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Too many Stuns, Rolls, Roots and overall CCs


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Because Ive seen what 3 con ops (all of them were excellent at con op) on 1 team in solo ranked literally tear a team of 2 maras, a merc, and an assassin apart. and no. it wasnt some bronze/blue elo matchup


and it wasnt a one time thing, over and over solo teams with 2 or more ops pulled any setup apart


Random is random. Again, if it was so powerful we would see tons of operatives in granked. True PVP'er are highly cynical, and if one spec was miles ahead of the others, people would flock to it like cake to a fat guy.


The only way for 4 operatives to dominate in granked is through acid. Have 2 do damage and have 2 roll opposite sides, and maybe it could work. It it would be annoying as hell though.

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Solo perfomance isn't proof. In solo you can also see good MM snipers actually carrying the game. This is because solo is always less synchronized than team, and therefore solo favors solo bursters more than AoE oriented builds (because you can't actually have a team "build" in solo).

So it is true, pre-nerf, for example, if you would encounter 3x skank PT (which is admittedly unlikely due to the matchmaking) you would definitely lose. However, when we encountered them in GR, we won, even though they played truly well. In solo I would dare even to say that 4 con ops can beat a group which has a healer, but no one will ever go for it in ranked, it just can't work there.

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Operatives/Scoundrels need to be watered down. That Class has way too much control and damage output that exceed the amount of abilities and Utilities that any other Class has to successfully defeat them. That Class has way too many Rolls, Stuns, Roots, Slows, and CC Breakers. After you've used all your survivability it's only a matter of time before you lose. That Class is too OP.


Yes I agree with this. The Stuns are absolutely ridiculous.

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This right here. All you nerf operative QQers are looking at it from a 1v1 perspective. That's stupid and your own fault. Don't 1v1 an operative. How about that? All operatives have going is the 1v1s. If you put yourself into a 1v1 with an operative you better have CDs and use them correctly because 90% of the time the operative will win the 1v1.


Please tell me in detail how you get out of a 1v1 situation with an OP if you are on a Jugg.


OP sneaks up behind you. You can’t even see them anymore since Bioware gave them Permanent blackout. They can take all the time in the world to position, which takes no skill.

OP attacks you and you are in a 1v1. Please tell me how I can disengage from that 1v1 I didn’t instigate?


People are always quick to say, “don’t 1v1 an Operative”. So please, give us your expert advice on how to avoid a 1v1 situation with an Operative because I’ve yet to work out how you can do that when an OP is the one who nearly always starts it and you have no way to avoid it because you can’t see it coming.


Like I said before, your DCDs are mostly used before an OP will really have a go at you. If the OP is smart, they will either wait till you’ve blown them fighting someone else and then attack or they will get you to blow them and kite until they are all down.


There are classes that can mitigate that, but Juggs certainly can’t.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Please tell me in detail how you get out of a 1v1 situation with an OP if you are on a Jugg.


OP sneaks up behind you. You can’t even see them anymore since Bioware gave them Permanent blackout. They can take all the time in the world to position, which takes no skill.

OP attacks you and you are in a 1v1. Please tell me how I can disengage from that 1v1 I didn’t instigate?


People are always quick to say, “don’t 1v1 an Operative”. So please, give us your expert advice on how to avoid a 1v1 situation with an Operative because I’ve yet to work out how you can do that when an OP is the one who nearly always starts it and you have no way to avoid it because you can’t see it coming.


Like I said before, your DCDs are mostly used before an OP will really have a go at you. If the OP is smart, they will either wait till you’ve blown them fighting someone else and then attack or they will get you to blow them and kite until they are all down.


There are classes that can mitigate that, but Juggs certainly can’t.


Well, I can actually see the logic there. If you choose to guard a node, it will truly be very hard to escape 1v1 situations. The implication of "avoid 1v1 versus operatives' essentially mean "if the enemy has operatives, join a meaningful massacres (mid node / busy door) rather than guarding or attacking offnodes. If you are not alone on the battlefield, you can't be 1v1'ed, no matter how great the element of surprise he has for you.

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Well, I can actually see the logic there. If you choose to guard a node, it will truly be very hard to escape 1v1 situations. The implication of "avoid 1v1 versus operatives' essentially mean "if the enemy has operatives, join a meaningful massacres (mid node / busy door) rather than guarding or attacking offnodes. If you are not alone on the battlefield, you can't be 1v1'ed, no matter how great the element of surprise he has for you.


That's why I always instruct the stealths on our team it's their jobs to go guard the off-node. It's their jobs. If they dare question why, all I say is "operatives."

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4 flash bangs is pretty brutal. Ive seen a 4 man op team before of skilled players and they were very hard to fight. Our healer was stunned 99% of the round and basically ineffective.


They had great focus and yellow damage. I would say its a doable comp but may not be an A team comp. Theyre great vs non a team fotm comps though.

Edited by RACATW
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Operatives/Scoundrels need to be watered down. That Class has way too much control and damage output that exceed the amount of abilities and Utilities that any other Class has to successfully defeat them. That Class has way too many Rolls, Stuns, Roots, Slows, and CC Breakers. After you've used all your survivability it's only a matter of time before you lose. That Class is too OP.


Yes! I agree 100%, operatives need more roots, stuns, slows and CC breakers! They are so weak right now, they can't do anything, most useless class ever, and I'll say it to their faces, in cursive!!!

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4 flash bangs is pretty brutal. Ive seen a 4 man op team before of skilled players and they were very hard to fight. Our healer was stunned 99% of the round and basically ineffective.


It's technically impossible to have anyone incapacitated for more than ~50% of the fight, even if all the mezzing is done perfectly. With that said, it's still pretty hard to heal against mez-spamming comps.

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It's technically impossible to have anyone incapacitated for more than ~50% of the fight, even if all the mezzing is done perfectly. With that said, it's still pretty hard to heal against mez-spamming comps.


Excuse my slight hyperbole :p

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Frankly, all classes need the stuns, ccs and bumps removed. There should be one class ONLY that can do a stun and it should be only a minor thing, not a stun lock. Any damage should break it, and it should be very short compared to time it takes to cap an objective.


The current situation of these is why PvP on swtor is such a joke. It is like being a pinball that you cannot control. Not sure why a keyboard/mouse is needed really.



CC's have murdered pvp. I DREAD Huttball now. Not because I've ran it like 10,000 times but because the team with the best cc wins every time. Between the stuns, knockbacks, pulls, evades, and immunities- makes the game awful.


Also, I play an Op. Ops are easy to kill. Not so easy to catch. But that's the whole point isn't it?

Edited by cagthehack
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Yes I agree with this. The Stuns are absolutely ridiculous.


As opposed to all the stuns a Deception Sin has? Or a mando or merc? Depending on spec, an Op has 2 stuns and 1 slow.


Also, not to mention most classes have some sort of immunity to stuns/slows. Mercs, Mando's, Mara's.


Too much CC is an issue for all classes.

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veng jugg, sniper specs, fury mara and concealment ops are the only classes with "stun" immunity. there is also a stun immunity utility on deception sin and mara.


thats not "plenty" of classes. as for ops haveing stuns, its not how many stuns but its cd. an op has a full 10 seconds less on debilitate than any hardstun in this game. closest would be electrocute, 40 sec cd with utility. still 10 secs behind debilitate.

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Stun, mez, slow has constantly crept more into this game over the years, the same as mobility speed creep


It’s been stuns vs speed wars for years. There is way too much of both. Every meta change or expansion has seen an increase in one or the other.


They need to nerf both back to 2-3.0 lvls and then balance it so it’s no longer stun vs speed wars.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Operatives/Scoundrels need to be watered down. That Class has way too much control and damage output that exceed the amount of abilities and Utilities that any other Class has to successfully defeat them. That Class has way too many Rolls, Stuns, Roots, Slows, and CC Breakers. After you've used all your survivability it's only a matter of time before you lose. That Class is too OP.


The Stuns and Shields are Absolutely Ridiculous to get around re Snipers/Operatives. Not saying it cant be done just saying it is absolutely ridiculous what you have to in comparison to other classes. A definite imbalance in comparison to other classes. Not a wonder the game is dying. So One Word: Yup :)

Edited by Dowillia
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Between the stuns, knockbacks, pulls, evades, and immunities- makes the game awful.


To be honest, if there are too many of each, it should balance pretty fine. The problem is some classes have it by far better than others, and not entirely in a manner related to their mitigation skill or the range of their attacks.

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