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Stop Complaining - Are there people who like the game? *sigh*


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I'm sick reading all those complaints about the game, though i think the majority of people actually really think the Game turned out great but they're not posting it obviously.


I didn't planned to play this game at all but gave it a shot after so reading many positive things and had a blast playing it so far.


Sure, there are things they should work on and I'm sure they actually do. If they add High End Content (nope I'm not 50) and PVP Stuff every now and then, I'm pretty happy with the Game.

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I am enjoying this game. I had some fears after my beta weekends, but now I'm loving it and I foresee a long relationship with this game. I'm not so interested in ability delay griping, I just want to see what the Legacy content is going to be.


Satisfied non-fan-boy TOR customer here.

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I have a guild of 23 people who like this game, and another 3 friends who love it and are now unable to play due to one problem or another (harddrive failure, video card chipped, etc).


So yeah, good game and I'm lovin' it. Da-da-da-DADA.


EDIT: Also, there are like not that many complaint threads, and like what? 500,000 people playing? I see a corrolation. People are too busy playing to complain often enough to make a thread.

Edited by Zeromentor
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I'm sick reading all those complaints about the game, though i think the majority of people actually really think the Game turned out great but they're not posting it obviously.


I didn't planned to play this game at all but gave it a shot after so reading many positive things and had a blast playing it so far.


Sure, there are things they should work on and I'm sure they actually do. If they add High End Content (nope I'm not 50) and PVP Stuff every now and then, I'm pretty happy with the Game.



Its always been a sad fact that crybabys are a loud minority, those who enjoy the game are most likly to busy enjoying the game to pay much attention to the forums.


Those with a severe lack of life are the ones on the forums making these `im qutting` threads like they actully think there someone of importance and the loss of them personally will affect the community.


Me I just like trolling them, if there going to whine so much over a video game they deserve it, if I dont like something I just move on and try something else, I dont waste my time moaning about it, one day this will get through to them :p

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I am enjoying the game, and they brought a great story and dialogs along, however it feels like they are trying to give a kid candie so he can forget he just bashed hes knee.


So many basic things are missing, to name the 2 most commen things would be the reform of groups everytime you get out of an WZ and illum, where there is what so ever no reason to kill anyone, if you do then you work against your self.


However even tho there is much bigger problems and flaws then i still like the game for now, im not sure for how long tho, but hopefully a long time :) i wanna like it for years to come! and hopefully i will.

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Its always been a sad fact that crybabys are a loud minority, those who enjoy the game are most likly to busy enjoying the game to pay much attention to the forums.


Those with a severe lack of life are the ones on the forums making these `im qutting` threads like they actully think there someone of importance and the loss of them personally will affect the community.


Me I just like trolling them, if there going to whine so much over a video game they deserve it, if I dont like something I just move on and try something else, I dont waste my time moaning about it, one day this will get through to them :p


Saying "Vocal Minority" posting on the forums etc. is a terrible arguement:


Listen, a thread (3000+ replies and 150,000+ views in less than 72 hours) is an absolutely good reflection of a serious issue. Every time you say, "yea but what about all the people who don't even post on the forums" I say, yes... and there are hundreds of thousands of them who would whole-heartily agree with the issue posted!


It does you no good saying that its a minority who post on the forums, this minority is a statistical reference of a % of people who share the same views but do not post...



Dismissing this issue in the fashion you have done is a dangerous miscalculation but I can live with it because I am 100% sure that Bioware (or any serious developer) is not doing it.

Edited by Xcore
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If you don't want the game to improve at all then don't complain. If all those people who are complaining simply leave instead it'll mean a fair few less subs which in turn means far less motivation and financial incentive to improve.


Most of the complaints I'm seeing revolve around input/animation lag, poor customer service (especially around EU maintenance times) and not enough content past leveling quests. Those are all pretty genuine complaints to have and far more constructive than starting threads complaining about people complaining.

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Saying "Vocal Minority" posting on the forums etc. is a terrible arguement:


Listen, a thread (3000+ replies and 150,000+ views in less than 72 hours) is an absolutely good reflection of a serious issue. Every time you say, "yea but what about all the people who don't even post on the forums" I say, yes... and there are hundreds of thousands of them who would whole-heartily agree with the issue posted!


It does you no good saying that its a minority who post on the forums, this minority is a statistical reference of a % of people who share the same views but do not post...



Dismissing this issue in the fashion you have done is a dangerous miscalculation but I can live with it because I am 100% sure that Bioware (or any serious developer) is not doing it.



Im talking about the whines not the constructive criticism, that I have no issue with, unfortunately the majority of said posts are some overly angry nerd raging that I find impossible to take seriously.

Yes some good points have been made and im sure bioware will get working on that, however for every 1 good post there seems to be 20 pure whines.

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Here you go, My guild had people who played WoW since beta, they unsubbed from WoW with some seeking to sell said accounts. Now before the wow kiddies get all worked up this does not mean WoW will die, or its a horrible game (I personally dont like it)just means some folks are liking this game better. There is no question this game is quite popular and will be IMO for a long time to come. BUT, some will not like it of course, most move on, some are raging like fanatics and clutter any game forum. You want to help a game? Send in bug reports, I do.
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to me it isnt the fact that people are complaining about the game. It is the fact that people complain about things that arent bugs, but personal preference. .Like UI changes. They do not ruin the game to have an uncustomizable UI. people would just prefer it if they could change the UI to fit their personal preference.


I have no problems with people wanting changes. but it is HOW people go about to get those changes that is the issue.


these forums remind me of the Occupy rallies. Good in theory horrible in practice.

People here have issues. Some arent just personal preference some are. But they are issues that BW needs to look at. It is how those issues are presented to bioware that I have a problem with..

Couple that with the fact that people like me who like the UI. ( I have no personal problems with it.) who get called fanboy or a bunch of names (ive been called everything from stupid to actual vulgar names on the forums) simply because I have a difference of opinion.


if you want your issues addressed try being polite, professional and have some patients. the galaxy will not change in a day..


Disclaimer ( i realize that not everyone who posts on here acts like this. though I think we can all agree it is a problem.)


There is nothing wrong with wanting change. but DEMANDING change isnt right either.

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Here you go, My guild had people who played WoW since beta, they unsubbed from WoW with some seeking to sell said accounts. Now before the wow kiddies get all worked up this does not mean WoW will die, or its a horrible game (I personally dont like it)just means some folks are liking this game better. There is no question this game is quite popular and will be IMO for a long time to come. BUT, some will not like it of course, most move on, some are raging like fanatics and clutter any game forum. You want to help a game? Send in bug reports, I do.



Longtime wow player here, havnt logged in once since I started swtor, its like a breath of fresh air after a game which for a long time has been going stale, to be honest the only reason I never left wow before was it was still the best in its genre even though it wasnt as good as it once was, that is no longer the case :p

Edited by Thatcrazypenguin
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I'm sick reading all those complaints about the game, though i think the majority of people actually really think the Game turned out great but they're not posting it obviously.


I didn't planned to play this game at all but gave it a shot after so reading many positive things and had a blast playing it so far.


Sure, there are things they should work on and I'm sure they actually do. If they add High End Content (nope I'm not 50) and PVP Stuff every now and then, I'm pretty happy with the Game.

Life isn't black or white. Yet i enjoy the game a lot and most of my friends feel the same about TOR. But it doesn't mean that everything is perfect. There are many things that need to be improved. The UI for exemple. The good thing about it is that most of those aspsects that need to be improved are on the "to do" list of the TOR staff.


So, imo, there is no room for 100% negative topics nor 100% positive ones. And my only concern is to know if i enjoy playing TOR or not. What others people think about TOR isn't my concern.

Edited by EmmanuelFR
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I'm sick reading all those complaints about the game, though i think the majority of people actually really think the Game turned out great but they're not posting it obviously..


most of those who complain here are derelicts from wow. after blizzard nerfed their hardcore gaming, they are now trying to turn other games into wow.


and most of the people who enjoy the game are actually playing. you may find occasional few who post here while they are at work though.


'weeeeeeeeeeeeee do you believe the negative reviews now' posts one derelict. 'this game will fail' posts another. 'bioware failed' posts another one.


the only problem with our modern times is, you cant just tell a kid to shut up and go to his room in the internet.

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I'm sick reading all those complaints about the game, though i think the majority of people actually really think the Game turned out great but they're not posting it obviously.


I didn't planned to play this game at all but gave it a shot after so reading many positive things and had a blast playing it so far.


Sure, there are things they should work on and I'm sure they actually do. If they add High End Content (nope I'm not 50) and PVP Stuff every now and then, I'm pretty happy with the Game.

There are actually people who like the game, they're just playing the game and not arguing with trolls on the forums :D

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First, I think that the game has the potential to be great. Overall its great.


But why tell people to stop complaining???


Voicing what is wrong with the game is the only way that the devs will fix the MANY problems and bugs the game has.


For me the Follow bug, which causes Follow to break after nine steps, is a huge issue for me.

The lack of even the most basic macroing is ridiculous. I am not asking for the ability to program in all your abilities - the one button play style - but when you can't even put in a /target and /assist in a macro, something is wrong.


The ability to adjust the UI is a big deal for many people. Not so much for me, though I would love to be able to put in some of the well know UIs (Profit, etc).


People want damage meters. I never use one, but nearly all MMORPGs have them, because many people like them.


Besides that there are just a ton of bugs. I only play an hour a night, but I submit at least one bug every day. These I would hope would be fixed over time - but people should be able to voice problems with bugs in the forum.

If you have read the automated response system you probably think people arent actually reading bug reports.


I've canceled my subscriptions, but if fix Follow, I will resubscribe.


But why post telling people not to voice their complaints? You dont think the devs want to hear about what bothers the community the most. Whether they respond to the forums or not, I do believe they read them.



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I'm sick reading all those complaints about the game, though i think the majority of people actually really think the Game turned out great but they're not posting it obviously.


I didn't planned to play this game at all but gave it a shot after so reading many positive things and had a blast playing it so far.


Sure, there are things they should work on and I'm sure they actually do. If they add High End Content (nope I'm not 50) and PVP Stuff every now and then, I'm pretty happy with the Game.


Don't worry about it too much, OP. The General Discussion forum for any product is nothing more than a spam filter for the developers. Kinda like using Hotmail as a spam filter.


Devs don't read General Discussion. But they need a place for all the whiners and fanboys to vent they love/hate. :)


People are playing the game, even those that complain. Even those that say they're quitting. Login and play. In-game voices are the only ones you need to pay attention too. :)

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1. I do like the game.

2. I do have a lot of complaints.

3. I dont like people raging about the game being the ****.

4. I dont like all those people kissing biowares butt.


The game has a lot of issues. Actually i am still playing it and having fun but i already

feel that it wont be for much longer then 1-3 month if they dont improve in a lot of areas.

So actually i do think that its important that people are complaining.

The improvements in the next months will decide about me keeping the sub or not.

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Here you go, My guild had people who played WoW since beta, they unsubbed from WoW with some seeking to sell said accounts. Now before the wow kiddies get all worked up this does not mean WoW will die, or its a horrible game (I personally dont like it)just means some folks are liking this game better. There is no question this game is quite popular and will be IMO for a long time to come. BUT, some will not like it of course, most move on, some are raging like fanatics and clutter any game forum. You want to help a game? Send in bug reports, I do.


Good for you. But you are not the norm. And posting in bold does not make it more useful. And people that may like wow more are not "kiddies" by definition. Now, get your pills.

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