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Lana Appreciation Thread - Love for the Dark Advisor! Haters, please stay away,


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By popular demand, a fan thread for our favorite dark advisor, Lana Beniko!


If you hate Lana, want her dead, have something critical or mean to say...I beseech you, please don't post here. There are plenty of other threads on the forum for that. Let this be a space where fans can be fans. :)

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I would love to know more about Lana's family, background, etc. - the things that made her the way she is. :) There's one short story that depicts part of her training in a tomb of Korriban, but we seem to know very little else. However, maybe particularly strong fans of Lana picked up some stuff that I missed? I would very much like it if they would share any such material. Edited by Estelindis
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I would love to know more about Lana's family, background, etc. - the things that made her the way she is. :) There's one short story that depicts part of her training in a tomb of Korriban, but we seem to know very little else. However, maybe particularly strong fans of Lana picked up some stuff that I missed? I would very much like it if they would share any such material.


I agree with this! Aside from that short story, all you have is the SIS dossier that says she was on Hoth when the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, and the email if you choose to monitor everyone on Iokath. And for Lana all that tells you about her background is her parents' names, that her parents are dead, and that she is an only child. There's not much there, unfortunately.


I'd love to learn more about her background. Also, the symbols on her armor - she always has that circular belt and those armbands, and I have always wondered what they meant.

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I love being able to finally put her back in her original outfit now; though dyed red instead of the horrible original green. Though this third version of her is probably the one I like the least.


Also I expected we'd hear how she lost her hand by now (lightsaber, obviously, I know!), but it gets no comment or acknowledgement whatsoever at any point.

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Also, the symbols on her armor - she always has that circular belt and those armbands, and I have always wondered what they meant.

The circle in her belt always gave me a bit of a Revanite vibe, but that's fairly countered by her actual role in the counter-Revan story arc. :o


I expected we'd hear how she lost her hand by now (lightsaber, obviously, I know!), but it gets no comment or acknowledgement whatsoever at any point.

Is it clear that she did lose her hand? I honestly assumed it was just some kind of power gauntlet. :eek:

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I had wanted to dye her current outfit black for her, but IMHO she doesn't look like herself once that traditional mod is taken away, so I left her as she is.


The hand is so strange. Someone asked IIRC Charles about it and he claimed she *didn't* lose her hand, but she's obviously wearing some sort of different glove, why? And it seems like they make a point of showing it off in some of the earlier KOTFE chapters as though they want you to notice it. There has to be a story there!


Yeeey, Gj hun! :D I want Lana's eye shape, I find it one of the prettiest in game.:mad: Totally love the title btw <3


Thank you!! :)

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Mmmmm, Lana and Vector. My Agent would be in heaven if she could romance them both at the same time.


She's a fascinating character and I do love her... just wish she could take off the KotFE potato sack without her face going kerflooey *death glares at EAware*

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Mmmmm, Lana and Vector. My Agent would be in heaven if she could romance them both at the same time.


She's a fascinating character and I do love her... just wish she could take off the KotFE potato sack without her face going kerflooey *death glares at EAware*


I think my agent would vote for that too. :D

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I have my opinions toward Lana, ones I will respectfully not share here. However, despite those, I would actually be interested in reading more about her, learning more about her background as we have for Theron. Not through the game but via blog posts or a book even. They've made her a pivotal character especially through KOTFE/ET but we know so little about her, it's kind of a shame.
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Is it clear that she did lose her hand? I honestly assumed it was just some kind of power gauntlet. :eek:

Well it seemed pretty clear to me. Goes with a saying I have: "If someone doesn't lose a hand, it's not Star Wars". If you think about all the movies and several of the games, that's very true isn't it. That cliché aside though, I thought the hand seemed so very cybernetic.


The hand is so strange. Someone asked IIRC Charles about it and he claimed she *didn't* lose her hand, but she's obviously wearing some sort of different glove, why?

seems to disprove my theory though.

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Well it seemed pretty clear to me. Goes with a saying I have: "If someone doesn't lose a hand, it's not Star Wars". If you think about all the movies and several of the games, that's very true isn't it. That cliché aside though, I thought the hand seemed so very cybernetic.



seems to disprove my theory though.

I've always wondered about her hand, it is so obviously different especially in scenes like the one where she pulls you from carbonite. Like there is no natural movement or pose to it. Could also be a weapon gimmick, something to do with wielding her lightsaber for example.

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Lana is one of my favorite companions in-game (and before she became one, one of the NPCs). <3 I've always liked that she's more calmer bit kinder than other Siths, willing to put aside ideological/political differences with the Republic to work with them in order to save the Galaxy. She's a great and deep character. :)

Also, shoutout to Lydia Leonard for absolutely stunning work in voice acting, she truly brings Lana alive! :)

Edited by Rebamcfan
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Though she is no Kira, Lana is my second favorite SWTOR companion. Why? Because she is unconventional, smart, stubbornly loyal, never thinks just about herself and yea kinda hot :p

And in the german version she has the same voice actor as Miranda Lawson, which makes her irressistable to a Miranda fanboy like me ;)

I also enjoy how the player has to warm her up until her "mission comes first attitude" changes over time. It's the most convincing as a Jedi knight or Sith warrior IMO.


But i hate, hate, haaaate her armor since KOTFE. She is an attractive women, why hide it under multiple layers of clothing and armor until only voice and haircut prove her to be a female? Feminazi SJW BS...:mad:


Well, at least you can change it now. :)

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