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I think the writers are going to kill Theron


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It's difficult for me because I have never despised a character as much as I see others doing on these boards, but I am bored of characters. As for me, my favourite companion is already "dead" I couldn't tell BW to not kill him just cause I don't want him dead, people have valid reasons for not liking him and not wanting him in their story, I just don't share the same feelings. I don't think they are killing off all companions for the lulz though, Theron still sacrificed lives for his "greater good" even if he's undercover, it's not going to sit well with people and them wanting to potentially kill him for it isn't unjustified. I don't want others to lose out on their favourite character either, I just don't want to deal with them in my story, which sadly as of right now means that they have to die.

There are betters ways to handle it as people have said a lot of times on the forums already, but so far, there is no real middle ground. They either stay or they die.




That's true as well. But as he's not a LI, he doesn't get that special treatment (I think) But then he got treated better than some LI did.:rak_06:


This is actually a legit question. I've seen this a couple of times here as an excuse to put in a kill option for Theron. What innocent lives has he taken? Iokath, the opposing faction leader seals his/her own fate and takes themselves out, Umbara, you and Lana wreak havoc across that landscape and Copero is you and Temple. You have killed a lot of people chasing after him, whether or not they're innocent is subjective. I haven't heard of any massacres by this group and the only "innocent" I've seen was Valas, and Theron tried to get him to come back. Am I missing something? The only excuse for a kill option I have come across was what he did with the train on Umbara, and that 's more of a revenge kill than anything.

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This is actually a legit question. I've seen this a couple of times here as an excuse to put in a kill option for Theron. What innocent lives has he taken? Iokath, the opposing faction leader seals his/her own fate and takes themselves out, Umbara, you and Lana wreak havoc across that landscape and Copero is you and Temple. You have killed a lot of people chasing after him, whether or not they're innocent is subjective. I haven't heard of any massacres by this group and the only "innocent" I've seen was Valas, and Theron tried to get him to come back. Am I missing something? The only excuse for a kill option I have come across was what he did with the train on Umbara, and that 's more of a revenge kill than anything.


I said people died because of what he did, and the way he's doing what he's doing might not sit well with players. I don't recall myself saying "innocent"

But he's still going out of his way and causing all this havoc doing what he's doing. Some people don't seem to like the way he's doing it from what I've read on the forums and they want to hurl him out into space after stabbing him.


Don't get me wrong, he could have sacrificed half of our alliance and I still wouldn't have cared. That's not why I want him out of my story.:rak_01:

Edited by Eshvara
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I know a writer left somewhat recently, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't fired.


I was trying to remember, are Lana, Elara (and now) Temple the only non-killable in FEET+ Love interests now?

Vette check, Torian check, Quinn check, Aric check, Kaliyo check, Koth check .... ?


Anyway, Nefla was right. our arguments against a kill option for Theron (and any other future characters) is based solely on how badly the characters already have been handled post-option for those who did not kill them. If they didn't get taken from those who want them in the story too, this would not be an issue or debate at all.

Right now one could argue that those who are for killing Theron, want every single player to never get decent conversations with him ever again just so they don't have him in their story, as is the case with all other LI's, and want us left with Lana only - based solely on how Bioware is handling this stuff to this date, if that wasn't the case this would be a sentence I would never have written. It's not true of course, but this is the outcome for everyone at this time.


I am hopefully optimistic in some ways as the team knows Theron has a big fanbase, and because Arcann is being brought back because of his fanbase. Depending on how they bring Arcann back into content, I could be hopefully optimistic. Time will tell. As always I have been very intrigued in the story arc itself right now, I just hate the outcome I am expecting which is we all lose Theron because of a kill option unless they've finally learned their lesson over this (doubtful). If I didn't have this doubt, and the team confirmed that Theron would have content after it's all over instantly a lot of the hate or arguments over this arc would probably disappear in seconds, even if it still took most of next year to wrap up the current arc. (I'm excited, even if a bit bitter, for the ending/wrap up!)

Edited by Asmodesu
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Right now one could argue that those who are for killing Theron, want every single player to never get decent conversations with him ever again just so they don't have him in their story, as is the case with all other LI's, and want us left with Lana only - based solely on how Bioware is handling this stuff to this date, if that wasn't the case this would be a sentence I would never have written. It's not true of course, but this is the outcome for everyone at this time.


I don't want anyone to lose their Companions they love, but in case for Theron as things are now, he can only die in order to disappear from my story.

Should I or players just suck it up and not want a kill option for Theron so you won't lose him?(speaking in general)

Or should players who love him suck it up and agree to a kill option so people who don't want him won't be forced to have him around all the time?


One way or another, someone is going to get screwed over. The right option would be a kill option that only matters for those who killed him, and those who didn't won't notice that he died in someone elses story. That right now isn't the case, but it doesn't change the feelings of those who don't like him, they still want him dead. But the reasons for that isn't because the Theron haters don't want the Theron lovers to lose him.

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Theron is real nice when you specifically choose the answers that you know he will give positive feedback on. Anytime you disagree with him, even if it's just to give your own diversified opinion, he talks down to you. I see this arrogant side of his personality that kind of bugs me. I saw it in SOR and even more in Ziost. On my Jedi I flat out told him he messed up and should resign from the SIS. He got Jedi killed and even his mother was upset with him. As much as I don't like Sareesh, her scolding Shan for his action was warranted. Apparently he hasn't learned how to be a team player or to trust people. He still puts people's lives at risk and creates situations that cause more deaths. I have 4 characters who romanced him so I am not all against Theron. However, he isn't all goody two shoes, making the world a better place type of guy. He has some dark side tendencies too. It seems he just wants to be a one man show and be a hero. Prove that line he always says "Who needs the force".


i don't know if they will let us kill him, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did.

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This is actually a legit question. I've seen this a couple of times here as an excuse to put in a kill option for Theron. What innocent lives has he taken? Iokath, the opposing faction leader seals his/her own fate and takes themselves out, Umbara, you and Lana wreak havoc across that landscape and Copero is you and Temple. You have killed a lot of people chasing after him, whether or not they're innocent is subjective. I haven't heard of any massacres by this group and the only "innocent" I've seen was Valas, and Theron tried to get him to come back. Am I missing something? The only excuse for a kill option I have come across was what he did with the train on Umbara, and that 's more of a revenge kill than anything.


For the record, I'm against a kill option simply because of BW's track record. If it wasn't 'dead even if saved,' I wouldn't care. And I like Theron. However:


- He's the one that brings the Empire, Republic and Alliance into conflict on Iokath, and needless to say some lives are lost there.


- The Alliance has to stop sending the Eternal Fleet on humanitarian missions in order to deal with Iokath - which arguably *does* cost innocent lives because the planets who were counting on supplies and help from the Eternal Fleet are out of luck.


- Theron pushes the button that crashes the train on Umbara and you *see* all the wounded and dead people in the wreckage. Plus, you wouldn't have been on Umbara in the first place if he hadn't lured you there. The same holds true with Copero; you wouldn't have even been on that planet tangling with House Irokini if not for him.


So I do think that if one wanted to argue that regardless of intent, Theron has done a lot of damage and cost more lives than the Commander would have taken on their own, there's enough to support that.

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For the record, I'm against a kill option simply because of BW's track record. If it wasn't 'dead even if saved,' I wouldn't care. And I like Theron. However:


- He's the one that brings the Empire, Republic and Alliance into conflict on Iokath, and needless to say some lives are lost there.


- The Alliance has to stop sending the Eternal Fleet on humanitarian missions in order to deal with Iokath - which arguably *does* cost innocent lives because the planets who were counting on supplies and help from the Eternal Fleet are out of luck.


- Theron pushes the button that crashes the train on Umbara and you *see* all the wounded and dead people in the wreckage. Plus, you wouldn't have been on Umbara in the first place if he hadn't lured you there. The same holds true with Copero; you wouldn't have even been on that planet tangling with House Irokini if not for him.


So I do think that if one wanted to argue that regardless of intent, Theron has done a lot of damage and cost more lives than the Commander would have taken on their own, there's enough to support that.


These are all valid points!

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I know a writer left somewhat recently, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't fired.


I was trying to remember, are Lana, Elara (and now) Temple the only non-killable in FEET+ Love interests now?

Vette check, Torian check, Quinn check, Aric check, Kaliyo check, Koth check .... ?


Anyway, Nefla was right. our arguments against a kill option for Theron (and any other future characters) is based solely on how badly the characters already have been handled post-option for those who did not kill them. If they didn't get taken from those who want them in the story too, this would not be an issue or debate at all.

Right now one could argue that those who are for killing Theron, want every single player to never get decent conversations with him ever again just so they don't have him in their story, as is the case with all other LI's, and want us left with Lana only - based solely on how Bioware is handling this stuff to this date, if that wasn't the case this would be a sentence I would never have written. It's not true of course, but this is the outcome for everyone at this time.


I am hopefully optimistic in some ways as the team knows Theron has a big fanbase, and because Arcann is being brought back because of his fanbase. Depending on how they bring Arcann back into content, I could be hopefully optimistic. Time will tell. As always I have been very intrigued in the story arc itself right now, I just hate the outcome I am expecting which is we all lose Theron because of a kill option unless they've finally learned their lesson over this (doubtful). If I didn't have this doubt, and the team confirmed that Theron would have content after it's all over instantly a lot of the hate or arguments over this arc would probably disappear in seconds, even if it still took most of next year to wrap up the current arc. (I'm excited, even if a bit bitter, for the ending/wrap up!)


Sadly, Arcann isn't brought back because of his fanbase. He's brought back because the writer wanted him back, and begged for it until they gave her green light.


The only fanbases catered to I saw was the haters of Koth and Quinn.

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Sadly, Arcann isn't brought back because of his fanbase. He's brought back because the writer wanted him back, and begged for it until they gave her green light.


The only fanbases catered to I saw was the haters of Koth and Quinn.


That isn't solely the reason. Every time there was a stream people always asked for Arcann romance and Charles, Musco and Ben(at the time) were always kind of teasing with it. I doubt that if absolutely nobody was interest in Arcann at all, they would have made him a LI anyway just because of the writer. She did want to write him as a romance option, but as so many people wanted him too, they went for it.

Charles even said that "If that's what you guys want, let me know" And well we did! (Those who wanted it) When he came into that thread someone made about needing a male force user, Arcann and Scourge were the most asked for. And Charles acknowledged it there as well.

Edited by Eshvara
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Vaylin fans want some love too! :p


For the record, I'm against a kill option simply because of BW's track record. If it wasn't 'dead even if saved,' I wouldn't care. And I like Theron. However:


- He's the one that brings the Empire, Republic and Alliance into conflict on Iokath, and needless to say some lives are lost there.


- The Alliance has to stop sending the Eternal Fleet on humanitarian missions in order to deal with Iokath - which arguably *does* cost innocent lives because the planets who were counting on supplies and help from the Eternal Fleet are out of luck.


- Theron pushes the button that crashes the train on Umbara and you *see* all the wounded and dead people in the wreckage. Plus, you wouldn't have been on Umbara in the first place if he hadn't lured you there. The same holds true with Copero; you wouldn't have even been on that planet tangling with House Irokini if not for him.


So I do think that if one wanted to argue that regardless of intent, Theron has done a lot of damage and cost more lives than the Commander would have taken on their own, there's enough to support that.


Good points, though I'm unsure on this one, Lana was the one who spotted the Umbara thing, granted Theron could have left something for her to track, but I'm unsure whether or not Lana is involved in this too.


That said my biggest issue is why Theron never came to us, I can speculate on this endlessly, but I'm not convinced Theron is being forced into his new role, nor am I convinced he's fully committed to these Zildrog guys ... either way ... Why Theron?! Why?! You gave them the location to another super weapon! That alone is execution worthy! :mad:

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If they explained or hinted at what he's doing and why he's doing it, people wouldn't be speculating scenarios that require his death. With Quinn, he explains what he's doing and why when he tries to kill you. (SW)


Theron is just, pew pew pew, in the process hitting Lana, then some weird answer that contradicts or makes no sense from a Light Sided play through of KOTFE/ET.


From the Dark Side, I don't have as many issues with Theron's betrayal, but as said in other posts, giving the Order of Zildrog the location to another superweapon probably wasn't the best of ideas, especially if you're trying to convince the player Theron is playing the role of a double agent.

Edited by pazzakey
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For the record, I'm against a kill option simply because of BW's track record. If it wasn't 'dead even if saved,' I wouldn't care. And I like Theron. However:


- He's the one that brings the Empire, Republic and Alliance into conflict on Iokath, and needless to say some lives are lost there.

Is he tho? This is one thing I can't wrap my head around in the story. If he's still a "good guy" WHY would he start a war to end a war? It makes no sense. Especially one that gets his father involved and possibly killed. It doesn't make any sense for him to do this whether he's betrayed you for real or not. Did someone else do it and he kind of took over for them after finding them out? Was there an original plan even worse than leaking Alliance info? I hope this will be explained, cause it's rather perplexing.


- The Alliance has to stop sending the Eternal Fleet on humanitarian missions in order to deal with Iokath - which arguably *does* cost innocent lives because the planets who were counting on supplies and help from the Eternal Fleet are out of luck.


That's nowhere near the same as killing someone, though. If I didn't drive my car so fast and waste so much gas, would the US be less reliant on the fossil fuels that cause so much death in the Middle East? That can get kind of dicey.


- Theron pushes the button that crashes the train on Umbara and you *see* all the wounded and dead people in the wreckage. Plus, you wouldn't have been on Umbara in the first place if he hadn't lured you there. The same holds true with Copero; you wouldn't have even been on that planet tangling with House Irokini if not for him.


So I do think that if one wanted to argue that regardless of intent, Theron has done a lot of damage and cost more lives than the Commander would have taken on their own, there's enough to support that.


The rest of that you could argue that by doing those things, he's saving more lives in the long run. Maybe those plans were already in motion and he had to step in and try to mitigate the damage? Maybe something worse was in the works? Idk, I just hope my character can ASK him those things and he gives real answer before I'm forced to decide to stab him or not. :(

Edited by Ralei
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Vaylin fans want some love too! :p




Good points, though I'm unsure on this one, Lana was the one who spotted the Umbara thing, granted Theron could have left something for her to track, but I'm unsure whether or not Lana is involved in this too.


That said my biggest issue is why Theron never came to us, I can speculate on this endlessly, but I'm not convinced Theron is being forced into his new role, nor am I convinced he's fully committed to these Zildrog guys ... either way ... Why Theron?! Why?! You gave them the location to another super weapon! That alone is execution worthy! :mad:


Lana found out that the opposing faction and traitor were working to transport the crystals - so it appears Theron left something for her to find, which would make sense if he wanted them both on the train. Killing them both in one fell swoop would have been the most convenient thing.


I don't think Lana has anything to do with Theron's actions, ie, I don't think she's on to what he's doing. I also do think that if he's undercover, whatever is going on, there needs to be a VERY good reason to justify his not coming to the Alliance/Commander with it,


The rest of that you could argue that by doing those things, he's saving more lives in the long run. Maybe those plans were already in motion and he had to step in and try to mitigate the damage? Maybe something worse was in the works? Idk, I just hope my character can ASK him those things and he gives real answer before I'm forced to decide to stab him or not. :(


We do know he brought the Empire/Republic/Alliance to Iokath because the tips about the superweapon all came from the same source (him) - which is confusing. And when the Commander tells him he will be killing millions with his actions, he says something like 'that's what it takes for peace' which is kind of, well, insane.


If it does turn out he is undercover he will have to have a really good explanation about all this. It's why I am a fan of the "Theron is being controlled" hypothesis, because then it would explain all this weirdness.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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There are other big games and MMOs who had to sacrifice some screen-time to let Troy deal with other projects, only to have him come back as strong as ever. A good example for this is Guild Wars 2. Surrounding that game's first expansion in 2015, Troy's role in that game was minimal at best. There was barely anything related to him all the way to the 2017 and then he returned, voicing his own share of lines and such.


I don't really want Theron to die. I really enjoy Revan's legacy and he is rather important to my main character... I really, really want to see them back together.:(


For Dark-Side players... at least allow them to punish Theron, somehow. Dismemberment, cell, force-choking, etc, etc... or even have Lana interfere with your choice.


I didn't know he was in GW2...i know he's in ESO and I so enjoy it everytime I run across one of his toons...:)

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Lana found out that the opposing faction and traitor were working to transport the crystals - so it appears Theron left something for her to find, which would make sense if he wanted them both on the train. Killing them both in one fell swoop would have been the most convenient thing.


That's where my first trail of through went, but that would imply Theron is committed to whatever he's doing for the Order.

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That's where my first trail of through went, but that would imply Theron is committed to whatever he's doing for the Order.


Or it was only way he could think of to tip off the Commander and Lana about the train (and the crystals) without breaking his cover with the Order?


That would count on him being confident that the Commander and Lana survive his kill attempt, though.

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Or it was only way he could think of to tip off the Commander and Lana about the train (and the crystals) without breaking his cover with the Order?


That would count on him being confident that the Commander and Lana survive his kill attempt, though.


I think that's very plausible. He's now put the Commander in two situations that could have very easily killed them or anyone else (frying on the throne and the train) - so either he has a lot of confidence they'll survive or he really is trying to kill them. Or he's being controlled and doing as much as he can to fight what's happening and give them a chance, like shooting out the window.

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Sadly, Arcann isn't brought back because of his fanbase. He's brought back because the writer wanted him back, and begged for it until they gave her green light.


The only fanbases catered to I saw was the haters of Koth and Quinn.


I don't this love of Arcann. I respect people have different views and such and that's all well and good, but I just for the life of me dont get' this adoration of Arcann by a segment of the player base. Not that it matters if It makes sense to me =p


Thing is, he is a total peice of crap. He is evil as all hell, certainly every bit as evil as Palpatine. He's destroyed entire worlds and cultures, and, ohh yeah, he murdered his own father out of lust for power as the main reason. Ohh yeah, I almost forgot, he murdered his own brother too.


And before someone says he's sorry for what he did, or that he's given up his old ways, or is 'genuinely' repentant, or he had a mean daddy, let me just say this.... none of those things matter in the slightest. You reach a certain point where your actions have been so wrong and so calculated that all the genuine sorrow for past misdeeds entitle you to no special consideration and is not a mitigating factor when considering punishment. The Nuremburg Trials are a good example of this. Arcann has met the criteria for having reached that point and no amount of repentance or regret matter, out of hand for what he has done he deserves to die.


For those people who want him for a love interest, it is tantamount to saying that murderers shouldn't have to go to jail because there are people who think they are hot or love them. Even more so, I do believe that the act of destroying entire worlds and peoples is a pretty good argument for bring capital punishment as the means of justice.


Can anyone give any legitimate reason why Arcann should not have to answer for his crimes, even if we assume he is genuinely sorry? I get not every one believes in capital punishment, but I'm not really looking for Amish/Puritan/God loves us all crap. I think it would be fair to say that if there were any crimes that absolutely justify capital punishment Arcann has committed them all time and time again, but for the sake of argument let's remove his execution for his crimes from consideration, is there anyone who can give a legitimate reason why at the very least he should not have to spend the rest of his life in jail/hard labor?


To be fair, people make some very good points as to why the kill option really isn't an option because the end results are the same for future content with regard to those companions with a kill option. If for those who choose to let a companion live they still will never have any new content with said companion, BW letting them live is just a stroke job. It's a very strong point, and if BW is going to allow players to choose whether or not a companion can live they should first be prepared to include some small amount of of new interactions with said comp in future content, even if it's just in some small way.


There is no way that Theron walks away with his head on his shoulders the second I catch up with him, but, at least he's not an evil bastard like Arcann, he's just a traitor. IMO, traitors should die out of hand, but, that's a seperate argument, at least we need to consider that that stupid pub fly-boy is a LI for some. So I'd have no issue with for those who spared him they could have some new content with him if he was a LI. LI's should be the only ones given that option otherwise it makes the whole endeavor of providing some new content for all those companions people had the option to kill or spare. LI's limits that need and makes the prospect an easier consideration for BW.


Arcann isn't a LI, so players ************ about him being 'dead' in future content whether or not someone choose to spare him or not. But, they are making him one in future content which I think is about the stupidest waste of time and resources when there are so many other things that should take higher precedence but aren't.


Arcann walking around a free man while knocken the boots with his lady love, in what parallel dimension could that make sense in exactly? The scale of stupidity at the mere notion of it boggles the mind.


Arcann deserved/s to die. Even Dark Lords of the Sith think he was a bad dude!!

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I don't this love of Arcann. I respect people have different views and such and that's all well and good, but I just for the life of me dont get' this adoration of Arcann by a segment of the player base. Not that it matters if It makes sense to me =p


Thing is, he is a total peice of crap. He is evil as all hell, certainly every bit as evil as Palpatine. He's destroyed entire worlds and cultures, and, ohh yeah, he murdered his own father out of lust for power as the main reason. Ohh yeah, I almost forgot, he murdered his own brother too.


And before someone says he's sorry for what he did, or that he's given up his old ways, or is 'genuinely' repentant, or he had a mean daddy, let me just say this.... none of those things matter in the slightest. You reach a certain point where your actions have been so wrong and so calculated that all the genuine sorrow for past misdeeds entitle you to no special consideration and is not a mitigating factor when considering punishment. The Nuremburg Trials are a good example of this. Arcann has met the criteria for having reached that point and no amount of repentance or regret matter, out of hand for what he has done he deserves to die.


For those people who want him for a love interest, it is tantamount to saying that murderers shouldn't have to go to jail because there are people who think they are hot or love them. Even more so, I do believe that the act of destroying entire worlds and peoples is a pretty good argument for bring capital punishment as the means of justice.


Can anyone give any legitimate reason why Arcann should not have to answer for his crimes, even if we assume he is genuinely sorry? I get not every one believes in capital punishment, but I'm not really looking for Amish/Puritan/God loves us all crap. I think it would be fair to say that if there were any crimes that absolutely justify capital punishment Arcann has committed them all time and time again, but for the sake of argument let's remove his execution for his crimes from consideration, is there anyone who can give a legitimate reason why at the very least he should not have to spend the rest of his life in jail/hard labor?


It's just a game, I get that, but that same point could be made for why no consideration for any companion of any kind should be entertained no matter what BW does with any of them.


To be fair, people make some very good points as to why the kill option really isn't an option because the end results are the same for future content with regard to those companions with a kill option. If for those who choose to let a companion live they still will never have any new content with said companion, BW letting them live is just a stroke job. It's a very strong point, and if BW is going to allow players to choose whether or not a companion can live they should first be prepared to include some small amount of of new interactions with said comp in future content, even if it's just in some small way.


There is no way that Theron walks away with his head on his shoulders the second I catch up with him, but, at least he's not an evil bastard like Arcann, he's just a traitor. IMO, traitors should die out of hand, but, that's a seperate argument, at least we need to consider that that stupid pub fly-boy is a LI for some. So I'd have no issue with for those who spared him they could have some new content with him if he was a LI. LI's should be the only ones given that option otherwise it makes the whole endeavor of providing some new content for all those companions people had the option to kill or spare. LI's limits that need and makes the prospect an easier consideration for BW.


Arcann isn't a LI, so players ************ about him being 'dead' in future content whether or not someone choose to spare him or not. But, they are making him one in future content which I think is about the stupidest waste of time and resources when there are so many other things that should take higher precedence but aren't.


Having Arcann walking around a free man in future, even as a love interest would be a perfect comparison to having Adolf Hitler walking around after WW II a free man, had he not blow his brains out over a perfectly nice couch with his PPK, just because Eva Braun thought he looked sexy in his green army tunic. Hitler would have been envious as all hell at the utter swath and scale of destruction and genocide Arcann wrought before the end.


Arcann walking around a free man while knocken the boots with his lady love, in what parallel dimension could that make sense in exactly? The scale of stupidity at the mere notion of it boggles the mind.


Arcann deserved/s to die. Even Dark Lords of the Sith think he was a bad dude!!


This has been touched upon so many times, nobody is going to be able to convince you or have you change your mind. Also this thread isn't about Arcann, it's about Theron. Arcann is only being mentioned because he's becoming a LI after being able to die.

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This has been touched upon so many times, nobody is going to be able to convince you or have you change your mind. Also this thread isn't about Arcann, it's about Theron. Arcann is only being mentioned because he's becoming a LI after being able to die.


I did address Theron in the posting as well, and was responding to the point made by another poster in this thread regarding Arcann.

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I don't this love of Arcann. I respect people have different views and such and that's all well and good, but I just for the life of me dont get' this adoration of Arcann by a segment of the player base. Not that it matters if It makes sense to me =p


Thing is, he is a total peice of crap. He is evil as all hell, certainly every bit as evil as Palpatine. He's destroyed entire worlds and cultures, and, ohh yeah, he murdered his own father out of lust for power as the main reason. Ohh yeah, I almost forgot, he murdered his own brother too.


And before someone says he's sorry for what he did, or that he's given up his old ways, or is 'genuinely' repentant, or he had a mean daddy, let me just say this.... none of those things matter in the slightest. You reach a certain point where your actions have been so wrong and so calculated that all the genuine sorrow for past misdeeds entitle you to no special consideration and is not a mitigating factor when considering punishment. The Nuremburg Trials are a good example of this. Arcann has met the criteria for having reached that point and no amount of repentance or regret matter, out of hand for what he has done he deserves to die.


For those people who want him for a love interest, it is tantamount to saying that murderers shouldn't have to go to jail because there are people who think they are hot or love them. Even more so, I do believe that the act of destroying entire worlds and peoples is a pretty good argument for bring capital punishment as the means of justice.


Can anyone give any legitimate reason why Arcann should not have to answer for his crimes, even if we assume he is genuinely sorry? I get not every one believes in capital punishment, but I'm not really looking for Amish/Puritan/God loves us all crap. I think it would be fair to say that if there were any crimes that absolutely justify capital punishment Arcann has committed them all time and time again, but for the sake of argument let's remove his execution for his crimes from consideration, is there anyone who can give a legitimate reason why at the very least he should not have to spend the rest of his life in jail/hard labor?


To be fair, people make some very good points as to why the kill option really isn't an option because the end results are the same for future content with regard to those companions with a kill option. If for those who choose to let a companion live they still will never have any new content with said companion, BW letting them live is just a stroke job. It's a very strong point, and if BW is going to allow players to choose whether or not a companion can live they should first be prepared to include some small amount of of new interactions with said comp in future content, even if it's just in some small way.


There is no way that Theron walks away with his head on his shoulders the second I catch up with him, but, at least he's not an evil bastard like Arcann, he's just a traitor. IMO, traitors should die out of hand, but, that's a seperate argument, at least we need to consider that that stupid pub fly-boy is a LI for some. So I'd have no issue with for those who spared him they could have some new content with him if he was a LI. LI's should be the only ones given that option otherwise it makes the whole endeavor of providing some new content for all those companions people had the option to kill or spare. LI's limits that need and makes the prospect an easier consideration for BW.


Arcann isn't a LI, so players ************ about him being 'dead' in future content whether or not someone choose to spare him or not. But, they are making him one in future content which I think is about the stupidest waste of time and resources when there are so many other things that should take higher precedence but aren't.


Arcann walking around a free man while knocken the boots with his lady love, in what parallel dimension could that make sense in exactly? The scale of stupidity at the mere notion of it boggles the mind.


Arcann deserved/s to die. Even Dark Lords of the Sith think he was a bad dude!!


Who cares how many "people" Arcann killed? They weren't people. They were fictional characters. Most of them didn't even have names.


I judge people and characters differently. In real world, the biggest sin a person can commit is to be a piece of crap to other people. In fictional world, the biggest sin a character can commit is to be boring (or, to be honest, kill my favorite characters :p I admit being petty like that).

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