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New Conquest System: First Impressions


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It seems like people are having an issue with the points in regards to what used to be, and is no repeatable content. Myself included.


Have you guys thought about putting in a diminishing returns on those activities.. Put the numbers back to where they were.. Give us some nice numbers towards conquest the first time we do the activity.. Then decrease it by like 10% each time thereafter. That way if people really want to do the activity more than once they can decide if it is worth it to them.. It will still allow repeatability for a while


Just one idea I guess..


(No I didn't read the 26 pages I missed since last night.. so if this has been suggested I'm sorry).

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1875 points isn't even a tiny dent in my 20k per toon...and I can do that Op once. If there were points awarded for it, I didn't see where they were on my list...which is what I went by. TFB was a one time shot...I did that instead of EV (7500 points)


By "Legacy" I mean TFB was a one time thing. The killing of the 2 Ilum guys was a one time thing per Legacy.


Maybe I'm wrong, and I hope I am, but I didn't see anything telling me what was repeatable and what wasn't...so how can you tell exactly? The new system is atrocious imo. I'm glad you like it Kaff...but you're the only person I know who does.


With removal of the Guild Invasion things have changed point wise. But the GF Ops always only rewarded 2-3k...It was the big reward when TFB/SNV/etc fell on the GF day because then you made bank point wise. Same as this.

Since I run Imp side lockouts for CXP, that's a nice amount of points for 10min run or so...Not that I'm going to cap each toon but I didn't cap every toon before on certain weeks. :)


The One Time Objectives have always been there, Tux.

Xeno is always one time, the WB's are always one time, etc... You should remember that.

The named Ops that were listed were also one time objectives. (Like above mentioned Ops.)


There is a sorting tool to help you know what's been completed, points, names, percentage completed, etc....

It's different, I understand it's got flaws. I'm not "happy" with it, but I do NOT see the need to come to the forums & flame Eric, throw fits, basically tar & feather the devs with every sort of insult because they made changes. (Which is what others are doing, not saying you are.)


Yes BW is notorious for sneaking things in, but this was intended for good not bad.

Take for instance "Crafting to win", people came to the forums constantly complaining that needed nerfed because it wasn't fair, on weeks that Crafting rewarded tons of points. So look what they did: They made the crafting harder, randomized the schedule to just a week ahead (which is nice because they said it was going to be completely random). Now they are getting harassed & trashed for listening to the players.


How about all the players who hollered "PvP should only reward the points for wins!"?? They got what they wished. (Which really should have been the thing from the get go because of the ones who just stand in PvP & do nothing.) Now they are again harassing & threatening to quit because of it.


Eric, Keith, & the rest just can't win for losing.

I know they make mistakes & do stupid stuff, I'm not defending that. But by far & large while this conquest change has problems, people are losing their sanity over things that are 1. Have been asked of. 2. Bugs in the system causing different requirements. 3. Incorrect information.

Hence why I'm tired of the vocal minority in this thread just raging over pointless stuff. It's barely been implemented 24hrs. Much less a week to see how they changed stuff for next week. (Because as one stated somewhere else, Gree was always lower on points & capping toons.)


Dulfy's guide I linked shows all those details too, Tux so it makes it a bit clearer because I do agree the new objectives list is a bit confusing.

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Just wanted to add my 2 cents not going to read through the entire thread:

With the changes to crafting though I wonder how many people are going to bother with buying mats for the crafting objectives for much longer, combined with the removal of the conquest schedule. Potentially there goes a large source of my in game income.


In closing what happened to the item/vendor that was suppose to tie in to the conquest system that allowed you to max a companions influence?


That vendor (V1C-ORY) is on the fleet in the stronghold & crew skills next to General Hathkor.


And yes with the changes to crafting I believe it will benefit credit farmers/sellers, and matt botts the most as having an unlimited supply of invasion forces to use for <Crafting: Aid the War Effort> is not sustainable in the current new system.

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With removal of the Guild Invasion things have changed point wise. But the GF Ops always only rewarded 2-3k...It was the big reward when TFB/SNV/etc fell on the GF day because then you made bank point wise. Same as this.

Since I run Imp side lockouts for CXP, that's a nice amount of points for 10min run or so...Not that I'm going to cap each toon but I didn't cap every toon before on certain weeks. :)


The One Time Objectives have always been there, Tux.

Xeno is always one time, the WB's are always one time, etc... You should remember that.

The named Ops that were listed were also one time objectives. (Like above mentioned Ops.)


There is a sorting tool to help you know what's been completed, points, names, percentage completed, etc....

It's different, I understand it's got flaws. I'm not "happy" with it, but I do NOT see the need to come to the forums & flame Eric, throw fits, basically tar & feather the devs with every sort of insult because they made changes. (Which is what others are doing, not saying you are.)


Yes BW is notorious for sneaking things in, but this was intended for good not bad.

Take for instance "Crafting to win", people came to the forums constantly complaining that needed nerfed because it wasn't fair, on weeks that Crafting rewarded tons of points. So look what they did: They made the crafting harder, randomized the schedule to just a week ahead (which is nice because they said it was going to be completely random). Now they are getting harassed & trashed for listening to the players.


How about all the players who hollered "PvP should only reward the points for wins!"?? They got what they wished. (Which really should have been the thing from the get go because of the ones who just stand in PvP & do nothing.) Now they are again harassing & threatening to quit because of it.


Eric, Keith, & the rest just can't win for losing.

I know they make mistakes & do stupid stuff, I'm not defending that. But by far & large while this conquest change has problems, people are losing their sanity over things that are 1. Have been asked of. 2. Bugs in the system causing different requirements. 3. Incorrect information.

Hence why I'm tired of the vocal minority in this thread just raging over pointless stuff. It's barely been implemented 24hrs. Much less a week to see how they changed stuff for next week. (Because as one stated somewhere else, Gree was always lower on points & capping toons.)


Dulfy's guide I linked shows all those details too, Tux so it makes it a bit clearer because I do agree the new objectives list is a bit confusing.

I posted ONCE in this thread before you engaged me, I'm not a vocal minority...I simply commented with what I thought was wrong.


Anyone who "hollered" that PvP should reward only wins is an idiot. PvP is an activity that uses other players as the MAIN focus...you absolutely need to reward BOTH sides for PvP or you'll end up with just premade groups running it. Half lose, half win...unlike PvE, PvP requires people to compete against...this is a HUGE disincentive to staying on a losing team.


Anyone who complained about Conquest crafting, didn't look at the bigger picture. I agree, crafting sucked because I feel like it dominated Conquests...and it did...but it also was a centerpiece for so much more in this game, like allowing new players an easy way to make some credits by farming mats, it made farming mats a non-combat, solo activity that WAS rewarding. It removed BILLIONS of credits and MILLIONS of mats from the game. For as much as I HATE crafting, it was a HUGE benefit to the game as a whole imo.


I didn't read anything on Dulfy before this...why should I need to go to a third party website to find out what should be easy to understand in-game? I'm not new here...I really didn't think I'd need to study to play the game...yet even I'm perplexed as hell by what rewards what and how many times it does. NOWHERE in my list was a reward for doing the Operation of the day...NOWHERE. It was freaking EV...I could run that in my sleep on a level 50 character...yet it didn't reward anything according to my list.


My opinion is that this new system SUCKS.

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Yea, we still do it. Conquest was one of the last guild group activities that had a goal tied to it. A bit of competition with other guilds. Even in doing some really old and stale content. It was a group effort the entire guild could get behind in an event type situation and hand out mediocre rewards. It was still entertaining for the guild given we are a conquest guild mainly.
A few weeks ago we even had former players resub just to help us win Iokath...Bioware got extra money from Conquests because we wanted that win. It was an ALL guild effort that we ALL got behind and all went above and beyond for...we ended up winning by about 100million points, so it wasn't "close", but we converted a couple of those FFIX players back to SWTOR players because of it.


The old system had problems, but it didn't have nearly what the new system does.

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A few weeks ago we even had former players resub just to help us win Iokath...Bioware got extra money from Conquests because we wanted that win. It was an ALL guild effort that we ALL got behind and all went above and beyond for...we ended up winning by about 100million points, so it wasn't "close", but we converted a couple of those FFIX players back to SWTOR players because of it.


The old system had problems, but it didn't have nearly what the new system does.


all the system needed was some tweaks, not a complete revamp. a bad revamp at that.

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There are so many other things that they could have fixed. There are major bugs that have been around for YEARS, why didn't they spend time working on those? I sent in a ticket yesterday complaining about the bugs that are still present in the Star Fortress quests that have been there since they first appeared in the game. The guy that answered my ticket asked me to be specific and write a ticket for each bug. Really? These are well-documented bugs that have been around for quite some time, I'm pretty sure they're aware of them.


They're too busy performing surgery on a problem that merely needed a band-aid to spend time working on bugs that people have been asking them to fix for years.

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There are so many other things that they could have fixed. There are major bugs that have been around for YEARS, why didn't they spend time working on those? I sent in a ticket yesterday complaining about the bugs that are still present in the Star Fortress quests that have been there since they first appeared in the game. The guy that answered my ticket asked me to be specific and write a ticket for each bug. Really? These are well-documented bugs that have been around for quite some time, I'm pretty sure they're aware of them.


They're too busy performing surgery on a problem that merely needed a band-aid to spend time working on bugs that people have been asking them to fix for years.


well because bioware is bioware. they went in way over their head developing an MMO now they are stuck with it.

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I would've much rather seen a revamp to Tank stats for PvP. Make Defense work against Yellow damage, make Shield work against Crits, etc. THAT'S what needs an overhaul right now.


Honestly, after this, I'd rather they don't touch anything anymore. A revamp for tanks in pvp will end up disabling any dps ability while you guard (but will also disable abilities for the one being guarded), will lower the effectiveness of defense and shield, and _somehow_ will make random craft recipes succeed with no item being crafted. J/k but would you be surprised, honestly?

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




I want to know why this was not brought up to the players before putting it up live? The insanity of this just boggles my mind, it is literally like you guys threw it on the table without any planning or real effort and said "quick before anyone notices that it's the stupidest idea we've ever had and lets push it out".

I used to enjoy pumping out whatever conquest I could for my guild doing fps, pvp and whatnot. And now? The effort to even complete personal conquest is extreme for such little rewards. What is the use of doing daily flashpoints now? What is the use of que'ing for pvp when you only get one reward per day (that is if you don't get a crappy team that loses constantly)?

Way to screw your player base. If that was your purpose (which, honestly from all the previous crap you guys have been pulling it wouldn't surprise me) then you are doing a dang good job.



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The new system is a total mess and really really misses the mark on what we were told the goals were. So either they lied about the goals, or simply didn't consider those goals at each step in design. There are a couple of nice things with the new system that are totally overshadowed by dozens of terrible things. This post may seem long, but there are new ideas in here, so please read.


Good : No longer have to be in top 10 for rewards.

Bad: Almost verything else?


I could make this post a quite obvious statement of why everything is bad but that is simply restating what hundreds of people have already done on this forum. Instead I'd like to offer solutions/changes that should happen to take the few positives in the changes and improve them by bringing them back into solving the goals they set out to solve.


1.) PROBLEM: The User Interface. This has to be made USER INTUITIVE. A player who has never heard of conquest should be able to look at that interface and immediately know exactly what it is and what he/she needs to do to gain conquest, what conquest does to forward their and the guilds goals. This fails on ALL of those fronts. I'm tired of giving a 2 hour class to each new guild member explaining these things. The new UI continues the old tradition of obfuscation. This is a conversation topic all of its own, and I'll make a new post for my ideas and discussion.

SOLUTION: To have its own thread with my ideas.


2.) PROBLEM: Ninja craft requirements changes. NEVER, EVER, change craft or purchase requirements without giving the player base 1 month notice. This is such a blatant spit in the face of players that the person who suggested this, and the person who approved it, should both be immediately fired. This may sound harsh, but its true. Remember, player experience is EVERYTHING.

SOLUTION: Immediately change dark projects and war-supplies back to old requirements for 1 month.


3.) PROBLEM: After the above 1 month adjustment period, having to craft so much more to make a war supply. This killed the ability to purchase mats to level up crafting, made conquest war supply no longer viable, and another total spit in the face for conquest crafters who had a stock-pile of mats. I think it does make more sense that it takes all of the mats, but you guys really seriously f-ed it up how you rolled it out.

SOLUTION: Conquest amounts for crafting invasion force increased 10x what it is. A new vendor that allows you to trade some of your stockpile of mats for other mats at a 4/6/8 scale since that is what is needed for each tier. This means if you want to trade 1000 level 9 graft/bonded/assembly for level 2, you'd get 2000 of those. At least that would allow people to spread out their stockpiles and choose what gathering they do rather than having to blanket all the zones to get the materials. This should be a permanent vendor.


4.) PROBLEM: No longer does guildship give bonuses to invasion, but yet the PC is still 20,000. Plus all conquest gains are too low.

SOLUTION: PC should now only be half what it was before: 10,000, and planet mins halved also.


5.) PROBLEM: Goal was to help small guilds compete. This was an extreme failure. Large guilds have much more flexibility now versus small guilds over the old system. The new system GREATLY improves conquest for large guilds over that of small guilds. I do not mean the system is better for large guilds than the old, I mean compared to small guilds the new system has increased the advantage over small guilds. This is partly because the changes to crafting the large guilds have enormous numbers of people and resources they will be able to adapt to that much easier. The one area where smalls had a tiny chance has been removed.

SOLUTION: Lets get real here, if you are not lying, you are truthful you want all guilds to be able to participate in all of conquest, then the new system opens the door to exactly that. The new system has a "minimum" number which takes the place of the 2nd-10th competition. Why not extend that to taking planets too? If it is 460k to get top 10, why not make it 1 million to get the conqueror title. The guild who gets #1 will still get name on planet, but all the rest of the benefits should go to ALL guilds who got to 1 million. This solves half of the problem. The other half is that we get rid of LARGE, MEDIUM and SMALL, and make them all 500k/1M. There you go. The perfect solution.


6.) PROBLEM: PvP and GSF are now dead, and the game will soon close because of it. The fact that you only gain points on WINS and are limited, and are way too low in conquest is the magic formula to end this game. This is the most serious issue I have ever seen from a game patch, in any game, EVER. But the solution is simple if done IMMEDIATELY:

SOLUTION: Change it so that PvP/GSF are repeatable, with weekly rewards, give LOTS of conquest, AND for the love of all that is holy: NO MORE WINS REQUIREMENT. Completed matches should pay, wins should not be any more than losses.


7.) Group play: No more flashpoint random? Really? Do I need to list the solution here?


8.) PROBLEM: The system should encourage people to be able to choose what they want to do, and also explore things they do not normally do. This DOESNT MEAN it should force people to do things they hate or are repetative. When I say repetative, I do not mean 20 PVP matches is the same as running Battle of Ilum 20 times. PvP/GSF matches are different every time.

SOLUTION: Just give us 5 catagories for gains. We can choose ANY COMBINATION in those catagories. Examples might be for a NON CRAFT WEEK:

- CATAGORY 1: LARGE GROUP CONTENT: Kill a world boss, Kill an operation boss (each boss), etc. (1000)

- CATAGORY 2: GENERAL GROUP: Complete random FP, Complete random Uprising, Complete ANY OPS (1000)

- CATAGORY 3: PvP/GSF: Complete any 5 matches repeatable (mix/match allowed): (2000)

- CATAGORY 4: Event specific: various stuff here appropriate for the weekly event. (various amts)


9.) PROBLEM: Rewards suck. Not only is there no incentive to finish a small planet, there is basically the same incentive to finish a large one. So regardless if my above changes happen, changes have to happen. People have 100,000 of each of those decorations, we don't want any more of the same.

SOLUTION: 1 random decoration from the ENTIRE POOL OF DECORATIONS. 1 random chance cube. 1 of the HIGH VALUE mats used for the new augments, that means also in the future when those are meaningless these are replaced with whatever the next high value mat is. And I guess still jawa junks. If we keep medium/large planets, then double the number for medium, and triple the number for large.


Ok, some of these deserve a thread of their own so people can appropriately weigh in so I may create threads for that, but they said they would be reading this thread so I wanted to mention here. Buried in a huge thread isn't the best place for new ideas.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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1. I do like the new screen for the conquest.


2. While I am a crafter, I understand the reason for the changes to the crafting. Too many people were using the crafting exclusively to get high conquest points, and people were complaining that this was unfair and not right, so they changed it to reflect a more uniform way of using crafting to compete in the conquest. I did notice while crafting that crafting is spread out further on your toons and this week you could do up to 10 and it didn't matter if various characters were doing it, this was a change for the better especially in the invasion crafting, when in the past only one could do it. You could do it on a variety until you hit the max of 10.


3. While the system could use some tweets (especially regarding pvp) I don't think it needs to be scrapped and I don't they will do that so instead of demanding they roll it back (which given past history they will not) it might be advisable to give improvements.




1. There should be more pvp incentives and it shouldn't be based on whether you win or lose. As far as what missions or how it should be done, I would refer you to a person who actually pvp, such as Tux and Trixxie as they have repeatedly stated they pvp. (I think GSF could use some as well )


2. If you are not going to do the group finder for flashpoints, then there should be a few more flashpoints, of course I know there are weeks that there was not that many flashpoints and other weeks there were quite a few. This is speaking for those that do the group finder flashpoints.


3. Weekies need to be changed back to the way they were. We used to be able to get credit for each character now it is legacy wide.


These are the ones I thought of that could use some fixing/changing that might help the system as I know from experience roll back something is not something that can or will be done for various reasons and might help save your new conquest system and relieve some of the problems that people are having with the system.



One positive note: Thank you for the decorations, they are nice. I especially liked the Club Vertica decoration. The sith ice sculpture is nice as well so thank you for those. Just wish they didn't call for credits and invasion kits too.


2. Crafting weapons aka Holocron, Crystal, Starship, Armored is beyond dumb atm, should there be a change, nerf to crafting yes there should be some type of change however this is one is way to drastic matt wise.


3. Weeklies? what points. You only get points for running the same one FP, uprising. And for PvP you can only do get points for 1 match a win and that's on 1 of your toons in your entire legacy for that day.

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I'm amused still by all the "end of the world" level crying here over things things that are bad. Some aren't even looking into it or messing with it, but are going off what they see on the outside/what people say that are going off what they see. Others are jumping to the conclusion that these things are intended and deliberately set up a certain way and come here raging.


So after doing some conquest myself, and discussing it with my guild, it seems that most of what people here are complaining about, are bugs. Things aren't making sense and seem overly restrictive. Yet these things don't prove true across all toons or faction. For example: On some toons, the conquest U.I. OPs is only doable once on one toon period, yet on other toons, it can be repeated. Others are saying that the points don't even show up or are missing, or entire missions are missing.


However, aside from the bugs and the aforementioned lack of description, there are some things that, and this is assuming it's not bugged, should be improved. PvP, FP, and Uprisings give really low points for what they are. Group content should be giving more than daily missions, or crafting. And crafting should probably get a small increase, but it would probably be fine where it is if the other group missions had the proper points rewarded.


Now, let's say that these were intended. Does this make them incompetent, stupid, and deserving of being fired? No. It means they're imperfect and make mistakes like you and me. NOTHING gives ANYONE the right to be rude to them about it.


So to conclude: I love the new Conquest setup. I am interested to find out what are bugs and what is intended. Then we can have a clear understanding of things and give proper feedback.

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Hello everyone I am Damented GM for You Aint Sith. I have played since beta along with a lot of our guild. This is the first post I have ever made and it breaks my heart to have to do this. The ball has been dropped on this conquest change. We are a medium size guild with 168 active accounts but our people are very active and enjoy conquest. Every week we work hard to place win and so on because we enjoy it but this new point system has made it impossible to even enjoy the game anymore. PVP- Star Fighter -Crafting - Flash Points - Operations - what ever aspect of the game you enjoyed has been ruined. I have asked my guild to wait and let bio-ware fix this but a lot have already unsubbed .I feel that they will come back if this is fixed but if it is not a lot more will follow and I have to say after 6 years in a game I have loved playing I will be forced to leave also. You have to back the patch up or this game is dead. Last I heard SWTOR was still top 10 MMO please hear us when we say this is bad really bad. We will leave if you don't make a post soon this will be the end of SWTOR.
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How about all the players who hollered "PvP should only reward the points for wins!"?? They got what they wished. (Which really should have been the thing from the get go because of the ones who just stand in PvP & do nothing.) Now they are again harassing & threatening to quit because of it.


Eric, Keith, & the rest just can't win for losing.

I know they make mistakes & do stupid stuff, I'm not defending that.




Yup I'm sure all the PvPers myself included are happy with receiving credit for 1 win for our entire legacy for the day. Stop defending them, they had a chance to correctly test this on the PTS prior to saying "oh this will be amazing" and then just pushing the pile of sh*t live.

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The Developers of this game have never understood what they have. Or they have been consistently undermined by corporate hacks. I suspect it is a bit of both.


From it's inception, SWTOR has been a single player game in a persistent multi user world. Operations, PVP, crafting all of these are conventions that MMO players expect so they've been included. But the heart of this game is the single player experience. When they truly embrace it they will have a loyal base of subscribers who won't ever stop playing this game and will happily fork over subscription fees month after month.


But instead of embracing the solo nature of this game and it's kissing cousin, alt play - they always choose to keep the solo experience somewhere between mildly frustrating and outright impossible.


The lastest changes are yet another example of making the game more difficult to play without another person.


Operations players will always demand new content. pVpers will always whine about balance. Devs are forced to spend resources catering to these vocal communities. They labor under the misguided belief that group content or multiplayer content is the only way to keep players engaged.


This is a fundamental misunderstanding. Keeping players playing is about rewards. Just like a casino. A concept that EA partially understands and exploits, but if they embraced it in a customer friendly way they would find people eager to remain subscribers. Instead of stopping when the content gets stale.


I suspect there is even a market for a premium subscription if they implemented it with an eye toward providing the customer with value for their money. Sadly, the history of the cartel market shows that this is unlikely.


The point is this...


We will run the same content over and over and over on unlimited alts if it is worthwhile.


You don't need to keep inventing new ops. You don't need to invent new stories. Yes, some people (who already complaining) will complain. But it won't matter. All you need to do is make the rewards system for existing content progress so that players of any playstyle - solo, PVP or Group feel a sense of accomplishment and most importantly advancement.


Whether that it is more strongholds to build and decorate. Ships to acquire, outfits to collect. Powers to unlock. Give us a never ending treadmill of things to acquire, and then make it easy to do it, on our own.


Ignore the elitist rlwho think that players must "earn" rewards. The word earn should have no place in a conversation about a recreational activity.


Players should get everything they want as long as they play for it (and pay for it). In other words, treat everyone's time as valuable.


Don't force group content or pointless grinds. Once I am done building one stronghold out, I'll make another. If there were other ways to advance your character people would just keep rolling up alt after alt.


You have the greatest IP of all time and the potential to create a never-ending RPG. That it is still frustrating to play solo six years after launch is all the evidence anyone needs to understand that EA, Bioware, etc doesn't understand this game as it is, but most importantly what it could be.

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I want to know why this was not brought up to the players before putting it up live? The insanity of this just boggles my mind, it is literally like you guys threw it on the table without any planning or real effort and said "quick before anyone notices that it's the stupidest idea we've ever had and lets push it out".

I used to enjoy pumping out whatever conquest I could for my guild doing fps, pvp and whatnot. And now? The effort to even complete personal conquest is extreme for such little rewards. What is the use of doing daily flashpoints now? What is the use of que'ing for pvp when you only get one reward per day (that is if you don't get a crappy team that loses constantly)?

Way to screw your player base. If that was your purpose (which, honestly from all the previous crap you guys have been pulling it wouldn't surprise me) then you are doing a dang good job.





There was a post about the conquest changes



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The Developers of this game have never understood what they have. Or they have been consistently undermined by corporate hacks. I suspect it is a bit of both.


From it's inception, SWTOR has been a single player game in a persistent multi user world. Operations, PVP, crafting all of these are conventions that MMO players expect so they've been included. But the heart of this game is the single player experience. When they truly embrace it they will have a loyal base of subscribers who won't ever stop playing this game and will happily fork over subscription fees month after month.


But instead of embracing the solo nature of this game and it's kissing cousin, alt play - they always choose to keep the solo experience somewhere between mildly frustrating and outright impossible.


The lastest changes are yet another example of making the game more difficult to play without another person.


Operations players will always demand new content. pVpers will always whine about balance. Devs are forced to spend resources catering to these vocal communities. They labor under the misguided belief that group content or multiplayer content is the only way to keep players engaged.


This is a fundamental misunderstanding. Keeping players playing is about rewards. Just like a casino. A concept that EA partially understands and exploits, but if they embraced it in a customer friendly way they would find people eager to remain subscribers. Instead of stopping when the content gets stale.


I suspect there is even a market for a premium subscription if they implemented it with an eye toward providing the customer with value for their money. Sadly, the history of the cartel market shows that this is unlikely.


The point is this...


We will run the same content over and over and over on unlimited alts if it is worthwhile.


You don't need to keep inventing new ops. You don't need to invent new stories. Yes, some people (who already complaining) will complain. But it won't matter. All you need to do is make the rewards system for existing content progress so that players of any playstyle - solo, PVP or Group feel a sense of accomplishment and most importantly advancement.


Whether that it is more strongholds to build and decorate. Ships to acquire, outfits to collect. Powers to unlock. Give us a never ending treadmill of things to acquire, and then make it easy to do it, on our own.


Ignore the elitist rlwho think that players must "earn" rewards. The word earn should have no place in a conversation about a recreational activity.


Players should get everything they want as long as they play for it (and pay for it). In other words, treat everyone's time as valuable.


Don't force group content or pointless grinds. Once I am done building one stronghold out, I'll make another. If there were other ways to advance your character people would just keep rolling up alt after alt.


You have the greatest IP of all time and the potential to create a never-ending RPG. That it is still frustrating to play solo six years after launch is all the evidence anyone needs to understand that EA, Bioware, etc doesn't understand this game as it is, but most importantly what it could be.


I have never seen a developer try so hard for solo experiences but fail so badly at it. Until I met bioware.

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So after doing some conquest myself, and discussing it with my guild, it seems that most of what people here are complaining about, are bugs. Things aren't making sense and seem overly restrictive. Yet these things don't prove true across all toons or faction. For example: On some toons, the conquest U.I. OPs is only doable once on one toon period, yet on other toons, it can be repeated. Others are saying that the points don't even show up or are missing, or entire missions are missing.


^^ Agree with this assessment. And, people need to report the observed bugs in game and in the bug forum so as to get some visibility for corrections. More reports = more compelling feedback for attention.


Yes. yes.. we would all love it if major changes are released bug free, but that is unrealistic for any MMO to be honest. So.. bug report early, and bug report often. Wailing and gnashing of teeth in the forum does little real good except to get people even more worked up over the changes and bugs.


However, aside from the bugs and the aforementioned lack of description, there are some things that, and this is assuming it's not bugged, should be improved. PvP, FP, and Uprisings give really low points for what they are. Group content should be giving more than daily missions, or crafting. And crafting should probably get a small increase, but it would probably be fine where it is if the other group missions had the proper points rewarded.


^^ Agree with this assessment and would add that this particular studio has a history of NOT getting major things tuned right pre-patch. We saw it in 3.0 with major issues with OPs exploits and credit exploits that ran for many weeks unaddressed as well as the infamous Cartel Slot Machine waffle-fest, we saw this in 4.0 with companions, we saw it in 5.0 with GC, and we are now seeing it with this Conquest rework.


These are reasonable things to be reasonably and objectively reported in their respective subforums for response by the studio. But again.. the over the top raging and hyperbole by some does nothing to help promote a unified discussion on things we as players would like adjusted.

Edited by Andryah
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WHERE on earth did ANY of YOU get that it's not rewarding for Op of the day?!

I got conquest points (1875) for every toon I ran through EV last night!

That is a FREAKING daily people per toon.

Even Dulfy says it's a repeatable daily! http://dulfy.net/2018/03/20/swtor-5-8-conquest-guide-and-schedule/




Where is there "Legacy Conquest Goals"?

I've yet to see that. Even Dufly doesn't even mention it.


You might have gotten points. Good for you. It is bugged as **** and doesn't reward any but the first character for me and many others.


And yes, I did something about it. I went back to my 5 years dormant LOTRO account and reactivated it. I checked when my sub renews. It's 4/4. I am unsubbing on 4/3 if there isn't at least a plan on the forums for correcting the MANY bugs, the Ops awards one being among them.


My account creation date is 3/5/12. I have been continuously subscribed with no lapses through every serve merge, class 'fix', and adjustment, Command crates and everything else. This is the end of my rope. If they fix it, fine. If they don't I'm done.

Edited by Kyrra_T
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