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Do You Like The New Eye Design? I Do!


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I love the new Sith eyes :p


Those definitely are great since they come very close to the Acina/Valkorion/Arcann style of Dark Side corruption eyes. However, as has surely been noticed already in various threads and my forum signature, I am angry the Twi'lek weren't given the eye colours options as well.

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I think the problem is that they aren't consistent. Why was there so much green added to some of the yellows but not others? Why was green added to some brown, but then other browns were washed out. I'm lucky in that my main's green eyes weren't much effected, so I don't care either way, but if you're unlucky enough to love your former yellow eyes that are now green, then you're having a bad time.


If this was intentional, then they should have just added the new eye textures as a pack and let people choose them.


If not, then they need to say so, good lord.


Either way. .... SPEAK.

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I think the problem is that they aren't consistent. Why was there so much green added to some of the yellows but not others? Why was green added to some brown, but then other browns were washed out. I'm lucky in that my main's green eyes weren't much effected, so I don't care either way, but if you're unlucky enough to love your former yellow eyes that are now green, then you're having a bad time.


If this was intentional, then they should have just added the new eye textures as a pack and let people choose them.


If not, then they need to say so, good lord.


Either way. .... SPEAK.


Well, Eric did already address a thread in the Bug Report section of the forums that the team is aware of the problem and looking into it :) I think that signifies not everything is working as intended ^_^

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Well, Eric did already address a thread in the Bug Report section of the forums that the team is aware of the problem and looking into it :) I think that signifies not everything is working as intended ^_^


I didn't see that, thanks. But then he really didn't say anything, sounded like he didn't know what was up either. lol.

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If the devs do what you wrote then that is fine, so long as we don't permanently return to the coloured plastic design we had before patch 5.6. I never said they need to remain untouched, I will applaud any improvements the devs can make. I only don't want a full reversion to what was and not move forward again :)

I actually am perfectly fine with the old eyes. If I had to pick between the current ones and the old ones, I'd pick the old ones. But I think that editing the eyes to incorporate the best aspects of both types would be ideal.

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I actually am perfectly fine with the old eyes. If I had to pick between the current ones and the old ones, I'd pick the old ones. But I think that editing the eyes to incorporate the best aspects of both types would be ideal.


My Sith Inquisitor with the old eyes, pre-5.6: https://imgur.com/a/fkYJJ


My Sith Inquisitor with the new eyes, post-5.6: https://imgur.com/a/D6gmw


The new eye design is so much more realistic, it has this effect of realism in my opinion. The old ones were harsh, plastic-y as can be seen in the first picture, but in the second they are much gentler and smooth. To me they appear a thousand times nicer as to what we had pre-5.6.

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I love them! I've been wanting the Acina eyes forever. As the poster above me said, the old ones were plasticy, which is a problem the models in this game have had since the beginning. I'm not really looking for realism, but I do want improved visual fidelity, even keeping the stylized art style. The character models have needed some "life" put into them forever, this helps. Edited by Jesira
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I will not set my anger aside.


No.:mad: I.:mad: Hate. :mad:What. :mad:They. :mad:Did.


^THIS, TOTALLY, THIS.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Other posts describe them as cataracts, pink eye, etc - yes that is what they look like. However, something else should be said: I try to pick my battles carefully, but this change is to the point of insulting; no more brown eyes, HUH???


Wow. Sooo disrespectful. If these new eyes are truly an error, they should say so and fix it.

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My Sith Inquisitor with the old eyes, pre-5.6: https://imgur.com/a/fkYJJ


My Sith Inquisitor with the new eyes, post-5.6: https://imgur.com/a/D6gmw


The new eye design is so much more realistic, it has this effect of realism in my opinion. The old ones were harsh, plastic-y as can be seen in the first picture, but in the second they are much gentler and smooth. To me they appear a thousand times nicer as to what we had pre-5.6.


It's interesting that you think the new look is more life-like, it must be something visual-perceptual and not just the graphics card settings. To me your pictures appear the opposite; the earlier version looks more life-like and real, and the new one looks grayed-flat like a growth on the lower half of the eye. In addition it really gets me mad that they destroyed the brown eyes.

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Maybe the new textures would be okay, and met with better reception, if they hadn't drastically changed the colors in the process. I find it unacceptable that the eyes I chose at creation, and in some cases paid CC for, now look extremely different than they did, and mostly horrible. Examples of the ones that bother me the most:


Blue Eyes


Yellow Eyes


Violet Eyes


I truly hope they at least fix the colors.

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Of course, of course, no offense taken :) I would find it a huge loss if the designs were fully reverted to the design that was before. It is why I hope that the developers will improve the new designs in such a way they you'll come to like them and appreciate them! As I said, while I like them, there is a lot of room for improvement!


They need to be given as a choice, so those of you that like them can pick them, and those of us who don't can stick with the old eyes we prefer.


I think what bothers me more than the color shift and the weird blotchiness that some colors have is the way the pupils and irises are a little too close together which creates a slightly cross-eyed look. Perhaps they have always been cross-eyed and I'm just now noticing it because I'm paying more attention to the eyes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I really like the updated eyes for everything EXCEPT the yellows/browns. they ruined the yellows and brown eye colours, not just for player character but npc's too.


I love the new purple eyes, for someone who gets pink and purple mixed up constantly they look great and noticeably purple for my brain. The blues I like still, and definitely love the new sithy colours. the greens are very vibrant (the ones I use) which I also really like.


But the yellows and shades of brown, ugh badly done, they look awful.

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No, I don't like it. My human always had her eyes as dark-brown. They're now gold. My other characters, including the Twi'lek are unbearable to look at.



Almost all of my human characters had the light brown/amber colored eyes pre patch. After 5.6 they have some gold-greenish color, which looks awful. It seems as if they are sick. Not to mention that my Twi'lek has pink eyes now instead of purple.


It's not ok when almost six years old characters get their eye color (and texture) changed on force. I don't like the new eyes.


The Devs need to fix this! Revert back to the old eyes (minus the extrem shininess) and make the new ones optional.

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small changes like this irk me quite a bit as this is an unwarrented change that looks more like a mistake than intentional. Do i like the new eye design? irrelivent, as it clearly wasn't meant to happen like this. Edited by Celise
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New eyes are fine.


What I want is to have the GREY eyes back that I PAID for. (as well as the original eye colours that came with the game, back to normal. I want golden brown not messed up high on death sticks yellow/orange.)



This is my Sorceror with her lovely grey eyes that I paid for and love:





This is my Sorceror after they ruined the eye colours and took away the pretty grey eyes I PAID for. I hate these eyes on my Sith.



Edited by Lunafox
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It's interesting that you think the new look is more life-like, it must be something visual-perceptual and not just the graphics card settings. To me your pictures appear the opposite; the earlier version looks more life-like and real, and the new one looks grayed-flat like a growth on the lower half of the eye. In addition it really gets me mad that they destroyed the brown eyes.


Well it boils down to the philosophical discussion the great philosophers of the past and present had whether we see for example colours the same way others do. I never believed it to be something graphics related but really something in the realm of visual perception, because the new design as shown in my pictures looks ten times more life-like and beautiful to me, while to you it's the opposite. It shows how interesting and complex our brains and sensory organs work ^_^

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I love them! I've been wanting the Acina eyes forever. As the poster above me said, the old ones were plasticy, which is a problem the models in this game have had since the beginning. I'm not really looking for realism, but I do want improved visual fidelity, even keeping the stylized art style. The character models have needed some "life" put into them forever, this helps.


I find myself agreeing A LOT with you ^_^ I have had the same, the old design looked like plastic to me, fake and not realistic. Naturally I agree I don't want copy paste realism in any game, but I do want to feel a connection to what we see in real life with the graphics in a game so I applaud the new eye designs as for me they make that connection to realism perfectly!

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Do others also like the new eye designs? I have seen some mixed reactions and I was surprised some people didn't seem to like the new design. The new designs look so much more realistic and in depth, why wouldn't you like that? In all honesty, I disliked the former eye designs they looked like coloured plastic in my opinion and now the textures look much better!


I love the new texture! And some of the colors...the new orange-red in the pack is pretty. However, I am miffed that my Jugg's beautiful Sith-y yellow eyes that I paid CCs for have turned a sort of yellowish-green. That needs to be fixed.


Along with the pervasive "green hair" issue.

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