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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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If I were too assume a few things, they would be this....and I feel this is a likely a pretty accurate guess.


1) There are far fewer players today then even a year ago, never mind two years ago.

2) KotFE/ET were likely quite expensive and did not meet financial and player growth/retention expectations.

3) The game was still pretty healthy up until the release of the GC system in its launch state, which hit the game really hard.

4) Bioware is likely putting most of its resources and hopes into Anthem, and has generally lost interest in trying to make this game its premiere product.


If I were in charge of this game, with the likely light resources and support I would have at this point, I would do the following to at least stabilize the game....


1) Revamp the F2P/Preferred system to match more successful online games.

2) Rerelease some of the more popular loyalty content that has been released in the last two years.

3) Make a pass on all dailies to remove bottlenecks and prior major release content that is not group friendly.

4) Create a new top tier of gear and have it drop in hard content only.

Edited by LordArtemis
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three LI's quickly tossed in via alerts (and two of those forced into the same scene which conveniently saves time/resources) that take about 2 minutes to get through, and are only available to their original class, again saving both time and resources.

Its probably a proof of concept. They want to figure out how this format is received. It already costs more just moving away from the KOTOR-style from the other alerts. Besides, with Steve Blum working on SW Rebels, they likely had only a limited amount of time to get him into the recording booth to get his Andronikos lines recorded. I specifically asked Steve about doing more Andronikos Revel when I got his autograph at SW Celebration last year, and he replied he would be happy to do more. I'm sure he's not the only VA with other things to do. I mean I get it doesn't take long for players to get through, but the whole return on investment analysis is important data they need to design the rest of the companion returns.

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It requires very little development effort and would reverse one of the biggest detriments of the GC system.


I very much disagree.


I highly doubt any gamer left a game because they got gear to easily. Even in 4.0 when you could gear up any number of alts easily, it wasn't the gear that caused them gamers to leave. It was the lack of content.


Similar for the extremely few gamers that could do HM/NM content. They didn't leave because others and their alts were getting gear easily. It was because the lacking of content (and bugs probably).


No, placing gear back on the top shelf isn't going to do this game any good.

Edited by Quraswren
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I very much disagree.


I highly doubt any gamer left a game because they got gear to easily. Even in 4.0 when you could gear up any number of alts easily, it wasn't the gear that caused them gamers to leave. It was the lack of content.


Similar for the extremely few gamers that could do HM/NM content. They didn't leave because others and their alts were getting gear easily. It was because the lacking of content (and bugs probably).


No, placing gear back on the top shelf isn't going to do this game any good.


Of course I strongly disagree with your view. Not only do I think that many players left specifically because GC replaced direct drops with a gear grind system, I do not think they have resources available at present to release any kind of substantial new content now or in the near future.


If the talk around the net is to be believed, this would likely be the exact thing that would draw back a substantial amount of players...connected with the other things I mentioned of course.

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I knew it.


I've been saying for months on this forum that the reason why SWTOR is in a content drought is likely due to much of Austin working on Anthem.


Anthem killed Mass Effect and now may do the same to SWTOR. :mad:

Can't muster up much enthusiasm for Anthem because this. And what little we know about that game so far doesn't interest me.

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While that sounds daunting, if each of us got even one friend to play it, it would add up.


Every friend I had that was likely to play this game played it and left years ago when it was obvious that Bioware was going to always struggle to put significant amounts of content into the game, on at least a yearly basis. So far, their predictions have been correct, and they have all moved on to other games (WoW, Final Fantasy, etc).


If even once after a "lull" they could have pulled it back in a big way, then I think that would be different. :(

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I'm surprised that they are putting so much effort into Anthem. It honestly hasn't received high praise from it's announcement and as far as I can tell it seems to be a Destiny clone. They better hit the mark on this one or it's going to flop. I of course have no interest in it, I'd rather have a Star Wars mmo.
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This has actually turned me off to Anthem. And that's saying something because I've always bought every BioWare game sight unseen since KOTOR. Been a huge fan of theirs since that game.


But the development of Anthem has really rubbed me the wrong way. I don't like the way it feels, and I especially don't like the fact that it has pulled resources away from other beloved titles, such as Mass Effect and Star Wars. At this point, I feel like it's not just SWTOR that is fighting for its life, but BioWare itself. If Anthem flops, I think EA shutters the company.


If Anthem is a huge success, then BioWare continues on with some momentum, but I don't see them funneling any of the money they might make from Anthem back into SWTOR. Everything going forward will be about the continued support of that game.


It's telling that a lot of folks said KOTET felt like the end of SWTOR. Looks like they may be right.

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Well, I just returned to playing this game more frequently, but on hearing this news, I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription. Not going to waste time on a game going nowhere.


It will take a bit more than an ambiguous comment from BW to change my mind too..I may re-subscribe if this turns out not to be the case, but I don't think that will happen.

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Of course I strongly disagree with your view. Not only do I think that many players left specifically because GC replaced direct drops with a gear grind system, I do not think they have resources available at present to release any kind of substantial new content now or in the near future.


If the talk around the net is to be believed, this would likely be the exact thing that would draw back a substantial amount of players...connected with the other things I mentioned of course.


But direct drops are pretty much back (you can get top tier from crates, components or running operations).

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On this site too they are saying similar.


"Finally, according to the report, Bioware is currently discussing whether to end development on its MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic, which has been around since 2011. One source familiar with the matter said a small team is maintaining the game, and future development plans are “up in the air.”


It would be a bit of a shame if that were the case, because surely there are many out there who continue to enjoy it"

Edited by LeMage
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Sometimes you have to fight for what you want. People are quick to give up. I'm not one of those people. Keith's roadmap was mentioned by Eric, as being on it's way in a couple of months. I'd look for it hopefully around March or May. Info has always been lean here over the winter months.


It did not state "a couple of months" it said "a few weeks":

The big “what is coming” type question will be addressed as always in Keith’s Roadmap, which is being worked on now. I would expect a few more weeks before you can read that.


Although we will save the specifics for the Roadmap, beyond 5.7 you can expect additional Companions returning, a new Flashpoint, and more! Thanks everyone, we are looking forward to an exciting 2018.




That was just over two weeks ago.


The last roadmap was titled "Fall Road Map". A "Winter Road Map" in May would be a joke, and do nothing to quell the speculation going on around here.


I'm sorry, but some type of break in the silence needs to happen. Now. Keith? Talk to us, man. We're in your corner, but not in the loop.

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Whether the game is dead, dying, shutting down, stopping development.... the obvious bantha in the room is that this game is declining sharply as of late. I hope they do a GW1 maintenance mode, but that's not up to us. I don't think EA will allow anything to be out there without some kind of funds coming in. If they keep silent at the rate they're going we'll only need 1 server next year. However, I'd guess they'd want to replace it with another SW MMO.... so who knows what's on the horizon.
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But the game won't be shut down like the OP put in the subject of this thread.


i think it would be due to BW really doesn't have a say when it comes to Disney. If BW own that game then i think that could happen but in this case with SWTOR don't think Disney would allow that.

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Well, I've been bored out of my fraken mind for the last year and this news just helps me decide whether or not to dust off my old WoW account and head back there. Doesn't matter to me who gets my $15 month but if one of those developers don't care enough to keep me, then fine, I'll go to the one that does.


Truly a shame but all good things must come to an end.

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Stop Development <> Shut Down.


I'm sure they talked about stopping development, as I'm sure they talked about investing in the game.

They are talking about a lot of stuff and majority of it never happens.


Just looking at the facts in the past 12 months.


1. Producer Ben Irving fired....errr...promoted to another position.

New Producer is former Support/Live Services guy Keith, so they actually saved one salaried position, as Keith now does both jobs.

Same with the community team, Tate left, never replaced, community team is now 50% down.

At least Charles Boyd was not cut into half :D

I'm guessing the same with dev team, as focus is more on Anthem.

(6 openings in Austin, we don't know how many of them are SWTOR: http://www.bioware.com/en/careers/current-openings/?locations%5B%5D=44#job-listings)


2. Servers down to 5 from 17.

Investment and cost cutting at the same time.


So it seems they are trying to cost cut themselves into a place where they can be profitable with lower revenues.

This only makes sense if they are preparing for a content draught that is happening right now.

They have content in development or ready to release, as far as we know from VO recordings.

Content is being produced with copy paste, cost cutting solution.


As the game can be shut down on a whim, it does not sound like a good idea at the moment.

They have to decide to either invest in it, or put it on real maintenance mode.

If maintenance mode fails to provide profits, they can make a decision about shutting down, but not before.


My 2 cents, whatever it's worth.

Edited by Galahard
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