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In-game Items you Want to Return


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The magenta crystal used to be different and I'm not sure if I remember why you changed them to their current state. I'd like them back the way they were. Would that be possible?


What was changed about the Magenta crystal? Was it the color?


I still use it and have the schematic for it, but I forget what was changed. The mission is still the same.

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~Cartel Certificates (Add these to Command Crates drop table in the rep item slot)


~Fix the unlocks for Stronghold Defender Weapons or make the vendored versions unlock in Collections


~Any decorations that used to drop from Flashpoints, Operations


~Any vehicles that used to drop game wide


~Any named weapons/armor sets game wide that haven't yet been reintroduced through Fleet vendors

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Yes, decos.


Plus, literally everything that is attached to an achievement, including exclusive subscriber rewards like the Party Jawa and the HK-55 return stuff. I know that's a controversial suggestion, but it has achievements attached that cannot be completed because people missed an arbitrary date. Putting things like this on a rotating "loyalty reward" for subscriptions where they drop as a subscriber reward after three months, six months, one year etc. of continuous subscription seems fair to new subscribers or frequent subscribers who missed a specific date because RL happened.


Alternatively, move every achievement attached to a subscriber-only item that can no longer be obtained to its own achievement category. Multiple categories of achievements that cannot possibly get to 100% drive the CDO (that is "OCD" properly alphabetized) players bonkers.


I would also love to see a "Collections" cartel pack always available on the cartel market that can drop anything from collections, so those items are always available in CM or GTN.

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I came here to mention Datacron and Planetary Displays, but this guy's whole post, basically. Just do this pls.


Please reinstate the following. With a reasonable drop rate. Not a, "it's on the loot table with a drop rate so low it's statistically unlikely you'll ever get it, but we can say it's there" drop rate.


Flashpoint Decorations:


As guaranteed drops in MM and VM, and reasonably attainable in (when applicable) solo-modes:


Ancient Burial Urn -- Athiss

Banner: Czerka Sunrise -- Czerka Labs

Computer Desk (Imperial) -- Maelstrom Prison (Pub)

Computer Desk (Republic) -- Boarding Party (Imp)

Cryogenics Tank -- Lost Island

Czerka Data Core -- Czerka Core

Decorative Gear Arrangement -- Blood Hunt

Illumination Probe Crate -- Blood Hunt

Large Field Generator -- Kaon Under Siege

Manned Blaster Turret -- Colicoid Wargame

Mentor Processing Core -- Directive 7

Mining Cart: Asteroid Rocks -- Hammer Station

Multi-state Mainframe Terminal -- Battle of Rishi

Orbital Power Monitor -- Kuat Drive Yards

Potted Tree Rakata Palm -- Legacy of the Rakata (drops are reinstated, but at a very, very low rate)

Power Transformer (Imperial) -- Black Talon (Imp)

Power Transformer (Republic) -- Esseles (Pub)

Rakata Stasis Chamber -- Foundry (Imp)

Rocket Propelled Missile -- Cademimu

Science Station (Field) -- Taral V (Pub)

Selkath Solar Sculpture -- Depth of Manaan

Shattered Sith Artifact -- Red Reaper

Starship Medical Tank -- Mandalorian Raiders

Statue of Cowled Man -- Assault on Tython

Statue of the Ancient Slave -- Korriban Incursion

Statue of The Emperor -- False Emperor


Other Decorations:


Drops from mobs on worlds:


Large Crystal Formation (Purple) -- Ilum

Dark Datacron (Aim) -- Ilum

Dark Datacron (Cunning) -- Nar Shaddaa

Dark Datacron (Endurance) -- Makeb

Dark Datacron (Presence) -- Corellia

Dark Datacron (Strength) -- Tatooine

Dark Datacron (Willpower) -- Belsavis

Light Datacron (Aim) -- Hoth

Light Datacron (Cunning) -- Quesh

Light Datacron (Endurance) -- Voss

Light Datacron (Presence) -- Taris

Light Datacron (Strength) -- Balmorra

Light Datacron (Willpower) -- Alderaan




Again, as guaranteed drops in MM and VM, and reasonably attainable in solo-mode:


Aquatic mewvorr -- Depths of Manaan FP

Goldplate Mewvorr -- Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion FPs

Heartglow Mewvorr -- Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion FPs

Prismatic Mewvorr -- Legacy of the Rakata FP

Force Hound -- Battle of Rishi


Currency to purchase decorations -- Recovered Relics from Tython/Korriban FPs:


Two decorations require 25 Recovered Relics each (and Universal prefabs) to purchase. The Sith Academy Obelisk and the Holocron of Ancient Masters. Currently, one Recovered Relic is given with the completion of the Tython/Korriban part of Forged Alliances. We used to have a chance at Recovered Relics doing the Tython and Korriban FPs outside of Forged Alliances (solo-mode, I don't know about the drop rate of VM and MM). Please make this possible again.


There may be more decorations and pets stealth removed (or currently at a drop rate so low they may as well be considered removed). These are the ones I can think of, for now.



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I'd like a way for the Makeb Gazebo to make a return in whatever way!


Just build 1, they last longer hehe:eek: j/k


I would like the old Armor sets from Launch to come back. I know a lot of people have broght that up in the past for Columni/ Tionese, and other sets.


I still have a part of a set of Culumni armor, but of course, i retired the whole set, and because of no longer having stat bonuses, i think i destroyed a cuple, along with putting New Mods in the armor sets destroyed the Armor set name as well.:mad:

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  • Slot Machine
    Failing that, a way to obtain Cartel Certificates, such as re-publishing packs or so on.
    Stronghold decos, as many as you can fit under a rug. ;):D
    Ability to do planet dailies at levels far exceeding planet level....
    Reintroduction of old cartel packs like the Nightlife one, for example.
    Adaptive armors like Valkorion's, for example....

Edited by NeuroniaSW
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Hey folks,


Over time, we have received quite a few reports from players of items that used be available in-game, that no longer are. We don't mean Cartel Market items, but items that used to be available on vendors or from drops, etc. We are doing planning around some Mission rewards coming up and we thought this might be a good opportunity to try to get some forgotten items back in.


Here is what we are looking for. What are some in-game items that are no longer available that you would like to see come back, for the following categories:

  • Mounts
  • Mini-pets
  • Stronghold Decorations
  • etc.

For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


Let us know your thoughts!



  • Weapons

All Rakata weapons.

Starshard for example (dualbladed lightsaber)



Edited by -Spc
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Please reinstate the following. With a reasonable drop rate. Not a, "it's on the loot table with a drop rate so low it's statistically unlikely you'll ever get it, but we can say it's there" drop rate.


Flashpoint Decorations:


As guaranteed drops in MM and VM, and reasonably attainable in (when applicable) solo-modes:


Ancient Burial Urn -- Athiss

Banner: Czerka Sunrise -- Czerka Labs

Computer Desk (Imperial) -- Maelstrom Prison (Pub)

Computer Desk (Republic) -- Boarding Party (Imp)

Cryogenics Tank -- Lost Island

Czerka Data Core -- Czerka Core

Decorative Gear Arrangement -- Blood Hunt

Illumination Probe Crate -- Blood Hunt

Large Field Generator -- Kaon Under Siege

Manned Blaster Turret -- Colicoid Wargame

Mentor Processing Core -- Directive 7

Mining Cart: Asteroid Rocks -- Hammer Station

Multi-state Mainframe Terminal -- Battle of Rishi

Orbital Power Monitor -- Kuat Drive Yards

Potted Tree Rakata Palm -- Legacy of the Rakata (drops are reinstated, but at a very, very low rate)

Power Transformer (Imperial) -- Black Talon (Imp)

Power Transformer (Republic) -- Esseles (Pub)

Rakata Stasis Chamber -- Foundry (Imp)

Rocket Propelled Missile -- Cademimu

Science Station (Field) -- Taral V (Pub)

Selkath Solar Sculpture -- Depth of Manaan

Shattered Sith Artifact -- Red Reaper

Starship Medical Tank -- Mandalorian Raiders

Statue of Cowled Man -- Assault on Tython

Statue of the Ancient Slave -- Korriban Incursion

Statue of The Emperor -- False Emperor


Other Decorations:


Drops from mobs on worlds:


Large Crystal Formation (Purple) -- Ilum

Dark Datacron (Aim) -- Ilum

Dark Datacron (Cunning) -- Nar Shaddaa

Dark Datacron (Endurance) -- Makeb

Dark Datacron (Presence) -- Corellia

Dark Datacron (Strength) -- Tatooine

Dark Datacron (Willpower) -- Belsavis

Light Datacron (Aim) -- Hoth

Light Datacron (Cunning) -- Quesh

Light Datacron (Endurance) -- Voss

Light Datacron (Presence) -- Taris

Light Datacron (Strength) -- Balmorra

Light Datacron (Willpower) -- Alderaan




Again, as guaranteed drops in MM and VM, and reasonably attainable in solo-mode:


Aquatic mewvorr -- Depths of Manaan FP

Goldplate Mewvorr -- Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion FPs

Heartglow Mewvorr -- Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion FPs

Prismatic Mewvorr -- Legacy of the Rakata FP

Force Hound -- Battle of Rishi


Currency to purchase decorations -- Recovered Relics from Tython/Korriban FPs:


Two decorations require 25 Recovered Relics each (and Universal prefabs) to purchase. The Sith Academy Obelisk and the Holocron of Ancient Masters. Currently, one Recovered Relic is given with the completion of the Tython/Korriban part of Forged Alliances. We used to have a chance at Recovered Relics doing the Tython and Korriban FPs outside of Forged Alliances (solo-mode, I don't know about the drop rate of VM and MM). Please make this possible again.


There may be more decorations and pets stealth removed (or currently at a drop rate so low they may as well be considered removed). These are the ones I can think of, for now.




This post sums up what I want to see returned.

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Hey folks,


Over time, we have received quite a few reports from players of items that used be available in-game, that no longer are. We don't mean Cartel Market items, but items that used to be available on vendors or from drops, etc. We are doing planning around some Mission rewards coming up and we thought this might be a good opportunity to try to get some forgotten items back in.


Here is what we are looking for. What are some in-game items that are no longer available that you would like to see come back, for the following categories:

  • Mounts
  • Mini-pets
  • Stronghold Decorations
  • etc.

For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


Let us know your thoughts!




I don't know if you count gear under "etc", but some of the old ranked stuff looks nice. Also I would love if we could get a craftable Battlemaster Force Master's Belt :)

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Hey folks,


For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.




I'm supposed to care about mounts and decorations but not all the cool vendor and flashpoint armor and weapons you made unobtainable (and for what purpose)? Come on.

Edited by JediJuliusDavin
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From a pvp perspective, bringing back old weapon/armor sets from past ranked seasons would be alright (I already have them but some people may want to try and get them).


Under no circumstances should you allow people to buy past ranked season titles with anything, ever. For example, "All-Galaxy" should be a title reserved only for people that were top 3 in season 2. Each title represents what era of pvp the player was top in, and would be degraded into complete irrelevance if provided for the masses.

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I know 100% that a friend and I would like to see the Flashpoint deco drop rate returned to what it was. It would offer a great reason to go back and run flashpoints, especially the bonus boss. Being able to have a guaranteed drop on the bonus boss with a 50/50 shot on the end boss was great. Made flashpoints feel somewhat rewarding, way more than they do now at least.


Edit: some of the pets in collections are also impossible to get these days if you didn't play long ago, I think it'd be neat if they could also make a return in some rewarding way for completing something.


As for mounts, I believe the current mount achievements are unobtainable because of a mount removed from basic comm vendors, so stuff like that seeing a return would also be welcomed for the people that just didn't play when they were available making those achievements obtainable again.


I know these are actually in game, but for NiM ops, I'd like to actually see the mounts have 100% drop rate when killing the last boss. It's nice the Dread Enhanced Rancor and Wings of the Architect have a 100% chance to drop, so why not make the Hyperpod, Titan6, and Tank mounts from EC, TFB, and SnV nightmares also have a 100% drop chance. I think in the handful of times I've killed all of those bosses this expansion, I've seen a mount drop once across all 3, kind of crazy unrewarding in that sense. Especially when you have to roll for it.

Edited by Hellhog
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Hey folks,


Over time, we have received quite a few reports from players of items that used be available in-game, that no longer are. We don't mean Cartel Market items, but items that used to be available on vendors or from drops, etc. We are doing planning around some Mission rewards coming up and we thought this might be a good opportunity to try to get some forgotten items back in.


Here is what we are looking for. What are some in-game items that are no longer available that you would like to see come back, for the following categories:

  • Mounts
  • Mini-pets
  • Stronghold Decorations
  • etc.

For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


Let us know your thoughts!



All of them.

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- Makeb Gazebo

- Holgraphic trees

These please. Also I'd like to see a few of the large(ish) potted plants that seem to be all buildings on most planets as rewards or drops - the ones that are not available currently on vendors or via the cartel market or as drops. There are some nice ones in buildings on the core world planets and on Zakuul. I'm fed up having to resort to biochem utilities (fungi = ewwww), pink rishi plants and life-day holo trees in place of decent trees and potted plants in my strongholds.


Not a return item, however I think a reward of a statue of our favourite returned companion (not already in the game) would be nice - still waiting for a certain Quinn one :p love him or hate him he is a legend.

Edited by Sarova
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