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Better rewards for unranked PVP please.


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Ranked pvp is toxic full of elitest.. I played ranked yesterday for the first time on my new scoundrel.. 230 gear with no augs, I thought i did ok, it was literally my first ranked match as a scoundrel.. I just hit 25 valor.. My team lost, I think i was the 2nd highest dps.. I was called trash, yelled at with vulgar language, and told never to pvp again and uninstall my game. I for one am not going to put up with that crap. So why should ranked be rewarded with the best crafting mats, and unique gears/mounts/weapons and titles?


I want to earn CMT's for unranked pvp as well, and I want unique rewards for my dedication to unranked pvp. I want to be able to craft 236 augs, sell them or sell the mats if I want to as well. you give away 12 CMT's worth of mats and goods to ranked players but you can't give away a single CMT to dedicated unranked players.. how is that fair? Why even make ranked just arenas? why not have ranked but with a normal warzone rotation so everyone can participate without being ridiculed? People should be rewarded for doing good and being dedicated in unranked as well. Why does swtor want to breed this toxic environment? get rid of ranked if you have to, just make it fair or start moderating and perma-banning the little children that grief people for not winning every match.


I'm sorry but this is the #1 reason people don't queue ranked they don't even get a chance to improve their skills because people talk down to them and tell them to quit because they somehow think they're better because they play 24 hours a day 7 days a week and have no life outside swtor. Regardless people that play unranked deserve better rewards for their time and performance just as people that play ranked do.

Edited by SaerethDL
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Or just make ranked 8v8 again.


I agree ranked sucks, the culture since the start has been grown manchildren berating others for their inferiority. Basically you just got to suck it up and ignore the toxicity as it stands now.


I am all for better rewards for regs too. :)

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i sign for this so maybe they can incetive reg by making a deco or armor or weapon with condition certain warzone win

say 100 win get some token , 500 win, 1000 wins so reg is rewarded too in some way and peope will actually try to win

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Nobody likes being yelled at. Turn chat off if you have to. Play what you want.


The problem isn't rewards. The problem is a ranking system that grades an individual on a team performance. Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl as a starting QB ... because his team carried him. But he won 100% of his Super Bowls, so he would be ranked higher than Tom Brady who has only won 5 out of 8 Super Bowls.


If they can't come up with a system that ranks players based on how they did within the circumstances, then rankings in general are meaningless, IMO.

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Or just make ranked 8v8 again.


I agree ranked sucks, the culture since the start has been grown manchildren berating others for their inferiority. Basically you just got to suck it up and ignore the toxicity as it stands now.


I am all for better rewards for regs too. :)


+1 AGREED completely, we need 8v8 ranked again.


Ranked arena makes all but 4 classes unviable. So it’s full off FOTM classes and if you aren’t on one of those you will always get focused first and then called trash. Not only that, but arena is harsher than objective pvp and much less forgiving, so the elitist who only sit in that format hone their skills like razors and know all the tactics.


There also isn’t anywhere that people can get guaranteed practice runs to learn those tactics because regs don’t have a seperate arena queue. Which IMO has always been one of the biggest mistakes Bioware made when they introduced Arena


My own story on my way to arena Ranked is a prime example. When they introduced it, I decided to roll a new Alt and lvl through pvp so I could get as much experience in arena before going into ranked (back then I wasn’t half as good as I am now and figured practice would make perfect). To my dismay, I didn’t get my first arena in regs till I was nearly max lvl and I only got a few at max lvl. I was so frustrated that I just jumped into the ranked queue to learn (not the best way to do that). Let me tell you it was terrible and it put me off the format forever. I eventually did return. 6 monthd later, but by then I was completely outclassed by people who had been constantly playing it. The toxicity had already become common and the dumb rating system only encouraged that because people lost rating if you weren’t as good as them and lost them the match. After a time I got good enough to hold my own an played it enough to understand the tactics and mechanics and to hone my combat skills, but I’ve never liked the format because of my first impressions. Plus I prefer to use my favourite classes and if they aren’t one of the ranked FOTM classes, you may as well not bother.


Objective ranked was never toxic, at least it wasn’t in my experience. I played in 2 guild teams, but also in a few mixed teams of friends or friends of friends. Hutt Ball was my speciality and still is. I used to be sort after to be on teams if Ranked HB was popping a lot that day. I’m still bitterly disappointed they never started a HB league (which the Devs said was on their wall of ideas)

Objective pvp is more forgiving than arena and ALL classes and specs (sub classes) are viable if you understand your role for that sub class in your teams composition. This means you aren’t limited to playing FOTM classes and frankly, there ends up being far less FOTM people around.


My advice to the OP, keep playing ranked. Just make a seperate chat panel that ONLY has the ops channel ticked. Make sure general, pvp, say, whisper and emotes are all turned off so that the only communication you see is from your own team. That will drastically reduce the amount of toxic rubbish you hear. You will still get the occasional A-holes on your own team, but just ignore them. If you find you keep popping with them, just turn chat off altogether. If you lose because of lack of communication, it’s their problem and their fault for being toxic in the first place. They are their own worst enemies and they wonder why they lose as much or why people stop pvping altogether.


Playing arena will hone your combat skills, just remember it’s not objective pvp, so don’t bring that “kill anything and everything, deathmatch attitude” into objective pvp because that’s how you lose objective pvp matches. ie don’t leave your brain at the door ;)


Edit: also putting them on ignore helps too ;)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Ranked pvp is toxic full of elitest.. I played ranked yesterday for the first time on my new scoundrel.. 230 gear with no augs, I thought i did ok, it was literally my first ranked match as a scoundrel.. I just hit 25 valor.. My team lost, I think i was the 2nd highest dps.. I was called trash, yelled at with vulgar language, and told never to pvp again and uninstall my game.


Yup, sounds like Solo Ranked.


I did the same around January. Had a Jugg Tank that was 248 geared, knew how to play him, usually got number one or close to it in the rankings for regular pvp. I did enough matches to earn the daily, and swore I'd never go back. Exactly the same sort of behavior. That happens in regular pvp too, but unless you're really terribad, it's unusual for your entire team to go berserk like that. Even when I'm playing hypergates and a stealther stun-locks me and takes the pylon, I've never experienced so much rage in a match, as I did in ranked.


They were particularly incensed that I was guarding the healer instead of the DPS, but they didn't explain why, they just kept demanding it [and demanding I switch again midway through the match]. Now, eventually, I guessed at the probable reasoning for this, and sure, happy to. But if someone yells and swears at me in a game, the last thing I'm going to do is do what they want.


I'm currently leveling an Op healer, and I'm not very good at it, certainly not good enough for ranked. But I sometimes fantasize about going back into solo ranked just to troll the f out of them, because ultimately they can't do anything about it. I probably won't do it, but it's nice to think about - and it's a bad thing when your first encounter of a gameplay you haven't done before is to either never come back to it or consider returning just to mess with other players.


Incidentally, when I vented about this on the forum, some jerk showed up and explained that one doesn't do ranked for the rewards, and that I deserved what I got because I was messing up [unintentionally] my teammate's ratings, so I should learn my lesson and not come back. I tried to argue that deliberately alienating new players won't help increase queue pops, but to no avail.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Stay away from solo ranked. Those players have been toxic since s4 started up. Your best bet is the group ranked route. On SS and SF there are always people putting together groups at prime time. There wont be any trash talk in there and you can get what you want.
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