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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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This post is just for information purposes only -- I don't have a dog in this fight since I mostly solo play and high end augments aren't needed.


I opened roughly 120 T3 crates this morning and got 4 Encrypted Memory Cores and 1 Charged Transmitter.


Drop rate appears to be a bit above 4% based on this admittedly small sampling.

Edited by Jdast
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Sure thing, little buddy. Why not really show us who's boss by coming back here and admitting to doing it after you've actually done it? Maybe something fun will happen to you. :o


Like what, maybe a few PvPers might go on attack mode on the forum? Maybe they'll spam in Fleet chat? I know one thing for sure that will happen, we're all gonna need canoes to navigate the various chat channels for all the PvPer QQ. It's the typical thing, and it's not isolated to here. The group that claims to be the most hardcore players in any game always wind up being the best at one thing, whining on the forums.

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Yeah, I expect pricing will go up as the select few corner the market and jack up the price.


People have said this about every rare crafting material since launch.


Because these are easily farmed in PvP and OPs..... some players will make a trade of farming and selling them. Same goes for GC junkies who love grinding for crates... this gives them another reason to grind them. Moreover...as with prior rare materials.. it is guilds that will farm and flood the market... AFTER they have met their own needs for their members.


It is actually demand from crafters vs supply from farmers that sets the price... like everything else. If it follows normal pattern... they will start expensive, then drop as supply increases and demand decreases, then as supply falls off again prices will raise, and then a normal ebb and flow will set in. Anyone that can wait a couple months, will reap the benefit of waiting.

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The problem is that the drop rate of such mats from crates are significantly LOW, and no there is no analogy with getting gear since we can gear up through everything we want, for example i geared up all my chars via ONLY regular warzones (i didnt play ranked or NIM ops) but now we are forced to do high difficult content - ranked and NiM or spend millions for one augment. I think that devs went crazy to be honest.


Or... do without the augment? It's not like they're required for mindless pvp.

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What I really don't understand is why would people afk - if they're already in that WZ, can't they do what's in their power to contribute? PVP is not my cup of tea, but with cxp, conquest and credits I join regular WZs and I try to do my best (usually end up somewhere between middle and top of the ranking), follow tactics and do as I'm said if someone's giving instructions. Can't understand why someone would zone in and do nothing.
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What I really don't understand is why would people afk - if they're already in that WZ, can't they do what's in their power to contribute? PVP is not my cup of tea, but with cxp, conquest and credits I join regular WZs and I try to do my best (usually end up somewhere between middle and top of the ranking), follow tactics and do as I'm said if someone's giving instructions. Can't understand why someone would zone in and do nothing.


I would wager it boils down to how split gamers see PVP as good and bad content. Put a reward in PVP (just like PVE) that all gamers want and there will be the ones that hate PVP going to PVP to get it.


One of those reasons why is win or lose they get the rewards. That simply does not happen in PVE. You fail on the PVE side of things you get nothing and lose all the time.


You roll into PVP and you can do little to nothing and come away with what you eventually want even if your effort is nearly zero.


Add in how there are a fair number of gamers that just hate pvp but feel enticed to do it because that is the main way to get the new mats as well as the fastest. Relying on bioware God forsaken RNG isn't worth the time.


It's all in the design and how it was designed. It doesn't take a genius to know the new mats shouldn't be in ranked WZ and NM OPS only.


If those are the two main places to get them, you can bet which area people will flock too since so few NM OPs are actually running these days and PVP allows you to get them win or loss and if you go there not caring about winning, might as well get it over with ASAP and move on.


You don't need that boost now!SNIP...


It does matter or will never matter what you think a gamer needs. You need to understand that first. No matter what you might think someone needs, they may need it as well as want it.


It is the new carrot on a stick to go after and for many, thats all they need even if it only shaves seconds on a timed FP run or makes them do heroic dailies faster. Thats the only need there is. What makes their character better and given how augments are pretty much the set and forget bonus once you get them.


There's also specific content in the form of Crests of the Dread Masters, Wings of the Architect, and Revanchist titles that players will happily spend dozens or hundreds of millions of credits for. Why can people not just pay the millions of credits to those with these mats, too?


You can rest assured that will also happen but if you can get the mats for little to no effort, win or lose. You can bet thats going to happen as well. It been happening and it will happen now for the new mat.


Perhaps the designers thought that players wouldn't be asinine, petulant, greedy fking e-toddlers kicking and screaming that they can't get bleeding-edge BiS gear that they don't even need without actually putting in a little bit of work for it. Seriously, grow the fk up.


Then the designers are more stupid than I first thought if their plan was to entice nearly everyone in ranked WZ for a rare mat that they can get win or lose and not expect players to take the path of least resistance. Thats been a staple designer hurdle since day one to look out for and bioware continues to fail at it.

Edited by Quraswren
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I would wager it boils down to how split gamers see PVP as good and bad content. Put a reward in PVP (just like PVE) that all gamers want and there will be the ones that hate PVP going to PVP to get it.


One of those reasons why is win or lose they get the rewards. That simply does not happen in PVE. You fail on the PVE side of things you get nothing and lose all the time.


You roll into PVP and you can do little to nothing and come away with what you eventually want even if your effort is nearly zero.


Maybe I'm old-fashioned or even stupid but I thought main reason to play games is having fun. Where is the fun in sitting in some hideout for ten minutes like a fool? :)

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Keep in mind the only guaranteed source of the Charge Matter is GROUP RANKED, not solos. You really can't troll Group ranked because you pick who's on your team. Sure there will end up being some teams that just queue up and give others free wins but hopefully a lot of new people try it and if there's enough teams in queue, elo should work and match the teams appropriately.
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Maybe I'm old-fashioned or even stupid but I thought main reason to play games is having fun. Where is the fun in sitting in some hideout for ten minutes like a fool? :)


I'm not so foolish as to think gamers wont do crazy things for the highest reward. Old fashioned or stupid on your part doesn't even come into play. It's what that other gamer wants in their play time, if it happens to collide without someone else in the manner as PVP does, it still doesn't matter if the reward is still obtainable win or loss.


The fun is up to the individual gamer.

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Once again Bioware gives certain players an advantage while giving others a disadvantage and making the playing field uneven while nerfing half of the class disciplines when if people are unable to have even gearing of course certain players are going to have an advantage over an undergeared/under-augmented player, while not nerfing displines like operatives and their pubside counterpart who have an advantage as they hardly have the cooldown issue many other displines do. *Sigh* This is getting old...


I am not doing NiM OPS or ranked undergeared/under-augmented just to get this stuff while players who will will get the advantage and then use them in unranked and take the fun out of unranked warzones for other people. I don’t mind working to get stuff but it should be in things like SM OPS and unranked but nooooooooo.... 🙄

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Once again Bioware gives certain players an advantage while giving others a disadvantage and making the playing field uneven while nerfing half of the class disciplines when if people are unable to have even gearing of course certain players are going to have an advantage over an undergeared/under-augmented player, while not nerfing displines like operatives and their pubside counterpart who have an advantage as they hardly have the cooldown issue many other displines do. *Sigh* This is getting old...


But is it so alien a concept that if you want the best of the best in something you have to work for it? If the basic augments were this difficult to obtain, the 228's I'd understand where you are coming from. But these augments are the best of the best, not everyone should have them, only those who worked for them hard with RPvP and MM operations. Is that such a weird concept?


If you don't want to work to get the best of the best, don't have the time or have a too casual playing style for it then there are perfectly fine and accessible alternative, namely first of all the 228s which are just fine for a character to be able to do even Master Mode operations (you really don't need the new Superior augments for Master Mode anything) and secondly there are the 230s which you can get from the Copero flashpoint.


You don't need the new Superior Augments. But if you want them, then you got to work for them. Not everything should be simple and available for all.

Edited by Ylliarus
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But is it so alien a concept that if you want the best of the best in something you have to work for it? If the basic augments were this difficult to obtain, the 228's I'd understand where you are coming from. But these augments are the best of the best, not everyone should have them, only those who worked for them hard with RPvP and MM operations. Is that such a weird concept?


If you don't want to work to get the best of the best, don't have the time or have a too casual playing style for it then there are perfectly fine and accessible alternative, namely first of all the 228s which are just fine to have a character to be able to do even Master Mode operations and secondly there are the 230s which you can get from the Copero flashpoint.


You don't need the new Superior Augments. But if you want them, then you got to work for them. Not everything should be simple and available for all.


🙄 Yes other players should have the advantage while others don’t doing activities they don’t want to do, please...

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🙄 Yes other players should have the advantage while others don’t doing activities they don’t want to do, please...


Of course. Those players that have the augments earned them by doing the most difficult content ingame. They have all the right to have something other players don't if they put time and effort into it.


But as I said, you don't need the new Superior augments. There are perfectly fine and very accessible alternatives that really don't have much a difference from the Superior Augments. You want the new augments, that is something else. If you want them you have to work for them.


Also, if you don't want to do the activities needed to earn the mats for the Superior Augments, then you also don't need them. If you do flashpoints, regular PvP and story mode operations then the 228s and 230s are by far more than enough and you really won't need more. If you want to have more then you have to work for it and do the content necessary to obtain them, simple.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Of course. Those players that have the augments earned them by doing the most difficult content ingame. They have all the right to have something other players don't if they put time and effort into it.


But as I said, you don't need the new Superior augments. There are perfectly fine and very accessible alternatives that really don't have much a difference from the Superior Augments. You want the new augments, that is something else. If you want them you have to work for them.


🙄 Yes other players should have the advantage while others don’t doing activities they don’t want to do, please...


Than maybe Bioware should put a block in unranked warzones where players with these advatages only play with people who have the same advantage instead of ruining things for the rest of us.

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To amend my previous post. I have now opened 200 crates this morning. Specifically, 120 T3 and 80 or so T2. I didn't think T2 crates would drop the mats at all. I was wrong.


I have received: 6 Infused Memory cores and 5 Charged Matters.


I agree philosophically with everything Yil said, but would emphasize again that Ranked PvP and NiM Ops are not the only way to get these mats.


TL-DR: I'm now at roughly a 10% drop rate from opening crates. That's not bad at all.

Edited by Jdast
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🙄 Yes other players should have the advantage while others don’t doing activities they don’t want to do, please...


Than maybe Bioware should put a block in unranked warzones where players with these advatages only play with people who have the same advantage instead of ruining things for the rest of us.


Oh please, the advantage those players would get with the new augments is marginal. And even if then why shouldn't they use the advantage they earned?


Imagine if you worked hard on, for example, building a new computer yourself and you obtain the best pieces there are by taking on jobs on the side and saving money over a prolonged period of time. You put together the computer and have a really great piece of machinery. Your neighbour doesn't want to put in the same effort you did and obtained a slightly lesser computer but still definitely a solid and very good model. That neighbour hears of your PC, comes to you and forbids you to use the computer you built through your own efforts and time because he doesn't have the same machine, despite the fact he chose not to put in the same time and effort into it as you did.


Would that seem fair to you?

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To amend my previous post. I have now opened 200 crates this morning. Specifically, 120 T3 and 80 or so T2. I didn't think T2 crates would drop the mats at all. I was wrong.


I have received: 6 Infused Memory cores and 5 Charged Matters.


I agree philosophically with everything Yil said, but would emphasize again that Ranked PvP and NiM Ops are not the only way to get these mats.


TL-DR: I'm now at roughly a 10% drop rate from opening crates. That's not bad at all.


Also, as always, complete agree with Dasty here. You can get them from the Command Crates, thus there is a perfectly fine alternative

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I had a character with all her T1 crates stored, and I opened all 90-ish of them and got 3 each of the 2 things. I suspect the rate is higher on higher crates, but I don't know.



Either way:


1- Everyone is opening crates forever

2- Some people are running top raids and ranked pvp forever

3- There's a mostly-finite need for these mats

4- The mats and the finished product can all go on the GTN


I think this is all fine. They haven't changed their design, it's a minor upgrade, and it comes from multiple sources, including just playing the game. This really seems like a great amount of angst over a fun minor upgrade.

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The people saying they need these augments but can't get them because they don't do ranked or master ops... what do you need them for then? You do realize 90% of the game is bolstered. These augments only add for example 2 crit points and 33 power. When you're on a bolstered planet, your mastery, power, and endurance all go to the same rate, 2 crit points isn't going to do much for clearing speed. You can do sm ops with just weapons.

Dev's said the game was balanced for 228 augments, Most people don't need these augments, they just want them. If you don't like the content that requires you to get them, then ignore the augments, or wait til prices come down and spend some money.

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Yes, thank you bioware for allowing me to finally earn credits without having to compete with the CM whales. I can now sell mats on the GTN after my ranked pops. Please keep up the QQ I love seeing the whales cry when they are forced to do content. Edited by WaveRun
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