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1000 Crates to Open -- What should I Binge Watch?


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So next Tuesday, in anticipation of BW *cough* getting the conversion rate right *cough* on crates we haven't opened up...


I have over a thousand stored up crates. More importantly, I already have a really, really nice Chaton Mouton Rothschild 2005 ready to uncork....but I need something to binge watch for, say, um, 36 hours.


I'm thinking of restarting Game of Thrones. I bet I can get to ... SPOILER ... Joffrey's death. Shall we place odds?






P.S. If anyone is guessing that this is a stealth post asking BW to disclose conversion rates, you would be correct. With that said...yes, I will accept any binge-worthy television shows. (P.S., I've seen every Dr. Who, even as far back as Patrick Troughton, seen every Archer, not into Stranger Things. Thoughts?)

Edited by Jdast
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Nah...you won't get that far in GoT...they are full 1-hour episodes, or more, no commercials...you're better off trying to binge Stranger Things 1 and 2.


PS...you suck and I'm jealous :(


edit: Not into Stranger Things? What the hell is wrong with you? :p Fine...I will highly recommend "The Expanse"...2 seasons of that to watch.

Edited by TUXs
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you can usually deal with a crate in about 10 seconds.....

So......1000 crates.... 10,000 seconds...... is about 3 hours. ( including the crates you'll gain for increasing rank.)


Long enough to easily finish the wine with 140 minutes to spare.....


not many box-sets are only 3 hours long.


- besides unless there's some super rare item, most are gonna be disintegrated or turned into UCs. - So dealing with the contents shouldn't be very taxing.


Have fun tho' - I think I've got about 2 cargo bays full. but I'm GC rank 300 on that char, so it'll all go to gearing my alts.- most of which I very rarely play nowadays.:)

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So next Tuesday, in anticipation of BW *cough* getting the conversion rate right *cough* on crates we haven't opened up...


I have over a thousand stored up crates....


Somebody's been busy!

I think I'll only have a little over 200 by the time 5.6 is released.

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I love this show: DAY 5



You spend all night awake and in the morning, only a handful of people who also didn't sleep that night are still alive. the rest of the world died in their sleep - you know that sleep = death.... so how long can you stay awake.....


2 seasons so far, so only 14 episodes and a few shorts.

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The Man in the High castle is a good show. Kinda conflicting when you're drooling over a Nazi obergruppenfuhrer.....:rak_03: cough*

But then again, Rufus Sewell is a drool worthy man.:rak_03:


I never got the stranger things hype either, maybe it's because they're children. I also don't want to see "IT" because there are so much children.

I guess I'm biased into thinking it'll be boring.:rak_01: Oh welp!

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So next Tuesday, in anticipation of BW *cough* getting the conversion rate right *cough* on crates we haven't opened up...


I have over a thousand stored up crates. More importantly, I already have a really, really nice Chaton Mouton Rothschild 2005 ready to uncork....but I need something to binge watch for, say, um, 36 hours.


I'm thinking of restarting Game of Thrones. I bet I can get to ... SPOILER ... Joffrey's death. Shall we place odds?






P.S. If anyone is guessing that this is a stealth post asking BW to disclose conversion rates, you would be correct. With that said...yes, I will accept any binge-worthy television shows. (P.S., I've seen every Dr. Who, even as far back as Patrick Troughton, seen every Archer, not into Stranger Things. Thoughts?)


I think you forgot something important: Opening crates and RNG is EXCITING !!!:eek: I have like 500-700 crates myself, but I will be way to EXCITED to watch anything else when opening them up! The only reason to watch something esle is, because you'll need a break of all the EXCITMENT . So maybe watch an episode of a boring show after every 100 crates? I try not to watch boring shows, so I can't really help you there, maybe Marvel's Ironfist?


Or how about a drinking game instead (since you already got the wine). You drink for every firey grophet or gynx you get? (Might need some more and maybe some cheaper bottles though :p).

Edited by mrwayn
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Go on Crunchyroll and watch the first episode of "Overlord".


It's about a dead mmo, on the last day before it gets shut down, and how it feels to be the last person left in a guild that died along time ago.


It's like looking into the future of SWTOR.

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