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SWTOR Centrals interview


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So I watched SWTOR Centrals interview video with Eric and Charles. One thing that stuck out in my mind was them talking about locking out people in PvP matches that bail on them. Personally all fine and good . Only one thing though is to make it fair then they would need to guarantee match balance. Without that people shouldn't be punished when they leave a match.
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So I watched SWTOR Centrals interview video with Eric and Charles. One thing that stuck out in my mind was them talking about locking out people in PvP matches that bail on them. Personally all fine and good . Only one thing though is to make it fair then they would need to guarantee match balance. Without that people shouldn't be punished when they leave a match.


Do you have a link to this so I can read/listen

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would be nice if they'd Fn lock out the cheaters


And actually announce that they have and make better deterrents and enforce them. IMO, if you get caught cheating in any game, then you should have your account locked permanently. No warnings, not small or medium bans, just permanently banned from the game on that account.

If all games followed this policy and enforced it, the idea of cheating would be less enticing and hardly anyone but the real idiots would even attempt it.

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Part 1 of the interview. In the comments is a link to part 2


You should have said non of the pvp related stuff was in the first part. I just wasted 33mins waiting for it :mad::mad: If I had known the pvp stuff was in the second part, I would have just gone to that

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I started a thread in the gen section to ask them not to add lock outs unless they fix a heap of stuff first


Eric, I listened to your recent interview where you discussed a way to activate a lockout if you left pvp.


The problem of people rage quitting is ledgitmate, but there are many pitfalls in applying this sort of system under the current meta.


1. People don’t like playing certain maps and will leave if they pop.

2. The same maps can pop constantly in a row and you get sick of doing 7 out of 10 of the same map

3. Some maps are bugged-dysnc more than others (ie Hutt ball and Quesh Ball especially)

4. People can troll you and you need to leave

5. People can abuse you and you need to leave

6. You get into a pop rotation with or against the same people who are either really bad or so go it’s a foregone conclusion before the match starts

7. You get massive lag spikes or DC

8. Game in general bugs out and you need to do a restart

9. You have afk trolls just there to farm matches, mats or xp.

10. You have arena stealth trolls who will stretch a match out till the timer is finished just to piss everyone off, including their own team.

11. You have hackers or exploiters in the match

12. If you back fill and don’t want to play as one,

13. You pop as a team of 5 vs 8


All of those are ledgitmate reasons to leave a match and you should not be locked out for it. You would need to fix a lot of things that can cause those reasons for people leaving before you should implement a lock out system


Rage quitters are the problem, not ledgitmate leavers, so a one size fits all that penalises everyone will just piss people off and they will stop queuing. That will be really bad for the already dwindling pvp outside of primetime and in lowbies and Mids. It will also affect lvl 70 regs and even ranked eventually as more pvpers leave the game.


Some examples of things you would need to implement first are -

1. Being able to chose what WZs you want to do. The same as you can tick what flash points you want to queue for,

2. FIX the bugs and dysnc problems

3. Have better monitoring or reporting and being able to actionably do something about trolls, afkers, abusers. Ie put some moderators into the games and make it easier to remove afkers or bots from matches.

4. Add match making to all pvp in the game, not just ranked,

5. Allow people to leave before the match starts

6. You should be able to leave within the first 30 secs if you are a back fill

7. Fix the game engine and hardware so we don’t get these stupid lag spikes and dysnc

8. If you DC, the game needs to register it as that and not as a deserter

9. I’m sure there are other things people will tell you need to be done before you should do this.

10. Put a better system in place to report cheats, hackers and exploiters. Then actually put some real punishments in place that will deter them from ever attempting it again.


Eric, there are way to many problems you need to fix before you implement a deserter “time out”. More than I think you you’ve thought of or can properly achieve or have the time and resources to do.

As much as people rage quitting is a problem. Most of these other problems are worse.

Reg pvp quitting vs people not playing pvp is a no brainer as far as I’m concerned. IMHO, if you implement a system like this for the whole of pvp, you will kill it more than fixing it.

Ranked is another issue altogether and if you fixed the way the rating system worked, it would be less of an issue.

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So I watched SWTOR Centrals interview video with Eric and Charles. One thing that stuck out in my mind was them talking about locking out people in PvP matches that bail on them. Personally all fine and good . Only one thing though is to make it fair then they would need to guarantee match balance. Without that people shouldn't be punished when they leave a match.


Want to guarantee bad players get hosed down with horrible toxicity 10 times worse than they do already? Lock the decent-but-toxic premades in a match with them. That would increase the incentive to badger them out of the que 100 fold to avoid being stuck with them in match after match that you cant quit or face a lockout.

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I would post your thoughts here >



However I wouldn't expect much if anything that they actually listen. I'm sure they have some glorious plan in place that won't fix anything but make things worse.


At this point there aren't cross server queues let alone enough queues to put any type of lockout in place. I would much rather they use their resources to actually fix the bugs, de-sync issues then waste resources on this.

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add this to the pile of things they can consider doing after some soft role-based matchmaking and cross faction to improve said matchmaking


why anyone thinks it's acceptable in mmo pvp to have situations where the 2 solo queue'd healers end up on the same team when you could have a guy put a stop to that with an afternoon's worth of coding is absolutely beyond me

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why anyone thinks it's acceptable in mmo pvp to have situations where the 2 solo queue'd healers end up on the same team when you could have a guy put a stop to that with an afternoon's worth of coding is absolutely beyond me


This ^^ so much this ^^

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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why anyone thinks it's acceptable in mmo pvp to have situations where the 2 solo queue'd healers end up on the same team when you could have a guy put a stop to that with an afternoon's worth of coding is absolutely beyond me


More like several months with BWA interns. :rak_03:

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Its a bit pathetic really that they cant hire a few interns to work on that.

Didn't they modify the game engine to their liking when they were building this game?

If so, the code is probably a real mess and probably a challenge to understand for any moderately experienced Dev that walks through the door for the first time.

Thats just my speculation.

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Didn't they modify the game engine to their liking when they were building this game?

If so, the code is probably a real mess and probably a challenge to understand for any moderately experienced Dev that walks through the door for the first time.

Thats just my speculation.


Thats actually true about the customisation and how messed up it is. But it doesn’t excuse them for not fixing it. How many years have they had now?

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