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Legacy System (aka Dont alt or your screwed)


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I thought this thread would be exciting. You know something along the lines of dont make alts because when legacy kicks in you will get to all those other cool faction races you couldnt!!


We are screwed if we made alts!!!


Instead it was some random whine about how someone feels like they were cheated out of a marginal amount of legacy exp.


If you are going to whine about stuff at least whine about the stuff i find interesting and or agree with.


Oddly enough, you just made the most legitimate complaint I've seen in regards to the legacy system.

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I think this calls for channelling one's dark side characters.


:sy_darkside: /me yawns


So... you were 'cheated' out of 'legacy xp', were you? Pfft. Er... this is a game. Legacy xp is not some sort of currency with an exchange rate. There is no Bioware employee sitting somewhere in his office in a black robe cackling because he and his apprentice managed to trick you into levelling several alts before your legacy kicked in, and now your missing legacy points are all theirs...


You played the game in a way which didn't generate the optimum point generation for one not-yet-fully implemented feature. You have lost... nothing of consequence, except for your dignity, and that didn't happen in the game, that happened here.


Throwing a tantrum about this is embarrassingly infantile. Now pick up your lightsabre and don't throw it out of the buggy again, you might break it next time.

Edited by RowanThursday
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I thought this thread would be exciting. You know something along the lines of dont make alts because when legacy kicks in you will get to all those other cool faction races you couldnt!!


We are screwed if we made alts!!!


Right? Exactly what I thought. What color is disappointed? Color me that.

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Let me put it another way. You would be correct if legacy xp ran from 1 to 50. It doesn't. It runs from 1 to infinity. And since we're both gaining it to infinity, it's better to start out with a higher xp gain. 25 to infinity will be more beneficial (and definitely faster) than 1 to infinity.


Are you seriously this ignorant?


1. Get ONE character to level 30 (and get legacy) - level 7 more chars from 1 to infinity. Keep in mind you will be gaining legacy experience the whole time you're levelling the chars from 1 to 50.


2. Get 7 chars to level 20~, one to 30, get legacy, level rest of chars to infinity. You are only gaining the legacy exp FROM level 20. You missed out on all the other levels worth of legacy experience that you would have gotten if you had the legacy when you started these chars.


Either way you do the above your chars will be at the SAME levels at the SAME point in time, except one you're gettomg experience from 1-50 and the other you are gaining experience from 20-50.

Edited by Exaro
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Lol strong logic. you would gain more legacy exp from 1-50 than 25-50 no matter how you put it.

OFC you are true, but allow me to explain something :

AFAIK, legacyXP=XP/2 + small% (around I think)

So, don't tell me the 300legacy xp from Hutta's quest will compete with 6K+ xp from lvl50 quests...

It means to earn the same legacy xp than a 1 lvl50quest, you'll need 20 tutorial quests. OFC, the further you go, the less the ratio is, but even if you ends up at a 1:10 ratio at lvl25, it's still a big difference.

And on another note, the legacy system is a legacy. Legacy mean you are known by almost everyone, like Revan or Malak, or anyone else. You are a hero for some, or a monster for others. But centuries later, people will still remember.

That's not the case when you begin.



Did I rerolled before legacy ? Yes. Do I feel screwed ? Not at all. Got my share of fun while rerolling, and the small legacy xp lost is not a problem.

Edited by erei
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OFC you are true, but allow me to explain something :

AFAIK, legacyXP=XP/2 + small% (around I think)

So, don't tell me the 300legacy xp from Hutta's quest will compete with 6K+ xp from lvl50 quests...

It means to earn the same legacy xp than a 1 lvl50quest, you'll need 20 tutorial quests. OFC, the further you go, the less the ratio is, but even if you ends up at a 1:10 ratio at lvl25, it's still a big difference.

And on another note, the legacy system is a legacy. Legacy mean you are known by almost everyone, like Revan or Malak, or anyone else. You are a hero for some, or a monster for others. But centuries later, people will still remember.

That's not the case when you begin.



Did I rerolled before legacy ? Yes. Do I feel screwed ? Not at all. Got my share of fun while rerolling, and the small legacy xp lost is not a problem.


Ok, here's the kicker, by the time YOU are level 49, I WILL ALSO BE LEVEL 49, BUT I WILL HAVE MORE LEGACY EXPERIENCE THAN YOU.


Cool, huh?


You know why?


Because I got ONE char to level 30 when you were levelling 8 chars to level 30, then I levelled 7 chars to level 30, then proceeded to level them evenly, just like you, at the same pace, except I have been gaining legacy experience the whole time.


Hard to wrap your head around right?


Pretty technical.

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Are you seriously this ignorant?


1. Get ONE character to level 30 (and get legacy) - level 7 more chars from 1 to infinity. Keep in mind you will be gaining legacy experience the whole time you're levelling the chars from 1 to 50.


2. Get 7 chars to level 20~, one to 30, get legacy, level rest of chars to infinity. You are only gaining the legacy exp FROM level 20. You missed out on all the other levels worth of legacy experience that you would have gotten if you had the legacy when you started these chars.


Either way you do the above your chars will be at the SAME levels at the SAME point in time, except one you're gettomg experience from 1-50 and the other you are gaining experience from 20-50.


Please hold off on the personal insults. I haven't given a single one.


That said, it's not 1 to 50. As long as you keep playing both characters, they will both always be gaining xp, eventually (after 50) they'll be gaining the same xp. But until then, the higher characters will constantly be gaining MORE xp.


If the higher character stopped gaining legacy when he hit 50 and let you catch up, then 1 to 50 would be more. But if the higher level never stops gaining xp, he'll always be ahead.


Mathematically, it'll eventually even out (at best) but since you never stop gaining xp, the entire time your level 1 is getting from, say 25 to 50, the higher level character will be gaining xp from the +50 mark. It doesn't end.


Now, eventually, we're talking about xp so infinitely small comparatively, it doesn't matter anyway. But the bottom line is, both characters will ALWAYS be gaining xp. The lower character will never gain it at a higher rate than the higher character. Ever. The higher character will ALWAYS be gaining xp at a higher rate, and eventually at an equal rate.


If legacy xp has a cap, you are right in what you're saying. If it doesn't, the lower level character will never top the higher level character. Ever.

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Ok, here's the kicker, by the time YOU are level 49, I WILL ALSO BE LEVEL 49, BUT I WILL HAVE MORE LEGACY EXPERIENCE THAN YOU.


Cool, huh?


You know why?


Because I got ONE char to level 30 when you were levelling 8 chars to level 30, then I levelled 7 chars to level 30, then proceeded to level them evenly, just like you, at the same pace, except I have been gaining legacy experience the whole time.


Hard to wrap your head around right?


Pretty technical.


Starting on the same day, you have two people earning xp. There is no limit. It doesn't end. You keep earning it indefiitely.


The only difference between the two people is that - for the first week or so - you're earning the xp at a significantly lower rate. After that, you both earn it at the exact same rate. forever.


Now, if both players play the same speed and the same hours, how are you ever going to catch up to the person who - for the first week or two - was earning more xp than you were? Explain to me how - if it doesn't end - you'll catch up to the other person when the only difference is you earned xp at a slower rate for the first week.

Edited by Vecke
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Please hold off on the personal insults. I haven't given a single one.


That said, it's not 1 to 50. As long as you keep playing both characters, they will both always be gaining xp, eventually (after 50) they'll be gaining the same xp. But until then, the higher characters will constantly be gaining MORE xp.


If the higher character stopped gaining legacy when he hit 50 and let you catch up, then 1 to 50 would be more. But if the higher level never stops gaining xp, he'll always be ahead.


Mathematically, it'll eventually even out (at best) but since you never stop gaining xp, the entire time your level 1 is getting from, say 25 to 50, the higher level character will be gaining xp from the +50 mark. It doesn't end.


Now, eventually, we're talking about xp so infinitely small comparatively, it doesn't matter anyway. But the bottom line is, both characters will ALWAYS be gaining xp. The lower character will never gain it at a higher rate than the higher character. Ever. The higher character will ALWAYS be gaining xp at a higher rate, and eventually at an equal rate.


If legacy xp has a cap, you are right in what you're saying. If it doesn't, the lower level character will never top the higher level character. Ever.


Oh my god.


I can't believe you can't wrap your head around this.


I'm not going to try and continue explaining since you are never going to understand.

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Oh my god.


I can't believe you can't wrap your head around this.


I'm not going to try and continue explaining since you are never going to understand.


No, if you can explain it to me, I'll gladly concede. Unlike most people on these forums, I concede often. So just answer this one question at the end of this statement (which I'm repeating).


Simply put, starting on the same day, you have two people earning xp. There is no limit. It doesn't end. You keep earning it indefiitely.


The only difference between the two people is that - for the first week or so - you're earning the xp at a significantly lower rate. After that, you both earn it at the exact same rate. forever.


Now, if both players play the same speed and the same hours, how are you ever going to catch up to the person who - for the first week or two - was earning more xp than you were? Explain to me how - if it doesn't end - you'll catch up to the other person when the only difference is you earned xp at a slower rate for the first week. Answer that and I'll concede.

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I understand exactly what the term means. It is the implementation in this game that worries me.


If it was as simple as "Your highest level leaves a legacy to those after them", then fine.


But when I log in a level 1 character and see +50 legacy xp, then I go to character select and realise how many levels I have played on alts WITHOUT getting that....


That is a LOT of +50s I have been cheated of, because of a system that has never been satisfactorily explained.


Example, this morning I have played a new character from level 1 to level 10.


That earned me 9% of a legacy level.


I have 6 other characters who have already passed level 10, so that is at LEAST 45% of a legacy level I have missed out on (subtracting the fact that my main is one of the 6, and would not have gotten it I accept).


That means that the player who knows about this, and powers 1 character straight up, instead of exploring the game, is going to be a lot better off.

What are you getting at?

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On that day when we finally get to find out what our Legacy levels mean, one of two things will happen:


Legacy levels are meh...and some people will scream about how they stink, and how they put in a lot of work, and blah, blah, blah.


Legacy levels are really good...and many of the people in this thread who blithely proclaimed "It's not a big deal, I missed out on a lot of potential Legacy xp and I don't care" will scream bloody murder that if they'd known Legacy levels were going to be THAT good, they would have levelled a single toon to chapter 1 to open their legacy before wasting all that Legacy xp their alts could have generated.


Regardless, count on screaming.


For the record, I was aware that alts would generate no Legacy xp until the Legacy had been opened and powered through one character on my primary server (almost up to Legacy level 22). I chose to sub-optimally level up a few alts on my secondary server (Legacy level 5).


I sympathize with the original poster and believe he was doing a service to some people by informing them of something they might not be aware of or misunderstand the workings of. His phrasing was, perhaps, a tad sensationalistic but hardly deserving of the abuse that's been levelled at him. And I suppose now it will be my turn.


I expect more screaming.



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Apparently it caps at Legacy Level 50 according to this thread:




And actually, now that I think about it, that's not an issue either because you'll get to the level 50 cap faster with higher level toons because they'll earn the xp faster.


So I still don't see OP's problem. Either way, you get more with high level toons.

Edited by Vecke
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If you look at how much Legacy XP is required to hit Legacy level 50, you will realize that the amount of XP you "lost out on" in insignificant. Remember, you just started leveling Legacy, the early levels require very little XP (relative to later levels) to increase. The XP those alts could have earned you will be nothing in the grand scheme of things.
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Woah all most of you have taught me as a new player is to be terrified to ask a question or make a point in case I get lambasted and ridiculed. I have a busy life so dont have time to read pre-release interviews and the like. I have just done the same as the OP not knowing about the legacy system. Whenever I start an MMORPG I tend to level a few toons to 10 or thereabouts to see which class is right for me. I have just discovered the legacy system and like the OP would have found it useful to have it brought to my attention before. Its not a massive deal but I dont think the OP was liking it to World Peace....he was just making a point ;)
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Woah all most of you have taught me as a new player is to be terrified to ask a question or make a point in case I get lambasted and ridiculed. I have a busy life so dont have time to read pre-release interviews and the like. I have just done the same as the OP not knowing about the legacy system. Whenever I start an MMORPG I tend to level a few toons to 10 or thereabouts to see which class is right for me. I have just discovered the legacy system and like the OP would have found it useful to have it brought to my attention before. Its not a massive deal but I dont think the OP was liking it to World Peace....he was just making a point ;)


Well, as a new player, here's some advice. Don't reply to silly threads that are over half a year old. Otherwise you'll get lambasted and ridiculed.


That being said, it's a fairly silly thing to worry about. The amount of legacy xp you "lost" on those however many characters sub lvl ~30 is pretty insignificant. You get more xp as you level. Most of your legacy xp from all characters thus cames from the latter levels.


And just because a character has hit the level cap, doesn't mean they don't keep getting that legacy xp. If you want legacy xp, do your dailies on a lvl 50. Probably getting more legacy xp in an hour than you "lost" with your host of sub lvl 30 characters.

Edited by GnatB
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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


EDIT: Just noticed this was an old Thread......

Edited by Monoth
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