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Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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I posted this in the "conquest feedback" thread that is now 97 pages long, 963 replies and has seen little to no response in terms of fixing any of the real problems that have been listed in that feedback. However, here are some numbers from last week's conquest, "Total Galactic War" (of 3 planets):




I realize that it doesn't much matter to anyone but us that my guild is not participating in conquest any longer. But that's at least a dozen people or more formerly pretty heavy conquest players who will likely not be playing the game much at all. For me, it was one of the only things keeping me in a game that sees too little new content to remain interesting, and conquest was the only way all the old content was interesting to me.


But it's a dozen more people that won't be queueing for PvP, GSF, or any other Group Finder activities, because the one and only reason we did that (and repeated old content that way) was for conquest.


We don't even merit explanation about why the crafting schematics were changed, just a generalization of the crafting being "too good" in their estimation. We don't merit an explanation about why they changed formerly repeatable objectives into once per legacy objectives, but act like they were always that way. They weren't.


At this point, they are dangerously close to not meriting my sub money - paid faithfully to them every single month without fail since December 20, 2011.


The one thing that was keeping me interested in the game while waiting for new content is ruined. Many in my guild feel the same way and have unsubbed. I can't speak for anybody outside of my circle, but I suspect a lot of guilds are facing similar situations.


The most sad part of all of this is that the feedback is all here. It is all laid out right in front of them. And they are not taking any of it. As such, I will quit trying to give it, even though it was asked for, requested, and got my hopes up that it was actually wanted. Fool me once...




The guild I'm in is in the same boat as you guys. Many of our players that were playing every day now are no longer playing. Currently we are still trying to do some group activities however only together and even then it's only on 1-2 days a week now, down from 5-7 days a week.

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We truly need to have the repeatable daily objectives to be per character. We are already penalized by having the objective points so drastically reduced. I am in a guild that is not very active. I have 23 characters in that guild. It was always so gratifying when I could get every one of them to personal conquest... Last week I could only get 2 ... A big portion of my love for this game came through conquest . I had finally fired up several of my guildmates to do conquest, as well. With update 5.8, a lot of the time I am the only one online. It is very depressing now to view the objectives and know that it isn't worth my time or effort to do conquest anymore.
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points rewards are pretty miserly.


It should be easy to complete one's personal target by doing any content ( repeatable or varied) just by playing an hour or so a day. - so 6-7 hours 'work'


It should also be possible for any guild to compete for any planet and gain the rewards for:

something a bit more than mere casual play, but not slogging every character and alt in the guild to death.


IMHO conquest is beyond repair - other than starting again - and that would be an admission that it was completely crocked to start with -and so that'll never happen, so I'll not be taking it at all seriously from now on. - I'll save my mats and save myself the grief of getting all the guild to grind out content and gather mats and all the rest.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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This week's heroics are Nar Shadaa's, right? I haven't been in game today. They're legacy one-offs now? BW have you not read a single post in this thread and the other 2 feedback threads?


I honestly think you guys really don't care how bad you hurt the game or disappoint your customers as long as you can rake in the cash from the CM to cover the cancelled subs. How many of those $50 lightsabers have you sold already? Hell 3 of them alone covers the cost of 3 one month subs and then some.


5.9 is too late to fix this mess.

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This week's heroics are Nar Shadaa's, right? I haven't been in game today. They're legacy one-offs now? BW have you not read a single post in this thread and the other 2 feedback threads?


I honestly think you guys really don't care how bad you hurt the game or disappoint your customers as long as you can rake in the cash from the CM to cover the cancelled subs. How many of those $50 lightsabers have you sold already? Hell 3 of them alone covers the cost of 3 one month subs and then some.


5.9 is too late to fix this mess.


Worse... it's not even one "set" of heroics that will give you points. It is one single heroic mission of the whole bunch, once per legacy per day. So glad we are not asking our members to participate in this garbage.

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This new system isn't working, 23 characters on one server and I can only get 2 through conquest in a week because everything is non repeatable and those that are I would have to spend all day doing over and over to get even close. everything minus dailies and weekly's should be repeatable as they are, by day and by week. Also, why have an event when you can only do one per character per day on legacy, this defeats the purpose. whoever thought this idea up needs to be checked. for all of us who have subscribed since day one, this is an insult, a person with one character may be able to get the one through conquest, the rest of us who pay for this game since day one, cant get half of what we want done....something has to be done, NOW!
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So I'm guessing Eric was right about dailies being once per legacy after all and last week's conquest having dailies as once per character was a bug then because everything this week seems to be per legacy... This system is so crap. Really fed up with it now, bring back the old one, at least that was more doable and enjoyable even if it was always pretty much the same stuff each week.


Edit: Actually just to make this more confusing, after finishing some dailies on one toon and logging in on a second they showed as complete on the second... however on logging in to my third toon I noticed they're all marked incomplete again on her... What the hell is actually going on with this new system?

Edited by khamseen_air
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Worse... it's not even one "set" of heroics that will give you points. It is one single heroic mission of the whole bunch, once per legacy per day. So glad we are not asking our members to participate in this garbage.


Seriously? There's 8 heroics for each faction. Conquest last 6 days. This is so stupid.

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Based on the changes it seems that the intent was to "encourage" people to play group content rather than solo content. However, the effect seems to have been the opposite with the people who casually played group content for Conquest abandoning it. I know that for myself and what few members are left in the two guilds I lead, group content is now totally off the table with the changes to conquest. While we might have done a few warzones a day and used GF for non-solo flashpoints in order to meet conquest goals (personal and guild), there is now no reason to queue for either of those activities. With the minuscule number of points you get from them, they are not worth the effort and as far as conquest goes, there is no reason to even try for the personal goals anymore much less the guild goals.
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The Conquest system is based around Legacy, so it looks like this:

  • Repeatable - Infinitely repeatable on anyone
  • Daily Repeatable - Once per day, per Legacy
  • One-time - Can be completed one time, per Legacy, per Conquest


also I have found and I am sure other guilds have too that if you log onto a character that you have not logged onto today the "Daily Repeatable" is reset and I believe this to be an exploit just want to clarify before I use.

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He explained why in his first post.


I think your zeal in wanting to start an argument with someone critical of the new conquest system interrupted your comprehension or willingness to read everything he wrote.

Lead me to his first post explanation, please.

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As stated in my first post, this both reduces participation in content (heroics) and punishes those trying to do conquest with alts. Unfortunately, with the current changes, the only way to get repeatable points for conquest is through group content that takes far longer than solo content, reducing the number of points that someone can make in a reasonable amount of time. Even the longest of planetary missions (all or most heroics on a single world) takes only 15 or so minutes.


By eliminating, or severely restricting, solo content for conquest, the developers have effectively said, 'we don't want you to be able to make your conquest points on more than a couple of characters.'

I'll ask again. Why is this bad for conqiest, and not just bad for certain individual players?

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I honestly think you guys really don't care how bad you hurt the game or disappoint your customers as long as you can rake in the cash from the CM to cover the cancelled subs. How many of those $50 lightsabers have you sold already? Hell 3 of them alone covers the cost of 3 one month subs and then some.


I thought about this too. Seeing how many high ticket light sabers are selling for 80mil per, I imagine many people have no problem buying them off the CM to sell for credits.


Maybe there really aren't that many players concerned about conquest. For those directly affected who enjoyed conquest this might be hard to fathom but I personally experienced this already on SWTOR more than once.


I was a heavy PVPer. I played tons of alts, and would level them all through PVP from 10 to cap level. Once we could save comms and transfer them to alts I then geared all my alts playing whatever I wanted.


Long story short, once they gutted that gearing system I couldn't believe it. It was nearly perfect in my eyes. I created tons of threads on it with others, but guess what? BW seemed to care not. Even other players chimed that it wasn't a big deal. I found this frustrating and quit the game shortly after...


I just wonder exactly who are filling the pockets of SWTOR best. Clearly it's not the PVPers. This most recent change to conquest would indicate it's not conquesters... Who is it?


If you notice, many people create posts and complain about the CM and items it doesn't sell, or does sell. None of these players seem to comment on PVP issues, conquest issues, etc.


Maybe there is some super vast underground roleplay community none of us know about that fuels the direction the devs go with this game?


(No offense RPers, I love you guys too, especially on the Fleet in the bars where I can spy on you role playing!)


Who knows.

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When they first started talking about Conquest changes, they made it sound like they were going to give more options for people to do things. Like many others, I have a bunch of alts, and in the past I have enjoyed using them to help my guild with Conquest so I thought this would be a good thing. Now I can't do that because they have given us LESS options.


I honestly do NOT understand the changes to once per day per legacy (or once per week per legacy). I mean, seriously. I also do not understand why they say Conquest is a legacy based system. When it was introduced, it was touted as a guild event. Help your guild conquer a planet! Looking at the original patch notes (2.9) that introduced Conquest for the first time, nowhere does it say the word "Legacy". It talks a lot about guilds though and one way that people help their guilds out is by having alts - for crafting, running dungeons, pvp, ops, etc. - and that was before Conquests even started.

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Worse... it's not even one "set" of heroics that will give you points. It is one single heroic mission of the whole bunch, once per legacy per day. So glad we are not asking our members to participate in this garbage.


Holy **** I'm happy I unsub'd today! I really enjoyed doing heroics for conquest. It baffles me how they could come up with changes that do exactly the opposite of what they say they wanted to accomplish. And why is it going to take them a minimum of a month to even start to fix this mess? How does it benefit anyone to drive off altoholics and solo players? It's like the dev. team took complete leave of their senses.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I posted this in a separate thread, which probably wasn't a wise move because no one will see it there. But, here are my thoughts/suggestions for 5.9:


1. Use a Daily Repeatable Conquest Points "Cap" Instead of Requiring Completion of Each Daily Repeatable Objective


Many players have complained that the new system requires them to participate in activities they do not like in order to achieve their personal goal. This seems to chiefly be an issue for the Daily Repeatable activities, which taken together represent the most significant potential source of Conquest points (it is nearly double the total potential points you can achieve with one-time activities). There is also anecdotal evidence that this is reducing the quality of many activity queues, by either encouraging unproductive behavior (dropping matches at the first sign of a loss), or reducing queue populations because there is now less incentive to participate in those activities. These unintended effects are bad for the game as a whole, because they potentially diminish the enjoyment of everyone, whether they participate in Conquest or not.


One way to allow player choice is to establish a daily points cap for Daily Repeatable activities, which would allow players to repeat their chosen Daily Repeatable activity up to the points cap. For example, if you complete all of the Daily Repeatable activities this week, you will earn 12,250 Conquest Points. Why not simply make 12,250 points the maximum amount of Conquest points a player can earn from Daily Repeatable activities on any given day for this Conquest, but let them do so by completing any Daily Repeatable activity as many times as they want up to the points cap?


You can still encourage particular types of Daily Repeatable activities per the Conquest Theme by giving those activities a more appealing effort/reward ratio, but so long as you do not make it too extreme, those players who truly do not like to step outside of their comfort zone will still be able to benefit their guilds while doing what they like. This should reduce or even eliminate some of the unintended side effects of incentivizing players to participate in activities they detest.


2. Make Conquest Truly Legacy-Based (Legacy-Restricted =/= Legacy-Based)


We have many yellow posts telling us that Conquest is "legacy based." However the term seems to be misapplied. While there are now many legacy restrictions, it is not legacy-based, because rewards are earned on a per-character basis. As a result, players are forced to min/max their Conquest participation by character, which makes Conquest feel more like work than fun. That does nothing in and of itself to achieve the stated goals behind the Conquest redesign, while angering or even worse demoralizing many players who choose SWTOR precisely because it has a robust alt system due to class stories and numerous different specs. And, while this has always been the case, the effort required to earn points is far more demanding than under the old system, making min/maxing a far bigger concern.


There is a simple way to resolve this: Make conquest truly legacy-based, by tabulating Conquest points by legacy and issuing additional rewards for each multiple of your personal goal achieved on a legacy-wide basis, regardless of which toon completes which task. I.e., for the Kurj legacy, at 15,000 points, I get one set of rewards, at 30,000 I get a 2nd set, etc. This will let players freely switch between alts (or continue playing their main) without concerns that they have "left points on the table," while not affecting the total number of Conquests points any particular legacy can earn.


I don't know how difficult coding either of these suggestions would be, but to the extent they are doable with reasonable effort, I think these changes would benefit the system as a whole without compromizing the developer's stated goals for the Conquest redesign. Thanks for reading.

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I surmise this is a big reason why legacy based conquest helps the system. You have to choose which guild you want to help, so it will both hinder and help various other guilds and allow more like-sized guilds to win the conquest. Perhaps not every week, but that's also the point of spreading wealth.


Totally wrong!!!! I support all the guilds I am in, or shall I say I did. I am in both large and small guilds. Did cq for all of them. Legacy eliminates that, so now, with one/maybe 2 alts - who do you think I will support? Smaller guilds will die, not even a chance to get in top 10.


Now one heroic mission per day per legacy is insane. Done with cq except for 1 alt/1 guild --- hmmmm wonder which one? Yep, they sure fixed this.

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Holy **** I'm happy I unsub'd today! I really enjoyed doing heroics for conquest. It baffles me how they could come up with changes that do exactly the opposite of what they say they wanted to accomplish. And why is it going to take them a minimum of a month to even start to fix this mess? How does it benefit anyone to drive off altoholics and solo players? It's like the dev. team took complete leave of their senses.


Maybe it's because what they actually want to accomplish is different than what they say they want to accomplish.


They obviously think that we will pay more and play more if they make the game more of a grind.


What other reason could they have considering what they did it with Galactic Command when 5.0 launched, and now with what they have done to Conquest.

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Just so I'm not totally negative, I'll start with saying once again that the guild point goal idea was the best thing in the change. Small guilds no longer have to place in the top 10 for guild rewards..


Now the bad (I'll keep it short):


Daily repeatables suck.


I liked farming heroics for points on multiple characters. That's gone now. I'm not about to plan out my playing week around different characters' conquest itineraries.

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I liked farming heroics for points on multiple characters. That's gone now. I'm not about to plan out my playing week around different characters' conquest itineraries.


Apparently they don't really care what players like.


They have a design goal they are meeting, and as long as it appeases them it seems that's what matters most.


By not granting regular intervals of communication regarding conquest, the frustration only compounds too. Not helping is when people are well aware of the quick fixes applied to the mispriced CM items.


Yes, I know the game changes would require more time to implement, but what doesn't take a lot of time is responding to people's concerns and suggestions occasionally so it doesn't seem as if they don't care.


Par for the course, it's just a repeat of the 5.0 gearing system gut that was met with quite a bit of anger and disappointment. There's just no excuse to not follow up with communication, and that's what happened back then too.


Hard to remain optimistic when this is how it goes.

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