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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Conquest System: First Impressions


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I have never been more angry about game changes. KOTFE KOTET story is horrendous and has gotten progressively worse and now this?


We cant do Operations group finder for conquest points across multiple toons? Really? It is END GAME CONTENT and CONQUEST is the only thing we have left to do after completing story content. And now we cant conquest multiple toons reasonably?


Suggestion: Make war supplies be 2/3/4 ; 5/6/7 ; 8/9/10 or something like that so that our new toons can craft in conquest reasonably also, gathering low level mats is an impossible undertaking. Or make areas on each planet with similar node concentrations to Yavin, Zakuul, Darvannis and Iokath.


Bioware you have massively broken this not improved it.

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




General feedback?


The new system is almost worse than galatic command BEFORE you put drops back in ops.


You've screwed my ability to expand my guildship without millions of credits i dont have.


You've screwed me over for running alts (again).


You've screwed me over for having a small guild since there's no point going to a larger planet


You've screwed me over for being primarily a pvper.


Need i continue?

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General feedback?


The new system is almost worse than galatic command BEFORE you put drops back in ops.


You've screwed my ability to expand my guildship without millions of credits i dont have.


You've screwed me over for running alts (again).


You've screwed me over for having a small guild since there's no point going to a larger planet


You've screwed me over for being primarily a pvper.


Need i continue?


all of this i agree with. 100% please do something.

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.






I would suggest you go over how the conquests will work on a daily basis. Do they change daily so what you see today may not be there tomorrow. I think there is some confusion there besides I think some pvp people have other complaints as well.

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Bringing all my quotes from the other thread to this one since you've designated this one as the official one.


Master Mode/ Veteran Mode dailies are gone now? So basically craft or operations is what's left? The last things I do in this game Conquest Flashpoints have been slashed. Please tell me this is an oversight. I'm seriously not happy. I'm looking at ending my subscription very closely now. :confused:

And don't say the Battle of Ilum FP is still there, I'm talking about the daily rewards for flashpoints.


Eric we need confirmation. Are Flashpoint dailies gone for all Conquests or just this week? Seriously, I need to know so I start deleting characters and finishing up my last achievements. I am no benefit to my guilds now. Guess I need to start quitting those. This is the last straw for me. Like those that GSF and PVP you guys have destroyed Conquest for me and others. :confused: Please let us know soon if this is just an oversight.




Please Bioware, you're killing our game. Every time you guys add or change new content you destroy it or make it worse. Every patch you create more bugs. Just stop. Seriously. You don't know what you're doing. Go, go work on Athem or whatever it's called. Don't bother with finishing the traitor story. Don't patch anymore bugs. Forget the rest of the companions. Don't touch it anymore. Please!


Keith, I seriously thought you'd make it better. It's not just Conquest itself you ruined here but all the things that many of us did to win Conquest. PVP, GSF, Flashpoints and thus no need to be in a guild. I've done all the stories several times. I don't like Operations. I was trying pvp via Conquest and now that's ruined. We need a response fast here.


REMOVE 5.8. Remove it before too many guilds get into it. You said you couldn't remove "Hot Prospect" yet you did. Call an emergency patch for tomorrow. Reverse this mistake. Save your game!
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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




No, you won't. Wait:




I shouted.


You cannot claim that you listen to anything any of your players ever say after you just screwed up once more so massively. You are COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED from your player base. Who is making these decisions? Who thought that these changes would be a good idea? What is your intention?


What exactly is the good thing in the new command system which you thought would please the players? There had to be some reasoning behind these changes. Or did you do it South Park style? Made a map, cut off a chicken's head and then see on which field the dead body eventually lands?

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Or did you do it South Park style? Made a map, cut off a chicken's head and then see on which field the dead body eventually lands?


"Bail out!"


:D I needed that laugh


Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Just change it back to the previous conquest.

Edited by Paulsutherland
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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




How about this:


Instead of driving the SWTOR bus against a wall with each patch and gathering feedback after the accident has already happened, you instead post what you plan before actually wasting development time on the new features.


Just a suggestion from a fellow game developer.


Ciao, Aronis!

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I have a question - will all conquest weeks be this hellish and tedious, or will there be quicker, easier ones with more repeatables to do? As in, to the capacity of being able to complete at least one character CQ in 6 - 12 hours. If every other event is as tedious as the Relics of Gree is right now, then I'd feel like me and my tiny guild shouldn't even bother at all.


I apologise if I'm terribly bitter about this, but conquest was one of the things me and my guild really enjoyed in this game. It was, for a time, large incentive in our motivation to play game content. When the merge happened, there was no longer any point because we'd never stay on the leaderboards. Now I don't think that we can manage the guild objective, because the objectives seem hardwired to keep us from doing so, or to make it several times harder than it used to be. Not to mention that my previous concerns make it so that this isn't even fun to do. The grind looks more daunting than it does encouraging, and this is coming from a player who's farmed 200 - 400k CQ points across alts to cling to leaderboards, and I take that as an achievement.

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




There are many threads about all the bad decisions with this patch. And yet to see any good news about this new system. Weak rewards and more grind.

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How about this:


Instead of driving the SWTOR bus against a wall with each patch and gathering feedback after the accident has already happened, you instead post what you plan before actually wasting development time on the new features.


Wait, wait!


Nope, can't have none of that here.


This is no place for good old fashioned common sense.


All The Best

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I'm also not feeling motivated for conquest anymore.

The one thing I liked doing most (random Flashpoints) doesn't give any points.

And it feels like everything just gives so little. I don't even see me reaching my personal goal, how is my (very small) guild ever going to reach its goal, and we did sometimes place in the top 10 before, rarely)

If at this event I wanted to get my goal with the one fp that is useful I would have to run it 62 times (with full stronghold bonus) and that is just one character.

I don't really do ops, because I lack the experience in them I don't get into groups often, so that is impossible.


Also pvp: losing now grants no points... considering that with random groups you might end up losing a lot this would result in spending a lot of time trying to get points and getting none at all.


I like that uprisings via group finder give points (but again just so little)


As for the rewards that your get for invading a planet, the difference between the yields seems very small. Hardly worth the trouble. Again as a small guild I see the big once coming to the small planets for an easy win.

On a different note, I like the new design/look, but I find the scrolling to look at all objectives a bit tiresome


Also what do the diffenent symbol mean. what colour means repeatable daily, more than once a day.


It would have been nice to have some more information before this went life. Or you know, you could say we did this and like to see what you think about it, here is an official post for ideas and feedback and we will consider changes because of that feedback.

I really appreciate the idea behind the revamp, but right now I don't really feel like it was a good one.

Thanks for reading (I hope you do :) )

Edited by streunekatze
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I'm also not feeling motivated for conquest anymore.

The one thing I liked doing most (random Flashpoints) doesn't give any points.

And it feels like everything just gives so little. I don't even see me reaching my personal goal, how is my (very small) guild ever going to reach its goal, and we did sometimes place in the top 10 before, rarely)

If at this event I wanted to get my goal with the one fp that is useful I would have to run it 62 times (with full stronghold bonus) and that is just one character.

I don't really do ops, because I lack the experience in them I don't get into groups often, so that is impossible.


Also pvp: losing now grants no points... considering that with random groups you might end up losing a lot this would result in spending a lot of time trying to get points and getting none at all.


I like that uprisings via group finder give points (but again just so little)


As for the rewards that your get for invading a planed, the difference between the yields seems very small. Hardly worth the trouble. Again as a small guild I see the big once coming to the small planets for an easy win.

On a different note, I like the new design/look, but I find the scrolling to look at all objectives a bit tiresome


I really appreciate the idea behind the revamp, but right now I don't really feel like it was a good one.

Thanks for reading (I hope you do :) )


conquest was one of the last things holding me here. and now... lol

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general feedback?


The new system is almost worse than galatic command before you put drops back in ops.


You've screwed my ability to expand my guildship without millions of credits i dont have.


You've screwed me over for running alts (again).


You've screwed me over for having a small guild since there's no point going to a larger planet


you've screwed me over for being primarily a pvper.


Need i continue?


this will cause me to cancel my subscription and abandon this game and bioware / ea games completely.


Fix it. Start actually listening to player feedback. I was on the pts for kotfe kotet and we made suggestions and told you how certain things would be received and you didnt listen. You all need to start listening now.

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Ok. Obviously the Dev's need to take a look at these things from a cost/reward standpoint.


Say a person wants to craft 10 Invasion Forces to get the 513 conquest points for donating them. In order to do that, this hypothetical person will buy all their crafting mats from the GTN. Let us assume that each mat costs 1000 credits. I am being generous here, many mats are far far more expensive, some are less. Each Bonded Attachment takes 6 mats, each War Supply requires 26 bonded attachments, and each Invasion Force requires 5 different War Supplies.


After doing the math you will find, each War Supply costs roughly 156,000 credits. Each Invasion Force costs 780,000 credits. 10 Invasion Forces costs 7.8 million credits.


Along the way, if you have the full bonus and you do all the crafting in one day, you will receive credit for the following Conquest Objectives :

Crafting: Aiding the War Effort (x1, 513 points)

Crafting: Invasion Force (x1, 1875 points)


You will not craft enough on any one toon to get the Many War Supplies (at 5k conquest points.)


So, for 7.8 million credits, you enjoy a nice heft amount of 2388 conquest points. Or 3,266 credits per conquest point. I understand the need to scale back the huge points that large guilds like my own were racking up with crafting. But this, this is ridiculous.



It dawned on me that maybe you do get the credit for Many War Supplies, as the objective might be legacy wide, I had not tested it yet. In that case its 7.8 Million credits for 7,388 conquest points.

Edited by Lisol
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this will cause me to cancel my subscription and abandon this game and bioware / ea games completely.


Fix it. Start actually listening to player feedback. I was on the pts for kotfe kotet and we made suggestions and told you how certain things would be received and you didnt listen. You all need to start listening now.


What I really don't understand is how/why anyone employed on SWTOR would think it OK to let this patch go live.


It is an abomination.


They hint at changes that, in principle, sound great and then deliver changes so abysmally thought out that it's like they were hinting at x and then decided to deliver !x, and then - because they are all so woefully out of touch with the playerbase - expect us to be happy.


I bet there are people in the Bioware office who genuinely don't understand why we are not happy.


All The Best

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Ok. Obviously the Dev's need to take a look at these things from a cost/reward standpoint.


Say a person wants to craft 10 Invasion Forces to get the 513 conquest points for donating them. In order to do that, this hypothetical person will buy all their crafting mats from the GTN. Let us assume that each mat costs 1000 credits. I am being generous here, many mats are far far more expensive, some are less. Each Bonded Attachment takes 6 mats, each War Supply requires 26 bonded attachments, and each Invasion Force requires 5 different War Supplies.


After doing the math you will find, each War Supply costs roughly 156,000 credits. Each War Supply costs 780,000 credits. 10 War Supplies costs 7.8 million credits.


Along the way, if you have the full bonus and you do all the crafting in one day, you will receive credit for the following Conquest Objectives :

Crafting: Aiding the War Effort (x1, 513 points)

Crafting: Invasion Force (x1, 1875 points)


You will not craft enough on any one toon to get the Many War Supplies (at 5k conquest points.)


So, for 7.8 million credits, you enjoy a nice heft amount of 2388 conquest points. Or 3,266 credits per conquest point. I understand the need to scale back the huge points that large guilds like my own were racking up with crafting. But this, this is ridiculous.


a nice credit sink

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First impression, last impression, both the same, the new system sucks. First I entered my tickets for failing to receive my conquest rewards from the week of 3/19/2018, all 14 of them. Already angry about that, I go to my main and check out the new system. Find out that none of the objectives are listed as repeatable, no information was supplied as to if this means that all objectives are one off for my entire legacy, as it once meant, or if that is specific to that toon only. And, to make matters worse, Daily GF FP's are no longer part of conquest, and this week the only Heroic is the one off on Ilum, which I suspected would be the case because of the piece of crap Gree event. No information was supplied before the change, and this is just too much. My initial reaction was to log out and go watch tv. Thanks EAware, this was my first MMO, the only game I was playing, and you broke it. Thanks a bunch.
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