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Compassion, Healing or Love for the Broken Dark Princess: Vaylin Appreciation <3


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No. Sorry. I done DvL. Never again. All of us deserve a brand new interesting story, OPS, FP, PvP, balanced gameplay - not the soul-crushing experience of replaying the old content for the 15th time just to get another silent drone. This is there I draw a line...


While I agree, this would be enough incentive for me to cry my Smuggler or BH through the 4.0 / 5.0 expansions. :D

Edited by Paulsutherland
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While I agree, this would be enough incentive for me to cry my Smuggler or BH through the 4.0 / 5.0 expansions. :D


You were ready to jump into Sarlacc for her or spent centuries torturing Scourge until he develops an understanding of that "empathy" concept... Of course another DvL will be simple :p.


By the way, knowing BW they will add some group content to the list.


It is just... are we not making it too easy for them to take our money? They should put some effort into it, no?


That was precisely what my Sin was doing most of expansions. But she had a motivation - finally getting laid! But Vaylin... Whatever she can bring to the table, my Sin can bring too ;).

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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You were ready to jump into Sarlacc for her or spent centuries torturing Scourge until he develops an understanding of that "empathy" concept... Of course another DvL will be simple :p.


By the way, knowing BW they will add some group content to the list.


It is just... are we not making it too easy for them to take our money? They should put some effort into it, no?


That was precisely what my Sin was doing most of expansions. But she had a motivation - finally getting laid! But Vaylin... Whatever she can bring to the table, my Sin can bring too ;).


heh I wasn't sure who to romance on my Darth Imperious, so I decided it would be the first one to call me by my title 'Imperious' ... but other than the greeter on Darth Marr's ship, no one ever did, so no one will know the joys of loving a Dark Lord of the Sith!


You name the hazard, I'll be there to take in on with my bare hands!!!!


They could add the bosses from the Iokath Operation? Maybe Pierce and or the Republic droids pvp mission? or the Uprisings? Then the difficulties weeklies for the uprisings?


Maybe they're really understaff? :confused:or don't like money :eek:

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She's a blonde in game? :eek:


In the cinematic, "Betrayed", her hair is shown to have been blonde until later when it changes color for more brownish (most likely due aging but also due expirements she went through on Nathema), while retaining the lighter tone.

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In the cinematic, "Betrayed", her hair is shown to have been blonde until later when it changes color for more brownish (most likely due aging but also due expirements she went through on Nathema), while retaining the lighter tone.


Ah, gotcha! I forgot she was blonde in that trailer!



Looks like she found a perfect hair dye to match Lana's hair color in that image :D

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They said Vaylin coming back was unlikely, he (eric?) said he couldn't think of a responsible way to bring her back. :(


Well ... that's better than a upright 'no' I suppose.


Responsible way? uhh ... okay ... something to ponder for the suggestion thread tomorrow - too tired atm.

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Would it be responsible for Arcann or Senya to sacrifice themselves for Vaylin?


Well ... not to offend the Arcann fans, but if they becomes an option, I'll push him through death's door myself!


The dye from his jacket? Really, that jacket has power.


I was thinking more of the internal 'red stuff' and what the Tripods were doing from the 2005 'War of the Worlds'




For the methods of return, here's a list of stuff that's been mention on various sites (SWTOR, Twitter, Facebook, DA etc) ... I'm not sure what would best suit the required criteria ... but ... I'm happy if she just became another console companion. :D


(In spoiler boxes to avoid the wall of text)


1: Odessen Console



The first idea for her return is the

. This idea has cropped up in several Vaylin themed threads on SWTOR, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and DeviantArt, essentially the general idea is acquiring Vaylin as a companion from the console in the Commander's room on Odessen. (Presumably after the completion of KOTET.)



2: Cartel Market



The next idea that's been brought up a few times from comments from the following threads on this site (1, 2, 3.) which would be a direct purchase of a 'Vaylin Companion' from the Cartel Market.



3: Subscriber Reward / Bonus Chapter / Event



Subscriber Reward: Similiar to Shae and Nicor, the idea of Vaylin appearing as a reward for subscribing to SWTOR has come up a few times.


Bonus Chapter: Like the HK-55 Chapter, a bonus Chapter for subscribing for a duration of 9 months. Set after the ending of KOTET (5.0) in which the player would control Vaylin? Possible during the aftermath of the mental battle at the end of KOTET.


Event: This idea has appeared once or twice in the past, but a comment was made today about the possibility of an event being run in a similar fashion to the 'DvL' event, this event would be tailored to KOTFE/ET and would reward Vaylin instead.



4: Force Ghost



I don't remember who suggested this, but I believe the idea was Vaylin returning as a spirit ( Force Ghost ) companion.


It would defiantly be unique :)



5: She's not dead?



This idea came from a DeviantArt user: VitateArt


What happened to the Outlander in KOTFE (When Arcann stabs them.) happened here, Vaylin's body falls into a comatose state, while her chest wound healed itself, then when the spirit battle (KOTET - Ch 9) ended, Vaylin's spirit returned to her body, and she fled into the Odessen forest unnoticed.


Then over time, Vaylin found herself being influenced by the force in a similar way to Darth Marr and Satele. Later returning to the Alliance Base, now influenced by the light / neutral side of the force.



6: Resurrection



This was a suggestion I made in September of last year.


This would have Vaylin, now trapped in the Outlander's mind after the events of KOTET, which would focus on remnant forces of the Eternal Empire retrieving her body and Valkorian's Holocron, which would be used in resurrecting her.



7: Belsavis



This idea focused on the remnants of the Eternal Empire using the 'Mother Machine' on Belsavis to rebuild (?) Vaylin.


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