I almost liked everything.



The story, however, is somewhat compressed, but what could be expected in the format of the FP? The players themselves wanted to quickly return to the subject of Imp vs Resp, and the developers compress everything that could be compressed.

I have only one question:

What happened with Koth?

And about Senya too, seem to have forgotten.


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I almost liked everything.



The story, however, is somewhat compressed, but what could be expected in the format of the FP? The players themselves wanted to quickly return to the subject of Imp vs Resp, and the developers compress everything that could be compressed.

I have only one question:

What happened with Koth?

And about Senya too, seem to have forgotten.


Throwaway characters are forgotten.

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It comes down to the choies you made at the end of the vanilla class story, did you help the republic or did you create a pirate fleet and become a crime boss? If you went the pirate fleet route you got Master Sumalee if you helped the republic you got the void wolfs daughter. I do not find the smuggler one odd when you learn what the difference is based on.


Pretty sure I didn't do a pirate fleet, unless having a couple of people work for me is what triggered it. Mostly she did light/neutral but it has been a while. I also have done a few smugglers so I don't really remember exactly what I did with her. But I do remember she asking me to work for them which I did say yes. In the end it doesn't really matter it just surprised me. At this point the galaxy is messed up and apparently she went bonkers. I mean really , did she not know what she was helping to create by trying to awake this super weapon.

Edited by LeelaSeventen
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I enjoyed pretty much everything and I am very glad the Eternal whatever storyline is done and over with. Can't wait for 6.0. Hoping for something around Darth Jadus.


I just wish I could have rid myself of Lana. Theron and Arcann are my bros.

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Mixed feelings on my currently, only one play through.


Seeing Zash, was awesome! I believe I let her and Khem battle it out on my current Inquisitor, but I don't really remember. I know on the previous one, I let Zash win. I like Zash, fun character :)


Theron mentioning Rishi, was great. Possibly easily missable by some playing the game, but I went pretty slow through the FP to make sure I could catch the dialogue and catching that, I loved it :)


I understand the idea is to go back to Reb vs Imp, I however can't say I liked the idea of losing all we built.


Couldn't say I agreed with Vinn on anything, as it all starts from Valkorion, Arcann and Vaylin really. It's like they ignored everything that was made quite public...


Zakuul invaded other areas first. I would think Arcann killing his father, Command saving the city from blowing up after Vaylin set the reactor to blow would all be made public.


Then there is of course all the other stuff, like Vaylin enslaving the people. The exiles. Vinn came off as a basically a brat who some how got the jump on us. :/


Marriage proposal to Lana was nice :)

Edited by SithKoriandr
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I loved the new bit of story, it was perfect but it was still good. Definitely worth the wait.


I don't mind losing the stuff we had, I'm glad to leave it all behind. Most of my characters never wanted to be some galactic leader anyways :p

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I really liked it and I knew Theron wasn't 100% bad. He just needs to stop being so secretive.



He asked my male smuggler to marry him and naturally he said yes. I was sitting here, as a girl, squeeing in my diet coke!


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Mixed feelings on my currently, only one play through.


Seeing Zash, was awesome! I believe I let her and Khem battle it out on my current Inquisitor, but I don't really remember. I know on the previous one, I let Zash win. I like Zash, fun character :)


Theron mentioning Rishi, was great. Possibly easily missable by some playing the game, but I went pretty slow through the FP to make sure I could catch the dialogue and catching that, I loved it :)


I understand the idea is to go back to Reb vs Imp, I however can't say I liked the idea of losing all we built.


Couldn't say I agreed with Vinn on anything, as it all starts from Valkorion, Arcann and Vaylin really. It's like they ignored everything that was made quite public...


Zakuul invaded other areas first. I would think Arcann killing his father, Command saving the city from blowing up after Vaylin set the reactor to blow would all be made public.


Then there is of course all the other stuff, like Vaylin enslaving the people. The exiles. Vinn came off as a basically a brat who some how got the jump on us. :/


Marriage proposal to Lana was nice :)


I took it more as "our life (my) was cushy before you came and now I actually have to work and see how the other live." ... Some things probably weren't public like we saving the city a few times. Arcann killing his dad was probably hushed up, remember he blamed us for it. And who is going to disagree with him and Vaylin. Also he is probably like Koth in the "Zakuul only, he was good to us, ".


I got the impression that the Zakuul never really knew hardship, look how they celebrate people beating each other up. They had droids doing everything. I may not like Kaylio but she is right in her opinion on Zakuul society in some aspects.


I don't think we are supposed to agree with VInn. He is one of those rare villains that you can't really sympathize with., the one that is just downright nuts. Unlike in Vaylin's case after you hear her story you see her in a different light, you still have to kill her but you feel bad about it. Some of my characters wanted to help her, but knew it was just too much damage.


I loved the Theron proposal, it was so awkwardly sweet.

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I loved the new bit of story, it was perfect but it was still good. Definitely worth the wait.


I don't mind losing the stuff we had, I'm glad to leave it all behind. Most of my characters never wanted to be some galactic leader anyways :p


I will agree on most of my characters not wanting to be a galactic leader. I just didn't care for how it all got destroyed so easily.


Another way it could've been done was forcing the player into a "The only way to save the galaxy, is to sacrifice all your toys."


A choice between everyone dies or everyone lives, but you lose what you got. So, you give it up (maybe reluctantly) to save the galaxy.


This was, "All gone!" :p

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This was exactly what I expected. They gave us too much power to keep the story going. Then they pulled the typical trope of taking it all away from us.


I really hate it, because as a Light 5 character, I was willing to give it up. The Eternal Fleet could have flown off into space, thrown in with Zakuul, gone back to Iokath, any number of less predictable endings.


There's also that stale, ridiculous trope of all the off-camera NPCs just sitting on their hands, being useless.


As for the Gravestone, its only real power was in destroying Eternal Fleet ships, so I don't understand why it had to be taken away. Plus, everyone who wanted it as a stronghold is probably disappointed.


My biggest frustration with the story was playing a Light 5 character who made all the benevolent choices. All the little video snippets and accusations from NPCs left me saying, "What now? You think I did what? NO I DID NOT!" Sure, I could see a couple of fanatics joining out of ignorance or personal grudges, but the story left me feeling like my toon is seen as a conqueror.


I'm glad Theron's back and very glad that there's an opportunity to cement the relationship.


Does anybody know what difference the final Republic / Empire choice makes? It's not like we really change factions...

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