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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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Other LIs are being killed, the only un-killable is Lana. No matter if you kill Arcann, whoever decided to NOT kill him, gets new content. What;s so hard to understand? So when Theron will be dead too, the only options will be Lana & Arcann, they will be the only one still standing.


Well that explains it. I would note that there is a difference between " the only one still standing" and "forced". Forced suggests that the dialog choice forces you to have a romance. I do however appreciate the answer. Thank you. :)

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As far as i see, there will be only two romance options, both forced on players. This is not OK! Get over it, some people are STRAIGHT, so they will never be with Lana. Some people actually want honorable good looking partners, so they will never be with Arcann.

Please stop this forced LI nonsense, it will make more people unsub.




- BH


After going through this topic my thought is this...


Same sex male? Theron, Arcann and Koth. Same sex female? Lana.


Some people are straight? Multiple characters if the opposite gender available for LI, depending on class, with a few for all, with a more even number I believe there now, because 3 new males (Theron/Arcann/Koth) and 1 new female (Lana), to make up for male Agent, Smuggler and Warrior having 2 choices each.


Still, one may not like the one of their chosen class. Vector is one of my favorite LIs for a female NPC, sadly, I don't care for the class itself. Though, as I run my Agent through the story, glad to have him back now :) Just won't main the class like I do my Inquisitor :)


We have limited options period :p

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I don't need your approval any more than you need mine, so there's no need for hostility. But IMHO this sort of "it's all about me and I don't care about anyone else, and I'm not going to watch out for other fans!" attitude does contribute to the massive amounts of toxicity we see both on this board and in the game.


I'm sure you've appreciated it when other fans (even those of us who dislike him) have stood up and objected to Theron's treatment. Not because it will benefit us; because it will benefit others who might like him.


Sticking up for others helps everyone. It's a shame you can't see that, but it's your prerogative.


You're completely misunderstanding me, so I'll say it one more time, then that's it. First off, I'm not the least bit hostile in my tone toward you, though I am getting a very hostile vibe from you. I'm just saying it how it is, firmly, so there are no misunderstandings. But you persist...so let me try again. I never said I wouldn't watch out for other fans, I do that all the time in my own quiet way--if people are mistreated and it falls against the TOS/rules, they get reported. That's how I watch out for other people.


I most certainly am not going to take responsibility for the wrongs or rights that other people do, what they do is on them. I can only control what I can do, nothing more and I'm not so arrogant as to presume I have any sway over anyone else. I don't. I have not been toxic, so of course I will NOT take responsibility for that. Period.


I've told you my solutions: report offensive behavior, block offending parties and stay well away and out of fan threads whose subject doesn't appeal to you and don't engage people you don't like, simple as that.


You assume way too much about me, for someone who doesn't know me, and I would appreciate you stop the assumptions, it does no good. You don't like when I assume things about you, so kindly treat me with the same courtesy, thanks.

Edited by Lunafox
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I feel there was never any trust to betray between player character and Arcann, nor did the player really have a chance to get attached to Arcann before he started to do unpleasant things. But this is probably not the place to have a long discussion about things like this. :p


Quite honestly I'd rather not discuss Arcann at all, no offense. I want to keep my turkey dinner down lol. You have fun with yours, and I'll have fun with mine, all is good. :)

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You're completely misunderstanding me, so I'll say it one more time, then that's it. First off, I'm not the least bit hostile in my tone toward you, though I am getting a very hostile vibe from you. I'm just saying it how it is, firmly, so there are no misunderstandings. But you persist...so let me try again. I never said I wouldn't watch out for other fans, I do that all the time in my own quiet way--if people are mistreated and it falls against the TOS/rules, they get reported. That's how I watch out for other people.


I most certainly am not going to take responsibility for the wrongs or rights that other people do, what they do is on them. I can only control what I can do, nothing more and I'm not so arrogant as to presume I have any sway over anyone else. I don't. I have not been toxic, so of course I will NOT take responsibility for that. Period.


I've told you my solutions: report offensive behavior, block offending parties and stay well away and out of fan threads whose subject doesn't appeal to you and don't engage people you don't like, simple as that.


You assume way too much about me, for someone who doesn't know me, and I would appreciate you stop the assumptions, it does no good. You don't like when I assume things about you, so kindly treat me with the same courtesy, thanks.


Nobody's assuming anything about you, just commenting on what you said and frankly getting bewildered that you're taking so much umbrage and personal offense from a fairly cut and dry statement. But I'm not going to continue engaging, especially since you're getting so angry. Peace.

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Nobody's assuming anything about you, just commenting on what you said and frankly getting bewildered that you're taking so much umbrage and personal offense from a fairly cut and dry statement. But I'm not going to continue engaging, especially since you're getting so angry. Peace.


Wow, I'm totally not angry lol. Not even sure where you get anger out of any of that but whatever. Ta.

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*looks at this entire thread*

*looks at Reddit*

*compares toxic environment*


Look, I love you guys, but you have blown this thing waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. I think this is where I throw in the towel and choose the wolves on Reddit.


I have seen some people here complaining about how the opposite fans of characters treat each other - and as someone who visits almost all the fan threads, I can see a few, who are commenting, who haven't always been very charming themselves.


I like the following romances: Quinn, Vector, Aric, Theron, Lana, Torian and Arcann. Why? Because they are different romances with different stories to tell, that I, as a gamer, enjoy exploring. It is not about my mental well-being, and it is not about hating other peoples romances. It's about me creating characters, that I find interesting, and exploring the different things this game has to offer. It's about stories and not necessarily sexual attraction.


This is how I see them and why I like them:


Quinn is a romance about loyalty and trust - and breaking it. Can you rebuild after this? Some can, some can't, but it makes for an interesting story. And ends up being a very devoted one.


Vector is a romance about accepting differences. Acknowledging that your point of view isn't the only one and accepting a different culture.


Aric is about overcoming a painful and difficult situation together, and letting yourself get attached so someone despite the dangers you face.


Lana is a romance about devotion and control. This is not for everyone, but for those who see her more controlling nature as affection, you find a sweet and genuine romance in a type of character you didn't expect it from.


Theron is a romance about letting go of fear and actually allow yourself to care for someone - even if life has taught you that it isn't always a smart idea.


Torian is a romance based on honor and glory. About understanding that because life might be short, there is even more reason to fight and love with honor.


Arcann is a romance about redemption. Can you look past what that person did and are you willing to give them a chance to prove that they can change? For many this is an absolute no, but compassion for characters such as these is common in the star wars universe. Darth Vader himself being the most famous example.


Mostly, what these romances have in common is growth, change and acceptance. Not about disillusion or love goggles that completely overlook that persons flaws and deeds. So please, be respectful to each other.


Anyone, who has seen my post know that I am against the kill option of companions as a rule, because of how companions are treated afterward. But I don't hate anyone for not agreeing with me even as I might disagree with their reasoning.


And I am done ranting. I hope that you all have a nice evening/night :)

Edited by Cowoline
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I think the OP is referring to the fact that all previous romances are being given **** treatment & little in the way of future attention, whereas Lana and Arcann are rumoured to be the only two LIs who will be getting any more romance story/cutscenes.


Where are these said rumors? I don't think it's safe to say anything about Theron no longer being present until we know for sure. I think there's just as much chance of Lana going *poof* as Theron at this point. In fact, I'd venture to say that if Theron goes *poof*, Lana is gonna go too. I don't want that to happen, but there it is.


In addition, I don't think there's been any sort of confirmation that Arcann is getting additional content beyond his completely anti-climatic one-hundred-and-twenty-second scene.


With the announcement of 6.0, it is entirely within the realm the possibility that new characters will be introduced.


But here's the thing...most people don't *want* new companions. We've invested time with the ones we have. Granted, it's just a game, but I'd hate the romances to be treated like some weird version of speed dating.


Other LIs are being killed, the only un-killable is Lana. No matter if you kill Arcann, whoever decided to NOT kill him, gets new content. What;s so hard to understand? So when Theron will be dead too, the only options will be Lana & Arcann, they will be the only one still standing.


Where is it stated that Theron is going to be killable? You're putting the cart before the horse here. And *if* Theron is killed, which we have no way of knowing at this point if that is, in fact, going to happen...that would leave Lana...unless, of course, she's killed too.


I'd be willing to put money on it that *if* Theron is killed off, Lana is going too.


And as has been stated numerous times, Arcann has only been given a single 2min conversation. The same as any of the returning companions has gotten. It's nothing. It's worthless. It's not like he's been turned into this giant main romance. It was completely rushed, missing any sort of build-up or structure...and that's it. Fin. Nothing has been given to us as far as additional content for him beyond that. He has no story involvement whatsoever...just like any other character who can be dead.

Edited by Dracofish
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Where are these said rumors? I don't think it's safe to say anything about Theron no longer being present until we know for sure. I think there's just as much chance of Lana going *poof* as Theron at this point. In fact, I'd venture to say that if Theron goes *poof*, Lana is gonna go too. I don't want that to happen, but there it is.


In addition, I don't think there's been any sort of confirmation that Arcann is getting additional content beyond his completely anti-climatic one-hundred-and-twenty-second scene.


But here's the thing...most people don't *want* new companions. We've invested time with the ones we have. Granted, it's just a game, but I'd hate the romances to be treated like some weird version of speed dating.


Where is it stated that Theron is going to be killable? You're putting the cart before the horse here. And *if* Theron is killed, which we have no way of knowing at this point if that is, in fact, going to happen...that would leave Lana...unless, of course, she's killed too.


I'd be willing to put money on it that *if* Theron is killed off, Lana is going too.


And as has been stated numerous times, Arcann has only been given a single 2min conversation. The same as any of the returning companions has gotten. It's nothing. It's worthless. It's not like he's been turned into this giant main romance. It was completely rushed, missing any sort of build-up or structure...and that's it. Fin. Nothing has been given to us as far as additional content for him beyond that. He has no story involvement whatsoever...just like any other character who can be dead.


Charles Boyd would have been wiser not to have mentioned anything at all about Theron having a kill option, whether the story warranted it or not. As usual, Bioware stirs the crap and leaves us all drowning in it and pulling each other down.


Nobody will know for sure if Theron will have a kill option or not. We will all know on May 1, until then it's all conjecture. I do believe that the devs are trying to wind down companion interaction for the sake of budget, but that also is conjecture.


I agree with you that new companions being introduced to replace the old ones is a bad idea. As options, maybe, as replacements, not so good. Yes, we have too much time invested with the existing ones.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Charles Boyd would have been wiser not to have mentioned anything at all about Theron having a kill option, whether the story warranted it or not. As usual, Bioware stirs the crap and leaves us all drowning in it and pulling each other down.



Yes, because you know they're going to be giggling and snickering behind their desks while we all squirm. It's awful. A teaser is one thing, but that was stirring the pot with malice.


If they need to save money that much, I'd rather they go so far as to go unvoiced...than to lose Theron and/or Lana entirely.


Rather selfishly, here I am worrying about the direction of my fanfiction. I'm all the way back at Ziost with a hell of a long way to go...but seriously, if Theron goes the way of the dodo, and BioWare pisses fans off enough to the point where it's a mass exodus (more so than it is now), what would be the point of even finishing...like who would want to read it? I know I can just say screw it and write whatever I want, but I wouldn't want to go off-canon *that* much.

Edited by Dracofish
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Charles Boyd would have been wiser not to have mentioned anything at all about Theron having a kill option, whether the story warranted it or not. As usual, Bioware stirs the crap and leaves us all drowning in it and pulling each other down.


Agree with this, the only reason it was mentioned was to reopen that can of worms of the "No Theron Kill" VS "Kill Theron" factions. They've gotten everyone talking (arguing) about it so as far as they're concerned it's job well done.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Yes, because you know they're going to be giggling and snickering behind their desks while we all squirm. It's awful. A teaser is one thing, but that was stirring the pot with malice.


If they need to save money that much, I'd rather they go so far as to go unvoiced...than to lose Theron and/or Lana entirely.


Rather selfishly, here I am worrying about the direction of my fanfiction. I'm all the way back at Ziost with a hell of a long way to go...but seriously, if Theron goes the way of the dodo, and BioWare pisses fans off enough to the point where it's a mass exodus (more so than it is now), what would be the point of even finishing...like who would want to read it? I know I can just say screw it and write whatever I want, but I wouldn't want to go off-canon *that* much.


Funny you should mention fanfic. This whole mess has me facing a huge wall of writer's block myself, and I'm not the only one this has affected. I agree that offing Theron is not going to go well for the health of the game as a whole, and, yeah, who is going to want to revisit the swtor universe then? I think that offing Lana would have the same effect if they kill her too. What a kriffing mess they've created.


And I bet Charles and friends have some sort of pool and a whiteboard where they make bets on just how long it will take to stir up the fans of the game. And you are right, it is a malicious thing to do.

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I'm lucky my fanfic revolves around my character and the stuff that happens to her, so this entire arc will let me keep writing because it's going to hit my character hard and I want to write through it, and how it all affects my character. Doesn't mean I like the plot arc, it just doesn't impact my fic badly. My poor character..
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This is extremely discouraging right now for several of us writing fan fiction. I'm lucky in the sense that, while I deal with KOTFE/Arcann/Valkorion/Eternal Throne etc, and while it includes Theron, I have pretty much taken it entirely in my own direction. This situation doesn't affect the content of my story but it does put a damper on the mood/drive to write at all.


That said, writers tend to find inspiration everywhere, even during hard times so I'm trying to let this fuel me instead. To do better, to be grateful I have my own story that Bioware and any of this stuff here cannot touch or affect. The one thing they cannot take away from me with their asinine decisions.

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*looks at this entire thread*

*looks at Reddit*

*compares toxic environment*


Look, I love you guys, but you have blown this thing waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. I think this is where I throw in the towel and choose the wolves on Reddit.


I have seen some people here complaining about how the opposite fans of characters treat each other - and as someone who visits almost all the fan threads, I can see a few, who are commenting, who haven't always been very charming themselves.


I like the following romances: Quinn, Vector, Aric, Theron, Lana, Torian and Arcann. Why? Because they are different romances with different stories to tell, that I, as a gamer, enjoy exploring. It is not about my mental well-being, and it is not about hating other peoples romances. It's about me creating characters, that I find interesting, and exploring the different things this game has to offer. It's about stories and not necessarily sexual attraction.


This is how I see them and why I like them:


Quinn is a romance about loyalty and trust - and breaking it. Can you rebuild after this? Some can, some can't, but it makes for an interesting story. And ends up being a very devoted one.


Vector is a romance about accepting differences. Acknowledging that your point of view isn't the only one and accepting a different culture.


Aric is about overcoming a painful and difficult situation together, and letting yourself get attached so someone despite the dangers you face.


Lana is a romance about devotion and control. This is not for everyone, but for those who see her more controlling nature as affection, you find a sweet and genuine romance in a type of character you didn't expect it from.


Theron is a romance about letting go of fear and actually allow yourself to care for someone - even if life has taught you that it isn't always a smart idea.


Torian is a romance based on honor and glory. About understanding that because life might be short, there is even more reason to fight and love with honor.


Arcann is a romance about redemption. Can you look past what that person did and are you willing to give them a chance to prove that they can change? For many this is an absolute no, but compassion for characters such as these is common in the star wars universe. Darth Vader himself being the most famous example.


Mostly, what these romances have in common is growth, change and acceptance. Not about disillusion or love goggles that completely overlook that persons flaws and deeds. So please, be respectful to each other.


Anyone, who has seen my post know that I am against the kill option of companions as a rule, because of how companions are treated afterward. But I don't hate anyone for not agreeing with me even as I might disagree with their reasoning.


And I am done ranting. I hope that you all have a nice evening/night :)


I love how you broke down each romance. Beautifuly said.

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*looks at this entire thread*

*looks at Reddit*

*compares toxic environment*


Look, I love you guys, but you have blown this thing waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. I think this is where I throw in the towel and choose the wolves on Reddit.


I have seen some people here complaining about how the opposite fans of characters treat each other - and as someone who visits almost all the fan threads, I can see a few, who are commenting, who haven't always been very charming themselves.


I like the following romances: Quinn, Vector, Aric, Theron, Lana, Torian and Arcann. Why? Because they are different romances with different stories to tell, that I, as a gamer, enjoy exploring. It is not about my mental well-being, and it is not about hating other peoples romances. It's about me creating characters, that I find interesting, and exploring the different things this game has to offer. It's about stories and not necessarily sexual attraction.


This is how I see them and why I like them:


Quinn is a romance about loyalty and trust - and breaking it. Can you rebuild after this? Some can, some can't, but it makes for an interesting story. And ends up being a very devoted one.


Vector is a romance about accepting differences. Acknowledging that your point of view isn't the only one and accepting a different culture.


Aric is about overcoming a painful and difficult situation together, and letting yourself get attached so someone despite the dangers you face.


Lana is a romance about devotion and control. This is not for everyone, but for those who see her more controlling nature as affection, you find a sweet and genuine romance in a type of character you didn't expect it from.


Theron is a romance about letting go of fear and actually allow yourself to care for someone - even if life has taught you that it isn't always a smart idea.


Torian is a romance based on honor and glory. About understanding that because life might be short, there is even more reason to fight and love with honor.


Arcann is a romance about redemption. Can you look past what that person did and are you willing to give them a chance to prove that they can change? For many this is an absolute no, but compassion for characters such as these is common in the star wars universe. Darth Vader himself being the most famous example.


Mostly, what these romances have in common is growth, change and acceptance. Not about disillusion or love goggles that completely overlook that persons flaws and deeds. So please, be respectful to each other.


Anyone, who has seen my post know that I am against the kill option of companions as a rule, because of how companions are treated afterward. But I don't hate anyone for not agreeing with me even as I might disagree with their reasoning.


And I am done ranting. I hope that you all have a nice evening/night :)


I love the way you've assessed and described all of these romances too. Lovely.

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I'm lucky my fanfic revolves around my character and the stuff that happens to her, so this entire arc will let me keep writing because it's going to hit my character hard and I want to write through it, and how it all affects my character. Doesn't mean I like the plot arc, it just doesn't impact my fic badly. My poor character..


Sadly for me, my fic pretty much revolves around my OT3 and the struggles they have to go through (in life and with each other), all set against the backdrop of mass quantities of poo hitting the fan. It's written from numerous perspectives, from my Darth Nox as well as the men in her life (Andronikos and Theron), along with a whole slew of OC's. So this will definitely effect my thought process, as I try to keep things semi in-line with the canon story. So, if Theron does go buh-byes, I'll have to think really hard about what I want to do when I get there. I have a heck a long way to go though, as I'm still back on Ziost, lol.


This is extremely discouraging right now for several of us writing fan fiction. I'm lucky in the sense that, while I deal with KOTFE/Arcann/Valkorion/Eternal Throne etc, and while it includes Theron, I have pretty much taken it entirely in my own direction. This situation doesn't affect the content of my story but it does put a damper on the mood/drive to write at all.


That said, writers tend to find inspiration everywhere, even during hard times so I'm trying to let this fuel me instead. To do better, to be grateful I have my own story that Bioware and any of this stuff here cannot touch or affect. The one thing they cannot take away from me with their asinine decisions.


That is a wonderful way to look at it!


Even though I'm still way back in the timeline, I've already decided on the whole fix-it-with-fanfic mentality and will definitely put my own spin on things and change what I feel I need to change. This situation will most definitely have an effect, as Theron is important to my character and to my story. I know I can change this however I need to as well, but it's just really tough to not feel discouraged as a whole.

Edited by Dracofish
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Sadly for me, my fic pretty much revolves around my OT3 and the struggles they have to go through (in life and with each other), all set against the backdrop of mass quantities of poo hitting the fan. It's written from numerous perspectives, from my Darth Nox as well as the men in her life (Andronikos and Theron), along with a whole slew of OC's. So this will definitely effect my thought process, as I try to keep things semi in-line with the canon story. So, if Theron does go buh-byes, I'll have to think really hard about what I want to do when I get there. I have a heck a long way to go though, as I'm still back on Ziost, lol.


I'm still in the vanilla class story timeline :D I have far longer to go. I definitely look at different scenes from different perspectives but removal of one character doesn't halt my fic in it's tracks unless my character dies I guess xD. I have tons of notes for SoR/KotFE+ era's but I'm not there yet, that'll be for my next fic to continue it.

I refuse to change canon to suit myself so don't have a "fix it fanfic" option :( but I hugely expand on what's given to me, with multiple additional canon-friendly scenes xD

Theron and Vette are the most important people in the galaxy to my character so will it affect her in my story? oh yes, but I don't mind going down a dark path again when the time comes for her.

Edited by Asmodesu
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*looks at this entire thread*

*looks at Reddit*

*compares toxic environment*


Look, I love you guys, but you have blown this thing waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. I think this is where I throw in the towel and choose the wolves on Reddit.


I have seen some people here complaining about how the opposite fans of characters treat each other - and as someone who visits almost all the fan threads, I can see a few, who are commenting, who haven't always been very charming themselves.

Great post (snipping for length). There is unfortunately a degree of tribalism between some fans of various characters, created in part (I think) by the story content drought. People band together for warmth, huddling around the campfires of their favorite characters, cherishing the few embers they have. With resources this scarce, everything can seem like a zero-sum game: if Group X gets something, it's at the expense of Group Y, etc. Some who are perfectly nice when chatting in their own groups get snippy when interacting with members of other groups. But honestly, I find the reverse is true too. There are plenty of kind, sensitive people who look past differences to be polite to fans of all kinds. No matter where you go, people are people - we succumb to our weakness sometimes and overcome them other times. :)

Edited by Estelindis
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I'm tired of existing LIs being shelved and new ones being introduced instead. Stop bringing new LIs if they can't manage to give old ones a decent amount of content also. Inching closer to the unsub button, at this point just waiting to see the Theron arc out. After the lame reunions i fully expect to be dissapointed with any future romance content going forwards so its not really worth sticking around after. Have yet to see anything to convince me otherwise. Edited by Suzsi
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So, I've read almost all of this thread and I think the problem can all be boiled down not to the fact that the players have favorites, but that devs have very clear favorites, that they treat better than others. While the LIs are computer characters in a game, the players are not. The players have favorites and companions that they enjoy. What we're seeing with all the LIs and the kill options is that it's created a Hunger Games-esque atmosphere among the players.


Were it not for the way the LIs have been handled I think, for the most part, people would be happy to enjoy their favorite comps and let others do the same. As it stands now, it really feels like a kill or be killed situation, because it does seem like attention and content is being taken from some LIs and given to others. It creates a sense of inequality among players, which breeds resentment and anger. People get much more testy and protective when they're worried about losing something they care about.


It's not right to take it out on one another. We need to band together and tell them to stop pitting us against one another. I don't want a kill option, but I understand that people want choices. However, it's not particularly reasonable to expect people to be okay with losing favored comps because a kill option was put into place. The middle ground here is for everyone to demand the same thing, Have story that reflects both choices.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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Were it not for the way the LIs have been handled I think, for the most part, people would be happy to enjoy their favorite comps and let others do the same.

I tend to agree. We're in a situation now where some class companions got returns in dedicated, replayable chapters that are part of the main story, and others have two-minute non-repeatable cutscenes that (apparently?) have no affect on anything else. The companions that came back in chapters had subsequent interactions in the main story, whereas, of course, for the companions we still await, there's nothing during all these years. It's very hard to feel there isn't some favoritism in this situation. I am hoping that the return of the remaining four(!) consular companions ends up being worth the wait, but I'll have to wait and see.

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