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HK-55 false advertising as of 01/07/18


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"But hey, if new folks who weren't around want to part with their money for that stuff then screw them because I'm an old sub so I deserve better: ergo they deserve nothing!" <Your logic.


A paying customer is a paying customer, seniority shouldn't come in to it. This isn't the army, after all!

Folks looking at the game atm are turned off by community folks with attitudes like yours.


Perhaps they could bring them back as a bunch of limited time "do these quests to unlock this macguffin" deals for each old sub reward, available only to subs?


Don't put words in my mouth that I never said.

I'm guessing you never got to the posts where I came up with a non-time limit idea where they could add the old rewards for everyone to earn, via total sub time tiers rather then "sub on this date" and explained my reason from that post you quoted to be not bringing old rewards back for "sub on this date" rewards a second time and use brand new ones instead, but would love for everyone to have a way to earn them a different way.

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"But hey, if new folks who weren't around want to part with their money for that stuff then screw them because I'm an old sub so I deserve better: ergo they deserve nothing!" <Your logic.


A paying customer is a paying customer, seniority shouldn't come in to it. This isn't the army, after all!

Folks looking at the game atm are turned off by community folks with attitudes like yours.


Perhaps they could bring them back as a bunch of limited time "do these quests to unlock this macguffin" deals for each old sub reward, available only to subs?


And what happens when the people who "weren't around" for this "bunch of limited time 'do these quests to unlock this macguffin' deals for each old sub reward" complains about not being able to obtain them?


I find it ironic that so many people want to complain about missing out on limited time promotions, but "suggesting" that new limited time promotions be offered so they can have those shinies they KNOW they did NOT meet the criteria to receive, but want anyway.


Basically, their "suggestions" translate into "I don't care about anyone who isn't here now, I want those items so it makes no difference if I 'wasn't here' for the promotions. BW owes it to me to let me obtain them, and as long as I can get those shinies, anyone who comes later can do without them."

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Because rehashing old content has been so successful in retaining and increasing subs so far, right?


IMO, it would be better for BW to offer new rewards and incentives via alternative means, either replacing the time specific reward system or run in parallel with a time specific reward system with similar but different rewards.


Fair enough....what do you suggest specifically? You're being a bit vague.

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Fair enough....what do you suggest specifically? You're being a bit vague.



I have advocated running a veteran subscriber reward system alongside a time specific subscriber reward system with the two systems having different, but similar rewards.


What those rewards are would ultimately be up to BW, although I'm sure many would add their input as to what they would like to see as rewards.

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I'm really struggling to wrap my head around a lot of this, and I need a little bit of help understanding something...


Ok, so, a little about me...it'll be relevant by the end, I promise.


I just recently (early December) came back to the game after a very long absence. My WoW raiding guild, which had explored quite a few MMOs together, jumped over to TOR right at launch...our consensus opinion was that it was the best leveling experience any of us had ever seen. But, we were all in a progression raiding mindset at the time, and I'm sure everybody remembers just how sub-par the TOR endgame was at the time; most of us had cancelled our subs by the 5 month mark. Turns out I was just really super-burnt on MMOs all around....I actually walked away from them entirely until I came back here in December.


A little while back, a good friend of ours, a guildmate from the very beginning, took his own life. He was my co-tank here, and in the rush of memories and nostalgia as we dealt with the loss, I remembered how much fun those first couple of months were. Partly as a farewell to him, partly just because it sounded like fun, here I am.


I'm actually having a blast. I'm now in my second month of subscription, and I've spent maybe 100 bucks in the CM. I'm active in chat, when the conversation is something other than Trump, jawas, or how big a Mary Sue Rae is. I've joined a new guild looking at a growth phase….they think I might lead some Ops groups for them, I think that's adorable, it's a cool relationship. I'm doing some in-game RP, something I never took the time to do before. I just let the old crew know I'm back, and some are thinking about joining the party.


By any reasonable definition, I'm exactly what the game needs. That's not me trying to overstate my importance, just an objective statement based on discussion here in the forums and in-game. I'm active. I participate. I'm MMO-savvy....I have reasonable expectations for what a game will and won't be, and a lot of tolerance for the traditional MMO pain points. I have emotional connections to the game.I have enough disposable income that a subscription plus extra CM cash isn't a challenge. I have friends like me that I'm trying to bring to the party. Maybe most importantly, I don't have years of disappointment and resentment built up over things like server merges, the KOTFE changes, and so forth...to me, it's better than I remember it


Then I read through this thread...and here's my struggle:


I obviously wasn't here for the HK reward, and that's fine....whatever my reasons, ok, wrong place, wrong time, and it really isn't a thing I want or need. What bothers me is the attitude.


From everything I've read, HK's primary value to the people who have him, and the reason they don't want to see him re-issued, is the exclusivity....it's not that THEY have this cool thing that does cool things and is cool, it's that I DON'T have him. If I did, the value of their own HK would be diminished or removed. A piece of content, developer effort, is only meaningful if I'm not allowed to have it.


Every argument against a re-issue has been explicitly in those terms. Ratajack has repeated the "they KNOW they did NOT meet" line a few times now, same caps and everything. Plenty of folks are using "whine", "cry", "entitled" and such freely....I'm actually personally flawed if I find the idea of content that is only valuable if I don't have it odd and a little backward.


Ratajack, sorry for naming you specifically....from what I've seen, you're a fine, reasonable person and have a lot to contribute. Maybe you don't even realize how it sounds. But can you express HK's value in any way other than what I didn't or I'm not? Or is that really the bottom line here?


Because to be perfectly candid, this is the first item I've run into that gives me pause. HK isn't important to me....but if this community really puts so much stock in playing keep-away with content, if it's that important that I remember my place as somebody who wasn't here once, I'm actually starting to question whether that mindset is something I want to get involved with again.

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God I wish this thread would die. It literally is like the same 3 or 4 people trying to act like they are talking for the entire community, on both sides. I mean for godsake, let this horse die already.


As insult riddled as this thread has devolved into, I am actually surprised it hasn't been locked yet.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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Ok, look....the idea is that it is sensible to assume that offering items that have already been designed and are in the game are simple items to draw back players....probably the easiest way to do so.


So one would have to choose from items that were popular and already added to the game. From that list I would ask folks to pick something that fits the following criteria...


1) Popular with players, encouraged players to remain subbed. Does not have to be a "stay subbed to get this" offer.

2) Something that folks that have already qualified for the reward would be fine with allowing others to have, and the stipulations of that approval, if any.

Right now I am pushing for the return of this particular item. If someone can suggest something else, I am all ears.

Edited by LordArtemis
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The thing about HK vs. the others, for me, anyway, is that there are missions attached to HK. It's not about the companion itself; it's about content that's currently being withheld because a group of subs wants to feel special.

Yes, but see that part applies to all sub reward shinies. More specifically, a group of subs wanting to feel special is the argument that's supposed to prevent BioWare from releasing said shinies again (if we want to be technical and literal, because we know certain people will never let us hear the end of it, shinies aren't being "withheld", they're simply not being re-released, yet.)


I think that argument should be struck down at the base, thus I'm arguing for all shinies.


Also "vintage" tags don't work, seeing as the original Shae already gets a labelled vintage armour set for her on recruitment, need a different name or a reskinned comp.

It was only an example, the tag can be something else. "Genuine", "Original", or if we're tagging v2s "Reclaimed", "Renewed", whatever.


Because to be perfectly candid, this is the first item I've run into that gives me pause. HK isn't important to me....but if this community really puts so much stock in playing keep-away with content, if it's that important that I remember my place as somebody who wasn't here once, I'm actually starting to question whether that mindset is something I want to get involved with again.

Excellent points, which perhaps weren't believed when I said them on behalf of others. Sadly this community is not known for being especially welcoming to new people, especially if you come in requesting something a subset of users decide you shouldn't have. But efforts are being made to mitigate that.




Now, to the question of reskinned companions, I think it misses the point of this whole discussion, which is not to have another arbitrary companion, or even necessarily another smuggler, Mando, or droid companion, but rather the chance to acquire these specific companions (and other shinies). A reskin of HK/Shae/Nico is not HK/Shae/Nico and the false narrative of mandatory exclusivity continues.


The precedent for reskinning, the Party Jawa was different. Those asking for it were for the most part asking for a way to do the achievement. Thus, the Party Jawa was a means to an end, not the end itself. The Celebration Jawa, being functionally equivalent solved that end nicely. But in this discussion the shinies themselves are the end. So a reskin does not answer that question.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Because to be perfectly candid, this is the first item I've run into that gives me pause. HK isn't important to me....but if this community really puts so much stock in playing keep-away with content, if it's that important that I remember my place as somebody who wasn't here once, I'm actually starting to question whether that mindset is something I want to get involved with again.

My advice: do not overestimate the importance or value of a handful of angry people on the forum.


I can understand that some people feel upset because Bioware told them at the time that this was the only way to get those rewards and if Bioware offers them again, they were effectively lied to by Bioware. That goes for me as well, since I have the rewards myself, but I don't mind if people get another chance because I felt that the story chapter and HK with it should've never been a one-time sub reward. It makes no sense to do that with an actual story that is actually also the conclusion to another storyline in the game.

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I think regardless of the side you fall on we can all agree that sub rewards need to come back and people should be given the opportunity to earn new rewards.


Imo, I dislike sub rewards. But if swtor needs them to keep players subbing, why not!

Sounds kinda sad, somehow...🤔


Because a certain someone always derails threads with:



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I just recently (early December) came back to the game after a very long absence. My WoW raiding guild, which had explored quite a few MMOs together, jumped over to TOR right at launch...our consensus opinion was that it was the best leveling experience any of us had ever seen. But, we were all in a progression raiding mindset at the time, and I'm sure everybody remembers just how sub-par the TOR endgame was at the time; most of us had cancelled our subs by the 5 month mark. Turns out I was just really super-burnt on MMOs all around....I actually walked away from them entirely until I came back here in December.



Welcome back! I'm also a returning sub and have had a similar experience in really enjoying what the game has to offer. I wouldn't take the more negative behavior in this thread to heart. Yes, there has been some nastiness, but I've also seen people set that aside for gleaming moments of cooperation to have a real and open discussion. Being an optimist I'm gonna try to put a positive spin on this. People are passionate about the game, aside from a few posters who simply seem passionate about a stance. There is a real and intense interest in what happens with this game. I'm going to call that a good thing.


This whole topic is just a teeny little drop in what the game offers. Whether BW brings it back or not I will continue to play as a sub because I genuinely like the game. I hope they bring it back, others vehemently oppose this. Regardless of the decision that's made one side will be disappointed but hopefully they can continue to enjoy the game whether or not they "win". I mean, it really is just a game. If I don't get reward x my head will not explode, if I do get it those who already have it will also not suffer an exploding head. Another positive, no exploding heads.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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Eh....I tend to be equally skeptical of both the vocal minority and the silent majority. No, the small number of people playing keep-away in this thread don't accurately represent their presence in the player base....but they do represent some unknown portion of it. Enough to walk away right now? Probably not.....but the attitude is a strong, immediate reminder of one of the reasons I walked away from MMOs in the first place.


LordArtemis keeps trying to return the thread to discussion of game health. I think he's right to do so.


I've been reading a number of threads since I got back, just to re-orient myself. What happened to the servers? What's CXP, and how does the real play compare to developer intent? As I've read them, one consistent theme stands out:


"Why should we speculate about theoretical new/returning players? They're not here now, might never be, why should we care?"


A couple of us are pointing out that we're not theoretical. We're here, right now today. And we're seeing attitudes, right from the beginning, that are....distasteful.

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Ok, look....the idea is that it is sensible to assume that offering items that have already been designed and are in the game are simple items to draw back players....probably the easiest way to do so.


So one would have to choose from items that were popular and already added to the game. From that list I would ask folks to pick something that fits the following criteria...


1) Popular with players, encouraged players to remain subbed. Does not have to be a "stay subbed to get this" offer.

2) Something that folks that have already qualified for the reward would be fine with allowing others to have, and the stipulations of that approval, if any.

Right now I am pushing for the return of this particular item. If someone can suggest something else, I am all ears.


I think almost any of the past subscriber rewards would meet your first criteria, but I doubt that any of those past subscriber rewards would meet your second criteria.


If you wish to use items that have already been designed, then i would suggest reskinned, recolored and renamed versions of those past subscriber rewards. I do not know for sure, but I would guess that it is far easier and cheaper to recolor something that has already been designed than it is to design something new from the ground up.


These reskins would likely also have the advantage of meeting your second criteria.

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I think almost any of the past subscriber rewards would meet your first criteria, but I doubt that any of those past subscriber rewards would meet your second criteria.


If you wish to use items that have already been designed, then i would suggest reskinned, recolored and renamed versions of those past subscriber rewards. I do not know for sure, but I would guess that it is far easier and cheaper to recolor something that has already been designed than it is to design something new from the ground up.


These reskins would likely also have the advantage of meeting your second criteria.


This exactly. The Senya holotrainer is a perfect example. It's basically the Dr. Oggorub statue in a different skin. But no one complained, cause it's still different. Come out with HK-57 or something, and no one will mind. Heck give it a red arm as a call out to C-3P0.


Let people keep their rare collectables. Ya, it's just a bunch of pixels, but that 1876 stamp is just a piece of paper, and those civil war era pennies are just hunks of metal. Doesn't mean they don't have a value, and part of that value is that they are no long available, and so those that have them enjoy the rarity that comes along with them.

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If you wish to use items that have already been designed, then i would suggest reskinned, recolored and renamed versions of those past subscriber rewards. I do not know for sure, but I would guess that it is far easier and cheaper to recolor something that has already been designed than it is to design something new from the ground up.


Which is the conclusion we already came to five pages ago before you went on another Johnny bender....

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Eh....I tend to be equally skeptical of both the vocal minority and the silent majority. No, the small number of people playing keep-away in this thread don't accurately represent their presence in the player base....but they do represent some unknown portion of it. Enough to walk away right now? Probably not.....but the attitude is a strong, immediate reminder of one of the reasons I walked away from MMOs in the first place.


LordArtemis keeps trying to return the thread to discussion of game health. I think he's right to do so.


I've been reading a number of threads since I got back, just to re-orient myself. What happened to the servers? What's CXP, and how does the real play compare to developer intent? As I've read them, one consistent theme stands out:


"Why should we speculate about theoretical new/returning players? They're not here now, might never be, why should we care?"


A couple of us are pointing out that we're not theoretical. We're here, right now today. And we're seeing attitudes, right from the beginning, that are....distasteful.


Yeah, if there's one thing that I find very distasteful it is the toxic behavior. I have played other MMOs but did not participate in the forums. The one I played most frequently didn't seem to have this level of negative interaction in the community. It's sad, because I think the behavior does harm the game. I don't know what to suggest the devs do to address it. The in-game stuff is particularly disturbing to me since we tend to forget that children play this game too and a lot of the chatter in-game is truly appalling.


I have nothing but respect for LordArtemis, his has been a voice of reason and rational approaches. I wish more would follow his lead. I think the health of the game should come first. If the game isn't healthy there won't be a game and then no one will have the past rewards and whether they're exclusive or not will be completely moot. At this point, I feel the game's health is paramount and the devs should do whatever they can to promote it.


While I do not completely oppose re-skins I don't think it's a solution that will actually change anything. There is already an attainable option to HK-55 with the 51 model. That isn't resolving the issue and I doubt more re-skins will have a different result. Not saying it isn't a suggestion worth looking into, I'm just pointing out that it's pretty much already been implemented and it doesn't seem to have worked.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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There is already an attainable option to HK-55 with the 51 model. That isn't resolving the issue and I doubt more re-skins will have a different result. Not saying it isn't a suggestion worth looking into, I'm just pointing out that it's pretty much already been implemented and it doesn't seem to have worked.


HK-51 requires a huge amount of time to get, if you are unlucky it could take tens of hours to get.


Also, HK-51 was around long before HK-55, so it's more that HK-55 was a shortcut replacement of HK-51, without needing to do a 20 hour quest chain to get it, and by that viewpoint it succeeded fantastically since everyone clearly wants it!

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HK-51 requires a huge amount of time to get, if you are unlucky it could take tens of hours to get.


Also, HK-51 was around long before HK-55, so it's more that HK-55 was a shortcut replacement of HK-51, without needing to do a 20 hour quest chain to get it, and by that viewpoint it succeeded fantastically since everyone clearly wants it!


You know, a guildie and I did the HK-51 thing in less than 20 hours. I think we managed it in five or six. We were very methodical when we searched for the parts. She has a degree in archeology so we approached the search using the techniques one would use on a dig. It was really pretty fun.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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I think almost any of the past subscriber rewards would meet your first criteria, but I doubt that any of those past subscriber rewards would meet your second criteria.


If you wish to use items that have already been designed, then i would suggest reskinned, recolored and renamed versions of those past subscriber rewards. I do not know for sure, but I would guess that it is far easier and cheaper to recolor something that has already been designed than it is to design something new from the ground up.


These reskins would likely also have the advantage of meeting your second criteria.


Ok, what do you think, from the past items would be the most popular overall to former players.


I was thinking the 50 percent XP set from the DvL event. Do you think that would be a popular item? It certainly doesn't have to be a companion, but I think access to the mission would be important...unless there is another piece of candy you think would be even more desirable.


If we get back to HK-55, what I am understanding is that you would be ok with a reskin...I would do some kind of "camouflage" type of color scheme, call it "HK-59" or something.


I was also playing with another idea...another friend of mine pointed out that Malgus was pretty popular, and to his knowledge there are no force ghost companions in the game...so what about access to either a force ghost Malgus or force ghost Orgas Din (I think that was his name).


Might even have some tie in with Shea and Vette for Malgus, and T7 or Orgas.


This option is less desirable because it would require a bit more work, and I would prefer to focus on something already in the game. The preference would be something that was VERY popular, meeting the following criteria in order from best to worst....


1) Assets that already exist in game, require very little work to offer again.

2) Assets that would require a bit of work to offer again, like perhaps some kind of reskin.

3) Assets that currently do not exist, but would take a small amount of work to provide.

Edited by LordArtemis
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There is also another option, and perhaps this content could be worked into it. I suggested a subscriber rewards program that rewarded players for total sub time, non-contiguous. Here is the general gist.


SWG had a great program for subscriber rewards IMO, and I think a similar system would do well here.


The idea was to reward subs for total amount of time they played, but I would change it up a bit....I would set it for total amount of time SUBSCRIBED.


First, you would need to be subscribed to receive the rewards, and you could only collect the reward on one server, one character.


Second, it would be set up in tiers....every 90 days of subscription, the days/months would have no need to be contiguous. All items would be bound to legacy (with noted exceptions), so they can not be sold or traded.


90 - 100cc

180 - low demand armor set (bronze)

270 - low demand speeder (bronze)

360 - transfer token


450 - 250cc

540 - medium demand armor set (silver)

630 - medium demand speeder (silver)

720 - 5 character slots


810 - 500cc

900 - high demand armor set (gold)

990 - high demand speeder (gold)

1080 - rename token


1170 - 1000cc

1260 - rare armor set (platinum)

1350 - rare demand speeder (platinum)

1440 - level up token


1530 - 2000cc

1620 - Legacy XP bonus armor set

1710 - rare animal and droid companion

1800 - white/white and black/black dye


1890 - 3000cc

1980 - 5 ultra rare weapons

2070 - code for 30 days sub time (can be given to friend)

2160 - 100 percent XP boost legacy implant


2250 - code for 90 days sub and 2400 coins (can be given to friend), exclusive mount and title


This is just a general example of what they could offer, they could go more conservative, but IMO those that have been subbed this entire time deserve special rewards.

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Ok, what do you think, from the past items would be the most popular overall to former players.


I was thinking the 50 percent XP set from the DvL event. Do you think that would be a popular item? It certainly doesn't have to be a companion, but I think access to the mission would be important...unless there is another piece of candy you think would be even more desirable.


I think that XP bonus armor set would be very desirable. I also think that there are two pitfalls with using that armor set as a reward again.


1) If they made it available again for any means other than the same criteria that had to be met during the DvL event, those who already earned it could potentially feel "slapped in the face", especially if those new criteria were substantially easier than the original criteria.


2) What do you offer those who already have that XP bonus armor?


Those same two pitfalls would apply to any of the past rewards, no matter which specific one you want to use. This is why I suggest leaving past rewards alone and offering new rewards, even if those new rewards are only reskinned, recolored and renamed versions of the original rewards that have the same functionality.


Now, if BW wanted to offer a new XP bonus set of armor with a different look and different name, then those that already have the original bonus armor would be able to get something new and feel less "slapped in the face" as it would be a different set with a different look. BW could even use the "look" an armor set that is already in the game as "convert that set" to be legacy bound with mods identical to the original XP armor set.




If we get back to HK-55, what I am understanding is that you would be ok with a reskin...I would do some kind of "camouflage" type of color scheme, call it "HK-59" or something.


I was also playing with another idea...another friend of mine pointed out that Malgus was pretty popular, and to his knowledge there are no force ghost companions in the game...so what about access to either a force ghost Malgus or force ghost Orgas Din (I think that was his name).


Might even have some tie in with Shea and Vette for Malgus, and T7 or Orgas.


I think these would be great ideas. While it would likely take quite a bit of additional work, BW could even produce a bonus chapter for each of those two companions.


Maybe offer a choice of the two companions for three continuous months of subscription and for an additional six months continuous subscription access to that companion's bonus chapter. Those months of continuous subscription could be any time, and therefore available to all, so long as they are willing to sub for the required number of continuous months.



This option is less desirable because it would require a bit more work, and I would prefer to focus on something already in the game. The preference would be something that was VERY popular, meeting the following criteria in order from best to worst....


1) Assets that already exist in game, require very little work to offer again.

2) Assets that would require a bit of work to offer again, like perhaps some kind of reskin.

3) Assets that currently do not exist, but would take a small amount of work to provide.


I would order those differently, with number one being moved to number three (only because there is no lower number), and moving two and three each up one spot.

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There is also another option, and perhaps this content could be worked into it. I suggested a subscriber rewards program that rewarded players for total sub time, non-contiguous. Here is the general gist.


SWG had a great program for subscriber rewards IMO, and I think a similar system would do well here.


The idea was to reward subs for total amount of time they played, but I would change it up a bit....I would set it for total amount of time SUBSCRIBED.


First, you would need to be subscribed to receive the rewards, and you could only collect the reward on one server, one character.


Second, it would be set up in tiers....every 90 days of subscription, the days/months would have no need to be contiguous. All items would be bound to legacy (with noted exceptions), so they can not be sold or traded.


90 - 100cc

180 - low demand armor set (bronze)

270 - low demand speeder (bronze)

360 - transfer token


450 - 250cc

540 - medium demand armor set (silver)

630 - medium demand speeder (silver)

720 - 5 character slots


810 - 500cc

900 - high demand armor set (gold)

990 - high demand speeder (gold)

1080 - rename token


1170 - 1000cc

1260 - rare armor set (platinum)

1350 - rare demand speeder (platinum)

1440 - level up token


1530 - 2000cc

1620 - Legacy XP bonus armor set

1710 - rare animal and droid companion

1800 - white/white and black/black dye


1890 - 3000cc

1980 - 5 ultra rare weapons

2070 - code for 30 days sub time (can be given to friend)

2160 - 100 percent XP boost legacy implant


2250 - code for 90 days sub and 2400 coins (can be given to friend), exclusive mount and title


This is just a general example of what they could offer, they could go more conservative, but IMO those that have been subbed this entire time deserve special rewards.


I like the concept that you propose.


Is your proposal "going forward" or would you expect it to be retroactive?

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