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Expansion all but confirmed?


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Hey Tux, that's actually how I took it and was poking fun at myself, too. I do plan to tell everyone about what we are planning, how we want to deliver updates, and also discuss our expansion plans for SWTOR. I'll post up some insight when I'm ready to start those discussions (but, it's definitely not for at least another month).




What do you guys think. Was he talking about a real expansion content or the general "expansion" of the game? Maybe we will find out soon in april? Or maybe he will surprise us in this thread or give us a little tease? :D

Edited by SaerethDL
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What do you guys think. Was he talking about a real expansion content or the general "expansion" of the game? Maybe we will find out soon in april? Or maybe he will surprise us in this thread or give us a little tease? :D


I highly doubt we will be getting a true expansion like 2.0 or even 3.0, but just the game getting content is enough to keep my interest currently, as it shows they haven't completely abandoned swtor. Work hard swtor devs and best of luck.

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I think it is fair to say over the past 15 months, I've been a (hopefully) positive member to this community. With that said...and I'm not ragging on Keith (though his discussion about butting heads for resources during the podcast was pure pablum / nonsense -- I sometimes wonder if he realizes that some of us have ourselves been in the business world).


It is easy to read too much into what he said to Tux. I go by what he said during the podcast...


Keith said it is preferable to release content in an iterated, but piecemeal fashion in order to avoid a huge content drought, bigger than the 'soft spot' we are currently experiencing.


In other words, I would expect 6.0 to probably have an intro story line and then a FP with the possibility of 1 Op boss. A few (maybe more) months later the same.


He all but said it will not be a grand expac in the way we traditionally conceptualize it.


Whether that is enough to keep you subbed or not is up to all of us to decide independently.



Edited by Jdast
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I think he'll die before the next expansion, given how the story goes. By choice of course. :)


That leaves my BH a what, a widow? a divorced woman? a single? Sorry but i don't like this at all, i want Theron back, even if he ..dated ( to speak decently..) Syndic Zenta and Force knows who else! No i'm not crazy about his stupid new haircut, i just like the voice ( yep i'm kinda insane lol)

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I think it is fair to say over the past 15 months, I've been a (hopefully) positive member to this community. With that said...and I'm not ragging on Keith (though his discussion about butting head for resources during the podcast was pure pablum)...


Keith said it is preferable to release content in an iterated, but piecemeal fashion in order to avoid a huge content drought, bigger than the 'soft spot' we are currently experiencing.


In other words, I would expect 6.0 to probably have an intro story line and then a FP with the possibility of 1 Op boss. A few (maybe more) months later the same.


He all but said it will not be a grand expac in the way we traditionally conceptualize it.



You've been a very good poster here since your inception, don't worry "Dasty" although that whole "calibrate your expectations" sounds like something a droid would say hmmm.... Your positive without tearing down people with a different viewpoint and I like your well worded, polite, and concise posts, I've even picked up a few new words from you :).


Now .... while I do like Keith, I think the whole piecemeal fashion is just a excuse for the lack of content and lack of manpower, or else we wouldn't of had delays between op bosses and other things.

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You've been a very good poster here since your inception, don't worry "Dasty" although that whole "calibrate your expectations" sounds like something a droid would say hmmm.... Your positive without tearing down people with a different viewpoint and I like your well worded, polite, and concise posts, I've even picked up a few new words from you :).


Now .... while I do like Keith, I think the whole piecemeal fashion is just a excuse for the lack of content and lack of manpower, or else we wouldn't of had delays between op bosses and other things.


I sometimes picture Dasty as a hutt with the voice of a southern lawyer.

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We need something because people are walking out the door faster than last year.


Yeah it seems that way, I don't think these small content updates are going to bring in any new players or keep the majority subbed. We need a true expansion to bring people back for a while, of course a lot will end up leaving until the next big content to sink their teeth into. but what if we could have a big expansion once a year, plus smalling increment content to hold us over until that expansion hits, kind of like ESO and WoW does.

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That leaves my BH a what, a widow? a divorced woman? a single? Sorry but i don't like this at all, i want Theron back, even if he ..dated ( to speak decently..) Syndic Zenta and Force knows who else! No i'm not crazy about his stupid new haircut, i just like the voice ( yep i'm kinda insane lol)


I would hope they have realized that there should be choices for Theron. Some will want to kill him but others will not. If they are allowing Arcann to be romanced (even though there was an option to kill him) I would imagine they will give you an option to not kill him and forgive him and allow you to have him back.

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For the bulk of the year we're going to get rather small patches of content and wont get what most all gamers think of as an expansion.


What it will be is something that technically expands the game and will be slightly larger than their normal small patches. At this point it's "do you think it's possible for bioware to really create a large expansion?'


Nothing in the past while makes me think they make large expansion gamers think of when they hear an expansion is coming and with them saying 2018 will be like 2017. Well, thats a sad sign.

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