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Has PvP really come to this? How is SS compared to SF


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Average player skill has definitely been watered down on SS since the merger, no question. I have a few anecdotes of things that I've never seen before, such as a Sorc trying to 1v1 me (Deception) using only Force Storm - twice in a row. I killed him, he came back (I was solo guarding snow in CW) and did the same thing. The second time I just ran around him outside the FS radius, he just kept spamming it anyway. I really hope he was just screwing around, but I tend to doubt it. :p


Much more backpedal, and the beloved Force Speed backpedal. I'm seeing this in almost every warzone now. Lots of Sorc/Sage popping Barrier and then immediately cancelling it. Phase walk to a place 5m away. It does make the games less fun when it's such an easy win, or frustrating when they are on your team.

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I fully admit I tend to call incomings in....well RP fashion.


Something like Imp scum incoming west, visible count 2.


Its all pre-typed so its not like it slows me down any. Sometimes I will be more flowery but again its all pre-typed.


I did once see a group of four players actually RP fighting but actually doing nothing in a huttball game, I laughed so hard I didn’t care we got beat in short order. Sometimes you just gotta enjoy a little crazy. If you can’t laugh at things, your taking them too seriously. Really its a game, have fun, it wont determine your manhood as one poster suggested.

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SS is full of RP'ers, especially pub side, but at least they're not actually RPing in the warzone. You can tell by looking at their guild name or character name. There are a couple guilds that when I see them on my team in a warzone, i know it's an auto loss. Despite that though, they do try their best. So i can't fault them for it. Edited by Aaroneus
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The only RP ive come across on SF is in the guild Revans Legacy. They are full into it. They make movies, talk in funny voices, and if you try to join them, they have some initiation process where they interview you while hovering on their mounts on top of their guild ship stairs - I s**t you not.


That said, this is clearly a bull**** post to spread misinformation about SF. Lol he even got a friend to "confirm" he saw it on page 2. Ive been on SF 5 out of the last 8 or 9 days and haven't seen one lick of RP in a wz. Kinda wish there was tho... seems fun.

Edited by AndriusAjax
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... Every braindead move the person has a guild with a @EbonHawk attached to it.... At this point Im looking to get away from the EH people, as far far away as I possibly can. SS behave similarly?


shhhhhhh you're destroying the legitimacy of all the solo ranked gods of PvP from ebon hawk that are obviously gods because it's a legit server

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I checked out SF for the first time today and the quality is absolutely awful based on my 5-6 hour sample size during peak time. I saw maybe 3 competent DPS for the day's play (one who actually impressed me).


The Imps seemed about pubside SS quality and the pubs were their usual parsing dummy selves stacking tanks and heals.


SS for PVP

SF for RPing at the fleet Cantina.

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I checked out SF for the first time today and the quality is absolutely awful based on my 5-6 hour sample size during peak time. I saw maybe 3 competent DPS for the day's play (one who actually impressed me).


The Imps seemed about pubside SS quality and the pubs were their usual parsing dummy selves stacking tanks and heals.


SS for PVP

SF for RPing at the fleet Cantina.


Define peak time, because most of SF came from servers that had a different peak time than those that formed SS.

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I checked out SF for the first time today and the quality is absolutely awful based on my 5-6 hour sample size during peak time. I saw maybe 3 competent DPS for the day's play (one who actually impressed me).


The Imps seemed about pubside SS quality and the pubs were their usual parsing dummy selves stacking tanks and heals.


SS for PVP

SF for RPing at the fleet Cantina.


I've played on both and its exactly the same. 90% of people cant dps on either faction.

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Fixed that for you.



SS for PVP

SF for PVP, Operations, and some RPing behind closed doors. [Fleet being an RP ghost town].



SF is the biggest and most populated server in the game.


Servers don't make people better or worse players compared to other servers, that was an asinine supposition you made stating otherwise. You stating otherwise doesn't make it so, and you have absolutely no credible evidence to support your theory. What's more, it is even more asinine that your asinine supposition was based on a 5-6 hour sample size during peak time on SF. Given that there were multiple WZs going on at the same time virtually all the time, what you saw was only a small fraction of all the people who were playing WZs on SF during your 5-6 hour outing.


There are "bads" everywhere, and a whole lot of them. If SF does in fact have more "bads" than Hot pocket [sS] it is solely because SF has more everything than Hot pocket [sS] does.


You might consider in the future not making it so pitifully obvious that you are nothing but a mouthpeice for Garbingers former glory trying to make people think that glory still exists on Hot Pocket [sS.]


As I just got back from my third 3 month forum ban since 5.0 dropped, my wording was somewhat tamer than it would have otherwise been, had i not wished to go right back into another ban so soon [it being inevitable at some point.].


It's a video game, you know, like friggen Pac-man. We all sucked at some point, and badly. Slow your roll.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I don't know about the fellow players on star forge but the amount of RPers I am seeing ACTUALLY RPing inside warzones on star forge is making me want to quit the server. I can't be that unlucky, I've been asking around and it seems everyone on SF is experiencing the frustration of RP in PvP. Not just in terms of actually doing it in a warzone but with how bad the matches are. People at level 70 not knowing what to do, running with one saber as a marauder, standing a corner 1v1ing someone by spamming force storm. Every braindead move the person has a guild with a @EbonHawk attached to it. Its sheer chaos if you're not in a premade. Ranked has been popping round the clock on SF, yes. But its some of the worst quality matches I've ever seen. Does Satele Shan have it any better? At this point Im looking to get away from the EH people, as far far away as I possibly can. SS behave similarly?


I have been on EBH for years. There are good PVP'ers and bad. Remember, it was a RP server. And for years, us who do RP and PVP had it good. PVP used to be easy peasy for us. Until the merger. Now I actually have to think. So from my POV, I'm pissed becuase it's no longer easy. :)


But yes.. if you want to only PVP all the time you are on the wrong server. Just that simple. Most who go into regs do not PVP regularly. They don't. They are there to try it or because they have too. More likely, it's a guild event or they want to grab a few quick points. EBH has always been like this.


By the way, except for guild events (I've been in a few during a PVP match), I've never seen anyone RP during PVP. Crack jokes in chat, yes. But no open world RP. No.

Edited by cagthehack
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I played on SF last night for the first time, pubside. Experience was extremely terrible. No one on my team other then the person I was was was able to pull 1k dps in the 3 games. These other players on my team dying 10+ times. It's been a while since I witnessed a new level of dying simulator. I would honestly not be surprised if they didn't put any DCDs on their bar.


Of course this is just the first time on this server and I heard it's normally not this bad but I never seen players like this on SS. The team we were facing aren't good players at all there is no excuse to die 16 times to 1mil damage.

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Of course this is just the first time on this server and I heard it's normally not this bad but I never seen players like this on SS. The team we were facing aren't good players at all there is no excuse to die 16 times to 1mil damage.


I have. Pubside on SS is just as bad.

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Fixed that for you.





SF is the biggest and most populated server in the game.


Servers don't make people better or worse players compared to other servers, that was an asinine supposition you made stating otherwise. You stating otherwise doesn't make it so, and you have absolutely no credible evidence to support your theory. What's more, it is even more asinine that your asinine supposition was based on a 5-6 hour sample size during peak time on SF. Given that there were multiple WZs going on at the same time virtually all the time, what you saw was only a small fraction of all the people who were playing WZs on SF during your 5-6 hour outing.


There are "bads" everywhere, and a whole lot of them. If SF does in fact have more "bads" than Hot pocket [sS] it is solely because SF has more everything than Hot pocket [sS] does.


You might consider in the future not making it so pitifully obvious that you are nothing but a mouthpeice for Garbingers former glory trying to make people think that glory still exists on Hot Pocket [sS.]


As I just got back from my third 3 month forum ban since 5.0 dropped, my wording was somewhat tamer than it would have otherwise been, had i not wished to go right back into another ban so soon [it being inevitable at some point.].


It's a video game, you know, like friggen Pac-man. We all sucked at some point, and badly. Slow your roll.


I am not wrong.

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I played on SF last night for the first time, pubside. Experience was extremely terrible. No one on my team other then the person I was was was able to pull 1k dps in the 3 games. These other players on my team dying 10+ times. It's been a while since I witnessed a new level of dying simulator. I would honestly not be surprised if they didn't put any DCDs on their bar.


Of course this is just the first time on this server and I heard it's normally not this bad but I never seen players like this on SS. The team we were facing aren't good players at all there is no excuse to die 16 times to 1mil damage.


Can confirm... the match I had against your team was admittedly one of the worst I’ve seen on this server. Won’t name names but I got a whisper after “thanks for healing me through hottie’s fxxkboi team” XD


I was like “did you see the dps?” There was only 1 dps to even hit a million(your partner I assume) in a voidstar. A monkey would’ve been able to heal that in dps spec.


That’s always been the issue with pubside here. The dps for the most part is horrendous

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Can confirm... the match I had against your team was admittedly one of the worst I’ve seen on this server. Won’t name names but I got a whisper after “thanks for healing me through hottie’s fxxkboi team” XD


I was like “did you see the dps?” There was only 1 dps to even hit a million(your partner I assume) in a voidstar. A monkey would’ve been able to heal that in dps spec.


That’s always been the issue with pubside here. The dps for the most part is horrendous


Yeah, my friend was the only one who was doing damage in all of the games we were in. I am not exaggerating when I say my team(s) couldn't even pull 1k DPS. I ragequit that server last night. I couldn't handle another game where the only people it was worth putting HoTs on was us while our team was dropping like flies. Witnessing such incompetence was truly breath taking.


I heard it's normally not that bad but that was quiet a welcome to the server.

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Can confirm... the match I had against your team was admittedly one of the worst I’ve seen on this server. Won’t name names but I got a whisper after “thanks for healing me through hottie’s fxxkboi team” XD
I'd bet one stack of unassembled components it was either the juggernaut or merc zerging me the entire game
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I am not wrong.


Yeah, you are. If Hot Pocket was so great you wouldn't have been trying to get a feel for Star Forged in the first place.


You don't get to decide which servers are for what. SF is non stop PVP pops and Operations around the clock. The RP presence is about as visible as a fly's pecker from a block away. Of course there are RPers there, just like they are on Hot Pockets. Stating that u saw RPers RPing on fleet all hanging around the cantina tells me that not only are you wrong, you are either insane or straight up lieing. [i'm inclined to think the later].


You may be right that there are more RPers on SF, but like I said, SF has more of everything so that doesn't incline the server in any direction.


Were your observations true, given the tenor of your post [to make people think that SF is less inclined to PVP/Operations and more towards RPing] you would have provided screen shots as evidence because that takes all of 7 seconds to do from beginning to end. That you didn't do so and decided to post your "observations" without anything to back it up makes your true intent quite obvious, but, do yourself a favor, don't quit your day job, you're a terrible spinmeister.


Enjoy Hotpocket, say hi to the RPers from BC that got rolled into your smaller server.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Jung-Ma -> EBH -> Star Forge


I do sometimes RP, but I've never done it in a warzone nor will I ever do it in a warzone unless it's in a group with 7 other RPers. Don't need to subject everyone else to that.

However I've never seen anyone else EVER RP in a warzone either. Blaming the RP community for joining PvP is a cop-out because there were also 4 other servers not named Ebon Hawk that merged that might have definitely brought lower-quality PvP. As an Ebon Hawk native and avid (but not necessarily good) PvPer, I can say even I've noticed the quality has gone down. It's not just us bro

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This is what happens when you merge 3 PVP/PVE servers into a mega RP-server (Ebon Hawk).


Shadowlands, Jedi Covenant, and Prophecy of the Five were and are more gameplay oriented.

Ebon Hawk is and was more story oriented.


While I have not personally seen RP in matches on my two year time on Ebon Hawk - it is awfully easy to find the RP'ers just by their

_-~*' User Name '*~-_ alone.


This is not to say that Ebon Hawk did not have good PVP'ers - not counting the many East Coast players which migrated to Ebon Hawk for it's population size and "pops". (There were also more than a few nefarious players who migrated there to farm wins during Ranked Season.)


In retrospect all PVE-PVP servers should have been merged into Satele Shan with all RP/RP-PVP servers into Star Forge. However that would have required Bioware to inform it's West Coast and APAC players beforehand that their server would be physically located on the East Coast.


Blaming the RP community for joining PvP is a cop-out because there were also 4 other servers not named Ebon Hawk that merged that might have definitely brought lower-quality PvP.


While I am not familiar with Jedi Covenant - both Shadowlands and Prophecy of the Five severs had dominate base of "professional" PVP'ers whose characters were tuned for pvp (e.g. stuns and stun breakers).



In other news almost all of Satele Shan's RP community pretty much transferred en masse to Star Forge.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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