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Does anyone else think that Starwars galaxies was a much better game?


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SWG had better concepts but incredibly poor implementation


SWTOR has a better implementation of poor concepts


I'd say that makes a lot of sense, but change TOR's 'poor concepts' with 'unimaginative' and provide a few exceptions to some things in this game that are cool. I never wanna play an MMO again without voice acting and actual storylines.


However, I also love sandboxes and the notion that sandboxes can't be successful flies in the face of GTA and its incredible massive success. I mean, how many people just run around that game blowing stuff up? I mean, its even fun to just drive through traffic normally or find a good vista to watch a sunset in.


Sandboxes aren't given the love they deserve. I like TOR but there's a lot more potential out there for gaming and sadly the conservative approach of mimicking what the mainstream knows it already likes won't get us anywhere except in tiny baby steps towards perfecting a somewhat shallow mainstream style of MMO.


Big risks make the next revolutions and no major publisher is ever going to be a revolutionary. They prefer to let small independent companies be the revolutionaries and then buy them up, appropriate the money from the product, and water it down to suck the life out of it by pandering it to the mainstream.


Gaming would be better if it were still a niche genre, maybe not have such good production values, but still would be more exciting to watch the previews every year.

Edited by P-Funk
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I like space combat, nice minigame to pass the time between raids with.

I don't mind RNG PvP gear, it's not like warzones aren't a grind anyway.

Flashpoints are fun and actually give meaningful gear instead of boring upgrades.

Mod system is cool, loving the versatility.

My character looks awesome, feels awesome and I get nice decisions to make.

Graphics on the game are very nice for an MMO. I don't want it to be BF3 tbh.


Community is a bunch of post-WoW whiners and failmongers. There's also too much of the old "lol meme here haha I'm funny now yes?" /b/tard, reddit or whatever other scumhive mindset that's made its way into mainstream MMO culture.


Star Wars: Gala-what? Oh, that MMO that wasn't very impressive ever. Skipped that, never heard anything about it until CU and NGE - then nothing until TOR came out. Gonna go ahead and assume that all the people getting kicked out of that game into 2012 are just stuck on old stuff. Like how EQ players always complain about everything or DAoC vets never appreciate any other game. Warhammer will produce the next wave of these whiners I'm sure. Look for them in 2012.


Things never really change do they? The only way to make your way through this stuff is to just play your own game and stop relying on other people to make your game worth enjoying.

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Anyone care to share there opinions on SWTOR vs SWG?



Starwars Galaxies had one thing that most other MMO's will never have and thats a huge player driven crafting economy. In that regard starwars galaxies was better than most MMO's. In regards to playability, content, and vision swtor hands down is a much more polished game than galaxies.

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Anyone care to share there opinions on SWTOR vs SWG?


swg was much better in terms of sandbox and freedom given to players. this created 1-2 years' worth of gameplay in itself. leaving out JTL even.


swtor gives a VERY good narrative and story. wait - not one narrative and story but EIGHT.


basically its 8 times kotor online.



they have both good sides.


now if, someone actually realized that they could merge the good sides of both games ...

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Starwars Galaxies had one thing that most other MMO's will never have and thats a huge player driven crafting economy. In that regard starwars galaxies was better than most MMO's. In regards to playability, content, and vision swtor hands down is a much more polished game than galaxies.


Eve online does the whole player driven economy better than any other game including SWG

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Eve online does the whole player driven economy better than any other game including SWG


perhaps, but without having avatars you cannot really RP.


many, too many, games house make these games and assume that the buyers are just eager to PvP and nothing else, crafting and RP take a back seat ..and in a few are added as kinda afterthought.

The pre cu SWG stopped that because it had the DECAY effect . And you either were or were not a crafter.. that built a Player economy that was dependant on all.. and not just for the ones who raced day and night to reach top level and loot their way there. Crafted Items surpassed looted items..I yearn for a game with that ethic again ..but as Long as the American kiddies wanna just wave a big stick then we can forget it.

Edited by Wyntar
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perhaps, but without having avatars you cannot really RP.




Eve online has avatars now, they are implementing the whole idea of avatars and walking around in stations etc. not sure if they have implemented it all yet, last i was logged in you only have an avatar and only was allowed in a captains quarter area. basically just fluff and not fully interacting with the rest of the world yet, but was coming as the door to the actual station was locked because of no content there yet.

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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There were good parts to the game and some good mechanics but if SWG was so great why didn't more people play it? Obviously there was something wrong with the game if it had to shut down.


when people talk about SWG they are talking PRE CU and PRE NGE, those two patches ruined SWG. went from a rough gem to a pile of crap so everyone left and the game limped on for another couple years before it was shut down.


PRE CU was their so called combat upgrade

PRE NGE was their New game experience that basically was a whole new game, everything reworked from classes to core mechanics to try and cater to the WOW generation. NGE is what made everyone leave, sony shot themselves in the foot.

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I played SWG up until NGE.


The good:


1. Crafting: The best part of the game. I could of done without all the harvesters marring the landscape, but other than that, the crafting was the best I've ever seen in any MMO.


2, Space: Space was huge and you could go anywhere and have others on your ship.


The bad:


1. The game was directionless. This can be good in some cases, but I remember wandering from world to world not knowing what to do, or how to advance. SWTOR is getting this part right.


2. Looks. The game always looked really cheaply made. Graphics and animation were crap.


I wish swtor would take the crafting and space systems from SWG. then this game would really shine.


Like the old saying goes: A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from others mistakes.

Edited by Hugedata
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SWG pre NGE will always be in my heart. I will miss the player built towns and ability to put "trophys" and such in my quarters. In my opinion they will have to make some sandbox space is SWTOR but the rest I can live without. As someone else posted I will never play another MMO that doesnt have voice acting quest lines. This game is my alamo. Ive been waiting for it since the day SWG NGE released and I quit mmo's if SWTOR fails, which I dont see happening. The realese is a lot more substancial and polished then most mmo release's and I feel that points to a even more solid game after a few content upgrades.. (Jump to Lightspeed) ' ish at least. I can only pray they dont listen to whinners and water the game down to a pile of trash like so many in the past.


Peace is a Lie.....

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when people talk about SWG they are talking PRE CU and PRE NGE, those two patches ruined SWG. went from a rough gem to a pile of crap so everyone left and the game limped on for another couple years before it was shut down.


PRE CU was their so called combat upgrade

PRE NGE was their New game experience that basically was a whole new game, everything reworked from classes to core mechanics to try and cater to the WOW generation. NGE is what made everyone leave, sony shot themselves in the foot.


First of all I played pre-CU and I stayed a while past NGE. When I talk about SWG I refer to pre-CU and post NGE. Don't generalize. And not everyone left because of the NGE. The NGE came about because the game was already losing huge amounts of players. NGE was suppose to stop that and bring the players back. It obviously backfired. A lot of people left because of HOW the NGE was implemented and not because it WAS implemented.


The fact is, players started leaving in big numbers after WOW and JTL were released. As much as I know you all want to, you can't blame it ALL on NGE (the greatest scapegoat ever). There were several factors.


Even before Pre-CU, SWG was never better than SWTOR. If SWG wasn't Star Wars, many people, including myself, never would have stayed beyond a week or two. Some SWG vets need to take off the rose tented glasses. The community, and the IP, (and for me JTL) made the game playable despite it's many flaws. And the game engine was just horrid. Walking up and down 90 degree cliffs. NPCs stuck in all kinds of crazy places. That and lack of new space content was why I didn't go back. I didn't even go back to it's send off because I was in early access and TOR is way better.

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SWG wasn't that "Star Warsy"...it had some nice elements ,but even it's best features needed some serious reworking.


The greatest things about SWG...

The music was realy well done and always seem to be on que, This aspect of SWG was far superiour to TOR at present.


Space in SWG was pretty fun and challenging, it meshed badly with the ground game but with a little work it could have been fixed. SWG Space far superiour to TOR space.


SWG had real exploration, with the exception of Kashyk and Mustafar, you could go to a planet and explore, the galaxy FELT big. This aspect was far superior than TOR at present


SWG pre-cu and CU, charchters had full customization, granted they were poorly balanced and felt like generic sci-fi and not Star Warsy, you had alot of options none the less. Along with a conga line of races and body types, you felt somewhat unique. ( a short fat purple mon cal, a short skinny purple rodian , a tall skinny bald human, ect) This aspect was superior to TOR at present.


SWG was never a great game, but it was always "Interesting", any time they "fixed" anything they made it worse. I won't say it was better than TOR is now but far more interesting.

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I liked the basic idea's they had for SWG and it did seem very deep, too deep perhaps. It was just really poorly implemented. I did like how huge the game was and the player built cities and having trophies and ornaments in your house was cool. The ship part of it looked good but i never really got that far into it, if i remember right you had a lot more freedom to put your ship together and go off and do proper space missions and stuff, plus you could recruit other players to man your guns which was a cool feature.


I'm absolutely loving ToR so far but it does feel a little 'boxed in' rather than an expansive open world. It's just like KoToR really which is great for a single player game but feels a bit restrictive and small for an MMO of this scale. I'm hoping their going to improve on that as timegoes by. It feels like going from Final Fantasy 7/8/9 to Final Fantasy 13 if people have played them that'll explain how it feels best.


I do wish they'd nicked some of the idea's for player ships from Star Trek Online, another example of some great idea's implemented badly.


Awesome game so far though, I look at the improvements WoW made over the years compared to vanilla and hope they do even more with this.

Edited by DannyA
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