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This is unfair.


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Blue, I wouldn't put too much stock in what AbilityDrain said. Unless they have a mysterious source outside of social media, Arcann's voice actor has said no such thing. In fact, in terms of 'more Arcann', all he said on March 18th was "@SWTOR I love slipping into my #Arcann voice! More, please! #ShareLove", and that was before his romance went live on the 20th. Other Tweets about being in the studio and recording concern a new character for a different game, not SWTOR.


We may see more of Arcann in the future but, at least going by Twitter, his VA hasn't confirmed such a thing. In fact, he appeared to be asking for more, meaning there isn't any more right now. Also keep in mind that between a VA recording in the studio and any material making it into game is usually a time span of 3-6 months easily. Joseph Gatt (who voices Lord Scourge) confirmed to me in December that he's recorded new lines for Scourge but we haven't seen it yet in-game and that was 4 months ago.


I understand where you are coming from and I agree. In my opinion, this Arcann romance should have been delayed at least until all the original companions had been returned. Alas, it wasn't but now that they've put it in game, I don't expect an update or continuation for it any time soon, at least not until the others have returned. I've also seen no mention anywhere, not by the writers, not via leaked info, and not by the voice actor, that new Arcann material is coming.


Don't delete your JC. I know you're waiting and hoping for Zenith, I am too, it's a shame they've delayed his return but at the very least, Felix seems to be coming back in May so that's a start.

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Blue, I wouldn't put too much stock in what AbilityDrain said. Unless they have a mysterious source outside of social media, Arcann's voice actor has said no such thing. In fact, in terms of 'more Arcann', all he said on March 18th was "@SWTOR I love slipping into my #Arcann voice! More, please! #ShareLove", and that was before his romance went live on the 20th. Other Tweets about being in the studio and recording concern a new character for a different game, not SWTOR.


We may see more of Arcann in the future but, at least going by Twitter, his VA hasn't confirmed such a thing. In fact, he appeared to be asking for more, meaning there isn't any more right now. Also keep in mind that between a VA recording in the studio and any material making it into game is usually a time span of 3-6 months easily. Joseph Gatt (who voices Lord Scourge) confirmed to me in December that he's recorded new lines for Scourge but we haven't seen it yet in-game and that was 4 months ago.


I understand where you are coming from and I agree. In my opinion, this Arcann romance should have been delayed at least until all the original companions had been returned. Alas, it wasn't but now that they've put it in game, I don't expect an update or continuation for it any time soon, at least not until the others have returned. I've also seen no mention anywhere, not by the writers, not via leaked info, and not by the voice actor, that new Arcann material is coming.


Don't delete your JC. I know you're waiting and hoping for Zenith, I am too, it's a shame they've delayed his return but at the very least, Felix seems to be coming back in May so that's a start.


I wish i knew all that Twitter stuff before opening this thread.. i'm such an idiot! Thanks for clarifying some stuff, Jenny!

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Their romance stories had cutscenes dedicated to them in the class stories and many questing interactions. Lana, Theron and Koth have had good progression though Koth's was cut far short because kill option. Arcann deserves as an LI the same amount overall as them for a romance progression as does any brand new LI added (rumoured to be Scourge next before all of the rest are even back).

More content overall for companions would be amazing and I wish they had come back faster.


The ones returned now who only got 2 mins of screen time also deserve more.


They all do really, no one likes a perm mute LI.

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Their romance stories had cutscenes dedicated to them in the class stories and many questing interactions. Lana, Theron and Koth have had good progression though Koth's was cut far short because kill option. Arcann deserves as an LI the same amount overall as them for a romance progression as does any brand new LI added (rumoured to be Scourge next before all of the rest are even back).

More content overall for companions would be amazing and I wish they had come back faster.


Koth had very few compared to Lana and Theron because people decided they should be able to kill him. I took the romance with Koth and his scenes while nice were very few compared to the other two. Now if they are going to add romance scenes with Arcann, even at the point he was able to be killed, then they should add more to Koth as well.


Sure the other romance characters have had more, with that I agree, but giving preference to one companion is going to create problems, due to the fact that some love him, others hate him and they will see him getting special treatment to the exclusion of the other romance characters and with the way things are right now this would not be a positive for BW to do as it could cause more people to leave.

Edited by casirabit
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Koth had very few compared to Lana and Theron because people decided they should be able to kill him. I took the romance with Koth and his scenes while nice were very few compared to the other two. Now if they are going to add romance scenes with Arcann, even at the point he was able to be killed, then they should add more to Koth as well.


Sure the other romance characters have had more, with that I agree, but giving preference to one companion is going to create problems, due to the fact that some love him, others hate him and they will see him getting special treatment to the exclusion of the other romance characters and with the way things are right now this would not be a positive for BW to do as it could cause more people to leave.


Today i found myself leader of both the guilds i'm in, Imp and Rep. People left, got an avalanche of private messages about them being displeased by the new romance thing and by the conquest., some mentioned missing Nadia,Doc & Jaesa very much.

F this, i don't want to be leader. I don't want the rich guild banks. All i want is for things to be as they were, the people i care about to return. 3 years in the same guild and suddenly .. alone? Yes, Koth was mentioned too, we have ( or had.. :() a few members who liked him a lot.

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"That's life, that's life

And I can't deny it,

Many times I thought of quitting, babe,

But my heart wouldn't buy it.

If I didn't think it was worth one try

I'd just roll myself up in a big ball and fly."

Edited by Nyla
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Yes we really need something there. He did help the alliance but there should still be an option for the player to exile him or put him into prison or maybe give him to Rep/Imp authorities...


Too late for that now. Exile, prison etc all needed to be done at the time of the "redemption" of Arcann. Doing it now is just as much a mess. This whole truncated trilogy has been an unmitigated story line disaster. There's no proper way out now.


And for the op, the JC has been given the short shrift on companion returns so far and nothing much is changing. There was no plan to bring them back beyond a select handful. Anger about it isn't going to get them back faster or at all. Nothing we say or do is going to do that. BW has their own rationale and limitations. The companion returns with less than 2 minutes of story are your story for 2018. Don't like it? Neither does anyone else.You have other options though if it's bad enough.

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Too late for that now. Exile, prison etc all needed to be done at the time of the "redemption" of Arcann. Doing it now is just as much a mess. This whole truncated trilogy has been an unmitigated story line disaster. There's no proper way out now.


And for the op, the JC has been given the short shrift on companion returns so far and nothing much is changing. There was no plan to bring them back beyond a select handful. Anger about it isn't going to get them back faster or at all. Nothing we say or do is going to do that. BW has their own rationale and limitations. The companion returns with less than 2 minutes of story are your story for 2018. Don't like it? Neither does anyone else.You have other options though if it's bad enough.


"There was no plan to bring them back beyond a select handful" - then why was Zenith taken away if he is not among the selected handful? This plan SUCKS. You don't create a character interesting enough just to throw him away like junk..

If what you say is true,the devs should have said this since the beginning of KOTFE instead of lying to us.

Edited by bluehufsa
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As for Arcann I would like to see his "Apologize to the Entire Galaxy for the *Ten plus Trillion dead bodies, five Taris style battered back to the stone age planets and him writing "I'm sorry for all of this" Note in every relief shipment Hylo sends out arc".


So long as he sings a

and makes everyone a fruit basket it should be all good :D


(The only actual clip is on Hulu which is riddled with ads, and YouTube only has a clip of the song. But you get the point. Unless people aren't as familiar with South Park as I am. Then...well here's a somewhat catchy tune...)

Edited by AngFour
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So long as he sings a
and makes everyone a fruit basket it should be all good :D


(The only actual clip is on Hulu which is riddled with ads, and YouTube only has a clip of the song. But you get the point. Unless people aren't as familiar with South Park as I am. Then...well here's a somewhat catchy tune...)


Don't forget the breakfast and coffee! He HAS to make that every morning for Commander Grumpy Jedi Consular- Pants! Oh wait.. did the Knights of Zakuul training included cooking lessons? If not, mr. redeemed ugly guy is permanently assigned to the kitchen ! LOL.

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Well, he's great at... (actually, no, scratch that. It basically took him about a year to make a single chest piece so not quite that great)... he is capable of creating armor. Who knows what other home ed. skills he possesses? Could always utilize him as a taster. That way should someone try to poison the Outlander... oh well, whoopsie. :p
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Well, he's great at... (actually, no, scratch that. It basically took him about a year to make a single chest piece so not quite that great)... he is capable of creating armor. Who knows what other home ed. skills he possesses? Could always utilize him as a taster. That way should someone try to poison the Outlander... oh well, whoopsie. :p


If you forgive Minister Lorman, he is in charge with tasting Acina's food and petting her baby tukata. LOL.

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"There was no plan to bring them back beyond a select handful" - then why was Zenith taken away if he is not among the selected handful? This plan SUCKS. You don't create a character interesting enough just to throw him away like junk..

If what you say is true,the devs should have said this since the beginning of KOTFE instead of lying to us.


There was no plan (apparently) to bring all the companions back in the original "Knight of ..." trilogy. The expectation was that we'd love the FEET+ trilogy and move forward with the crew we had (just like real life). Killing off beloved companions is a sacred BW tradition (going back much further than ME 3 btw) to bring a degree of realism to the storyline. So what Happened? KOTFE wasn't anywhere near as popular as hoped and the backlash over companions was large than expected. So the trilogy was scrapped, KOTET was cobbled together from the remains and plans to bring all the companions back were quickly developed. Now those companion returns are being dribbled out as "story" and they're no longer meaningful returns as was once promised. Why? I don't know but I'd hazard a guess that having a real story for each would consume too many resources and some--or perhaps many--of the voice actors are no longer under contract and thus this is what we get.


As for Zenith? Who knows. His voice actor is under contract (Theron) but it's possible the animation and dialogue made references to things that were no longer in the FEET storyline and thus not usable. OR BW is just being a butthead. But really, as much as I dislike BW at times, they always have a reason for doing something and it's never just out of spite for the game or story -- even if I vehemently disagree with it. So the odds of BW doing ill by the companion returns "just because they can." are pretty low.

Edited by Keta
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There was no plan (apparently) to bring all the companions back in the original "Knight of ..." trilogy.


When and where was this said, if I may ask? To the best of my recollection, I've only ever seen Charles spout how he would LOVE to bring all companions back and in a totally meaningful way because it is so important to him as well. Is what you say a mere player-theory or is there a quote/post to back it up? Just curious.


I do, however, suspect something similar. That originally they had no intention of returning our class companions, hoping Theron/Lana/Koth and the others would help us forget, and then had to scramble for a solution when the outrage kicked in.

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When and where was this said, if I may ask? To the best of my recollection, I've only ever seen Charles spout how he would LOVE to bring all companions back and in a totally meaningful way because it is so important to him as well. Is what you say a mere player-theory or is there a quote/post to back it up? Just curious.


I do, however, suspect something similar. That originally they had no intention of returning our class companions, hoping Theron/Lana/Koth and the others would help us forget, and then had to scramble for a solution when the outrage kicked in.


Theron will be killed and turned into a cadaver decoration after Nathema FP in May, it was requested by " a large group of players". So for JC is either Iresso or ugly-no face- guy. LOL.

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Theron will be killed and turned into a cadaver decoration after Nathema FP in May, it was requested by " a large group of players". So for JC is either Iresso or ugly-no face- guy. LOL.


I'm not sure Theron will be killed, and I certainly hope he won't. Charles made a comment some time back that this traitor arc would really advance Theron's role or character. (paraphrasing, can't recall his exact words) He made it sound as though, eventually, this story will do justice by Theron's persona. If that is the case, killing him or making him killable would be damned stupid and a waste of what the writing team was trying to achieve.


Then again, you never know. It wouldn't be the first time the dev team has caved to asinine demands.

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There was the Long Gold Post that stated so much of the Original KotXX story was dropped (Approximately 1/3) to hurry to the end. Thinking in how many companions were still unaccounted for and how many chapters that would've been even two at a time it wouldn't be many and most missing comps wouldn't make sense in many of the KotET chapters so I doubt it would be many even if we had the *Entire story. Add to that I would bet not all of the missing content involved a reunion.


When Satele and Marr were looking down on the Odessen Base Satele said "Its too bad so many will have to die and Marr nodded (Something like that)" at that I was thinking "This is gonna be a "Killer Story", in killing off main characters (our comps) and not even typical "Clique Figures" will be exempt like newer Hollywood movies. Luckily the *Meaningful deaths were very light (So far). Still though, the Complete "Zakuul" series didn't have the *Capacity to return many. I knew there would be a "Battle of Odessen" that was the chapter I figured the "Butchers Bill" would be the highest and would include a number of our companions; Luckily it was very light even if two of the more favored L.I.'s

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In another topic, someone said there will be more screentime for Arcann and more romance progression. Got a question : why there are always resources for that, but not for the neglected classes/comps? Why the heck only some get the content they want and some get the middle finger?

This is UNFAIR. This shows blatant disrespect towards this community, not all of us are involved in that garbage romance, not all of us want to lose 6 hours of playing every Tuesday because wow, you have to feed the arcann fan club new content..

No resources & no personnel my caboose :mad::mad::mad:


Aaaaaand you've taken what I posted completely out of context. I said that according to Arcann's voice actor he has been back in the booth recording some more VO for Arcann. That doesn't mean that the other character's have been shafted or neglected, only that Arcann's voice actor has been the only one to openly confirm that he'd recorded dialogue. Chances are it's for the future expansion or maybe even just one or two passing comments during a flashpoint, at this stage no one knows.


Stop trying to create drama where there is none.

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There was the Long Gold Post that stated so much of the Original KotXX story was dropped (Approximately 1/3) to hurry to the end. Thinking in how many companions were still unaccounted for and how many chapters that would've been even two at a time it wouldn't be many and most missing comps wouldn't make sense in many of the KotET chapters so I doubt it would be many even if we had the *Entire story. Add to that I would bet not all of the missing content involved a reunion.


When Satele and Marr were looking down on the Odessen Base Satele said "Its too bad so many will have to die and Marr nodded (Something like that)" at that I was thinking "This is gonna be a "Killer Story", in killing off main characters (our comps) and not even typical "Clique Figures" will be exempt like newer Hollywood movies. Luckily the *Meaningful deaths were very light (So far). Still though, the Complete "Zakuul" series didn't have the *Capacity to return many. I knew there would be a "Battle of Odessen" that was the chapter I figured the "Butchers Bill" would be the highest and would include a number of our companions; Luckily it was very light even if two of the more favored L.I.'s


Question : why was Zenith chosen to be sacrificed? Why not Iresso? Skadge? Guss Tuno? Rusk? Risha? Corso? Ashara? Drellik? Why the twilek? Is this some form of hatred against alien species? Don't forget, the newest "romances" are a HUMAN and a PUREBLOOD, this sounds awfully sithy to me.

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Blue, I wouldn't put too much stock in what AbilityDrain said. Unless they have a mysterious source outside of social media, Arcann's voice actor has said no such thing. In fact, in terms of 'more Arcann', all he said on March 18th was "@SWTOR I love slipping into my #Arcann voice! More, please! #ShareLove", and that was before his romance went live on the 20th. Other Tweets about being in the studio and recording concern a new character for a different game, not SWTOR.


Urgh, it was a passing comment based on what I'd heard everyone else was saying about Arcann's voice actor recording more lines, if I'd known she was gonna go make mountains out of molehills I'd have produced a 100-page essay with receipts and in-depth research. :rolleyes:

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