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Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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You know, to be completely honest, if you're not going to make the daily objectives per character rather than per legacy can you at the very least get around to addressing the fact that some people have found a consistent way of resetting their daily objectives?


It wasn't a big deal when everyone knew that logging in on a character for the first time each day would reset them, because then everybody could benefit from it. But with the fact that not everyone knows how this new bug works makes it infuriating. I've seen several members from one of the guilds who are consistently at the top spot on the leaderboards on our server boasting about the fact they all know how to reset them and do so multiple times a day. This makes it very unfair for guilds who aren't taking advantage of this bug.


Heck even in our own guild there is one member who knows how to do it and completes rampage and socialite achievement multiple times a day meaning he's constantly in our #1 guild spot and we've had to stop giving out rewards for top contributor in conquest now because it wasn't fair on the people who don't know how to bug the system if they keep missing out on winning because of someone using an exploit.

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The reason it has been quiet about conquest is that the last round of changes made things a little better. Not nearly as good as the old, but good enough to let people take a break from this topic a little. It is an exhausting amount of effort here to get things to improve a tiny amount.


I agree with the majority of posters here, really it should be once-per-day-per-char, not per-legacy. And the amount of wars (or GSF matches) or whatever that it took to get any 1 character to PC should be made the same as before. Then I think the new system would be adequate.

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It wasn't a big deal when everyone knew that logging in on a character for the first time each day would reset them, because then everybody could benefit from it. But with the fact that not everyone knows how this new bug works makes it infuriating.


I have two characters in two different guilds left now. I know how the bug works, but I'm still not going to do it. There are about a dozen or so players in those guilds that use the bug but it is a brutal grind. Why it's such a big deal to them, I don't know and why they want to waste their time doing the same thing over and over everyday eludes me. Conquest is pretty much dead to me now. I sent Eric a personal email about it but there's been no hot fix so I'm guessing it isn't a high priority for BW.


BUT, what is also weird is the Cartel Market button is buggy. I'd think they'd want to jump on that right away. Guess, Anthem is where the future is.

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I found myself with some time this week to do conquest for multiple guilds. I had a good time, but the system did kind of rip me off a bit.


I did two GF ops last boss lockouts on two different characters and received no CQ points at all for it. I ran 3 gsf missions (where I was doing about 60k damage per game on a less than 50% upgraded ship) and a tactical flash point I walked away with 3,375 CQ points in total (with full SH bonus).


Essentially in both cases I am being penalized for having run content earlier on in the day and having received the bonuses then on other characters. It kind of sucks that if you play more that you get less. I mean 3,375 CQ points for 3 gsf matches and a tac FP really seems low, especially considering that a gsf match isn't a very reliable q pop. This should have been an easier week for me than it was.

Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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  • 1 month later...

If anyone needed a refresher as to why the new conquest system is awful, its this week. The bug we've all been relying on to reset rampage goals isn't working. Basically, one character per day can now earn ~8k points easily. The rest of your chars? Nope. They get to sit the day out, or earn an amazing 300 points crafting 50 items that no one wants.


Uhh, holy crap does this system blow.

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And there you have the problem.


Maybe this week guilds will not spam rampages to win planets through exploitation.


The bug is well documented here, with plenty of people having mentioned it.


If it was considered an exploit I would think the devs would be all over it, like they were the companion gift exploit. Seeing as they insist on ignoring any issues people have with the new conquest, bug or otherwise, I'm going with its just a bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Just wanted to let the Devs know, with the recent update... just because we've stopped hounding you to implement this, despite hundred upon hundreds of posts, across multiple threads that you've responded to asking for feedback... that we are still not happy that you have ignored this request, and its implementation still actively hurts conquest for all guilds.


You're just ignoring player criticism long enough for us to get sick of wasting our time requesting it.


If anybody in the player base agrees with me, please support keeping this thread alive. I really, REALLY loathe this once / legacy / day.

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Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Just wanted to let the Devs know, with the recent update... just because we've stopped hounding you to implement this, despite hundred upon hundreds of posts, across multiple threads that you've responded to asking for feedback... that we are still not happy that you have ignored this request, and its implementation still actively hurts conquest for all guilds.


You're just ignoring player criticism long enough for us to get sick of wasting our time requesting it.


If anybody in the player base agrees with me, please support keeping this thread alive. I really, REALLY loathe this once / legacy / day.

Removing legacy restriction doesnt make sense for conquest and doesnt affect your access to any content you wish to do, despite the hundreds of posts requesting it. Its been discussed ad nauseum.

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Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Just wanted to let the Devs know, with the recent update... just because we've stopped hounding you to implement this, despite hundred upon hundreds of posts, across multiple threads that you've responded to asking for feedback... that we are still not happy that you have ignored this request, and its implementation still actively hurts conquest for all guilds.


You're just ignoring player criticism long enough for us to get sick of wasting our time requesting it.


If anybody in the player base agrees with me, please support keeping this thread alive. I really, REALLY loathe this once / legacy / day.


Completely agree with you

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Removing legacy restriction doesnt make sense for conquest and doesnt affect your access to any content you wish to do, despite the hundreds of posts requesting it. Its been discussed ad nauseum.


it makes sense because people enjoy grinding conquest goals across their alts and it encourages more gameplay by rewarding the playing of alts when completing conquest goals.


This creates constant competition whereas limits on rewards only serves to discourage playing alts.


There's actually people that really enjoy the contest of grinding points for conquest. When severe limitations render the rewards to nothing people won't be inclined to play their alts for conquest.


These players do it purely for the contest of conquest, not for the enjoyment of the conquest goals themselves so by making the goals worth essentially nothing people won't play alts.


I personally wouldn't grind anything for conquest unless it's something I enjoyed doing in the game, but recognize many players view conquest differently than me and enjoy grinding it with guildies, it's a social venue for some.


Why not let these players have this in conquest? Even if it's just for fun, not because it's logical or illogical...

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it makes sense because people enjoy grinding conquest goals across their alts and it encourages more gameplay by rewarding the playing of alts when completing conquest goals.


This creates constant competition whereas limits on rewards only serves to discourage playing alts.


There's actually people that really enjoy the contest of grinding points for conquest. When severe limitations render the rewards to nothing people won't be inclined to play their alts for conquest.


These players do it purely for the contest of conquest, not for the enjoyment of the conquest goals themselves so by making the goals worth essentially nothing people won't play alts.


I personally wouldn't grind anything for conquest unless it's something I enjoyed doing in the game, but recognize many players view conquest differently than me and enjoy grinding it with guildies, it's a social venue for some.


Why not let these players have this in conquest? Even if it's just for fun, not because it's logical or illogical...


One of Olag's go-to techniques on this forum is to state something that is unequivocally and in the most banal fashion true and then arrive at a conclusion that in no way supports his initial premise because it is entirely unrelated. He is absolutely right that the legacy restriction in no way restricts access to content but...


To wit: No one here is arguing that legacy restrictions deny players access to content. But as you correctly point out, it actually does impact gameplay because it disincentivizes alt playing.


As Joon, Toraak (sp?), I, and many others have articulated ad nauseum it does impact our gameplay because it means fewer FPs and Warzones. I highlight the three of us because (if memory serves) we actually don't care that much about Conquest and don't really participate in it. But we reap the rewards of people playing alts. So not only does it impact those participating in Conquest, it has ancillary ripple effects on others.


Olag fundamentally does not understand the law of unintended consequences.



Edited by Jdast
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Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Just wanted to let the Devs know, with the recent update... just because we've stopped hounding you to implement this, despite hundred upon hundreds of posts, across multiple threads that you've responded to asking for feedback... that we are still not happy that you have ignored this request, and its implementation still actively hurts conquest for all guilds.


You're just ignoring player criticism long enough for us to get sick of wasting our time requesting it.


If anybody in the player base agrees with me, please support keeping this thread alive. I really, REALLY loathe this once / legacy / day.


I agree. They HAVE to make it once per character per day. And maybe triple the points for everything.

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Olag fundamentally does not understand the law of unintended consequences.


He also seems incapable of understanding a game having activities that are just fun. The added restrictions essentially destroyed the fun many players had in conquest.

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I said this in the other thread but I will add it here - the other problem with the one per legacy/one per legacy per day issue is that you can accidentally achieve the conquest objective/points on an alt that isn't even doing conquest, and then it's unavailable to the toons that are.


There have been several times I've had that conquest achievement notice pop up on lower level alts when they're just questing through a planet on their class story, and I don't *want* the achievement for them because they aren't doing conquest, but they got it. And that locks me out of doing the rampage or chapter on the alts that actually need it for conquest.

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Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Remove once / legacy / day


Just wanted to let the Devs know, with the recent update... just because we've stopped hounding you to implement this, despite hundred upon hundreds of posts, across multiple threads that you've responded to asking for feedback... that we are still not happy that you have ignored this request, and its implementation still actively hurts conquest for all guilds.


You're just ignoring player criticism long enough for us to get sick of wasting our time requesting it.


If anybody in the player base agrees with me, please support keeping this thread alive. I really, REALLY loathe this once / legacy / day.


100% ^. Once/legacy/day should be made Once/character per day!!

Edited by Toraak
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Removing legacy restriction doesnt make sense for conquest and doesnt affect your access to any content you wish to do, despite the hundreds of posts requesting it. Its been discussed ad nauseum.


Once-a-day per legacy restrictions favour players who can log in for one or two hours every day, over those who can only log in for one or two days of the week. Even if someone can do 6 hours in one day, the legacy restrictions mean they will not be able to match the person who can do 1 hour a day, for six days.


Time spent on conquest should equal the same rewards whether you spend the time spread out over 7 days, or binge play all on one day.


remove once-a-day legacy restriction


*( I can, and do, log in almost every day, but do not want an unfair advantage over those who cannot log in every day.)

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it makes sense because people enjoy grinding conquest goals across their alts and it encourages more gameplay by rewarding the playing of alts when completing conquest goals.

It encourages participation and gameplay within the conquest objectives, but discourages the full variety of content that is available at all times.


This creates constant competition whereas limits on rewards only serves to discourage playing alts.

It segregates fhe competition so that only a small population can maintain the high output of productivity when no restrictions are in place


There's actually people that really enjoy the contest of grinding points for conquest. When severe limitations render the rewards to nothing people won't be inclined to play their alts for conquest.

Ive never said that having fun grinding points is a bad thing. Ive said in a competition, the limits allow the competition to remain balanced.


These players do it purely for the contest of conquest, not for the enjoyment of the conquest goals themselves so by making the goals worth essentially nothing people won't play alts.

Again, im fine with alts being able to participate, to a limit. Balance needs to be maintained, so its not so lopsided a competition.

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Again, im fine with alts being able to participate, to a limit. Balance needs to be maintained, so its not so lopsided a competition.


How does removing the restrictions create a lopsided competition? All players would be given the same freedom to grind the same repeatables meaning the same perks of a open conquest system would be afforded to all.


Players willing and able to spend more time on conquest would be rightfully rewarded for their effort.


What you propose reminds me of communism, where you feel everyone ought to be given the same thing regardless how much time or energy they put into what it is they do.


The way the conquest system works now is because legacy restrictions are in place players must choose what toon and guild they want certain points to go to, and with no incentive or gain for alts many people are pigeonholed to focus only on specific characters to accrue the points.


This system diminishes alts from being played, which then stagnates all other facets of the game even more. Conquest would be better served as an underlying glue to the game.


If people are encouraged to play alts that means more FPs are active, more heroics are killed, more OPs are ran, more GSF and WZs are cycled...


No advantages are given to anyone when all players are granted the same opportunities to play and complete conquest goals if the restrictions are lifted.

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How does removing the restrictions create a lopsided competition? All players would be given the same freedom to grind the same repeatables meaning the same perks of a open conquest system would be afforded to all.


Players willing and able to spend more time on conquest would be rightfully rewarded for their effort.


What you propose reminds me of communism, where you feel everyone ought to be given the same thing regardless how much time or energy they put into what it is they do.


The way the conquest system works now is because legacy restrictions are in place players must choose what toon and guild they want certain points to go to, and with no incentive or gain for alts many people are pigeonholed to focus only on specific characters to accrue the points.


This system diminishes alts from being played, which then stagnates all other facets of the game even more. Conquest would be better served as an underlying glue to the game.


If people are encouraged to play alts that means more FPs are active, more heroics are killed, more OPs are ran, more GSF and WZs are cycled...


No advantages are given to anyone when all players are granted the same opportunities to play and complete conquest goals if the restrictions are lifted.


Well said Lhance. I 100% agree

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One of Olag's go-to techniques on this forum is to state something that is unequivocally and in the most banal fashion true and then arrive at a conclusion that in no way supports his initial premise because it is entirely unrelated. He is absolutely right that the legacy restriction in no way restricts access to content but...

I encourage you to re-read posts i have made for a more accurate assessment than your post implies.


To wit: No one here is arguing that legacy restrictions deny players access to content. But as you correctly point out, it actually does impact gameplay because it disincentivizes alt playing.

Perhaps not in this particular thread, but it IS a complaint within the group of conquest-based threads. I encourage you to re-read many of these threads.


As Joon, Toraak (sp?), I, and many others have articulated ad nauseum it does impact our gameplay because it means fewer FPs and Warzones..........Olag fundamentally does not understand the law of unintended consequences.

Conquest restrictions do not directly prevent people from playing or having access to the flashpoints, warzones, or queuing system. If these activities are not having adequate participation, it is representative of the activities themselves, as they would still be available if conquest not around in the first place. People dont need conquest to run fps and wzs and ops. They just need proper incentive from the activity itself.


And again, conquest-focused participants are more likely to only run the content that counts towards conquest, so participation will be decreased for the non-conquest activities.

But lets just ignore that consequence, right?

Edited by olagatonjedi
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He also seems incapable of understanding a game having activities that are just fun. The added restrictions essentially destroyed the fun many players had in conquest.

For some, having a balanced, competitive conquest system is fun. Restrictions allow that, while open alt-productivity decreases the fun for them. Who-'s fun is more important?


Arguing opinions of what is fun is an unresolvable endeavor.

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I said this in the other thread but I will add it here - the other problem with the one per legacy/one per legacy per day issue is that you can accidentally achieve the conquest objective/points on an alt that isn't even doing conquest, and then it's unavailable to the toons that are.


There have been several times I've had that conquest achievement notice pop up on lower level alts when they're just questing through a planet on their class story, and I don't *want* the achievement for them because they aren't doing conquest, but they got it. And that locks me out of doing the rampage or chapter on the alts that actually need it for conquest.

I completely agree with this issue. But this problem can be fixed outside of changing restrictions to conquest.

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