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Conquest Feedback and Upcoming Changes


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Is there something wrong with the Conquest points systems, completed the Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints (worth 4,500 points) and the Warzones: Critical Missions (worth 4,500) However only have 6,220 points of the 15,000. I Should have well over 10,000. Also my stronghold bonus is at 50%. So something is very wrong here or do you actually need to have a stronghold bonus of 150% to get the full 4,500 for Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints and Warzones: Critical Missions. Edited by Stariesfriend
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I made an observation of the attitude of people here towards the developers. I also made an attempt to reassure you that we will get a response, but it will take time.


They have proved time and again that they will respond. There's no reason to doubt it, just because it's been a few days.


I'm not sure what forums you have been reading, but they have not proven time and again that they will respond in my experience. They respond a cursory amount of times to select questions or comments, and the majority of feedback they do not respond to at all. Which makes it feel like (whether true or not) that they are not reading it. Thus, I ask... should we bother to write detailed posts to try to help them? I mean, we're already beta testing these new systems on the live version of the game.


I'm not sure what kind of time they think they have, but if they respond -at all- to many of the complaints that are valid I'll be surprised (and it will be a first).


He has made 16 total responses - many of which are just "I don't know, I'll check on this" or "We're monitoring that" or just confirmation that an unbelievable decision was in fact intended (once per legacy per day) to a total of nearly 150 pages of posts in various threads. So forgive me, but I feel like questioning whether or not we should continue to give feedback is warranted. They are not responding to most of it, and it feels like a waste of our time.


However, only THEY can confirm that the feedback is useful and we should continue to make it. As such, once again... I'm only looking for responses from those I addressed the question to in the first place.



Edited by PennyAnn
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Is there something wrong with the Conquest points systems, completed the Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints (worth 4,500 points) and the Warzones: Critical Missions (worth 4,500) However only have 6,220 points of the 15,000. I Should have well over 10,000. Also my stronghold bonus is at 50%. So something is very wrong here or do you actually need to have a stronghold bonus of 150% to get the full 4,500 for Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints and Warzones: Critical Missions.




If this is the case, then I would say that it's still bugged.

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Alrite, calm down everyone, I am shure they think all our best and what we want, so in near future they add consumable called P2W, its one time use and remove legacy lock from one objective for a day. you can then do it with that character, ofc, if you want to do anothre alt, you need to use it again, but worry not, its easy to get, CM 500CC for 5.....Aaaaand best part, you can use as many as you wish, :rolleyes:
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I'm not sure what forums you have been reading, but they have not proven time and again that they will respond in my experience. They respond a cursory amount of times to select questions or comments, and the majority of feedback they do not respond to at all. Which makes it feel like (whether true or not) that they are not reading it. Thus, I ask... should we bother to write detailed posts to try to help them? I mean, we're already beta testing these new systems on the live version of the game.


I'm not sure what kind of time they think they have, but if they respond -at all- to many of the complaints that are valid I'll be surprised (and it will be a first).


He has made 16 total responses - many of which are just "I don't know, I'll check on this" or "We're monitoring that" or just confirmation that an unbelievable decision was in fact intended (once per legacy per day) to a total of nearly 150 pages of posts in various threads. So forgive me, but I feel like questioning whether or not we should continue to give feedback is warranted. They are not responding to most of it, and it feels like a waste of our time.


However, only THEY can confirm that the feedback is useful and we should continue to make it. As such, once again... I'm only looking for responses from those I addressed the question to in the first place.



A response is a response. Yet it's not always what we want.


Look, I get it. I really do. But let's think about this for a minuet: The time they have to read this stuff is whatever time is available outside their other tasks.


We've already been told many times that not everything can be responded to all the time. But when they do, there is usually a large post addressing most or all of it. Musco can only give us what he's given, same with Kieth (Keith?). Information isn't churned out so easily. And it's only the third day of the second week (counting Tuesday as day1).


*IF* they responded to all concerns as they come up, the posts would be unending, and we'd be unable to keep track of them ourselves. Also, if information changes, then they'd be marked as liars and more players would leave. Thankfully they aren't E.A.


All they can do is take our feedback, pass it on, then when their scheduled meeting is held about it, it is discussed. There are more things to take care of than the immediate for us.

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They have proved time and again that they will respond. There's no reason to doubt it, just because it's been a few days.




But usually they ask for feedback, do nothing for 6 months, and then when they finally do do something they the exact opposite of what the feedback asks for.


Maybe that's why the game went from over 200 servers in 2011 to just 5 now.


All The Best

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Getting close to 75 pages here. This thread will be locked soon so they can start a third. Not that they're listening to anyone.


Yeah, I suggest we just copy all our actual feed back posts (not rage ones) onto note pad before they lock it. Then we can just copy paste them into the new one. That way we don’t have to keep waste time retyping and repeating the same things again in the new thread ;)

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I find it odd that people expect feedback from BW. historically, as pennyann pointed out, they respond to very little in the way of player feedback. The central point of the forum is to be a cathartic experience, to vent and argue and butt heads. They have in the past listened to feedback, but it's very hit or miss and obviously not a reliable way of communication. There's a fallacy in expecting to be otherwise because you happen to care about this particular issue.


Personally, I expect no response when I post, nor do I expect any change to come from what I post. Maybe they'll listen to the conquest change feedback, but tbh I doubt it, and I doubt it matters to them whether you do it constructively or angrily, because the majority of it doesn't sound constructive, it just sounds like noise.


Any reasonable person sees the problem with the current conquest, which is that it isn't rewarding to do pvp, gsf, fps, and crafting anymore to complete conquest. Much as he likes to claim he's a contradictory person, he just likes a excuse to beat up people with a bat, and for whatever reason, Bioware let's him get away with it. Always at least one guy has been doing it, Branmuffin, JMCA, Ratajack, bruticis, etc. etc. It's fine to play devils advocate, but it's different when you go around insulting people and belittling them.


Hmm. Can't disagree with any of that. Though I'd have emphasized the phrase 'to complete conquest'. It's not rewarding to do pvp, gsf, fps and crafting anymore as a means of completing conquest. If you thought conquest was repetitive BS before now, as I did, than the only change is that, as lhancelot put it, this will slow the queues because the people who only did it for conquest won't queue.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I think the only way we will get BioWare's attention is to stop buying anything from the cartel market. They are listing most things for direct sale soon. I would recommend not buying ANYTHING. Why would you even want to? Explore old content in a new speeder? BORING


Iv been saying this till I’m blue in the face and have even been trolled for it. I guess people want new shiny things more than they want a working game with content.

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But usually they ask for feedback, do nothing for 6 months, and then when they finally do do something they the exact opposite of what the feedback asks for.


Maybe that's why the game went from over 200 servers in 2011 to just 5 now.


All The Best


Ask for feedback and its good feed back that makes them look good and they respond immediately and multiple times.


Ask for feedback and it’s bad feed back that makes them look bad and they respond a week later to say they are monitoring it. Then they hide behind their wall of silence till we stop making a noise,

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Talk about taking things literal. Have you never hear of an anology? Even when I apologised and said that my intent wasn’t to insult anyone and explained why I used that anology. You and others didn’t understand or thought I was personally attacking you and calling you a gold fish :rolleyes:

So yeah, I defended myself because you kept going at me after I apologised. Now you are continuing to troll me in another thread when it isn’t called for.

You want to troll me and call my posts rhetoric and my posts are like a polical junkie... but you get offend when I use the word gold fish to mean people have short attention spans (like gold fish do).

Seriously, practice what you preach and don’t be such a nasty person.


Those white knights man....when they get their own medicine they begin to squeal. Dont be so surprised. Shouldnt be too surprised with short attention spans and gold fishes too roflmao. This is how people are.

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I made an observation of the attitude of people here towards the developers. I also made an attempt to reassure you that we will get a response, but it will take time.


They have proved time and again that they will respond. There's no reason to doubt it, just because it's been a few days.

I also believe they respond adequately for the multitude of questions being asked, and the product shows that they do use the feedback given by players.


Too bad there are way too many people here who feel THEIR feedback and THEIR questions are the most important. Too many people view not answering to thousands of posts as not caring rather than the multitude of other reasons like being busy, or not being given the approval to talk about something, or frankly not having anything new to add. But of course those reasons, or even coming out and saying they cant talk about it will be met with its own type of scrutiny. Yep, they have 0 incentive to keep us informed, and are better off asking for feedback on a macro level, not individually.


Players have burned that bridge too many times for them to fall for it more often than they need to.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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If forcing people to choose a single toon and/or guild to focus on, it creates better competition and chance for new guilds to succeed. If your interests are self-centered, then you will have a problem with this.


BW hasnt told you that you can't play any of your toons, but the change is consistent with every nearly every other aspect of the game. I can't Pvp at the same time as I raid. I have to choose one or the other, and my production in the neglected area is non-existent. Why should people be able to craft with offline alts, and still be able to run in-game content on another toon? That's not balanced. Perhaps BW made the mistake earlier by allowing that system in the first place, but the changes by the new staff is a good, fair, balanced change.

The only change needed to make things "fair" for guilds was the weekly target score. Now all guilds can get the guild reward without placing in the top 10. Unfortunately, a guild with few active players lacks the ability to farm conquest points due to the once per legacy limitations.


Hey, nobody is forcing me to be in a small guild. But nobody is forcing me to do conquest either. The limitations of the new system are disappointing to me and I no longer have much desire to participate in conquest at all. Yesterday, I couldn't decide what to do with my time, so I watched TV and went to bed early. We'll see if this becomes a recurring pattern.

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Dear Favorite Devs,


After reading your major conquest changes, change is never easy and I understand the new system and reasons for it. I actually like many of the changes and overall new system sounds like it could be good with some continued refinement and changes.


My biggest issue is I LOVE ALL MY TOONS :) so lets get more points for the alts so we have fun playing multiple toons. Here are some suggestions.


1) Invasions crafting once daily per character, instead of legacy.

2) This week was points for weeklies allow this also once per week per character instead of legacy.

3) bring back those heroics if too much at least allow weeklies (ex Taris weekly) once per week per character not legacy.

4) what about one single Operation a week (like TFB or SnV) repeatable once per week per character not legacy. instead of the current once daily operation per legacy.


I think these ideas help not only the large guilds but small guilds with people with multiple characters. Even the small guilds have members with multiple characters and they just wanna hit 200K on easiest planet.


Anyways Oh GREAT Devs I've read many of these posts and don't be discouraged, I think some continued fixes and refinement and the conquest will be just fine for all again.

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Trixxie, what about the comment you told the story people a few weeks ago. There were some upset with the stream that Keith did and the way he made a comment about story like it was an afterthought. What did you tell them? You asked them to be patient and told them not to overreact. Yet when they do something to a part of the game that is important to you (not to say conquest doesn't need some fixing) you expect them to do it immediately. Why the difference? Is it because this one aspect is important to you just like to some of them story is important? You can't ask them to be patient and trust Keith and then turn around and act like you are with the conquest. You want them to be patient then you have to as well especially when you tell them they need to be patient. In other words, don't say something if you are not going to practice what you say.


I think that the fact that there is a quick solution to this problem makes it different than lack of content problems. All that they needed to do was revert back to the old system, and then go back to work on their "new coke™" version before releasing it after they have changed it into something that we might appreciate.

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I think that the fact that there is a quick solution to this problem makes it different than lack of content problems. All that they needed to do was revert back to the old system, and then go back to work on their "new coke™" version before releasing it after they have changed it into something that we might appreciate.


Thank you for saying it so I didn’t have to point out the obvious differences to her.

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... you've persuaded me to actively criticize it whenever you bring it up. Congrats.


So, you are going to follow me from thread to thread to activately criticise me in any post that I make reference to or support another person’s view that is similar to mine?

Even if I just say I support what they’ve posted (like I did i this thread). You are going to be there to launch into tirade and keep attacking me personally? Like you’ve already done in this thread, which isn’t where this started.

Are you sure that’s not trolling, cause it sure sounds like it to me.

Wether you accept my apology or not is up to you. I offered it to you sincerely and in good faith. The rest is up to you. I tried to make peace or at least defuse the situation, but you don’t seem to want that.

So, good luck to you

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Not sure why you’ve chimed in here except to fight. Do you actually have a point to make about the conquest changes or is to jump on the Trixxie bash wagon?


Attacking Casi just digs your hole deeper as far as I am concerned. She is one of the nicest and more objective players in the forum here.


Why are people confronting you? And why are you being so defensive about it? Simple..... you have moved clearly and deeply into negative and antagonistic commentary and ad hominems in the forum both toward the studio, the game, and other players who disagree with you ... moving from thread to thread.... and from what I can see.. you are just venting your frustration with the game on other players.


And.... before you ask, accuse, and then start attacking me......I am responding specifically to this comment by you.... for the very reason that you are trying to counter-punch your way out of the hole you dug for yourself here and other forum members are not simply rolling over and letting you get away with it. Now.. if you want to attack me.. have at it.. but know in advance that it in no way discourages me from commenting in any thread about any topic or post that I choose to.


Can we get back on topic now? You know.. feel free to take some more swings at the poor rollout of Conquests.. where you will actually get some support by other players.

Edited by Andryah
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Going to drop my 2 credits into the mix.


These changes to conquest are, by far, the worst sample of overkill that you guys have done. When will you learn that you don't need to use a hammer to change a lightbulb? Only a few modifications were all that was needed.


And, btw, add my account to those that have been cancelled as well.

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