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Why NO KILL option on Ashara?


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This a good post, but it's merely an appetizer for the great post to come. No, not mine.


OP: I'm pleased to remind you of this post. I know it offended you, and you ended up pretty much ignoring all of it to reiterate arguments that it had demolished. And now here I am reposting it for your edification. Oh well.


As for the "SJWs are ruining muh game" folks, hold on to your butts.


Nice troll attempt guy, but the OP is right, I agree with them and most of the posters here totally. There needs to be a kill option on Ashara. BW needs to fix this asap. :rak_01:

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So kind of you to remind and bump my thread. :) But I should probably take this moment to point out that none of that applied to me, so of course, I ignored most of it. I play a female Sorc that can't romance Ashara and wouldn't romance her even if she could. My character doesn't have the opportunity to flirt with her. There is no weird twisting of affection going on between Ashara and MY toon. The argument didn't succeed in demolishing anything I said, because again, it didn't apply to the female SI--no romance option. My Sorc was forced to take on a pitiful excuse of a Jedi wannabe as one of her apprentices and when Sith have an inadequate apprentice, they kill them.


And that's all I want to do, is kill her. I have no need for excessive torture or punishment, I only wish to execute her as it is a Sith's prerogative to do. :cool:


This game really highlights the important parts of Animal Farm. Some are more equal than others. Meaning that SW gets to kill their employee and fully corrupt their apprentice, whereas, SI can't choose not to take on that apprentice, can't fully corrupt her and certainly can't execute her. Wow...so powerful those SIs, how the heck did any of them get on the Dark Council. They made a cool class pathetic with this outcome. :rolleyes:


Gold :)


For a real twist of irony, only my MALE SI treated Ashara with kindness and then married her all my FEMALE SI's hate her guts and want to offer her a slow torturous death, yeah that is right slow and torturous just like any other Sith and over a dozen other characters spread throughout the game.


My Psycho SI would kill the following given the chance. Gender does not even factor in.




LS Jaesa

Eckard Lokin



















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It's very very Lame . I mean , if Ashara stood up to the Inquisitor since day 1 ! Maaaaaaaaaybe....I can overlook that damn ending . But she never did ! and running your mouth and stomping your feets like a teenager brat..is not standing up to someone . It's just the beginning of a tantrum .


For those who romanced her and don't want that option . It's really not nice to claim that there should be no Kill Option .


Because Many didn't romance her (or couldn't romance her ) , therefor it is only fair they get a Kill Option .


And honestly , BW really outta make up their minds . Some companions were killed by anyone while some were hidden behind a goddamn class restriction . They should all be fair game .


Especially at this point , where they don't seem to care (or have no resources to do more with companions) .


Hell if you can't stomach the idea of killing , how about making the Alert at least interesting by letting a repb Jedi recruit her and get some back story of her time with the Sorc . Sheesh...favoritism much .

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It's very very Lame . I mean , if Ashara stood up to the Inquisitor since day 1 ! Maaaaaaaaaybe....I can overlook that damn ending . But she never did ! and running your mouth and stomping your feets like a teenager brat..is not standing up to someone . It's just the beginning of a tantrum .


For those who romanced her and don't want that option . It's really not nice to claim that there should be no Kill Option .


Because Many didn't romance her (or couldn't romance her ) , therefor it is only fair they get a Kill Option .


And honestly , BW really outta make up their minds . Some companions were killed by anyone while some were hidden behind a gosh darn class restriction . They should all be fair game .


Especially at this point , where they don't seem to care (or have no resources to do more with companions) .


Hell if you can't stomach the idea of killing , how about making the Alert at least interesting by letting a repb Jedi recruit her and get some back story of her time with the Sorc . Sheesh...favoritism much .


Its been discussed earlier that the kill option, while it may provide a good point from RPing point-of-view to character you're playing as, also shuts the killable character from any further part in story. We've seen that with Koth, Senya, Malavai and few others. Hoping that they will have part in 6.0 if they're alive with you.

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After listening to the dialog for a second time, I am not sure Ashara talks about power in terms of DPS. She talks about being able to make her own decisions, not being the blind follower. Then she joins you on Taris, she do it because she is lost and can not decide for herself what to do (and following SI is so much easer then explaining to Jedi what exactly happened in Enclave). A child. Now she wants to join as someone who is in control of her own life. An adult. Is it such a terrible crime?


Granted, DS Sith will be even more furious and will kill her on spot. This is there the alert failed. Still, not in favor of the kill option. A fight and flee scene for Ashara would be more appropriate methinks.


Thankfully, for my non DS SI the light/neutral approach worked pretty well. “Ashara, you finally broke your chains! Took you long enough. Erm, no, why would I want your help? By-by!”

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Its been discussed earlier that the kill option, while it may provide a good point from RPing point-of-view to character you're playing as, also shuts the killable character from any further part in story. We've seen that with Koth, Senya, Malavai and few others. Hoping that they will have part in 6.0 if they're alive with you.


and...? it already been done to others companions . May as well give the same treatement to all of them . Some peoples will keep X companions and others won't . It should be the player choice to decide that .


As for futur content , I doubt anything gonna be made with companions .

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As for futur content , I doubt anything gonna be made with companions .


I agree, if these returns were done for all the classes then they would be in a better position for said character to return. Returning for solely for their class in my mind immediately throws them into the 'good as dead' pile.

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So kind of you to remind and bump my thread. :) But I should probably take this moment to point out that none of that applied to me, so of course, I ignored most of it. I play a female Sorc that can't romance Ashara and wouldn't romance her even if she could. My character doesn't have the opportunity to flirt with her. There is no weird twisting of affection going on between Ashara and MY toon. The argument didn't succeed in demolishing anything I said, because again, it didn't apply to the female SI--no romance option. My Sorc was forced to take on a pitiful excuse of a Jedi wannabe as one of her apprentices and when Sith have an inadequate apprentice, they kill them.


And that's all I want to do, is kill her. I have no need for excessive torture or punishment, I only wish to execute her as it is a Sith's prerogative to do. :cool:


This game really highlights the important parts of Animal Farm. Some are more equal than others. Meaning that SW gets to kill their employee and fully corrupt their apprentice, whereas, SI can't choose not to take on that apprentice, can't fully corrupt her and certainly can't execute her. Wow...so powerful those SIs, how the heck did any of them get on the Dark Council. They made a cool class pathetic with this outcome. :rolleyes:


This. My sorceress is female and therefore could care less about the romance portion for Ashara but my sorceress is dark side V and doesn't take attitudes like Ashara showed the sorceress. My sorceress killed Kailyo for her attitude and for not listening to her, why in the world would she not do that to Ashara when Ashara popped off?

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and...? it already been done to others companions . May as well give the same treatement to all of them.

I don't think this makes sense. If it's decided that it was a mistake to give some companions a kill option (since future story involving them would only be for a % of players), why not rectify that mistake in future? Making future content just as bad as past content for the sake of "fairness" seems misguided. Content should always be as good as possible.

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I don't think this makes sense. If it's decided that it was a mistake to give some companions a kill option (since future story involving them would only be for a % of players), why not rectify that mistake in future? Making future content just as bad as past content for the sake of "fairness" seems misguided. Content should always be as good as possible.


Well that depends and we will find out tomorrow. From all indications there seems to be a sense that Theron will be allowed to be killed and if so then they aren't moving from that just giving "select" companions a non-kill option which is really not fair.

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I don't think this makes sense. If it's decided that it was a mistake to give some companions a kill option (since future story involving them would only be for a % of players), why not rectify that mistake in future? Making future content just as bad as past content for the sake of "fairness" seems misguided. Content should always be as good as possible.


But they already went down this route . You can kill Jorgan , Kaliyo...etc .


So therefor that suggest two things : it's either they aren't planning on any content for those that have a chance to die . Or they will just act like it never happen .


I mean they did it with Quinn no ? removed the ability to kill him in the main story (1-50) , brough him back Later in Kotfe and acted like it never happen at all .


That's what I personally think . That you disagree , doesn't change the fact I want a goddamn Kill button for every companion there is .


of course content should be as good as possible . But the fact you kill Acina and Malcolm , that tell me they either don't care..or they gonna introduce new peoples for us to meet . I highly doubt the companions have any role at all . I mean Acina was more important in the damn main story and you can kill her for pete sake ! That should tell you everything about the rest...

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So we can kill Vik for being a jerk, Quinn for betraying you something like 10 years ago (while he's made everything he could to atone for that after that incident), Jorgan/Kaliyo for disobeing 1 order, Koth because he left with the Gravestone because he did not agree with you killing civilians, Broonmark because he wants to kill a Wookie, Skadge i don't even remember why we can kill him, a Dashade just for being a Dashade... And probably Theron for doing his spy job... but not Ashara when she an arrogant brat who trashtalk to a Darth Nox...

That makes perfect sense :rolleyes:


Seriously if Theron is killable while he has been an important character since that start of SoR (and probably only doing his job) while Ashara has always been a waste of my Nox's time and she's been completely irrelevant to the story after chap 3 of the SI storyline (and anyway, she's done near to nothing after Taris, so she may as well be dead after she served her purpose with Kalatosh), and if Jaesa is not killable either, I'll be pretty pissed :mad:


And I did the romance once to see how it played out (and have deleted that character since then), I hated it, and I'm never doing that again so I'm not conserned with the long post earlier...

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It makes zero sense for a "dark V" Sith to be leading the Alliance anyways. If you can head-cannon that, you can head-cannon Ashara not having a kill option.


No, not really. Because I can see that the Alliance needs a big bad awful to take on the other big bad awfuls. Clearly, no one else even has a chance of cutting it against the big bads, and that's why someone like Nox is leading...and the thing is...is she really leading? They call her Commander, but who's planning the missions? Lana...


But what I can't wrap my brain around is that this awful character who was specifically taken on to deal with the worst of evils the galaxy has to offer, can't kill off a bratty snot of an ex-apprentice? (after she's killed off the big bads...all of 3 of them).


I guess that means, it's All Hail Super Ashara then. And she can go and do the next missions if she's so bloody tough.:p

Then I can go and 'find myself' in the galaxy too.

Edited by Lunafox
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Um the Commander is the figurehead, the reason all these other heroes are joining up. Seriously, in what world would people such as Elara, Jorgen et al follow a "Dark V" Sith? It makes ZERO sense.
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But what I can't wrap my brain around is that this awful character who was specifically taken on to deal with the worst of evils the galaxy has to offer


But did we , really? all I remember (save for personal story) , all we did in Kotfe and Kotet is getting tossed around like a rag doll . Both final fight was not because we grew more powerful or used tha force . But because...we used...uh....stuff! Apparently a shield got the best of Arcann! and a cube got the best of Valkorian ! damn cubes! :D:D

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But did we , really? all I remember (save for personal story) , all we did in Kotfe and Kotet is getting tossed around like a rag doll . Both final fight was not because we grew more powerful or used tha force . But because...we used...uh....stuff! Apparently a shield got the best of Arcann! and a cube got the best of Valkorian ! damn cubes! :D:D


*chuckles* I remember the magick shields and stuff...after the fact. It took me a long time, but blasted them down without the stuff. My cube didn't work. Only things I used to help me along were the regeneration bubbles that were floating around and the handy-dandy light post that kept Vaylin from knocking me off the island. That fight isn't bad so long as you keep your back to that post :D But stuff or not, we did it lol.


Super Ashara can go bust her chops if she's all that. I'ma gonna chill on my beach on Rishi and find myself, re-examine my life choices...and decide that I turned out just fine, thanks. :D

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Um the Commander is the figurehead, the reason all these other heroes are joining up. Seriously, in what world would people such as Elara, Jorgen et al follow a "Dark V" Sith? It makes ZERO sense.


Elara wouldn't and didn't, she buzzed off in my story and good riddance never liked her anyway. Jorgan I think is dead on one of my toons, Kaliyo on another and both live on the third Outlander I have. If I could've killed off Elara, I would have dusted her too.


Jorgan isn't any saint either, he's a deserter, he and Havoc split from the Republic (Elara was cool with this?) basically pulled a Harron Tavus if memory serves. That's what surprised me. Honestly, it's the STORY that makes zero sense in a lot of ways and here we are trying to twist the pretzel into something that works for us.

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Elara wouldn't and didn't, she buzzed off in my story and good riddance never liked her anyway. Jorgan I think is dead on one of my toons, Kaliyo on another and both live on the third Outlander I have. If I could've killed off Elara, I would have dusted her too.


Jorgan isn't any saint either, he's a deserter, he and Havoc split from the Republic (Elara was cool with this?) basically pulled a Harron Tavus if memory serves. That's what surprised me. Honestly, it's the STORY that makes zero sense in a lot of ways and here we are trying to twist the pretzel into something that works for us.


Well considering the information I read about tomorrow patch I don't think they care what choices we made. They pick a choice they want and go with it no matter what choices you or I have made. If we make opposite choices it is oh well so sorry that not the choice you should have made. If we are not supposed to make choices that matter

why the hell

allow us to make choices in the first place.

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Well considering the information I read about tomorrow patch I don't think they care what choices we made. They pick a choice they want and go with it no matter what choices you or I have made. If we make opposite choices it is oh well so sorry that not the choice you should have made. If we are not supposed to make choices that matter

why the hell

allow us to make choices in the first place.


I understand where you're coming from, and yes, it's been a great big long list of disappointments over the years, especially lately. It feels like The Monkey's Paw...you wish for a thing, get it and then wait for the other shoe to drop when it all goes to hell. Or you don't get what you want and are left feeling stupid with your cheese hanging in the wind.

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I understand where you're coming from, and yes, it's been a great big long list of disappointments over the years, especially lately. It feels like The Monkey's Paw...you wish for a thing, get it and then wait for the other shoe to drop when it all goes to hell. Or you don't get what you want and are left feeling stupid with your cheese hanging in the wind.


Yea, just makes me angry that we are given choices but they don't count. That is lazy *** writing. Our choices are not taken into account. I could write a better story then they do and I just write forum roleplay.


From what I have seen and read the problem is that there are a lot of people that have said they are ending their subs. With the way they are handling this and with the mess they made with the conquest and their half *** attempt to fix it I am not sure losing more people is a good idea unless of course they want to kill their own game and in that case keep acting all stupid. While they may see oh it just one person what they don't realize is the sphere of influence those people may have which can cause more people to leave.


Of course, they will say they have added a sub reward for incentive for people to stay sub, really you think some ugly looking speeder is an incentive to remain sub? Please.

Edited by casirabit
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  • 6 months later...

Have only seen the Youtube videos but while I can appreciate Ashara's character arc, I hate what they did to the DS player's agency.


By this I mean not allowing the DS Inquisitor to fight and possibly kill her when she laugably claimed she was the equal of the DS Inquisitor (No, she is not. If she was then should have gotten off her *** and actually defeated the Eternal Empire before the Outsider was thawed from Carbonite).


To put it simply there should have been a Kill option for her as no DS Sith would allow a rebellious apprentice like that to walk away without a fight. Maybe, maybe just maybe they would allow Ashara to walk away if she offered something in return (and ensured the Inquisitor could not kill her and take it)


Another option (if killing is not desired for a future story arc) would have been to allow a fight but have Ashara escape and go into hiding (again) at the end of it.


To those who are against Kill options for companions, I can only say this:


I don't necessarily want to kill Companions but if there is no kill option




BW should not make Companions do things that a DS character would kill them for.


To put it simply use the Vader and/or Palpatine test:


Would Vader or Palpatine kill the character for what they just did?


1) Quinn betrayed and tried to kill Warrior. Vader would have force choked him on the spot. (In all honesty BW messed up by implementing a kill option way too late. Why would the Warrior kill him for a betrayal that occurred years ago when they chose not to kill him when he actually commited it.)


2) Ashara tried to leave Inquisitor's service while claiming they were equals. Palpatine might, just might have let her live/leave if there was tangible benefit to doing so. (Maybe a force vision where she helps the Empire or him later or something similar) If there is no such benefit Palpatine would have hit her with enough lightning that she dies or (mentally/spiritually) breaks.



If you make companions betray a DS character or screw up on a massive scale without a reason to let them live then DS Characters should get an option to killl them.

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It was disappointing for my main who hated Ashara to have her left alive. Also, how did they rebuild Voss so quickly? Yeah those are spoilers but I'm :mad: No kill option = conspiracy...


If your character hated Ashara and you wanted to kill her, my question would be, why would you have recruited her and why would she have allowed you to get close to her?

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