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Everything posted by Lokbob

  1. Du bist auf Jar'Kai Sword wie gesagt einfach auf der falschen Seite. Imp ist hier super voll wegen For the Horde, Imperium ist hier generell seeehr viel los.
  2. I don't care seeing others DPS though i would really love to see mine.
  3. Playing as lvl 38 against all this PVP equipt lvl 50 people is not fun AT ALL. A good lvl 50, facerolls 3-4 lowbies. I would love to lvl through pvp now though its just frustrating. If u dont see this ur just ignorant.
  4. The Legacy of Shoryuken! ...couldn't resist.
  5. Der nächste Content Patch, wurde schon für Januar bestätigt.
  6. Not to sure at this point though i think i will def. play it until march. Without any longterm things to do ill quit, so i hope they patch alot. If not im out, playing Street Fighter X Tekken 24/7.
  7. This instanzing of entire planets is killing the MMO feeling of this game immensely. Def. needs to be fixed.
  8. Hast du schon alle Holocrons gefunden? Bist du PVP Valor Rank 100? Sind alle deine Berufe auf 400? Hast du den Ruf deiner Companions aufs Max gebracht? Hast du deine Companions schon optimal equipt? Hast du schon alle Flashpoints und Operations gesehen?
  9. I mean all those obvious problems were in the game during the beta, i guess? Did nobody report them? Did Bioware rush the Game to Release it and got no time to fix them? Didn't the testers realize they were splitting the PLANETS? This is a big bummer and killing the MMO feeling. Ilum being pointless and bad - nobody addressed this? Not hating - i love the game actually, i really don't want to see the game fail. I think EA is pretty smart though do they even realize that they're sitting on a BIG cash cow? if they get the job done properly.
  10. The Community Manager just answered soooo much stuff, just 16 Hours ago.
  11. I'm sick reading all those complaints about the game, though i think the majority of people actually really think the Game turned out great but they're not posting it obviously. I didn't planned to play this game at all but gave it a shot after so reading many positive things and had a blast playing it so far. Sure, there are things they should work on and I'm sure they actually do. If they add High End Content (nope I'm not 50) and PVP Stuff every now and then, I'm pretty happy with the Game.
  12. 50 werden, mächtig viel Credits sammeln und dann ein gutes niche Produkt suchen was relativ viel gesucht wird, aber wenig angeboten. (wird sich mit der Zeit wohl noch rausstellen, an welchen Produkten wirklicher Bedarf besteht.) Die ganzen Preisdrücker aufkaufen und zum höchst möglichen Preis reinsetzen = Profit.
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