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not sure if this has been posted before and I know not by me, which I haven't really done any pvp in this game except for some warzones but is there any specific areas on nar shaddaa or other worlds that you can pvp, I know of the outlaw den on tatoonie but that is about it
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Turn on the PvP instance (bottom of the minimap) and the whole universe becomes open world PvP. But, as Eshvara says, it's not much of a thing these days. Good luck finding anyone else there. Edited by kodrac
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i posted this because in the legacy of most planets to get 100% of the planet done, you have to do pvp nar shaddaa is 50, yavin and rishi is 100, tatooine, Hoth, Belsalvis, makeb, quesh, corellia, voss is 500 and alderaan is 1000, just trying to complete these planets 100%. if there is no really place besides outlaw den on tatoonie, then they really should just remove pvp from the legacy.
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Unfortunately the "pvp community" killed the pvp servers ( that were intended for open world pvp)

there are still some few areas in game with open pvp, outlaws den I still think exists on tatooine ( if I remember correctly)

but even this is dead, due to the above player group strangling it.

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i posted this because in the legacy of most planets to get 100% of the planet done, you have to do pvp nar shaddaa is 50, yavin and rishi is 100, tatooine, Hoth, Belsalvis, makeb, quesh, corellia, voss is 500 and alderaan is 1000, just trying to complete these planets 100%. if there is no really place besides outlaw den on tatoonie, then they really should just remove pvp from the legacy.


Your best bet for getting the kills these days is to keep an eye out for some guild on your server organizing an event to get the achievements. If you are on on Darth Malgus, SWM does these quite regularly there.

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Pvp instances are the best! They're lightly populated so there is never a line or anything for quest objectives and you get the thrill of pvp without queing for a warzone. If you're achievement hunting, it could take forever to do it by yourself. As others have said, probably best to see if your guild is organizing an event. Edited by gragnongoth
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Unfortunately the "pvp community" killed the pvp servers ( that were intended for open world pvp)

there are still some few areas in game with open pvp, outlaws den I still think exists on tatooine ( if I remember correctly)

but even this is dead, due to the above player group strangling it.


Hmm, I don't know that the PvP community killed PvP servers. There simply aren't enough players interested in PvP in this game to support the community and BW made a number of poor decisions around the activity. Add in that the engine can't handle even medium-sized open world PvP and it was basically down to 1v1s and ganking. Players moved to PvE servers to get instanced PvP to pop and then BW removed PvP servers from the game thus killing open world PvP for good outside of scheduled events.


The game's player base just isn't interested in PvP and that's ok. It's not the players' fault that BW went 2 years focusing on single player content in a multiplayer game and 6 years ignoring PvP almost entirely.

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Is the promenade on Nar Shadaa a sanctuary or is there PvP possible (in the PvP-instance)?


If it's a sanctuary, I suppose the only place for PvP on Nar Shadaa is somewhere in the former bonus missions zone, what is it called... High Security Prison or something.

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Promenade is a sanctuary zone.


Just get in the pvp instance. Any of the questing areas would be fine for open world (if you can find someone). I'd suggest the areas near the heroics and the World Boss.


Your only real chance of getting that achievement is participating in a planned guild pvp event though. Generally when those happen whatever faction Empire or Republic sets up a time/place and a general server offer to show up and fight. Sometimes people show up, sometimes they don't but you are more likely to find more than one or two of the opposite faction that way.

Edited by Kyrra_T
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If I am correct this thread is about open world player versus player (PVP) combat being unpopular in the present day. The only reason for this is that there is very little incentive to engage in open world PVP. It has been proven that substantial rewards can goad people into doing certain types of PVP (just as the new crafting materials have convinced people to engage in group ranked lately). However there is currently no reward for doing open world PVP in Star Wars the Old Republic. As some have mentioned there are some achievements that can be acquired through open world combat. Despite this it seems these achievements are not enough to coax people into committing to open world PVP. Thus if anyone actually WANTS to have open world back, there will need to be an inventive to lure players in.
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Back in "the good ol days" most higher level planets were open world PVP planets (on a pvp server that is) which were great fun. I personally liked the idea of never knowing if I would be attacked etc. Fast forward and bioware implemented a level sync system which would bring your level down to whichever planet you are on this in theory was a good thing as it stopped max level players ganking low levels. Then bioware took it too far, so now we have this ridiculous system where we have to choose PVP or PVE instances. The issue with this is I've seen planets with 100+ players yet the PVP instance has 4-6? :/ to cut a long story short, everyone seems to hide in their PVE instance "safe spaces" now days :(


If I had my way I would set it up like GTA online; either allow players to go to PVE instance every so often but this has a cooldown or just flat out charge them credits to go into the PVE instance for a while, but again with a cooldown :)

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Forcing people to PvP will not do anything but drive players from the game. The PvE instances are there because some people don't like PvP and don't want to play it. It's their game that they're paying for, and they don't pay to be gank fodder for another player.


Frankly if I were forced to be in the PvP instance and there was a cooldown on going to PvE, I'd simply stop playing altogether.

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Back in "the good ol days" most higher level planets were open world PVP planets (on a pvp server that is) which were great fun. I personally liked the idea of never knowing if I would be attacked etc. Fast forward and bioware implemented a level sync system which would bring your level down to whichever planet you are on this in theory was a good thing as it stopped max level players ganking low levels. Then bioware took it too far, so now we have this ridiculous system where we have to choose PVP or PVE instances. The issue with this is I've seen planets with 100+ players yet the PVP instance has 4-6? :/ to cut a long story short, everyone seems to hide in their PVE instance "safe spaces" now days :(


If I had my way I would set it up like GTA online; either allow players to go to PVE instance every so often but this has a cooldown or just flat out charge them credits to go into the PVE instance for a while, but again with a cooldown :)


Sorry but to offer a dissenting view is that PVP is for the birds and I'm glad Bioware did precisely what they did.

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The game's player base just isn't interested in PvP and that's ok. It's not the players' fault that BW went 2 years focusing on single player content in a multiplayer game and 6 years ignoring PvP almost entirely.


It would be strange, even bad business to have a focus on PVP content in a "non PVP" game, would it not?

A PVP feature alone does not in any way turn a game as a whole into a pvp game...or?

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I was wondering if I need to to do the pvp to complete those worlds or would they stay at perhaps 90% done


Good Question.

As for Tatooine I think you can choose not to do anyting pvp and still et a 100% completion.

I may be wrong, but I seem to remember the pvp area outlaw's den on tatooine is part of the HK companion mission chain

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