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No new content appreciation thread. (haters that want new content KEEP OUT!)


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Let's discuss all the advantages of an MMO that does not release new content for vast amounts of time despite being a subscription and microtransaction based funding model.


We can also discuss how us fanboys are in denial about the state of the game and how EA views its customers.



Haters keep out!

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Not putting out new, worth repeating content on a regular basis as bioware does makes for a stress free job on the bioware employees that are left.


I hear stress free is a good thing to have.

Edited by Quraswren
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1) For new people, new content would be daunting with all the existing content already available.


2) For returning players, it is best to leave things as they left it with no updates. Nothing feels more like home and makes you want to resub than to return to something a couple years later exactly as you left it.


3) For existing players that have never left, we can be assured that we are real masters of this game as we have conquered the content and wait eagerly to show the onslaught of new players how to beat Black Talon.


It is a win, win and win!!!

Edited by NuSeC
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Wait tho some deluded people actually believe nerfs, merges, conquest updates, CM weekly deals, CM update and items IS content. Boyyyy, us - the content naysayers must be in the wrong then.

Nothing beats paying 150 dollars for an two-three hours worth of content for a whole year AND access for an already old content you probably paid for (note rothc and sor). Best deal by far!

Edited by ExarSun
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It's great because you've done everything so many times you can even play your toon naked and with your eyes closed. Good for those days when nothing goes right and you need to feel like a 'pro' somewhere at something. Edited by Lunafox
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1) For new people, new content would be daunting with all the existing content already available.


2) For returning players, it is best to leave things as they left it with no updates. Nothing feels more like home and makes you want to resub than to return to something a couple years later exactly as you left it.


3) For existing players that have never left, we can be assured that we are real masters of this game as we have conquered the content and wait eagerly to show the onslaught of new players how to beat Black Talon.


It is a win, win and win!!!


Given that the more voracious players who consume content as fast as possible and then hit a wall when they run dry... which is quite common in MMOs these days, there is a lot of truth to your 3 points. Even WoW.. which does drop a big expac every 2-3 years suffers from this issue because veteran players will quickly dial-in and consume all the new content, put new raids on farm status, etc. within 4-5 months and then abandon the game until the next expac in 2-3 years OR linger and complain constantly.


This is precisely why veteran MMO players who do consume and get bored with an MMO are best diversifying their play time across 2 or 3 MMOs that they actually enjoy and like the theme and lore for. That way.. when they get bored or frustrated with one, they simply shift their attention to one of the others they play. That TOO is a win/win for players and for game companies as it inoculates the player from the inevitable feeling of their favorite MMO going stale on them.


I get that some players prefer to focus exclusively on one MMO, and wish that the studio of said MMO would drop so much content that they never run out of things to do... but that is simply unrealistic for any MMO... including the 800 lb Gorilla called WoW. The few times I have gotten bored with SWTOR, or frustrated at a poor expac release (cough 3.0 cough)... I just take a break and go play one of the other MMOs I have installed, and come back later when my attitude is more positive. This has always worked well for me, and since our guild is a close knit group of players that in fact do keep a presence in multiple MMOs.... I don't even lose contact with the best part about playing an MMO... playing with friends and guild mates I know and trust. I'm sure other players will refuse to take steps along similar lines.... but I also know there are a number of forum members here that do a similar thing.

Edited by Andryah
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Wait tho some deluded people actually believe nerfs, merges, conquest updates, CM weekly deals, CM update and items IS content. Boyyyy, us - the content naysayers must be in the wrong then.

Nothing beats paying 150 dollars for an two-three hours worth of content for a whole year AND access for an already old content you probably paid for (note rothc and sor). Best deal by far!


Didn't you hear the news?


Bioware like 2017 so much with nerfs, merges, conquest updates (aka do old content again and again and massive CM weekly deals that they are going to repeat it for 2018.


What amazing news. :(

Edited by Quraswren
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I heard some people outright threaten unsubbing, if Bioware adds new content to the game. :)


Seriously, I don't mind that I'm not bombarded with new content every week or month of the year.

This MMO or any other game is not my life, so even if I ran out of content to play (which I have not managed to do with SWTOR), I would go on and do or play something else.

Edited by Galahard
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Since update 5.0's release December 2016:


1. 10 New Chapters

2. 10 New Uprisings

3. 2 New Strongholds

4. 2 New Flashpoints

5. New Planet Iokath with dailies, weeklies, rep vendors

6. 1 New Operation (Yes rolled out slowly but still new)

7. 4 new PVP Maps (Reskins yet still new with cross faction play for slow times of day)

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Yes! Brilliant! *gush*


I can pay for all my non-content with my non-subscription!


I can get my guild, online friends and newcomers to do it too! - And my wife, my kids and my cat!


I can buy no CM items with my non-cartel coins!




-Great suggestion OP, Tho' TBH I suspect BioWare are waaaaaay ahead of you.


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Meanwhile somewhere at Blizzard HQ :


Boss at Blizzard HQ : " We want for you to know where you just got working , you should know how we care here about our reputation and want to be known as a company which not only makes great games but also offers to them good quality support once they are released unlike that EA which nickels and dimes its customers with the least amount of content it can put in its games. "


New employee at Blizzard HQ : " But how you do that boss ? "


Boss at Blizzard HQ : " We communicate a lot with our players and based on their feedback we implement the things in our games for which we think how they will improve them and make the majority of them happy , we make sure that everything is polished and tested before we release it, we know that we need to invest in our games to be able to get that money back and more out of them in return , we have here the long roadmaps for our games and we are clear about that which makes our customers excited for the things we will get out for them in the future , we know that MMOS are different beasts from the single player games and that for them to remain popular they need continuous content support, we follow our competitors and are taking ideas from their games and later implementing the things which are popular in them to our own games with our own touch to them, we always look for the ways to challenge ourselves and do better than the last time when it comes to the quality of the content getting released. "


New employee at Blizzard HQ : " Can you give me a one good example of a solid and successful content released ? "


Boss at Blizzard HQ : " Sure, just look what we got all out for WoW last expansion Legion which has a content for every type of the player, in an year and 7 months we released : a new class demon hunter with its own storyline, many unique class halls with their own quests and storylines , 6 different zones with dailies and 9 different reputations, 13 new dungeons for which we implemented in their mythic mode the ability to scale in the difficulty all the way to +20 and 5 new fully fleshed raids with 40 bosses in various difficulties. "

Edited by Lunablade
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Meanwhile at Rooster Teeth HQ in Austin TX.


" The fans adore us, we cater for all sorts in out output. We release hours of content every week. Our community manager is like a goddess. Our senior people are actively involved in the community and speak to the fans almost every week in a podcast. We've got several conventions this year, and we've already teased a lot of brand new stuff for 2018 as well as catering for our older fanbase with the continuing storylines like RvB, RWBY, Day 5, achievement hunter and the rest. We're still doing weekly podcasts, and extra content for our loyal subs, documentaries, short cartoons, humour, fun and original output, not to mention catering for our gaming fans, of which there are legion. "


"What about BioWare down the road, boss?"


"Is that still going? I remember featuring SWTOR in one of our shows. Last time I drove past it looked like the light was on, but no-one was home."

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I've heard of people who function best in high-stress situations, and I know I don't function well in a no-stress situation.


While true, people like that are a rare commodity. Kinda like new, worth repeating content in swtor. Some things are just rare. ;)

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1) For new people, new content would be daunting with all the existing content already available.


2) For returning players, it is best to leave things as they left it with no updates. Nothing feels more like home and makes you want to resub than to return to something a couple years later exactly as you left it.


3) For existing players that have never left, we can be assured that we are real masters of this game as we have conquered the content and wait eagerly to show the onslaught of new players how to beat Black Talon.


It is a win, win and win!!!

Nicely written lol :D

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Well 5.0 is KOTET, so there is 9 right there, and I assume the last is something with Iokath/Theron. Could be wrong, only did all of it once so...

Except he said since 5.0, so KotET does not apply, only what came after it.


Since update 5.0's release December 2016:


1. 10 New Chapters

Maybe he knows something we don't?

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It's great because you've done everything so many times you can even play your toon naked and with your eyes closed. Good for those days when nothing goes right and you need to feel like a 'pro' somewhere at something.


I often strip down naked to play. Its worked well other than that time at the internet cafe.

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Since update 5.0's release December 2016:


1. 10 New Chapters

2. 10 New Uprisings

3. 2 New Strongholds

4. 2 New Flashpoints

5. New Planet Iokath with dailies, weeklies, rep vendors

6. 1 New Operation (Yes rolled out slowly but still new)

7. 4 new PVP Maps (Reskins yet still new with cross faction play for slow times of day)


Reaching back 1 year and 4 moths ago! Doesn't seem like much content, does it? But that's how we like it: no content is good content. Keep it not coming, BWA!

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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