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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In-game Items you Want to Return


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The magenty crystal mystery, hidden chain mission went away the same day they revamped the crafting system, and yes I want it back as well.



Sad part is that I don't think it was deliberate, just a game lead producer that were totally oblivious of its existence and therefore didn't bother to save it, as it was more important to get us all to get the "New Gaming Experience" of Grinding. Beauty lies hidden in the awareness of the finer details, and so does greatness . . .


I rather think it's part of "delete everything that hinders people from making do more in less time ! - in my opinion it was deleted because it was vierwed as an unneccessary time sink, nothing more. Part of the whole streamlining agenda. SWTOR's version of NGE.

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I think that just bringing back all the drops from the planets, heroics, flash points, and ops would be nice. Exclusive titles, drops, and companions need to stay that way period. If it is linked to an achievement then archive it under the achievements. If it supposed to be still in the game like certain mounts you need for an achievement then bring it back.


Bring back vendors that had items or plans or decos that were removed. With outfitter any gear piece can be wanted or needed. I wouldn't mind being able to get my defiant MK-4 belt for my guardian to complete my set.


Bring all events back that happened in a weekly rotation not linked to conquest or archive the achievements or remove them. So discouraging to see light vs dark at 0% when you changed it all up to the new dark vs light system. I am sure there are many glitched achievements that need fixing to complete.


Cartel certificates should come back as what is the sense in keeping a vendor that only a rare few horders can use, or remove the cartel certificates and make the items purchasable with command tokens.


Level 50 pvp gear. Actually all gear sets either from ops vendors or pvp should come back. even the trash gear or having loot drop from KOTFE and KOTET should be added. It is discouraging to go through a chapter in KOTET and not see more than a few loot drops. Sorry i love my trash loot credits.


Bring back the heroic 4's that have active achievements or title requirements for active achievements or archive them.


If it is exclusive don't bring it back, but if it is not bring it all back. Armor, mounts, weapons, cartel certificates, pets and their pre 4.0 drop rates. Remove exclusive items from collections or put them in a drop down that says exclusive items. We get them in the mail on creation of a new toon anyways.


Just my two cents. :cool:

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I rather think it's part of "delete everything that hinders people from making do more in less time ! - in my opinion it was deleted because it was vierwed as an unneccessary time sink, nothing more. Part of the whole streamlining agenda. SWTOR's version of NGE.


Then why keep Galactic Command ? D: *joke*

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I would like to see a return of the Rakata AlphaWave Inhibitor in either a purchasable form or as schematics to craft making it possible to fight the Nightmare Pilgrim. I believe 4.0 changed many of the vendors and removed this from the game, so it is near impossible find someone who can still craft enough of them for a 16 man raid, let alone a big guild.


I'd also like to suggest the return of the original rakghoul event and the chevin event. Why go to all that effort to create this unique events to only do them once? Bring them back, give them new rewards and run them in syndication with other events.


Lastly, you did a good thing adding opposite faction companion vendor. But not all of the customizations are there. The collector's edition and security key vendors need to be cross faction because you're still limiting (and in my opinion the best) customizations to one faction.

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It isn't a weapon atleast not technically... but how about bringing back the companion power vendors we had before you did all of the companion changes over time? Or atleast some form of them so I can give kira the aoe force push cone attack she used to have :)


I realize this probably requires more than a few things to change but if we could simply have that powerslot back in the companion character sheet and some items to equip it to change powers like before that would be neat in terms of making our companions a little more unique from everyone else around us. As it stands now everyone has the exact same abilities.

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I would like to see a return of the Rakata AlphaWave Inhibitor in either a purchasable form or as schematics to craft making it possible to fight the Nightmare Pilgrim. I believe 4.0 changed many of the vendors and removed this from the game, so it is near impossible find someone who can still craft enough of them for a 16 man raid, let alone a big guild.

I'd also like to suggest the return of the original rakghoul event and the chevin event. Why go to all that effort to create this unique events to only do them once? Bring them back, give them new rewards and run them in syndication with other events.


Lastly, you did a good thing adding opposite faction companion vendor. But not all of the customizations are there. The collector's edition and security key vendors need to be cross faction because you're still limiting (and in my opinion the best) customizations to one faction.


You no longer need the Inhibitor to fight the Pilgrim. He gives no debuff.

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I would like to see the original Flashpoint armor sets return. Shame that they went away just as we got the outfit designer which would make their skins very useful.


Yeah, I know this isn't what you were looking for Eric, but it doesn't feel good being treated like a Third Class Passenger, so I am going to post it anyway.

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I'd like the Mercenary Elite crafted armor back. It vanished when all the decent-looking armormech crafted stuff was replaced by the awful newer pieces.


In particular, the helmet - It's iconic merc, and although the basic /shape/ is still obtainable, the color layout is different on newer versions.


Hey, why not throw us a bone and make all those old recipes available again.

Edited by Jherad
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- Makeb Gazebo

- Spa *

- Jukeboxes *

- Commemorative statues of KOTFE characters *

- Rakata tile

- Holgraphic trees

- The autumn tree in the vendor that takes only cartel certificates

- Heck, I'd love to get a shot at all of those other decos on the cartel cert vendor

- The planetary displays seem to have gone from the Alliance Crates. Would be nice to see them return


(TBH I have no idea if these were drops, vendor items, whatever, because I have only seen them for millions and millions of credits on the GTN)


I just got a bunch of the planetary displays out of the crates I turned in the other day. Are you going to be on Star Forge? If so, send me a PM. I'll let you know if I still have any.

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There's a pair of blasters that are available Republic side that were moddable, that are no longer available on either side after the changes to the planetary currency vendors. I can't show you or give the name because the servers are down, but I'd really like them to come back. They're orange and have 'Silenced' in the names, they came from Balmorra.
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Party Jawa for achievement

Mounts for Gearhead achievement

Crystal mining on Alderaan

Old H4 quest givers with cut scenes

Chevin event

Original Rak event

Queen of Sands

Matrix Cubes

Zonian Monkey Lizard




also I wish the Nightmare Pilgrim buff was updated so it buffs Mastery instead of 3 old attributes we don't have anymore and the inhibitors were reintroduced

and my Dark vs Light achievements would come back

Edited by Monumenta
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Hey folks,


Over time, we have received quite a few reports from players of items that used be available in-game, that no longer are. We don't mean Cartel Market items, but items that used to be available on vendors or from drops, etc. We are doing planning around some Mission rewards coming up and we thought this might be a good opportunity to try to get some forgotten items back in.


Here is what we are looking for. What are some in-game items that are no longer available that you would like to see come back, for the following categories:

  • Mounts
  • Mini-pets
  • Stronghold Decorations
  • etc.

For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


Let us know your thoughts!




Drops in veteran star fortresses would be nice to come back

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I would like to See Returned


- Makeb Gazebo

- Diplomat Meditation Hover Chair

- A permanent way to obtain All Cartel Certificate items since Cartel Certificates are no longer a thing. (maybe CM)

- Victor's Trailblazer Bike Mount.

- On a side note could you increase Coruscant apartment hook cap by 50 please?

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Longspur Blaze.. it's still the best looking mount in game and my newer characters feel incomplete without it. also wouldn't mind some other color variations of it.(the ones with the plow or whatever it's supposed to be don't count that thing ruins the whole model)


not sure if true or not but i heard champions only drop their rare gear if you're at their level range is this true? if so revert that. it's pretty hard to not outlevel things these days.

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