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I think the writers are going to kill Theron


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I really hope they'll kill Theron. He's about as annoying as Koth. The whole character is just... repulsive.


As annoying as "I'm in your face with a bad idea and oops I was wrong but I'm angry at you for pointing it out" Koth?




Lana will end up killing Sharon Than if you don't. Search your feelings you know this is how Bioware rolls it's 20 sided drama dice....

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I think Valkorion is still lurking in our mind and managed to gain some form of control ala Zash/Khem style without our knowing. He is controlling the order in a bid to take his empire back.

Theron while searching for the traitor has found communications from Valkorion to them and has gone undercover to do whatever. He can't say what he is doing because obviously whatever we know, Valkorion will know.


That's a cool idea, personally I don't want it to be Valkorian / Sith Emperor.

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I agree. My main is an IA, so what is he going to tell her? That he couldn't trust her to run an undercover operation?! :eek: That is quite insulting. Instead, I am hoping that he is under mind control, although I am not sure if that is likely.

Why do you guys & gals think Theron hasn't told us what he's doing? Do you think he's being forced? Do you think he's doing it of his own free will?

Is "bad writing" a valid answer? Maybe certain classes he would be hesitant about their acting ability but an Imperial Agent who has basically infiltrated their way through life? Doesn't make a lick of sense, especially considering the risk involved. Another poorly thought out writing decision and one-size-fits-all story.



Sometimes comments like this make me wonder if I'm the only player who makes characters that have different gender and/or sexual orientation from me. :'D

I make all kinds of characters, come up with motivations, backstories, and personalities for them, make choices according to the aforementioned motivations and personality and so on. The only sexuality I haven't made in SWtOR is a lesbian/bisexual woman because I can't stand Lana. My favorite character though is my LS gay male sith inquisitor who is romancing Theron (I'm a straight woman)


I'm exactly the opposite. No option to kill or have the PC walk out of the Alliance due to the repeated betrayals then I'm out so -1 founder sub no matter what. Really, the answer on all this depends upon where and how they want the story to go. If they are looking to dissolve the Eternal Alliance then Theron's betrayal needs to be genuine. Story wise, Theron was in it to kill/stop the big bad threatening the Republic (Revan in SOR/ Vitiate in Ziost/ Valkorian in KOTEx), nothing more. No matter how benign the player character is, he/she is just another threat to the Republic with Arcann/Vaylin/Valkorian gone. Of course they've left themselves a bunch of bad options regarding Theron no matter what they do.


Personally I'd rather have the option to have the commander walk out on the alliance and return things to Republic vs Imperials, but that also creates its own list of huge problems and plot holes. WE may be stuck with the EA indefinitely.

Uh what? SOME characters are a threat to the Republic, but others are a huge asset to it O_o You're telling me a pure LS goody two shoes, Republic hero, member of the Jedi council Consular who sided with the Republic at every turn, did everything Theron approved of, was completely kind and merciful, used the eternal alliance ships to distribute food, supplies, and humanitarian aid and worked towards peace at every opportunity...is a threat to the Republic. How?

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I wish they would KILL KALIYO instead. She's a loud mouthed *****.


You can do that. It's in the dialogue when she and Jorgan return from the mission gone wrong on Zakuul. You just have to make the right choices to get the opportunity. I think I have one character that didn't kill her. ;)

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I'm personally hoping he is being controlled, which IMHO might be possible due to the erratic behavior, the changes with his implants and scars on his head, and his attempts to fight it. We've seen enough other characters be conditioned that way. He's Intelligence; we've seen it there before. Heck, playing through the SoR prelude again recently, it's mentioned that the Revanites are doing something with the pieces of the Star Forge to make their soldiers controllable.


To me, that would be ideal because it would excuse everything and let the Commander welcome him back with no issues.


I think he would have to have a really, REALLY good reason not to tell the Alliance otherwise, considering how much death and destruction he has caused, and the fact that the Alliance has so many resources they could use to solve problems.


He does look a bit haunted/sick in my opinion, when he betrays us in Umbara, my first thought was "Oh Vitiate/Valkorion isn't dead for real, but has found a new vessel?" Descendant of Revan even and all that what could connect the two lore wise.

Wouldn't make the story that much better to reuse that villain another time, but well, even my warrior, who is very touchy about betrayals, would at least think twice before killing Theron if that was the case.

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Uh what? SOME characters are a threat to the Republic, but others are a huge asset to it O_o You're telling me a pure LS goody two shoes, Republic hero, member of the Jedi council Consular who sided with the Republic at every turn, did everything Theron approved of, was completely kind and merciful, used the eternal alliance ships to distribute food, supplies, and humanitarian aid and worked towards peace at every opportunity...is a threat to the Republic. How?


Good description of my Consular. Except the part about siding with the Republic. It also describes my full LS Inquisitor (She sided with the Republic though). And yes, he/she is a threat. Every commander of the EA is. They control a nearly invincible fleet and also control the only vessel that can go head to head with that fleet. All of this at a time of rapidly diminishing resources. Yes, a definite threat. Theron was in this to eliminate the big bad guy and nothing more. Now he's afraid you're becoming or have already become (depending upon the character) that bad guy.


Which is just one of the absurd ways they can write themselves out of this corner. None of us wrote this nonsense that penned them in. It'll be magic if they can get themselves out of it.

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Regardless of personal views on the state of the story, the writers are going to kill Theron because they are professional writers and understand there are certain 'rules' of plot twists and red hearings.


First and foremost with any plot twist you have to have your audience on side when the twist is revealed. Whether they know the plot twist is coming or not isn't required but when it happens it should be an 'of course' moment or 'Oh now I see what that was about' not '*** this is a ing joke, that makes no sense'.


Next you have to be able to wrap it up relatively quickly. You can't mislead you audience for 6 months and then Ah ha what you thought was happening wasn't cause at that point they are more invested in the 'fake' story than the real one. Cause at that point your audience feel your toying with them and they just think its all BS.


Finally what can best be described a Checkov's gun. They can't afford to spend a year with a story unmaking a traitor and capturing him to find his not a traitor and was going to tell you everything once his master plan had born fruit. Cause at this point it means the player will have achieved nothing all year, your only achievement will have been not to capture Theron before he completes his double agent gambit and save the galaxy.


The only redeeming feature of this would be if we get a line from Theron explain how useless we are that with the entire eternal alliance are only accomplishment was failing to do what we tried for an entire year.


Now I believe the writers are professionals, that they have studied film, tv and literature and so are not about to force some sort of plot twist that makes no sense, is so drawn out the 'red herring' story line is more involved than the real story line and spends a year making the player into an abject failure that had they not done anything would have resulted in the same net result.

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Regardless of personal views on the state of the story, the writers are going to kill Theron because they are professional writers and understand there are certain 'rules' of plot twists and red hearings.


First and foremost with any plot twist you have to have your audience on side when the twist is revealed. Whether they know the plot twist is coming or not isn't required but when it happens it should be an 'of course' moment or 'Oh now I see what that was about' not '*** this is a ing joke, that makes no sense'.


Next you have to be able to wrap it up relatively quickly. You can't mislead you audience for 6 months and then Ah ha what you thought was happening wasn't cause at that point they are more invested in the 'fake' story than the real one. Cause at that point your audience feel your toying with them and they just think its all BS.


Finally what can best be described a Checkov's gun. They can't afford to spend a year with a story unmaking a traitor and capturing him to find his not a traitor and was going to tell you everything once his master plan had born fruit. Cause at this point it means the player will have achieved nothing all year, your only achievement will have been not to capture Theron before he completes his double agent gambit and save the galaxy.


The only redeeming feature of this would be if we get a line from Theron explain how useless we are that with the entire eternal alliance are only accomplishment was failing to do what we tried for an entire year.


Now I believe the writers are professionals, that they have studied film, tv and literature and so are not about to force some sort of plot twist that makes no sense, is so drawn out the 'red herring' story line is more involved than the real story line and spends a year making the player into an abject failure that had they not done anything would have resulted in the same net result.


I can't tell if half of this is sarcasm or not.. lol. because this building up a traitor arc has lasted 9 months already (started around Iokath) and next bit is early 2018 - which could be anything from jan - march and therefore making it basically a full year they've dragged it on building a traitor...

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I have stated this before and will again. I feel it is wrong to put that into the game of him dying to protect us or giving us a kill option. Maybe the kill option for some but not the other. Many of us romanced him. Many of us leveled him up to rank 50. Many of us only had HIM as a romanced companion. Taking that away would be a real drag on a lot of people. I get that the VA is highly recognized and well paid, which would explain the very little dialog he had in Copero. However, if BW wants to do this right then they should in the case of this companion. They went all out when this game launched bringing well known VA's and celebrities to do the voices of companions and main characters. They have made a lot of money on this game, but if they go cheap now it will end up costing them subscribers. Also it is mentioned that people don't want Theron to become a paper weight like all the other killable companions. Well, what about all of our companions after Chapter 3? They were reduced to crafting buddies sitting on our ships. There wasn't any dialog after Chapter 3 and they essentially became paper weights. And when KOFTE started we lost most of them since many classes have not had their original companions return through the storyline.


Now it seems with some of the things Lana says (I mean she is really mad at Theron), that maybe you are right. Maybe the writers are leaning toward something big, but I hope it is not his death. If he dies, let it be because WE choose that option and not have it forced on us through game play. I don't want to play a catch 22 scenario.

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Good description of my Consular. Except the part about siding with the Republic. It also describes my full LS Inquisitor (She sided with the Republic though). And yes, he/she is a threat. Every commander of the EA is. They control a nearly invincible fleet and also control the only vessel that can go head to head with that fleet. All of this at a time of rapidly diminishing resources. Yes, a definite threat. Theron was in this to eliminate the big bad guy and nothing more. Now he's afraid you're becoming or have already become (depending upon the character) that bad guy.


Which is just one of the absurd ways they can write themselves out of this corner. None of us wrote this nonsense that penned them in. It'll be magic if they can get themselves out of it.

lol what? "These guys are strong, therefore they could possibly randomly start killing everyone in the Republic despite being allied with the Republic, being from the Republic, espousing the Republic's values, sending aid to the Republic, and all around having proven to be a peaceful and merciful group" is the worst rationalization I've ever heard for supposedly betraying and trying to murder someone (especially if that someone is your kind hearted and selfless lover that you swore to protect). I don't think Batman v Superman is something any writer should be taking inspiration on character motivation from.


Regardless of personal views on the state of the story, the writers are going to kill Theron because they are professional writers and understand there are certain 'rules' of plot twists and red hearings.


First and foremost with any plot twist you have to have your audience on side when the twist is revealed. Whether they know the plot twist is coming or not isn't required but when it happens it should be an 'of course' moment or 'Oh now I see what that was about' not '*** this is a ing joke, that makes no sense'.


Next you have to be able to wrap it up relatively quickly. You can't mislead you audience for 6 months and then Ah ha what you thought was happening wasn't cause at that point they are more invested in the 'fake' story than the real one. Cause at that point your audience feel your toying with them and they just think its all BS.


Finally what can best be described a Checkov's gun. They can't afford to spend a year with a story unmaking a traitor and capturing him to find his not a traitor and was going to tell you everything once his master plan had born fruit. Cause at this point it means the player will have achieved nothing all year, your only achievement will have been not to capture Theron before he completes his double agent gambit and save the galaxy.


The only redeeming feature of this would be if we get a line from Theron explain how useless we are that with the entire eternal alliance are only accomplishment was failing to do what we tried for an entire year.


Now I believe the writers are professionals, that they have studied film, tv and literature and so are not about to force some sort of plot twist that makes no sense, is so drawn out the 'red herring' story line is more involved than the real story line and spends a year making the player into an abject failure that had they not done anything would have resulted in the same net result.

The writers who thought the AI Starchild RGB "we kill you to possibly save you from killing each other" and "we designed this device to let you kill us before we kill you by shooting a tube or make everyone into magical cyborgs or whatev" ME3 ending were professional writers. As were the writers of the DA:I Trespasser DLC who thought beginning a new story, giving the protagonist and antagonist a personal connection and the protagonist a strong personal motivation to stop the antagonist as well as the protagonist actually vowing to stop the antagonist and beginning to plot against him was a nice way to "tie off this character and conclude their story" rather than a blatant call to action. You have faith in BioWare's writing abilities but at this point, I don't.

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I just want this to make sense, whether he dies or not. And wrap up.... I'm getting tired of this.


If the writers had always planned for him to die at the end, then I want him to go out a hero. I don't think it's terrible to kill off your characters, stories have to evolve. I just hope they do him justice. I don't want him to be sincerely fighting the commander, because that doesn't make any sense to the character I know and everything he's been up until now. It would feel really ****** and I'd probably unsub.


If he dies, he needs to die in character doing what I would expect him to - fighting for what he cared about by doing the right thing. He's either got to be controlled or trying to protect the player somehow. I don't WANT him dead, but if they've decided they want to move on from the Lana and Theron show, then they better let him go out with a bang and introduce interesting people to replace him. And also let me get rid of Lana. I don't want her around if Theron's gone.


If they bring back someone like Ravage or Scourge as playersexual LI's that help drive the story forward, I'd be like .... "Theron who?" :D But it's going to be hard, Theron's VA and writing make him so endearing.


edit: forgot to add that I don't want it to be a kill option, he's either dead or alive. The thought of some 11 year old boy stabbing him for the lulz makes me :mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by Ralei
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You don't need to worry that the writer's will kill Theron, they won't. I'm gonna to kill Theron. He's a pub, he's got it coming. I woulda lite his *** up the second I first met him If I could have. I'm gonna mount his head over the mantle on my ship as a conversation piece.


I can't wait.


Buh bye, Fly-boy. =]

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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You can do that. It's in the dialogue when she and Jorgan return from the mission gone wrong on Zakuul. You just have to make the right choices to get the opportunity. I think I have one character that didn't kill her. ;)


OMG that would make me so happy. Nothing would make me more happy than to watch KALIYO DIE.

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The problem I see, is this whole Zakuul, alliance, Eternal Throne debacle unless they intend to have a third faction, but I don't see BW supporting 3 faction PVP, and even storywise, it doesn't work. Theron is Republic to the bone as Lana is Empire, and if they go back to the two factions what about the cross faction romances? Conveniently, I suppose, both could defect to the other side, but then what? I couldn't see either of them being more than paperweights should that happen.


I don't think it would really matter for LI purposes unless the writers are really dense. My Imperial Agent is male and totally in love with Theron and vice versa. Thereon being a Republic agent never really concerned either of them. They just made it happen, and both agreed they would stay together no matter what.


Now that Theron is on the run,

he is leaving breadcrumbs, such as the transmission so that the commander will be able to follow him. The commander isn't stupid so he knows that Theron hasn't completely turned traitor, he is only pretending he has.



I know the writers have already written what they planned, but I hope it turns out they redeem Theron the same way I hoped they would redeem Arcann, and they did that.

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I think that people just need to chill the crap out and stop worrying about it until the story actually plays out.


Too much negativity and pointless stressing out going on. Not to mention, crazy tin-foil hat theories and constant "Waaahhh!!! The devs hate us because they made him bad and changed his hair!!". it's just getting outright ridiculous at this point.

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I think that people just need to chill the crap out and stop worrying about it until the story actually plays out.


Too much negativity and pointless stressing out going on. Not to mention, crazy tin-foil hat theories and constant "Waaahhh!!! The devs hate us because they made him bad and changed his hair!!". it's just getting outright ridiculous at this point.


You should probably chill out and not seek out threads you know you wont like just to whine that people are talking and speculating about things you don't want them to talk and speculate about. Save yourself a headache.

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I just want this to make sense, whether he dies or not. And wrap up.... I'm getting tired of this.


If the writers had always planned for him to die at the end, then I want him to go out a hero. I don't think it's terrible to kill off your characters, stories have to evolve. I just hope they do him justice. I don't want him to be sincerely fighting the commander, because that doesn't make any sense to the character I know and everything he's been up until now. It would feel really ****** and I'd probably unsub.


If he dies, he needs to die in character doing what I would expect him to - fighting for what he cared about by doing the right thing. He's either got to be controlled or trying to protect the player somehow. I don't WANT him dead, but if they've decided they want to move on from the Lana and Theron show, then they better let him go out with a bang and introduce interesting people to replace him. And also let me get rid of Lana. I don't want her around if Theron's gone.


If they bring back someone like Ravage or Scourge as playersexual LI's that help drive the story forward, I'd be like .... "Theron who?" :D But it's going to be hard, Theron's VA and writing make him so endearing.


edit: forgot to add that I don't want it to be a kill option, he's either dead or alive. The thought of some 11 year old boy stabbing him for the lulz makes me :mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad:

It wouldn't be as big of a deal for me if BioWare hadn't gotten rid of pretty much everything (and everyone) else I like about the game. If Theron had been just one of a decent sized interesting, ACTIVE and involved cast of characters, it would still suck but it wouldn't be a last straw kind of deal. The only companion we still have that's not a brick is one that I can't stand, the story this year hasn't flowed together like an actual story, nor has it been interesting or compelling. Any interesting characters introduced are immediately killed off or shuffled into a silent brick role. Our choices no longer have any impact on the story or on character relationships, there are no side quests that are fleshed out with cutscenes and moral choices and voiced dialogue like there were in the base game. We are in one-size-fits-all land with only Lana by our side.


If they wanted to move away from the focus on Lana and Theron, what would make sense for them to do is to introduce a cast of new active companions and supporting characters and make Lana and Theron just two of many and make them sometimes involved but not always. When you think of a TV series like Star Trek TNG, there was a large cast of characters and the focus shifted between them. Not every character was in every episode and they didn't have to be. Lana and Theron can be doing other things, our character can go on some lengthy mission with some other companions, etc...I can't see their plan as it stands. No old companions have become active again after being recruited this year (including the ones previously recruited) no new companions have been introduced, the supporting characters Jace and Acina just disappeared from the story after their chapter, it's still just Theron (as the supposed bad guy) and Lana. Are we to be stuck with just Lana forever? Did they plan that far ahead? Are they making this up as they go? It sure seems that way from the nonsensical and disjointed nature of this years story bits.

Edited by Nefla
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