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Favorite companions by class?


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JK - Kira - Such a character and important to the overall story, Bioware shot themselves in the foot by not bringing her back for KOTFE (love Scourge & T7 as well)


JC - Tharan - I am all in with his hologram fetish.


TR - M1-4X - Love this guy, would love to take him as a guest to an imperial ceremony, maybe a wedding


SM - Guss 'Fishead' Tuno - all the way, also as a useless apprentice for my JK post KOTFE lol


SW - Vette & Dark Jeasa, I could never decide between these two! (back in the day you didn't have to)


SI - Khem , not that he has much competition!


BH - Blizz & Gault - Both hilarious and fit perfectly in the comical world of the hunters story.


IA - Scorpio - We know everything about her now but I still love her slick arrogance, she always seems to approve of my choices (don't what that says about me) and she's is the only companion who has a smooth enough voice not to drive you mad when you are gift giving! I think she is a very classical Sci-Fi character that people love to hate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trooper: Hmm... Yuun maybe? They're all kinda boring.

Smuggler: Haven't completed the storyline yet.

Knight: Kira and Scourge.

Consular: Again, hard to pick. Tharan, I guess.


BH: Haven't completed the storyline yet.

Agent: The Agent has the best companions overall, only Raina is somewhat boring. So... Vector? Lokin? SCORPIO? I don't know which to pick, they're all awesome.

Warrior: Haven't completed the storyline yet.

Inquisitor: Ashara and Drellik.

Edited by PRHMro
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Jedi Knight - Kira. Despite her stupid and annoying punchlines (Eat lightsaber, jerk!), Kira is actually quite developed and complex character. If she disagrees with you, she challenges your opinion in a very constructive manner and stands firmly behind her convictions, however childish they may appear at first glance. My favorite romance companion.

Jedi Consular - Zenith. He's just a nice contrast and counterbalance for the Conuslar. Btw, companions are one more category at which Consular class sucks.

Smuggler - Akaavi. She's just hilarious. I tend to disagree with her at some important points (because she's practically insane) but she's just... I don't know, maybe it's because i like "bulky" women or something, bu I just love her.

Trooper - Elara. No surprises here. I love everything about her. Especially her DK Queen's English accent.:D . Btw, trooper is just one step in front of Consular as far as companion suckiness is the issue.

Sith Warrior - Vette. If there wasn't for Vette, Warrior would have had the most horrendous companion group of all. Vette is likable, smart, witty and a perfect companion for a light sided Baras-trolling Warrior.

Sith Inquisitor - Andronikos. As a light sided sorceress I was exploring a romance with him, and it's surprisingly well executed. He's not annoying and badly written as Ashara, not hilariously pointless as Khem and not boring as everyone else. A bad boy who actually isn't that bad really. Ok, he kills people, so what. :)

Bounty Hunter - Blizz. Because he's a Jawa. :D

Imperial Agent - Kaliyo. Imperial agent's companions are the most interesting and pretty much insane, each one of them. Kaliyo annoys me because she depicts everything that I hate about a person's character, but nevertheless, she stands firmly behind her anarchist mindset and she doesn't pretend she's better than she really is. Vector is creepy, Doctor is slimy, Ensign Temple is not that good of a person at all and Scorpio is...weird. Not in a good way. So, Kaliyo, all the way. :)


There you go. :)

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Lord Scourge

Lt Felix Iresso

Tanno Vik

Risha & Guss Tuno


Lt Pierce

Talos Drellik


Dr Lokin


Best waifu & husbando: Risha & Iresso


I have a soft spot for characters with "questionable morals" that the mainstream audience usually doesn't like. I just enjoy writing that pushes you out of your comfort zone, so I really like those characters the best usually. And generally characters who don't swoon over player character constantly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Sith Inquisitor: Talos Drellik (Super fun and cool dude)

Sith Warrior: Dark Side Jaesa Willsaam (Amusing. Evil. Fun to talk to)

Bounty Hunter: Gault Rennow (Hilarious. Evil.)

Imperial Agent: SCORPIO (Evil robot lady who always wants to kill you. What could be bad about her?

Jedi Consular: Nadia Grell (Such a nice person. Great to talk to. Looks up to you. Just a good person.)

Jedi Knight: Kira Carsen (Laura Bailey. Bad*ss. Cool personality)

Trooper: Aric Jorgan (Hot. Serious. Stands for what he believes in.)

Smuggler: Guss Tuno (Hilarious. Fun.)

KOTFE/KOTET: Lana Beniko (She is a goddess)


Least Favorites:

Sith Inquisitor: Andronikos Revel (He acts cool when he really isn't)

Sith Warrior: Broonmark (Boring and forgettable)

Bounty Hunter: Skadge (Nuff said)

Imperial Agent: Ensign Raina Temple (Annoying. Too damn happy all the time. Too British.)

Jedi Consular: Lieutenant Irresso Felix (Who even was this dude. I don't know. he was so forgettable)

Jedi Knight: Rusk (Who even was this dude. I don't know. he was so forgettable)


Smuggler: Corso Riggs (Annoying as hell. Go back to the farm, loser)

KOTFE/KOTET: Koth Vortena (Annoying goody two shoes who won't stop complaining)

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Jedi Knight: honestly I'm surprised at how much I liked Doc; he and my knight were bros, albeit ones who only sorta understood each other. I also liked Scourge, mostly for his story though; he was a very interesting character. And naturally, T7; I think he had the highest influence rating by the time I was finished.


Jedi Consular: Qyzen Fess, hands down. I would do anything for this lizard man. 10/10 would have romanced. Zenith was also cool. Felix was alright, and I did end up romancing him; honestly, I played JC so long ago, I don't much remember what Felix was like.


Smuggler: Corso, because he hits all those wonderful notes of Southern life. Risha, because she really reminds me of Meg from Disney's Hercules and also she seems like the sort to gossip all night long with my smuggler and never run out of stuff to say.


Trooper: Aric Jorgan! Grumpy cat man is the best. I first met him in kotfe and fell in love with him then. Shame he's not available for SSR otherwise I probably would have romanced him instead of Theron my first time through lol. I also really liked Elara; she and Jorgan are the epitome of being soldiers, plus I'm a sucker for a good defection story. Once again, gotta say, shame she wasn't available for SSR because she and my lady trooper would have really gotten along.


Sith Warrior: Vette. She crushed my resolve to finally play a dark-sided character in an instant. Would have romanced if I could, which seems to be a common thing amongst my favorite companions. I also liked Pierce, though I don't much remember why other than foolhardy and big muscles and I think he also hated Quinn? Maybe that was just in my head, but we totally bonded over that. I did attempt to romance him, but I guess blowing stuff up and wrecking havoc took precedence.


Sith Inquisitor: Andronikos Revel. Perfect man material. I think after I got him for the first time, I didn't really play with any other companions. I love the way he looks, I love his voice, I love him. I'm a big fan of people from the Republic discovering how corrupt it actually is and then leaving. The pirate stuff that came after was just a bonus. I am also quite fond of Talos; he and my Sith get along like a house on fire.


Bounty Hunter: to be honest, I really liked the entire crew, (minus Skadge). Mako has the highest influence rating out of any companion I've ever played with, ending the class story on lvl 29 and losing her to KoTFE at lvl 37. I really liked how she and my hunter shared a sister-like bond, and I find her to be the easiest companion to write so far. Torian also ranks high on my list, though I didn't come to truly appreciate him until KoTFE; the attempts at getting me to romance him made his beginning conversations kinda weird for me, idk. Now, he's my second favorite BH companion, and it shows through his influence level: I think I left him on 23 last time I played. Gault, I view as the lovable uncle type, the kind who day-drinks but can still somehow best you at cards every time, despite his level of inebriation (hint: it's because he cheats!!). And Blizz, of course, is adorable and wonderful and won't stop taking apart everything on my ship, someone please send help.


Imperial Agent: I played this class second after Consular, and let me just say I was completely blown away by Vector Hyllus. He stood by my agent throughout the game, coming to be more loyal to him than the Empire by the end of it all. This, paired with how delightfully strange he is, makes him my favorite companion from this class. I like to click on him just to hear his catchphrases, I love the poetic way that he speaks. And though I don't necessarily agree with Kaliyo probably 95% of the time, I thoroughly enjoyed her character as well.


As for KoTFE, I like most... all of them. Theron, Lana, Koth, Senya. They're all good to me.

And KoTET, of course, can't forget Arcann. One of these days I'll make a character with the specific goal to romance him. Until then, I'll just appreciate his voice and beauty from afar.


Didn't mean to write so much, but I am very enthusiastic about the companions!!

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I'm replaying the Si right now and my fav companion hasn't changed from day 1. Khem is the best and most loyal companion there is. In fact I think he is the best companion in the game as you can tell ... I'm spending more time on him than any other.


JK - Scourge

SW - DS Jaesa

Agent Kaliyo

Con - Qyzen

Smug - Bowdarr

Trooper - Elara

BH - Mako

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Jedi Knight: T7, Kira Carsen (love taking them everywhere)

Jedi Consular: Love everyone, really. I guess Felix and Nadia.

Trooper: Elara Dorne.

Smuggler: Corso Riggs.


Sith Warrior: Vette.

Sith Inquisitor: Ashara, Andronikos, Talos.

Imperial Agent: Bug Jesus.

Bounty Hunter: Everyone but Skadge. (Esp Mako and Blizz.)

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Jedi Knight- Doc

Jedi Consular-Iresso

Smuggler: Bowdaar (for original companion) Koth (for overall)

Trooper- M1-4X



Sith Inquisitor-Andronikos

Sith Warrior- Quinn (for original companion) Theron (for overall)

IA- Vector (for original companion) Companion I would have prefer- Sanagu

Bounty Hunter-Torian

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- JK = Scourge, he's a very interesting character and i really like the dynamic between him and my JK

- JC = hm... that's a hard one, i don't really care that much about any of the JC's companion, i'd probably go for Qyzen or Tharan

- RT = Jorgan, i really love how he goes from a grumpy cat to a very sweet man when you romance him. But Dorne is a nice character too ans M1-4X is really funny

- Smuggler = i'd probably say Akaavi, but the whole crew is pretty nice.


- SW = i'd go for Quinn, he has an interesting story with the SW, and he's a complex character.

- SI = Khem all the way

- IA = Vector

- BH = Torian, but other than Skadge i kinda liked the whole crew.


And other than that my favourite overall is Theron, but i found Lana, Arcann and Senya to be very good characters too. Koth was nice untill he got that kill option and ended up pretty much absent from the rest of the story.

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Top Two Companions: Kaliyo (she's a very well written complex character) and Lana Beniko (She's a..'Grey-Sith' what's not to like? lol)


Jedi Knight: Kira

Sith Warrior: Vette

Imperial Agent: Kaliyo

Bounty Hunter: Mako

Smuggler: Akaavi

Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val

Trooper: Elara Dorne

Jedi Counsellor: Have never played. :(

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Top companion for me overall is Lana. In each class:


Sith Warrior: Vette

Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val, Talos

Agent: Vector, Raina

Bounty Hunter: Blizz, Mako


Jedi Knight: T7-O1, Kira

Jedi Consular: Felix, Nadia

Smuggler: Risha, Bowdaar

Trooper: I kind of loathe this class and the companions in it.

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Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val or Talos

Sith Warrior: Quinn

Imperial Agent: Lokin

Bounty Hunter: Gault


Jedi Knight: Scourge

Smuggler: Guss

Trooper: Aric or Elara

Jedi Counsellor: They're all fine, but none really stand out as anything special :/

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Well... this is not easy to answer for me. It's because I built and planned multiple characters each having an own background story and behavior. So for each character I've chosen a particular combination of race, class, spec and companion.


So... a few examples?


My slightly light side corruption sorc is a male togruta... and you'll guess: it comes down to a romance with Ashara.


My watch(wo)man sentinel is a sith pureblood found by jedis as a baby. Now completing the story she becomes darker and darker and yes... Scourge is the counterpart...


The same goes for my female cathar assault specialist commando trooper... well... nothing to say... Aric Jorgan.


Most of my combos are built for romances to match each other. Call it outdated, meh, yes... somewhere. But there are some other cool combos... my twilek bounty hunter with a real big mouth goes for Skadge.



But to answer, which are the favorites by each class, I'll do it for story and class matching:

Jedi Knight: T7-01 - it's simply so KotoR...

Jedi Consular: Zenith - he has weird patter

Smuggler: Bowdaar

Trooper: Elara and Yuun

Sith Warrior: Broonmark

Sith Inquisitor: Xalek

Imperial Agent: wah... what a choice... don't know... Kaliyo I think

Bounty Hunter: Blizz... simply because he is a Jawa... :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jedi Knight: Lord Scourge - Simply has the best backstory of any companion IMO,


Jedi Consular: Qyzen - I really don’t know tbh I dislike almost everything about the Consular. I guess Qyzen cause he’s super loyal.


Trooper: Aric Jorgan - Starts off kind of rough but I always liked him, don’t think I ever stopped using him in my first playthrough of the Trooper. And there’s NEVER been a time where I didn’t give him the promotion cause he got screwed over hard on Ord Mantell.


Smuggler: Risha: I guess? Idk been awhile since I played the class story with a smuggler but she was definitely different in the sense that she was around for half the game but wasn’t able to fight along side of you until end of act 1.


Sith Warrior: Jaesa - Unique character in that there’s two versions of her, and her story arc is super interesting given she was basically the main enemy in Act 1.


Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val - Our main bro, cool story from something of a master/ slave to buddies. Although I really wanted to like Xalek but we simply just get him too late in the story, I think he’s the longest wait of any companion not joining you until after Voss in the class storyline.


Bounty Hunter: Mako and Gault - I like both of these characters a lot, Mako I always saw as more of a little sister then a romance and Gault was just a cool guy to have fun with.


Imperial Agent: Lokin - Also not sure on this one but I find the agent companions fairly weak, Kaliyo and Scorpio actively plan to betray you and Vector is just weird. So yeah guess I’ll go with Lokin, and Rakghouls are kind of cool

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