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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Conquest System: First Impressions


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There are 30 guilds on Star Forge occupying all available slots that are somehow earning points toward conquest on this new system. While you're here bellyaching, they're earning points.


SOMEBODY has figured it out. In fact 30 guild leaders have figured it out.

Look at Unchained Wrath on Star Forge, biggest planet, number 1, hit 1.028,930 points, second place is You Aint Sith at 435,538 points. THEY FIGURED IT OUT and they're rolling with it.


Get your footing in this new system and run with it. If this was an employee test to see how versatile you were with changing conditions, most of you, based on your whining, would score very poorly.


My recommendations to the DEVs: Let this play out for 2 weeks worth of conquests before doing any tweaks whatsoever. What you're seeing is a small subset of players who aren't patient enough to work with the new system.


Players on this thread saying the new conquest system sucks, etc., etc., roll it back, etc., etc., talk to the leader of Unchained Wrath. They have figured it out, and they're smoking you.


this isnt just about guilds. its about individuals. individuals who have for years now, had no problem doing conquest, because it was incentive and the rewards were great and easy to attain. now it's all about guilds, guilds guilds. what about the individuals.

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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There are 30 guilds on Star Forge occupying all available slots that are somehow earning points toward conquest on this new system. While you're here bellyaching, they're earning points.


SOMEBODY has figured it out. In fact 30 guild leaders have figured it out.

Look at Unchained Wrath on Star Forge, biggest planet, number 1, hit 1.028,930 points, second place is You Aint Sith at 435,538 points. THEY FIGURED IT OUT and they're rolling with it.


Get your footing in this new system and run with it. If this was an employee test to see how versatile you were with changing conditions, most of you, based on your whining, would score very poorly.


My recommendations to the DEVs: Let this play out for 2 weeks worth of conquests before doing any tweaks whatsoever. What you're seeing is a small subset of players who aren't patient enough to work with the new system.


Players on this thread saying the new conquest system sucks, etc., etc., roll it back, etc., etc., talk to the leader of Unchained Wrath. They have figured it out, and they're smoking you.


Im on satele shan so i have no idea who those guilds even are.


No I'm not patient enough to work with the new system. I have 16 days left. If i get some kind of promise my efforts will be worth something in that time then ill stay.


I didnt like GC when it first dropped. I dont really mind it now. So i can he convinced to stay. But its going to require some convincing this time.

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The advice is the same. Talk to some individuals in Unchained Wrath.


sure, one warzone win per day per legacy, same with heroics, same with everything else. how is that fun at all. it killed incentive to play lots of alts. especially for people who are solo players doing warzones, and flashpoints. non guilded

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Great job Bioware! I do have 1 question for you. How do I unsub to this game again? I hope its easy and fast.


You people need to get your act together.

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sure, one warzone win per day per legacy, same with heroics, same with everything else. how is that fun at all. it killed incentive to play lots of alts.


Killed incentive to play alts, killed my guild ship expansion efforts, basically by trying to not reward the credit farmers snd gtn players... they're rewarding credit farmers and gtn players.

Edited by KendraP
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There are 30 guilds on Star Forge occupying all available slots that are somehow earning points toward conquest on this new system. While you're here bellyaching, they're earning points.


SOMEBODY has figured it out. In fact 30 guild leaders have figured it out.

Look at Unchained Wrath on Star Forge, biggest planet, number 1, hit 1.028,930 points, second place is You Aint Sith at 435,538 points. THEY FIGURED IT OUT and they're rolling with it.


Get your footing in this new system and run with it. If this was an employee test to see how versatile you were with changing conditions, most of you, based on your whining, would score very poorly.


My recommendations to the DEVs: Let this play out for 2 weeks worth of conquests before doing any tweaks whatsoever. What you're seeing is a small subset of players who aren't patient enough to work with the new system.


Players on this thread saying the new conquest system sucks, etc., etc., roll it back, etc., etc., talk to the leader of Unchained Wrath. They have figured it out, and they're smoking you.


Well, it is ONE toon per legacy and most of those points are as a result of the event world boss bug. Unchained Wrath is a massive guild, You Aint Sith another Massive guild. So your model doesnt hold up Zor (cause X=Zee).


Just sayin.

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Im on satele shan so i have no idea who those guilds even are.


No I'm not patient enough to work with the new system. I have 16 days left. If i get some kind of promise my efforts will be worth something in that time then ill stay.


I didnt like GC when it first dropped. I dont really mind it now. So i can he convinced to stay. But its going to require some convincing this time.


Impatience is the hallmark of gen Y. Can't help you there. I'm an old X'r and can roll with changes apparently better than people half my age. If even so much as one guild can figure out how to make 1m points in the first few hours of conquest opening, so can everyone else. I find it hard to believe that all the bright people are in Unchained Wrath (not even my guild).


Not everything in life is point-and-click. Someone in Unchained Wrath had an Aha! moment and BOOM they're off and running.


You can, too.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Before 5.8 I would pick a few chars to do conquest with and over the course of the week, I'd do daily FPs, GSF and warzones with them. If I fell short I'd craft an Invasion Force on Sunday. It was easy, no hassle and rewarding.


Please tell me, what's my incentive to run flashpoints with my fully geared chars now?

I like PvP and GSF... but you took away most of my motivation to get started this week. There's no progress for me anymore.


Please re-instate the previous conquest goals, even without any bonus they are so much better than the new ones.


Maybe you calculated conquest for a single char? That's the only explanation for the seriously low conquest point values. Anyone with a legacy (aka everyone) will struggle to complete their personal conquest goal on more than two characters. Or are we supposed to farm a single FP or operation now? Queue for Uprisings nonstop?


Even that might work out somehow, it could be tweaked... but the moment conquest was active, everyone and their dog started to invade Ilum. One of the largest guilds went for Iokath and completed the conquest goals in a few hours.

BioWare, please check how many large, medium and small guilds started an invasion... and then look which planet they picked. You'll notice that your plan didn't even work remotely.


It would have been nice to have a proper description or at least a tool tip for the new conquest. Try and error shouldn't be our default mode here...


Reaching the personal conquest goal is more difficult now (if we ignore the 10k from the bug) and that in turn makes reaching the guild conquest goals tedious and boring.


It's funny how you want to combat the inflation but then vastly increase the money earned from conquest. Tell me, as someone who's basically done with this game... what am I supposed to do with even more money and cxp?


Sorry, but even the slight hope that our small guild might have a shot at conquering a planet go crushed today and with that my last motivation to do anything for conquest is done. And without that, my reasons to play are one fewer.


What used to be a welcome bonus for doing what you were doing anyway got turned into tedious work with disappointing rewards.


Once more, potential wasted.

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Before 5.8 I would pick a few chars to do conquest with and over the course of the week, I'd do daily FPs, GSF and warzones with them. If I fell short I'd craft an Invasion Force on Sunday. It was easy, no hassle and rewarding.


Please tell me, what's my incentive to run flashpoints with my fully geared chars now?

I like PvP and GSF... but you took away most of my motivation to get started this week. There's no progress for me anymore.


Please re-instate the previous conquest goals, even without any bonus they are so much better than the new ones.


Maybe you calculated conquest for a single char? That's the only explanation for the seriously low conquest point values. Anyone with a legacy (aka everyone) will struggle to complete their personal conquest goal on more than two characters. Or are we supposed to farm a single FP or operation now? Queue for Uprisings nonstop?


Even that might work out somehow, it could be tweaked... but the moment conquest was active, everyone and their dog started to invade Ilum. One of the largest guilds went for Iokath and completed the conquest goals in a few hours.

BioWare, please check how many large, medium and small guilds started an invasion... and then look which planet they picked. You'll notice that your plan didn't even work remotely.


It would have been nice to have a proper description or at least a tool tip for the new conquest. Try and error shouldn't be our default mode here...


Reaching the personal conquest goal is more difficult now (if we ignore the 10k from the bug) and that in turn makes reaching the guild conquest goals tedious and boring.


It's funny how you want to combat the inflation but then vastly increase the money earned from conquest. Tell me, as someone who's basically done with this game... what am I supposed to do with even more money and cxp?


Sorry, but even the slight hope that our small guild might have a shot at conquering a planet go crushed today and with that my last motivation to do anything for conquest is done. And without that, my reasons to play are one fewer.


What used to be a welcome bonus for doing what you were doing anyway got turned into tedious work with disappointing rewards.


Once more, potential wasted.


please bioware, at least add in the random flashpoint queues, as well as win / loss for pvp and buff some of their points. think of the larger bulk of players. also remove the once per day per legacy limit. it's horrible. or just revert the changes.

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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please bioware, at least add in the random flashpoint queues, as well as win / loss for pvp and buff some of their points. think of the larger bulk of players. also remove the once per day per legacy limit. it's horrible.


The larger bulk of players are busy making conquest points right now.

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I think its time to listen to the player base again. This has been the worst patch since kotfe has started. I say revert back to the old conquest system for earning points, And ask the player base next time what they would like to see and have a guilds placed on the PTS dedicated to trying out different conquest formats and if you guys always do have that, then they are a really bad test subject. Ask the player base what they would like to see and what they think would bring more players back into the game.
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I think its time to listen to the player base again. This has been the worst patch since kotfe has started. I say revert back to the old conquest system for earning points, And ask the player base next time what they would like to see and have a guilds placed on the PTS dedicated to trying out different conquest formats and if you guys always do have that, then they are a really bad test subject. Ask the player base what they would like to see and what they think would bring more players back into the game.


i agree

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First off, the interface is ugly and a lot more difficult. With the old system you could quickly tell what was repeatable and what was not. NO mission is clear about it now.

  • No marker - One time mission!
  • Gray mission marker - Probably repeatable, daily or repeatedly on the same day? Pretty sure I saw it completed and later the same day as not. A relog may have changed it, this group also contains daily missions. Needs further testing.
  • Yellow marker - Probably repeatable, daily or repeatedly on the same day? Needs testing.

With the yellow giving so few points they are probably intended as repeatable ad nausea.

That being said, points are LOW.

DONATE war supplies/invasion force... WHERE?

At the very least completely overhaul those descriptions so people can get the needed information from there.


Got a commander's Compendium (still overpriced but wanted to try it out). WARNING: It's consumed on use, after that it asks if you are sure you want to use it. So if you say no you will probably have lost it. A shame it's not bind to legacy but on pickup

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I think its time to listen to the player base again. This has been the worst patch since kotfe has started. I say revert back to the old conquest system for earning points, And ask the player base next time what they would like to see and have a guilds placed on the PTS dedicated to trying out different conquest formats and if you guys always do have that, then they are a really bad test subject. Ask the player base what they would like to see and what they think would bring more players back into the game.


I'll say this again because you're not reading:


If even so much as one guild can figure out how to make 1m points in the first few hours of conquest opening, so can everyone else. I find it hard to believe that all the bright people are in Unchained Wrath (not even my guild).


Not everything in life is point-and-click. Someone in Unchained Wrath had an Aha! moment and BOOM they're off and running.


You can, too.

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I', still waiting if any of these idiots will say anything.


That changes are a kick in the *** of conquest Players - only points for winning PvP, the tremendous costs by the crafting quests.


The only good idea with daily repeatable is not enough - 250 kills each day - grind at the best.


The only thing to is a rollback to the old system and a redesign. Please tell your custom what you want to do, get there feedback and avoid to deliver such a bull.****


They wont respond. They will stick their heads in the sand and ignore it and hope it goes away.

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Impatience is the hallmark of gen Y. Can't help you there. I'm an old X'r and can roll with changes apparently better than people half my age. If even so much as one guild can figure out how to make 1m points in the first few hours of conquest opening, so can everyone else. I find it hard to believe that all the bright people are in Unchained Wrath (not even my guild).


Not everything in life is point-and-click. Someone in Unchained Wrath had an Aha! moment and BOOM they're off and running.


You can, too.


Im paying for a service. I want to play what i want to play, and had gotten accustomed to being able to conquest cap toons however i chose. Not to have to do some boring grind fest on ilum becsuse thats where the bug is.


Again im a pvper on SS, those guild names mean nothing to me. Doubly so if theyre the BBB equivalent on SF. If youre unaware BBB is a huge guild that previously dominated conquests on SS. I run a 10-15 person guild.

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DONATE war supplies/invasion force... WHERE?

At the very least completely overhaul those descriptions so people can get the needed information from there.



Just put 10 of the invasion forces in your bags and right click, it'll ask you if you want to donate them and when you click Yes, all 10 will be consumed.

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Players on this thread saying the new conquest system sucks, etc., etc., roll it back, etc., etc., talk to the leader of Unchained Wrath. They have figured it out, and they're smoking you.


UW are the biggest Conquest Guild.


No matter what changes Bioware made UW would always come up smelling of roses.


The changes were supposed to help smaller guilds stand a chance of getting some reward for their effort - in that regard these changes are an absolute fail.


All The Best

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I'll say this again because you're not reading:


If even so much as one guild can figure out how to make 1m points in the first few hours of conquest opening, so can everyone else. I find it hard to believe that all the bright people are in Unchained Wrath (not even my guild).


Not everything in life is point-and-click. Someone in Unchained Wrath had an Aha! moment and BOOM they're off and running.


You can, too.


How do you know that's not a few people clearing out old inventory of Invasion Forces saved up from grinding out previous craftquests? I understand someone on a Lv1 toon hit their personal goal just right clicking them 10 at a time. That is *not* a viable solution for long-term success in Conquest - the stockpiles *will* wear down, and the treadmill trudging will begin in earnest, for Unchained Wrath and everyone else.

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PvP balance destroyed me thinks I am a casual player, but still liked to play even though it seemed at times I would go on a 20 loss streak at PvP. But at least I would get something to show for it. Now, no reason for ME to join.

I am unsure if new daily quests will show up tomorrow . I have to see what happens. I am hoping there are Daily quests the renew and give you different choices.

I will wait and see what happens within the next two weeks.:rak_02:

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