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Lana Appreciation Thread - Love for the Dark Advisor! Haters, please stay away,


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As far as i understand Lana, what she seeks is knowledge. Not just the arcane kind of knowledge, she cares more about the how and why things in the galaxy happen. She seeks the truth all the time and realy hates it if someone lies to her (be it one of her spies, her former master, a companion or even the PC). And if knowledge realy is power, then that's the way she gathers it. She may be a capable fighter, but in no way is she as good as for example the Sith warrior or Jedi knight.

So turning herself into a priority target by leading this alliance does in no way help her agenda. She'd be too busy fighting a war instead of seeking knowledge and the truth. And with all her background knowledge she makes herself almost irreplaceable to whoever is in charge. A female Lord Varys if you want.

Long things short: Lana is a spy and she revels in all the dirty big and little secrets she uncovers.


What does she want for the galaxy? Peace, stability and prosperity. Things she doesn't believe a democracy can provide on the long term (she kinda says that at the end of SoR to a rep PC if i remember it correctly) That's why she prefers the empire over the republic.

So...is she a good person? I dunno, she is ruthless and has no inner quarrel about killing. Is she evil? No, not realy either. She does not commit unneccessary cruelty as other Sith do. Her moral stance can be compared to the grandadmiral Thrawn i think.

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My main issue with Lana in the narrative is that I know nothing about her! I know more about Hexid then I know about Lana! She never talks about herself! This irritates me. All I know about her is she slept with Koth, she's Machiavellian, but not needlessly bloodthirsty. Oh and the titles thing. I have nothing to make me relate to her. Even Kaliyo has a moment where she makes it clear why she sticks around. Lana's loyalty to PC is well, strange to me if you're a Pub and really strange for a non FS. Yet she's so possessive in a way.


She desperately needs a back story!

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My main issue with Lana in the narrative is that I know nothing about her! I know more about Hexid then I know about Lana! She never talks about herself! This irritates me. All I know about her is she slept with Koth, she's Machiavellian, but not needlessly bloodthirsty. Oh and the titles thing. I have nothing to make me relate to her. Even Kaliyo has a moment where she makes it clear why she sticks around. Lana's loyalty to PC is well, strange to me if you're a Pub and really strange for a non FS. Yet she's so possessive in a way.


She desperately needs a back story!


She didn't sleep with Koth necessarily. It's very much open to interpretation and also is influenced by both game choices and SoR. If you are in a thing with Lana before KOTFE, end Ziost on good terms and do not make Koth leave, Koth says straight out he knows you are together and seems to respect that, and there's never anything in the story to say otherwise.


If you make Koth leave and/or did not romance Lana in SoR, or ended Yavin on bad terms with her, yeah, it's implied she's possibly had a thing with Koth.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I wish her armor were not gray, but I do wonder if they deliberately made it that color for two reasons: as someone else mentioned, when she's looking for the Outlander she's trying to stay unnoticed and get her information; and b) to play with the idea of her being a more gray-oriented character, who certainly makes lots of dark side choices but also makes a lot of light ones, too. The woman sacrificed five years of her life to find the player character and in numerous scenes she makes it clear she's willing to sacrifice herself to keep the player safe. She also tells HK-55 to look out for the player above her. And she's not with the Alliance for her own power or financial gain, but to help the galaxy.


I've been thinking about Lana's armor quite a lot actually! (also her lightsaber)


When we first meet Lana, she stands out quite a lot from most sith, with the heavy use of the color green in her robes and the untraditional orange-bladed lightsaber. BUT when we see her post time-skip, she's in a completely monochrome outfit and her lightsaber blade is surprisingly red. (That was honestly one of the most surprising things about kotfe/et Lana for me, aside from the 'suddenly believing in destiny' convo anyway.)


To me, this felt like a deliberate shift for Lana. She was no longer content to seperate or differentiate herself from other sith when the Empire that she was so loyal to was literally falling down around her. A person's wardrobe tends to be a reflection of who they are and I think Lana wanted to remind herself that she was part of a greater whole, an order that she desperately wanted to restore.


That was always my take on it anyway :) And I do think the fact that she was trying to go about unnoticed contributed to the obvious lack of cape. lol

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I've been thinking about Lana's armor quite a lot actually! (also her lightsaber)


When we first meet Lana, she stands out quite a lot from most sith, with the heavy use of the color green in her robes and the untraditional orange-bladed lightsaber. BUT when we see her post time-skip, she's in a completely monochrome outfit and her lightsaber blade is surprisingly red. (That was honestly one of the most surprising things about kotfe/et Lana for me, aside from the 'suddenly believing in destiny' convo anyway.)


To me, this felt like a deliberate shift for Lana. She was no longer content to seperate or differentiate herself from other sith when the Empire that she was so loyal to was literally falling down around her. A person's wardrobe tends to be a reflection of who they are and I think Lana wanted to remind herself that she was part of a greater whole, an order that she desperately wanted to restore.


That was always my take on it anyway :) And I do think the fact that she was trying to go about unnoticed contributed to the obvious lack of cape. lol


I always think this is more of a result from her not being a part of the empire anymore. No more fancy robes, instead she wears what is most practical and blends into wherever she was during the last 5 years, looking for the outlander and laying the groundwork of the later alliance.

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I always think this is more of a result from her not being a part of the empire anymore. No more fancy robes, instead she wears what is most practical and blends into wherever she was during the last 5 years, looking for the outlander and laying the groundwork of the later alliance.


Oh, I absolutely agree that it is far more practical than sith robes and it's definately designed to let her get around easier without drawing too much attention to herself. But the colors feel very reminiscient of the Empire that she was forced to leave. Brown would have suited her needs just as easily, but she still chose a very dark gray for her outfit.


And subtlety doesn't really explain the change in colour crystal. Even if you change the colour crystal on her saber, it still appears red in cutscenes. (which bothers me to no end, but whatever) It all feels very deliberate to me, but I could just be over-analyzing my favourite character and love interest~ :D

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She didn't sleep with Koth necessarily. It's very much open to interpretation and also is influenced by both game choices and SoR. If you are in a thing with Lana before KOTFE, end Ziost on good terms and do not make Koth leave, Koth says straight out he knows you are together and seems to respect that, and there's never anything in the story to say otherwise.


If you make Koth leave and/or did not romance Lana in SoR, or ended Yavin on bad terms with her, yeah, it's implied she's possibly had a thing with Koth.


In all the playthroughs I've seen they make it obvious she did have an affair with Koth. Like I said her lack of back story is the fundamental issue here. We are never let into her inner world. We know what she believes but no why. That frustrates me.

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In all the playthroughs I've seen they make it obvious she did have an affair with Koth. Like I said her lack of back story is the fundamental issue here. We are never let into her inner world. We know what she believes but no why. That frustrates me.


You're entitled to your opinion, but it's not fact at all. If you romanced her in SoR and left it on good terms, that is not the outcome. And a woman can work with a man without jumping his bones.


The fundamental issue is that this is a fan thread for her, and not a place to criticize whatever "issues" you see with her. I give you the courtesy of not showing up in your disgusting monster's fan threads to say negative things or criticize the rosy picture you all paint of him. Please do this thread the same courtesy.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Oh, I absolutely agree that it is far more practical than sith robes and it's definately designed to let her get around easier without drawing too much attention to herself. But the colors feel very reminiscient of the Empire that she was forced to leave. Brown would have suited her needs just as easily, but she still chose a very dark gray for her outfit.


And subtlety doesn't really explain the change in colour crystal. Even if you change the colour crystal on her saber, it still appears red in cutscenes. (which bothers me to no end, but whatever) It all feels very deliberate to me, but I could just be over-analyzing my favourite character and love interest~ :D


It seems like the colors she chose for her outfit are very deliberate. She still has the same bands on her arms that she had in SoR, and the belt has a similar design, and the shirt is black - it seems like she's still saying "I've changed but I'm still myself." Being Sith is something very important to her; she mentions it even after the Umbara betrayal, and she really wants the player to ally with the Empire in Iokath, so she does still remember her background.


The tabards on the outfit look like the ones Anakin and Luke Skywalker wear, but the outfit itself isn't one you see in either the Jedi or the Sith wardrobes anywhere else in the game. I do think it was to blend in, and maybe also say that her identity was deeper than her faction identification? I do think it is deliberate, to show that she uses both sides of the Force and can't be categorized, from a symbolic standpoint.


I would think the color change in the lightsaber...perhaps she felt the need to show her Sith side that way?


Frustration - in the cut scenes, when she picks up her lightsaber, there's still another one on her hip. And I constantly wish they gave her a custom model that didn't look like a ghoul, but that is another issue.


I do have to say that I love the outfit. I know some refer to it as a 'gray sack,' but I personally love that they have a female character who isn't a Barbie doll and seems to be dressing for herself.

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It seems like the colors she chose for her outfit are very deliberate. She still has the same bands on her arms that she had in SoR, and the belt has a similar design, and the shirt is black - it seems like she's still saying "I've changed but I'm still myself." Being Sith is something very important to her; she mentions it even after the Umbara betrayal, and she really wants the player to ally with the Empire in Iokath, so she does still remember her background.


The tabards on the outfit look like the ones Anakin and Luke Skywalker wear, but the outfit itself isn't one you see in either the Jedi or the Sith wardrobes anywhere else in the game. I do think it was to blend in, and maybe also say that her identity was deeper than her faction identification? I do think it is deliberate, to show that she uses both sides of the Force and can't be categorized, from a symbolic standpoint.


I would think the color change in the lightsaber...perhaps she felt the need to show her Sith side that way?


Frustration - in the cut scenes, when she picks up her lightsaber, there's still another one on her hip. And I constantly wish they gave her a custom model that didn't look like a ghoul, but that is another issue.


I do have to say that I love the outfit. I know some refer to it as a 'gray sack,' but I personally love that they have a female character who isn't a Barbie doll and seems to be dressing for herself.


I absolutely agree with everything here~ And I never noticed the part about her arm bands being similar to those from SoR, good catch!


Yeah the duplicate lightsaber is extremely annoying. It also drives me bonkers that the devs can't seem to decide on a face for her and everytime they change it, it just gets worse. Make up your minds devs! No other character has this problem... Though at least the new customizable model is slightly better than the current face update. (At least in my opinion)


I remember that the face updates for Lana and Senya happened the very day I finally made it to Kotfe on my first girlfriend for Lana. I actually screamed when I saw her face x') Those facial shadows...ugh. BUT her characterisation was always what mattered most to me, so I eventually got over it. She's just....So great~<3

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I absolutely agree with everything here~ And I never noticed the part about her arm bands being similar to those from SoR, good catch!


Yeah the duplicate lightsaber is extremely annoying. It also drives me bonkers that the devs can't seem to decide on a face for her and everytime they change it, it just gets worse. Make up your minds devs! No other character has this problem... Though at least the new customizable model is slightly better than the current face update. (At least in my opinion)


I remember that the face updates for Lana and Senya happened the very day I finally made it to Kotfe on my first girlfriend for Lana. I actually screamed when I saw her face x') Those facial shadows...ugh. BUT her characterisation was always what mattered most to me, so I eventually got over it. She's just....So great~<3


She's incredible. *swoon* <3


I do wish they'd stop messing with her. I think she's had more changes than any other character. I actually like the third update best for her. In the SoR version I really liked her face, but it sometimes looked as though they put on her eyeliner with MS paint, just these weird slashes below her eyes.


I really do not like the customizable model face for her at all. I feel like it makes her look like an anime version of herself - too gaunt, huge eyes, and way younger than she's supposed to be. And for a while they gave her orange lipstick, which was alarming, although it seems like they finally fixed that. I like the jagged edges on her hair, too, and in the customizable version she doesn't have those. So I always keep her as she is.


And it makes me mad that they came up with a customizable Theron that looks just like his cut-scene version, but didn't do the same for Lana. But as you say, it's about who she is, not the face model they give her. :)


I love that article you linked, BTW. It's a good assessment of Lana.

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I hope how we will get in the future more Lana content since she is my favorite sith now in which we will see further development of her character , and one more chance to get a LI lock for her for the people like me which screwed their romance in KOTFE chapter 9 because of the confusion with that cantina scene which never indicated to us how if we don't pick there non flirt option would lose the romance. My sorceress likes her more than her original companions, Andronikos was just a generic pirate for her and Talos not really her type while Ashara was to childish for her taste, and she finally found her soulmate in another reasonable pragmatic sith. Edited by Lunablade
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You're entitled to your opinion, but it's not fact at all. If you romanced her in SoR and left it on good terms, that is not the outcome. And a woman can work with a man without jumping his bones.


The fundamental issue is that this is a fan thread for her, and not a place to criticize whatever "issues" you see with her. I give you the courtesy of not showing up in your disgusting monster's fan threads to say negative things or criticize the rosy picture you all paint of him. Please do this thread the same courtesy.


I never said anything remotely bad about her! I came here to learn something about her as a character. As for my showing up here it has nothing to do with Arcann! I haven't called Lana any names and I have been respectful. As for Lana and Koth how is it degrading to either to state that they had a relationship?

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I never said anything remotely bad about her! I came here to learn something about her as a character. As for my showing up here it has nothing to do with Arcann! I haven't called Lana any names and I have been respectful. As for Lana and Koth how is it degrading to either to state that they had a relationship?


I never said it was degrading to them. But you're claiming something as fact that is not fact in the game in all play throughs. Depending on player choices, Lana actually doesn't have a thing to do with him in some play throughs. In the ones where she seems to have had something with him, I'd hardly call it a 'relationship.'


I never said you came here because of the disgusting monster. I said that I do you the courtesy of not showing up in that fan thread to complain about my issues that frustrate me about him. Please do this thread the same courtesy.

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I hope how we will get in the future more Lana content since she is my favorite sith now in which we will see further development of her character , and one more chance to get a LI lock for her for the people like me which screwed their romance in KOTFE chapter 9 because of the confusion with that cantina scene which never indicated to us how if we don't pick there non flirt option would lose the romance. My sorceress likes her more than her original companions, Andronikos was just a generic pirate for her and Talos not really her type while Ashara was to childish for her taste, and she finally found her soulmate in another reasonable pragmatic sith.


I do hope we get more Lana content. <3 The writer who does her letters is always spot on, so at least I hope they will have her write to us!


I don't think Talos would be any of my characters' types, but it would be fun to see a romance with him because of the emails he would send. Can you imagine a love letter from Talos Drelik? It would probably have ten adjectives in every sentence and be adorably geeky. I can actually see him being the type of guy who would be totally devoted to his partner, too. Again, not my type, but I think he'd be cute in a relationship.


The romance locks in so many places in the game seem either too early, too late or too vague sometimes. When you do the cantina scene with Lana, once you choose the flirts you do get that pop up, but it's easy to miss it. With some of the other characters the romance flag is set way early, too. Andronikos you have to flirt with really early on or you miss it, and I think there are a few others like that.


And I've never wanted a character to hook up with Theron but that's a speed flirt, my god - he shows up in Chapter 9 and then two or three flirts later in the same chapter you're supposed to lock in with him.

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You're claiming something as fact that is not fact in the game in all play throughs. Depending on player choices, Lana actually doesn't have a thing to do with him in some playthroughs. In the ones where she seems to have had something with him, I'd hardly call it a 'relationship.'


I never said you came here because of the disgusting monster. I said that I do you the courtesy of not showing up in that fan thread to complain about my issues that frustrate me about him. Please do this thread the same courtesy.


I'm not claiming anything! I was talking about my own experiences I've had watching her romance on YouTube!


Stop attacking me because I like Arcann, it doesn't effect your life in any way. I am here to learn anything about Lana! Instead of looking for an attack that has not happened why don't you provide some information on her!


As for your so-called courtesy, you certainly don't extend it to people who are curious.


Now could someone please post the link to that Lana story on Korriban?

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I'm not claiming anything! I was talking about my own experiences I've had watching her romance on YouTube!


Stop attacking me because I like Arcann, it doesn't effect your life in any way. I am here to learn anything about Lana! Instead of looking for an attack that has not happened why don't you provide some information on her!


As for your so-called courtesy, you certainly don't extend it to people who are curious.


Now could someone please post the link to that Lana story on Korriban?


Nobody's attacking you because you like Arcann. You seem to misinterpret everything, my god. I asked you twice, politely, not to complain about Lana IN HER FAN THREAD, since I don't do that to YOUR creep in HIS fan thread. Is that clear now? Calling her 'machavellian" certainly isn't nice, nor is complaining about your issues with her.



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I used the term Machiavellian to describe that she cares about getting to the desired end result. That is her morality. It was NOT an insult! I also specifically stated that she wasn't a bloodthirsty psycho Sith! One does not have to be evil to be considered Machiavellian. Machiavelli's philosophy is that anything that helps you get to your goal is "right" anything that doesn't or delays it is "wrong." I think Quinn is also Machiavellian but I don't hate him. I DON'T DISLIKE OR HATE LANA!


Again I beg for a link to that story.

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She's incredible. *swoon* <3


I do wish they'd stop messing with her. I think she's had more changes than any other character. I actually like the third update best for her. In the SoR version I really liked her face, but it sometimes looked as though they put on her eyeliner with MS paint, just these weird slashes below her eyes.


I really do not like the customizable model face for her at all. I feel like it makes her look like an anime version of herself - too gaunt, huge eyes, and way younger than she's supposed to be. And for a while they gave her orange lipstick, which was alarming, although it seems like they finally fixed that. I like the jagged edges on her hair, too, and in the customizable version she doesn't have those. So I always keep her as she is.


And it makes me mad that they came up with a customizable Theron that looks just like his cut-scene version, but didn't do the same for Lana. But as you say, it's about who she is, not the face model they give her. :)


I love that article you linked, BTW. It's a good assessment of Lana.


I think what the devs should have done (and maybe hopefully will do in the future) was to make all of her different appearances up till now available as customization options (I would pay so much $$$ for her SoR appearance! Even with the ms paint eyeliner lmao). That way everyone would be happy!!!


And thanks! I loved the article too, I've had it bookmarked for months now lol

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