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Wha Wha WHAAAAT!?!?!


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Oh this is awkward..so what should we expect in the new "movies" ? Some in.cest? Nudity? Pros.ti.tution? Public lashings, torture and the usual GoT nonsense? Heck.. Oh wait, Leia kissed Luke, so no matter what twisted content, it has an "excuse":confused:


Nah, the show directors worked with the source material, so everything you wrote there was already in the books by GRR Martin.

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Well, hold on now,..

The way i initially thought about it was that we'd actually get some decent story character development with some depth.

As well as some great plot with some great action interwoven between.

Wasn't even thinking it would turn into a bunch of GOT type craziness. :eek:

Not a GOT fan as I just don't watch TV at all (don't even own one), but I just thought that this arrangement might illicit some well thought out Star Wars story and plot.

I dunno, whatever. Could be cool. :)

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Should be fine. I know it is en vogue to hate on popular things, but GoT is actually pretty well produced. It has hiccups like every other media, but the show mostly stays true to the source material. The cool fight scenes drew me towards the asoiaf books as a kid and I kept reading them because of the novel method of story telling, plus it turned most common fantasy stereotypes right on their heads. Curious to see what D&D have in store for Star Wars.
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D&D aren't the best writers, the best seasons of GoT use the original material from GRR Martins books. But what they have proven to be capable of:


1) Love for detail and willingness to deliver some fanservice.

2) Letting beloved characters go down in style.

3) They know how to produce and direct long term projects, so we can expect more continuity than we got in the past.

4) They know how important pay off moments are for fans.

5) They know how to talk and work with people who know some s.hit better than they do. They could have done all the big battle episodes in GoT on their own, just to say afterwards: "We did it first on TV!". But instead D&D have let someone else direct these episodes and the payoff was worth it!

6) They know all about a good cliffhanger :cool:

7) They have an eye for talented young actors.


Trash the RJ trilogy in the nearest junkbox where it belongs, it will fail after this TLJ debacle. And i expect Solo to fail too. So maybe J.J + D&D may just save Star Wars before it is too late. Though i don't have much hope for episode 9 since this *please put in a looooong row of curses* RJ already burnt down everythin JJ started in TFA. Nothing left to work with. Damn i hate this crappy movie so much :mad:

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D&D aren't the best writers, the best seasons of GoT use the original material from GRR Martins books. But what they have proven to be capable of:


1) Love for detail and willingness to deliver some fanservice.

2) Letting beloved characters go down in style.

3) They know how to produce and direct long term projects, so we can expect more continuity than we got in the past.

4) They know how important pay off moments are for fans.

5) They know how to talk and work with people who know some s.hit better than they do. They could have done all the big battle episodes in GoT on their own, just to say afterwards: "We did it first on TV!". But instead D&D have let someone else direct these episodes and the payoff was worth it!

6) They know all about a good cliffhanger :cool:

7) They have an eye for talented young actors.


I agree with this. As a person who has read Martin's books, GoT's finest moments were in first 4 seasons when they still used the books as their sources, then dumbing them out for the most part and starting to make things into their own way (see Dorne, Barristan and many other places). Now, I've really liked the last few seasons, but what I would've really loved to see was the continuing of adaption of Martin's books into screen, since they have truly talented actors there to breathe life into many characters.

Edited by Rebamcfan
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Read George RR Martin's books and than watch the series. Nearly everything good about the series was written by Martin (including dialogue) and nearly everything that wasn't good about the series, was a D&D deviation. There are some exceptions of course but that is generally the case. The best season by far of Game of Thrones was the first one, and it was because it was the most faithful to the source material.


I hope they do well with Star Wars but simply being associated with the Game of Thrones television series isn't enough to get me hyped. Most of the good parts of the GoT script originated with Martin.

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Read George RR Martin's books and than watch the series. Nearly everything good about the series was written by Martin (including dialogue) and nearly everything that wasn't good about the series, was a D&D deviation. There are some exceptions of course but that is generally the case. The best season by far of Game of Thrones was the first one, and it was because it was the most faithful to the source material.


I hope they do well with Star Wars but simply being associated with the Game of Thrones television series isn't enough to get me hyped. Most of the good parts of the GoT script originated with Martin.


The important thing is that they know the material and how to adapt it to the medium and the audience. I think they definitely have earned the opportunity.

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I seem to be one of the few people who can't stand Game of Thrones so I'm not holding my breath.


Welcome to the club. I just can't see it anymore, either.


I currently went from reading the Beowulf ( Tolkien / LOTRS -> Beowulf ) into Ancient Egypt Literature.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Alrighty then. I think they will do a great job. Of course i think they will have to tone down the GoT writing level. Dont think Disney will allow Castration with light sabers or any thing like that. Maybe on the Directors cut. lol


What i see happening and this not every 1 of course but. There is so many different story's in books out there and cartoons, a lot of people cant keep up with it all. Very little do, but most people just cant keep up. They read so many what they feel is the best and for get about the rest. I am afraid, that there be so many different Films being made by different fractions all sanctioned by Disney, that it will be over whelming for the fans. Die hard fans may keep up, casual fan, just like the books they will pick the best ones and for get the rest. Those newer fans may just stick with the Skywalker sagas and for get the rest.


I do not know, just saying, its like a Pie tasting contest, you can bring so many pies to the contest but you can only enter one, to win. Which one will it be? And the rest is now a waste.....




Take Care & Be Well.....

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I'm not an overly big fan of GoT. Show is OK, but way too much talking for my taste. I'm a man of action. ;)


One thing would be for sure though: If they'd make movies about Revan and co., they would all finally die for good and not return. That is, unless they [insert whatever plothole you like here].

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