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5.9 class changes


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Buff sorc dps by 40%. Plz. Thank you.




I know your joking but man, if sorcs get a buff its over; a sorc purest who knows the class well already does really well even in dps. Even in ranked a well played sorc can be the deal breaker in alot of matches, they have great ways to drag matches on and on.

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I know your joking but man, if sorcs get a buff its over; a sorc purest who knows the class well already does really well even in dps. Even in ranked a well played sorc can be the deal breaker in alot of matches, they have great ways to drag matches on and on.


Yeah they clearly can put out dps numbers, I'm def not the best player and I can do over 4k/dps on my sorc/sage while having many DR's compared to a VG/PT dps.

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they need a very slight single target damage buff for pve (sorcs) but without it resulting in more aoe bleed because that would be obnoxious


Then this game needs to clearly have pve / pve only abilities simple solution that other games do quiet well.

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Volatile Substance needs a nerf. I got killed this morning by an Operative who crit me for 48k with VS. I watched myself go instantly from 40% HP to dead, and I just sat there staring at the kill feed completely dumbfounded.


Yes Nerf Operatives because clearly they dominates everything. Oh wait...

Edited by Lundorff
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So from watching the stream heard some info of course regarding skank tanking and something about sorcs getting some love for dps? I really hope DPS VG/PT can get some love over sorcs considering sorcs were FOTM in 4.0...


Sorc was FOTM for about 4 weeks and got nerfed into the ground faster than any other nerf I’ve seen. By the time they got to 4.1, only dedicated Sorc players were still using them. By the time we got to 4.5, even dedicated Sorc players were dropping the class.

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I know your joking but man, if sorcs get a buff its over; a sorc purest who knows the class well already does really well even in dps. Even in ranked a well played sorc can be the deal breaker in alot of matches, they have great ways to drag matches on and on.


It depends on the spec. You can’t lump a whole class into the same bag. Lightning Sorc is one of the worst dps class in the game. They are supposed to be a burst spec and you cant even bust a party balloon with the burst they do.

Madness is in a much better place than Lightning and Healers are OP as far as I’m concerned.

Whatever they do, they need to consider that all 3 spec are different and a one size fits all situation will either make one spec OP or possible break another more.

I will trade some of the survivability on a lighting Sorc for some more burst. Sorcs are supposed to be squishy, but they should be able to counter that with a big punch of dps. At the moment it’s too far the other way. Survivability is high and dps is low. Sorcs are basically an annoying distraction in matches that you can waste time trying to kill or they just spam FS on everyone (which is where a lot of he scoreboard dps comes from).

Lightning Sorc :

* Reduce survivability a little

* Increase dps burst to off set it.

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After watching the dev stream, I think they will only nerf skank tanks. They might buff the weaker classes defenses a bit. For example sorc.


That's what I understood...


Oh god I hope not.

My Sorc doesn’t need better defence, she needs a bigger stick to hit with. The floppy feather duster is broken. ;)

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Bioware seems to believe that underperforming classes in ranked such as sorc, pt, and jugg need buffs but thats simply not the case.


All three specs can pull insane numbers. The only thing that makes these classes underperforming is because classes like merc and marauder are overpreforming. Sorc, pt, and jugg don't need damage buffs or defensive buffs we just need mara and mercs to get slight defensive nerfs. Pts, juggs, and sorcs can survive through 2 energy shields or 2 RAs, but by the third we are out of CDS and theirs just keeps coming back .

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NO class should be able to do more than 20k damage with a single ability.


Some already exceed that in base damage under certain conditions. There are many 30k+ abilities for many DPS specs. As TTK is currently longer than what most people want, reducing the maximal damage output will make everything even worse.


By the way, couldn't find it when I searched: did they address HOW are they planning to nerf skanking yet?

Edited by Rafiknoll
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Some already exceed that in base damage under certain conditions. There are many 30k+ abilities for many DPS specs. As TTK is currently longer than what most people want, reducing the maximal damage output will make everything even worse.


By the way, couldn't find it when I searched: did they address HOW are they planning to nerf skanking yet?


They said they will reduce their damage. They do too much and they didn't intend for them to able to do so much.

They also they are very careful about what they do to not impact on PVE.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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I can only assume you are a troll, and I will thus add you to the ignore list.


This right here is proof that people don't want to have intelligent conversations about existing problems. They just stick their fingers in their ears and go alalalalala when someone says something they don't want to hear. Nice.


There are a number of attacks that hit harder than they have any right to: VS and HSM are just two examples. I'm sure a case could be made for Crushing Blow as well.

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Some already exceed that in base damage under certain conditions. There are many 30k+ abilities for many DPS specs. As TTK is currently longer than what most people want, reducing the maximal damage output will make everything even worse.


By the way, couldn't find it when I searched: did they address HOW are they planning to nerf skanking yet?


Specifically no. Other than to say base damage nerf and increased threat multiplier, if people are quoting the twitch stream correctly.

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Specifically no. Other than to say base damage nerf and increased threat multiplier, if people are quoting the twitch stream correctly.


Real Tanks already do piddly damage in Warzones. There's no need to compound that problem even further. I can barely get 9k on a Crushing Blow crit.

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Real Tanks already do piddly damage in Warzones. There's no need to compound that problem even further. I can barely get 9k on a Crushing Blow crit.


As I've said everywhere i agree - incentivise real tanks like mr to switch, and to deal with ttk and encourage people to play as a tank make dps have lower survivability, to compensate for this and the increased ttk maybe give them higher dps. Just my 2 cents for whatever its worth

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The only other skill I know of that hits harder is the BH Heat-seeker Missiles, and those need a nerf too.


Heatseekers should hit hard. Merc damage is fine.


Arsenal Mercs do need some nerfing but that should come in the form of defensive utilities being adjusted so that the spec is not quite so tanky. Not only is Merc damage fine...it was fine before the last time Bioware nerfed it. Bioware nerfed the wrong thing.


Operative damage is fine as well.


If it were up to me however every DPS spec would be a glass cannon in PVP. Sorcs, DPS Juggs, and DPS Powertechs should be where every DPS spec is in terms of survivability, with some of the weaker DPS specs getting damage buffs to make them more viable.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Specifically no. Other than to say base damage nerf and increased threat multiplier, if people are quoting the twitch stream correctly.


Absolutle idiots... Within reason this is the most dumb way to solve the problem they could have ever thought of.


If they are already keen on reducing skank damage, couldn't they decrease the gain from crit / alac / pow (by something like 45-50%, to compensate for the fact mastery plays a role as well) while in tank stance? The same result, real tanks feel nothing? Does it require so much intelligence to come up with such an idea?

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