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Too laggy to move/fight


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you need to get the updated drives and also maybe a new card. if you are running any less then a 400 series nvida you need to upgrade .

if you have a ati you need to get a nvidia


but really 6000 or less will have issues . plus ati still dose not have a good driver for any cards.

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can you explain that?


In my case, I went to the NVIDIA Settings panel (typed in NVIDIA Settings in the Win 7 search) -- you can check out your settings for 3D acceleration. There are some options in there where you can either override every piece of software that uses 3D acceleration, or let each application use its own settings.


Usually, if you haven't messed with it before, it's set to allow each application to run its own settings by default.

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SOLUTION: Switch graphics to high, click apply, switch them back to low, click apply, changes me from 9 fps to 50. Don't understand why, just try it.


I have no idea why this works and not being in game cant say it does. But it use to work for me on WoW. Go figure.

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You guys should be posting this thread in the customer service forums I believe. Don't quote me on that it just seems like that's the place where you should be looking for help. Although some of the posts here did look quite helpful.


I hope you guys get it straightened out. Good luck.


This helped me a lot, I recommend other people try this out, went from 5fps back to 75fps.


Thanks a lot mate!

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Try turing of shadows, completley turining them off, not just to low.


For some reason shadows caused a massive problem for me, and when I turned them off my FPS flew up by about 60-70.


With shadows I could only have everything on low, and minimum resolution and it would still lag, fps was about 10-15, turned them off and now I have around 70-80, and even up to and above 100 at times.


Hope this helps, good luck.

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I had a similar issue during the last beta phase, I ended up fixing it by creating another character and loging it in then switching back. I think™ that its a client side bug that has nothing to do with your latency (Memory leak perhaps?)


I had the same problem and came to the same conclusion of it being a memory leak. Instead of either logging off and starting the game back up, or creating a new character and switching, I found that Alt - Tab out of the game and then returning to the game seemed to reset the memory leak.


Where only seconds before the Alt-Tab I was unable to move, after my frame rate was restored and I could go another few hours before seeing the problem return.


Hope that helps.

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A few more things to consider:


Swap file space on your hard drive.


Current system within the recommended specs? Ie, processor, video and ram


Hate to tell you this but if your below the recommended specs, its time to update/replace your system...if you want the game to run smoothly


Im below the recommended specs, but above the minimum specs and i run this just fine.

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I'm just chiming in to say that I too am experiencing this issue. How does one turn the shadows off? I have a Radeon card. Is that through my Catalyst Control Panel or is it an option in game (or buried in an xml file somewhere?) because I don't see the shadows option in game to in the general or advanced graphics preferences.


I'm at work right now but hope to try it out again tonight when I get home. Would someone please nudge me in the right direction where the shadows setting is everyone keeps referring to?


Thank you guys! :o

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I'm just chiming in to say that I too am experiencing this issue. How does one turn the shadows off? I have a Radeon card. Is that through my Catalyst Control Panel or is it an option in game (or buried in an xml file somewhere?) because I don't see the shadows option in game to in the general or advanced graphics preferences.


I'm at work right now but hope to try it out again tonight when I get home. Would someone please nudge me in the right direction where the shadows setting is everyone keeps referring to?


Thank you guys! :o


The option is in the game itself. You can change the shadows to high low or off.

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I'm just chiming in to say that I too am experiencing this issue. How does one turn the shadows off? I have a Radeon card. Is that through my Catalyst Control Panel or is it an option in game (or buried in an xml file somewhere?) because I don't see the shadows option in game to in the general or advanced graphics preferences.


I'm at work right now but hope to try it out again tonight when I get home. Would someone please nudge me in the right direction where the shadows setting is everyone keeps referring to?


Thank you guys! :o


It should be in graphic settings! It's not a bar option anymore like in beta, just have a careful look check all options I'm sure you just missed it!

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I am getting the same issues. In beta I just turned everything to low and it was fixed. That didn't do anything tonight so I logged off. Going to try again tomorrow and see if anything has changed. I have a pretty decent laptop I believe, was good enough to run stuff before: I am running windows 7 (build 7600 64 bit) on my Dell studio xps


From what I can tell my processor is an Intel core i5, then on the info page about my laptop it says M430 @2.27 GHz


My Ram is 4 gb and my graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670


It might be my net, because I've been having issues with it lately, just assumed that was my problem, but seeing this thread I'm not so sure now.

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For those with laptops...


Plug in direct to the WiFi access point.


I ran into issues with what appeared to be laggy and disconnected play.


I had a desktop with a pretty descent wifi card experience odd performance during beta.


it is an i5 with 8gb ram and 2 gb geforce card.


Once I went to the physical connection it never disconnected lagged again.


I reported this during beta that I thought they might have set the sync packet setting a bit to hard core for wifi users.


try that maybe.

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I am getting the same issues. In beta I just turned everything to low and it was fixed. That didn't do anything tonight so I logged off. Going to try again tomorrow and see if anything has changed. I have a pretty decent laptop I believe, was good enough to run stuff before: I am running windows 7 (build 7600 64 bit) on my Dell studio xps


From what I can tell my processor is an Intel core i5, then on the info page about my laptop it says M430 @2.27 GHz


My Ram is 4 gb and my graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670


It might be my net, because I've been having issues with it lately, just assumed that was my problem, but seeing this thread I'm not so sure now.


My laptop is similar. I suggest trying the radeon fix and the fix that has you turn your settings on high and turn shadows off. It helped.

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I have almost the exact same system as you except mine is using an Nvidia Geforce 460. I have everything maxed at 1920x1080 and i get 70-80 fps on mine. The one thing I see common to everyones problems is an ATi graphics card or a lousy integrated Intel chip that barley meets the specs. I suspect that ATI has yet another issue with their drivers. I had many issues with ATI cards running games over the years and gave up on them for this very reason. Some people swear by them, but I have never had any luck,


running the ati 6850 on my machine at 132 fps, that being said i have no previous driver versions on the machine which can cause issues if older versions aren't removed properly.


system spec

i7 2600 oc'd to 5.1ghz

8gb ddr corsair vengence using xmp profile 1600mhz

above gpu

lots of other stuff.

to be honest my system is self built and very heavily tweeked and modded for cooling and the os is setup very very different from normal, so i'm probably not a very good benchmark for comparing.


laptop cpu's use power saving features cpu throttling and other power managment software and tweeks to keep them running cool, they can't take the heat tolerance of their desktop variants either.


cpu throttling occurs on laptops and some prebuilt pc's check for any pre installed software that could be doing this, check the bios for any features of this type as well and turn them off, your battery life on a laptop will be more than halved in some cases doing that so remember you did it when you want to use it away from home or a power supply.


start with a proper reinstall of your graphics drivers, uninstall old versions use a driver sweaper programme to fish out the guff left over, reinstall the latest version from the respective vendor.



close down any running apps you don't need, aside from your av and basic services you really want as little as possible running to narrow down where the issue is coming from.


close spotify/skype/msn/vent/teamspeak...everything you want nothing open....then try the game again.


you need to make sure your system is running at it's maximum potential before we can start blaming the game.


it could be you have corrupt sys files, faulty hdd not uncommon in laptops and can go un noticed for a long time, other issues, possible faulty mobo, there are a great many things that could cause your issues that aren't game related.


when i found i couldn't even install the game i double checked all my hardware before i went to the customer support forum so i could be clear i was not having issues my end.


to get help from others post as much information as you feel comfortable doing so, clean up your os while your at it, can't hurt, run checks for malware/trojans and the like, they can cause these issues as well.

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Thanks for the comments. I will try a few things. I've updated the drivers, but that didn't help.



System Information


Time of this report: 12/13/2011, 21:08:50

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard

System Model: HPE-450t

BIOS: 07/12/10 14:03:04 Ver: 6.12

Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.9GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM


In your Bios try and disable HT, HT can cause issues with certain games and lower the FPS not normaly by much tho. I have the same CPU and disabled my HT and got a 20 fps increase due to it. That's if you can disable it on a HP bios,


Also other people check out http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/star-wars-gaming-tests-review,3087.html

Has some comparison of different video cards ( Not much) and some cpus. Have more cores from 2 to 4 makes a difference but also depending on the CPU itself. Also going from 2Ghz to 4Ghz almost doubles the FPS in the game.


As others have said already, if your on the req min spec you won't be getting very high settings. Make sure other programs aren't running, they might be in the background but they are still take up resources from the main app namely your game. Norton, Skype, Internet Explorer, Firefox and a few others if you are using them can have a big impact if your on a lower end system.


Also if your unaware how to bring up the FPS display in game press Ctrl-F together to bring it up, will be in the lower left hand corner of the window. Green means your GPU is your bottle-neck, Red means your CPU bottle-necked currently.


Also what could cause some issues is if your behind firewall/router. The ports the game uses if I remember correctly are

8995, 12000-12999 and 20000-30000 (TCP).

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Gonna bump this. Do Bioware even know about the problem? There's been no statement about it, even in the known issues thread.


Idk but it seems likes its being treated as a non issue...


On some good news for AMD/ATI ppl, they just released another driver update on the 13th for HD Raedeon 4000-5000 series etc., i have yet to download and try since i have yet to recieve my invite, But anyone else have the chance to test the driver update and see if it resolves these issues were having???

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Idk but it seems likes its being treated as a non issue...


On some good news for AMD/ATI ppl, they just released another driver update on the 13th for HD Raedeon 4000-5000 series etc., i have yet to download and try since i have yet to recieve my invite, But anyone else have the chance to test the driver update and see if it resolves these issues were having???


I installed them, no change sadly. Something else helped me and allow me to quote myself from different topic:


The solution worked quite well, but my graphics were still really slow sometimes. Here's another tip, for ATI cards at least, that worked in my case:


1. Open Catalyst and set Anisotropic Filtering to 16X.

2. In game preferences, set Anisotropic Filtering to LOW.


Fixed I can now play with high FPS, no more slow downs and it looks as good as before.


That's after setting everything to HIGH (apart from filtering) and setting shadows to OFF.

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hmph now I have a new problem kind of:


I can run the game fine, just one weird thing. In all caves and small spaces I get around 60 fps consistently and in open space I get 30 fps consistently. This stays like this even on low graphics settings (*** opposed to high i.e. they have the same fps). I find this whole thing weird because it still stutters on both.


Drivers are updated.


Vsync is on, shadows off.


Everything in CCC is turned off to "let the application settings decide".


My latency is fine.



What could be causing this stutter?

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