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STAR FORGE is the Official RP Server


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Sorry, I do hate to be a downer. All of us who used to be on Ebon Hawk and still here, and hopefully all the nice people from JC and SH and..Jung Ma was it? are too. Maybe we'll eventually outweigh the bad. I did see some old EH RP guilds recruiting in chat as well, so they are making their presence known.


I was on Shadowlands before and like I said earlier in the thread, I welcome RPers and from my experience, you guys are some of the nicer people on the forum too, so I'm very happy that you're there. I hope the trolls and jerks pipe down after a while, or leave once the dust settles. I don't RP anymore, but I'm quiet, enjoy a quieter more thoughtful setting and both SS and SF have become cesspools. There is no refuge for someone like me anymore, except to stay in my house and turn off the chats. That's the only thing about this whole merge that has made me very unhappy. I feel like a goldfish plucked from it's bowl and tossed into the Amazon with a bunch of piranhas. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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Well, i think i am more than encouraged to take that plunge i have been avoiding and attempt to join the RP community on Star Forge. Not in spite of a posters efforts to derail RP on Star Forge, but more so that it is something that I have mentioned several times over the last few years. I RPd a lot while I played a game called Infantry on SOE(which was mostly in the form of stories written for my different screen name--call signs). While on SWG i did the same while in Ahazi (and briefly on Starsider as an entertainer) and fully enjoyed. In WoW, like my toons in SWG, I had intricate backstories and, at times i was able, did a bit of RP as well. My last attempt at getting into RP on EH failed miserably a couple of years ago, but, as i said, i may have finally decided to jump into the pages again.


i have two little quips in the community section and have been meaning to add to both of them. none of those are related to my characters, but one as actually started a long time ago in a fan challenge in a Star Gate message board. I updated a few parts, but it ended abruptly and i never finished it. that may change, too.

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... There is no refuge for someone like me anymore, except to stay in my house and turn off the chats. That's the only thing about this whole merge that has made me very unhappy. I feel like a goldfish plucked from it's bowl and tossed into the Amazon with a bunch of piranhas. :(

I feel the same way. :(


I hope you will still have a Stronghold open house. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your decorating skills. :) And, I did shamelessly copy your movie theater idea for my DK Stronghold. I need to fiddle with the couches in that area, but I had never even unlocked that room on DK (or Coru) until I was inspired by your imaginative decorating. <3

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they are just bitterly trolling and trying to drive role players away from "their" server due to some insane idea that role players are inferior players or some such. pay them no mind. though honestly, i would say there IS no official RP server.


that aside, from my experience as well, Harb had community so toxic, it rivaled that of WoW, so I'm very VERY sorry about those people who were merged with them.


I've been on Harbinger, Ebon Hawk and Red Eclipse for years and they are all on par with one another - Harbinger was definitely not some cesspool of toxicity...a bastion of Jawa jokes yes but not toxicity.


Regarding the RP topic at hand, I was on SS, SF, and DM last night and today and saw nobody griefing role players. I'm not saying that someone isn't doing it but it hardly a pervasive problem yet. The RP community need to realize that they need to respect non-RP players too if they want tolerance from them. Most people use general chat to look for group, recruit etc and don't want to sift through walls of RP text to accomplish their objective and screaming "your ruining my role play" ever 30 seconds is not the way to facilitate a solution. I think this is exactly why we need an RP instance and an RP chat channel. Everyone can get along, I'm sure of it - the ignore button works wonders.

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I feel the same way. :(


I hope you will still have a Stronghold open house. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your decorating skills. :) And, I did shamelessly copy your movie theater idea for my DK Stronghold. I need to fiddle with the couches in that area, but I had never even unlocked that room on DK (or Coru) until I was inspired by your imaginative decorating. <3


Well, when I do, I'll make a little announcement and for those interested, they can come through. I'll leave it open for a night or something. :D And thanks for the kind compliment, it means a lot. I hope you're enjoying your movie theater! :D

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I've been on Harbinger, Ebon Hawk and Red Eclipse for years and they are all on par with one another - Harbinger was definitely not some cesspool of toxicity...a bastion of Jawa jokes yes but not toxicity.


Regarding the RP topic at hand, I was on SS, SF, and DM last night and today and saw nobody griefing role players. I'm not saying that someone isn't doing it but it hardly a pervasive problem yet. The RP community need to realize that they need to respect non-RP players too if they want tolerance from them. Most people use general chat to look for group, recruit etc and don't want to sift through walls of RP text to accomplish their objective and screaming "your ruining my role play" ever 30 seconds is not the way to facilitate a solution. I think this is exactly why we need an RP instance and an RP chat channel. Everyone can get along, I'm sure of it - the ignore button works wonders.


...but RPers don't RP in General chat? Which makes your entire argument false? :rolleyes:

Edited by AscendingSky
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Well, when I do, I'll make a little announcement and for those interested, they can come through. I'll leave it open for a night or something. :D And thanks for the kind compliment, it means a lot. I hope you're enjoying your movie theater! :D


Since we're on the same server now, I'd love to participate in any open house you throw for your SHs. I'll show you mine in return! Virtual Dollhouse is my favorite mini-game on TOR... <_<

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...but RPers don't RP in General chat? Which makes your entire argument false? :rolleyes:
I'm closing in on my 40th anniversary as a role-player. We can wait for another time to discuss the party you all with throw for me. In the meantime, as someone who pretty much only plays MMOs for RP, I've seen players try to RP in General (or similar) channels. But, yeah ... they're doing it wrong.


Gleaning a slightly different meaning from the post you quoted, I can imagine RPers who may be getting griefed taking their complaint to General (the whole "You're ruining my RP" thing). But I can see your interpretation as well. In my experienced and sagacious opinion, RPing in General should be (and maybe is) a reportable offense. It's certainly worthy of an /Ignore.


And, speaking on behalf of all the RPers in my household (which includes myself and ... well, nevermind), I would never RP with anyone who so blatantly disregards non-RPers' public chat channels. Of course, perhaps there are players new to RP who just don't know any better. That's why I encourage new RPers to find a decent RP Guild (in this context, decent = willing to teach).


That said ... I'd love to get a reserved RP channel.

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Well, when I do, I'll make a little announcement and for those interested, they can come through. I'll leave it open for a night or something. :D And thanks for the kind compliment, it means a lot. I hope you're enjoying your movie theater! :D


Yes! We all should do this. I'd love to see everyone's strongholds. Now that I have twice as many, I need to get decorating again! :D

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I don't RP, and I don't mind if others RP. If they annoy me, I have options to alleviate the annoyance: /ignore, turn off chat emotes, turn off chat completely. I won't harangue people for RP'ing.


For those that do RP, if you want to avoid people giving you a hard time, then make your own RP channel where you won't have to worry about someone being a dick to you.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Sorry, I do hate to be a downer. All of us who used to be on Ebon Hawk and still here, and hopefully all the nice people from JC and SH and..Jung Ma was it? are too. Maybe we'll eventually outweigh the bad. I did see some old EH RP guilds recruiting in chat as well, so they are making their presence known.


i saw several "older" RP guilds recruiting in gchant. Last guild I was in collapsed 1 1/2 ago. Was planning to stay solo but now rethinking. Best way to approach the ***** is to be guilded. I hope all the RP and "adult" guilds ban together and host events and such. This what we all did on WOW.

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Since we're on the same server now, I'd love to participate in any open house you throw for your SHs. I'll show you mine in return! Virtual Dollhouse is my favorite mini-game on TOR... <_<

Yes! Count me in on Star Forge. That's where my "I'm finally happy with this look" decorated Strongholds are located, and I'd happily welcome visits. I'd like to visit your Strongholds, too, AscendingSky, if that's okay. :)

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I've been on Harbinger, Ebon Hawk and Red Eclipse for years and they are all on par with one another - Harbinger was definitely not some cesspool of toxicity...a bastion of Jawa jokes yes but not toxicity.


Regarding the RP topic at hand, I was on SS, SF, and DM last night and today and saw nobody griefing role players. I'm not saying that someone isn't doing it but it hardly a pervasive problem yet. The RP community need to realize that they need to respect non-RP players too if they want tolerance from them. Most people use general chat to look for group, recruit etc and don't want to sift through walls of RP text to accomplish their objective and screaming "your ruining my role play" ever 30 seconds is not the way to facilitate a solution. I think this is exactly why we need an RP instance and an RP chat channel. Everyone can get along, I'm sure of it - the ignore button works wonders.


I was there this afternoon and there were a couple people that told roleplayers to leave. I made one comment, I am not leaving. If you don't like the roleplayers then I think you have a problem and being a jerk to people telling them to leave is not acceptable. I also told the person to learn to get along as most roleplayers do not roleplay in general chat. I can be polite and respectful but I expect the same from someone else and when a person tells roleplayers to leave then I will give back the same as I get.

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I've been on Ebon Hawk since the servers opened on day 1 and I can't recall having ever seen someone doing RP in Genchat, with the exception of people who posted to that channel by mistake.


The only things you see in chat relating to RP are: 1. guild recruitment messages - and who cares if one guild's message has the word "RP" in it somewhere? 2. "Say" comments that you only get in your chatbox if you happen to walk by a group who is RPing in public. And even that didn't happen that often.

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Uhhh I've been queuing regs and Ranked on Satele for 12 hours now and all the best names are still here. When/where did SF become the PvP server?

Because you assume they could have transferred when? It won't happen in one day, but it will happen.

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I don't RP, and I don't mind if others RP. If they annoy me, I have options to alleviate the annoyance: /ignore, turn off chat emotes, turn off chat completely. I won't harangue people for RP'ing.


For those that do RP, if you want to avoid people giving you a hard time, then make your own RP channel where you won't have to worry about someone being a dick to you.


I suggested this but not for RPing itself but for organizing RP so that the trolls dont interfer. RP is done in spatial usually. The trolls wont know where ypu are rping if ya coordinate it away from their veiw. Just keep one or two people who arent bothered by the trolls to advertise the channel in general once in a while so the rpers know where to go.

Edited by Suzsi
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Know I am going to catch flak from this, but oh well, I will try an keep it respectful.


Was on Shadowlands, so now on Star Forge. I welcome the RP players as they tend to be more respectful, and will not interfere with others playing the game. I will give them the space they want, and will be as polite as they are to the other players.


On Shadowlands I found the PvP group to be....annoying. Not only did they claim the PvP channel for themselves, they felt that General Chat was their domain. At times was hard to read the GC due to the taunting and general abuse they threw around not just at other PvP players but anyone in GC they felt was on 'their property.' My ignore list contains many of their names.


I am one of 'those players' that plays mainly solo, is guildless, and sees MMO to mean an game where a lot of people can play at the same time in their own way. I pay the same as the RP group, raiders, and PvP group, so I am entitled to play my way. I don't expect the same perks as the PvP or raid group, as I am not participating in those functions, but I also have the same right to have fun in the game.


So I hope this merge settle out and people migrate to where they are happy to play. To each their own, and don't tread on others fun. We are playing this game to get away from the real world, no need to carry the frustration here into our escape world.

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Since we're on the same server now, I'd love to participate in any open house you throw for your SHs. I'll show you mine in return! Virtual Dollhouse is my favorite mini-game on TOR... <_<


Me as well, please? :)


Yes! We all should do this. I'd love to see everyone's strongholds. Now that I have twice as many, I need to get decorating again! :D



Ok cool :D I'd like that. House tours sound fun. ^^ I'll make a post when I'm ready. Just want to give the server a few days for the dust to settle. :)

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Because you assume they could have transferred when? It won't happen in one day, but it will happen.


I will be very surprised if many of those who rely upon the LFG tool (and desire maximum LFG fodder) and are currently on Satele Shan do not migrate to The Starforge after transfers become available again.

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Know I am going to catch flak from this, but oh well, I will try an keep it respectful.


Was on Shadowlands, so now on Star Forge. I welcome the RP players as they tend to be more respectful, and will not interfere with others playing the game. I will give them the space they want, and will be as polite as they are to the other players.


On Shadowlands I found the PvP group to be....annoying. Not only did they claim the PvP channel for themselves, they felt that General Chat was their domain. At times was hard to read the GC due to the taunting and general abuse they threw around not just at other PvP players but anyone in GC they felt was on 'their property.' My ignore list contains many of their names.


I am one of 'those players' that plays mainly solo, is guildless, and sees MMO to mean an game where a lot of people can play at the same time in their own way. I pay the same as the RP group, raiders, and PvP group, so I am entitled to play my way. I don't expect the same perks as the PvP or raid group, as I am not participating in those functions, but I also have the same right to have fun in the game.


So I hope this merge settle out and people migrate to where they are happy to play. To each their own, and don't tread on others fun. We are playing this game to get away from the real world, no need to carry the frustration here into our escape world.


Itll settle over the next couple of weeks for the most part as people move in and move on to whatever they usually spend time doing. Pretty much people will learn to ignore fleet gen chat also, there is usally always at least one tool out to be annoying but its not the majority on any server not even Harb. Just a couple of vocal idiots.

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