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What would you folks like for the first expansion pack?


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Hey all,


I decided to create a thread asking what you'd all enjoy seeing in an expansion pack.


Expansion pack 1

- Two new races (Wookiee, Droid)

- New lightsaber colours (black, to be more precise)

- New planets (Mustafar, Coruscant, Dagobah, Forest Moon of Endor, Dantooine, Kashyyyk)

- New companions


Just curious to see what you'd all like!! This game is fantastic, I love it! can't wait for more and to see it grow!

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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Removal of the crystal color restrictions and an increase in the number of colors available to reasonable levels.

Companions that move out of the fire.


/\ That too! actually... x1000 what he said. Color restrictions = make everyone angry.

Edited by Jester-Head
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I covered an entire thread on my suggestions for content, be it in an EP or over time with patches, just stuff I and several people would like to see.


In short, player housing (instanced of course with high customization), player cities, guild ships, more space stuff like more space craft options including more customization etc etc.


Whole thing is in my signature if you want to read more in depth, to be honest I think we need to look ahead with TOR, it's not a "do now, think later" type of Dev process since they record lines six months prior to release of content, hence why even though the game has it's launch flaws that are few and far between those will inevitably be fixed, so we might aswell look ahead to the future. ;)

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Hey all,


I decided to create a thread asking what you'd all enjoy seeing in an expansion pack.


Expansion pack 1

- Two new races (Wookiee, Droid)

- New lightsaber colours (black, to be more precise)

- New planets (Mustafar, Coruscant, Dagobah, Forest Moon of Endor, Dantooine, Kashyyyk)

- New companions


Just curious to see what you'd all like!! This game is fantastic, I love it! can't wait for more and to see it grow!


I doubt you'd see Wookies. George said he did not want force using wookies in star wars. -I'd like Mon Calamari and Selkath. So awesome.

-Idk if there's a silver lightsaber colour in the game but if there isn't there should be. I think KOTOR had one.

-New companions of course


Oh dear Lord please no black lightsabers and no Endor. Ewoks do not belong in this game.


Actually I'd prefer Endor to be in-game.


It's the only chance we have to destroy the ancestors from which Ewoks came from. It's a small chance but better than nothing.

Edited by Oappo
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/\ That too! actually... x1000 what he said. Color restrictions = make everyone angry.


I love color restrictions. Stop trying to speak for everyone.


I just want a CE of the expansion to by like the original game CE. Give me another nice statue in the box.

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My top ten...


1.) Massive upgrade to the "Trade Network"


2.) Removal of the cover mechanic, and all the clutter it has left about the galaxy. Having just got to Alderaan, I can plainly see how much of a visual affect the cover system has on the game, and on that planet it is an eyesore.


3.) Two new races. (One preferably being Ewok)


4.) The removal of the Cyborg "race", and Cyborg options for all races.


5.) The expanding of existing planets.


6.) A complete overhaul of the space aspects of the game, which includes more ships for all classes, and races. Like SWG meets Eve On-line.


7.) Guild ships.


8.) PvE fluff like mini pets, mounts, and stuff...


9.) Customizable UI, ala Rift, LotR, and so on.


10.) Maybe a new class.

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Hey all,


I decided to create a thread asking what you'd all enjoy seeing in an expansion pack.


Expansion pack 1

- Two new races (Wookiee, Droid)

- New lightsaber colours (black, to be more precise)

- New planets (Mustafar, Coruscant, Dagobah, Forest Moon of Endor, Dantooine, Kashyyyk)

- New companions


Just curious to see what you'd all like!! This game is fantastic, I love it! can't wait for more and to see it grow!


The first expansion should be the removal of shards, being able to select a war zone, a customizable UI, and a robust LFG tool.


This game is beautiful, fun, and the single most empty MMO I've ever experienced.

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Wow, talking about expansion packs already? They've already talked about new races as part of the legacy system and working on new planets and new companions. I'm expecting all 3 of those as part of content updates.....not having to wait to buy an expansion pack.
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This is what I want, posted it up earlier. It I am bored at work so I thought I would share again. It is long so sorry........


The idea:


A large scale dynamic PVP zone with fleet actions and ground actions. This zone would be created between the Empire and the Republic zones (as seen on the current space map) and would contain 5-7 neutral planets (with some degree of random leaning toward the Empire or the Republic to start when the zone first opens in game). The players in the factions would then be able to try to sway the planets to their side either with diplomacy or an outright invasion. Diplomacy would obviously take longer but would give benefits in that you would capture the planet’s facilities intact, military actions would mean that you have to rebuild what is on the planet to help defend it against the other faction (if you so choose). In addition you would not have to deal with the potential of a rebellion (more on that below).


The whole reason for taking over these planets is that there are special resources (for crafting or tokens for better gear, things like this etc) on these planets that would be desireable for the players to get their hands on. One other idea would be to allow for a sector bonus based on how many planets a faction controls in this sector further increasing the desire to control all the planets.


The collective actions / decisions of the players in each faction would determine what happens to those planets. It would require players on the whole server to decide which planets to invade or which to sway with diplomacy. Obviously it would make sense to target the planets that lean towardR your faction with diplomacy first etc. Players could somehow vote on which planets to do what with so the general population is aware of what the strategy is and join in the missions to get those planets. (If this proves too complicated the game could have a mechanic that opens planets to invasion or diplomacy only but I would prefer it to be left to the player community to decide allowing them the choice to impact the game world on their server).


So how do we interact with these neutral planets then, where does the PVP come into play? I propose two methods:


Diplomacy: Players would be able to run some diplomacy type missions (player based missions not companion based like those in the diplomacy crew skill) with story elements that would bring them into contact with Republic players running the same missions for some one on one or small group PVP actions or also PVE type missions so that PVE players could join in this as well. The results of these would move the planets diplomacy one way or the other allowing players to influence an otherwise static game world plus open up new story elements for players to enjoy.


Military: Instead of diplomacy a player faction could mount various raids (or covert action missions perhaps) to take out the defenses of the neutral planet over time and eventually capture it. Perhaps the players would knock out the orbital defense stations one day in advance of a big ground invasion action the next day. Likewise players from the opposite side could rush to defend the planet and gain favourable diplomacy in doing so which results in a huge PVP space and or ground battle with the NPC neutral planet ground and space defences pitching in. Invading a planet would also have consequences in that other planets would start to fear the faction that invaded them depending on relations (which ties back to diplomacy, and also some neutral planets could dislike other neutral planets so that invading their enemy increase relationships with them, dynamics like this could be added in as well). Military actions by players would involve those “guild capital ships” we have been hearing about plus your own personal ship in dogfighting actions (hopefully this would be doable with the work they are doing on space combat that we have heard about). Once the planet is captured the faction would have the option to rebuild the defences on the planet (think guild space stations, guild ground bases etc which would take resources to repair damaged gun emplacements, shield generators or create elite battle droids for base defense etc) or leave them as is. This would hopefully give more meaning to crafting too. Also a final point is that the neutral planets military defenses would regenerate over time too making it a good strategy for the community to focus on taking out a planet and capturing It over a campaign that might take a few days of real life time (some covert actions to lower defenses, then some raids to remove any remaining defense while a final raid comes in to invade the planet a few days later).


Over the course of a few weeks after this zone first opens all the neutral planets would have been captured by one of the factions and then the strategy would be to of course try to capture the planets from the other faction. This could be accomplished by outright military action (again large scale PVP fleets actions and invasion) or by running covert missions to ferment a rebellion on the target planet. The result of running these covert missions would increase rebel activity and at the same time open up missions for the faction that holds the planet to put down the rebellion (these could be PVE missions as in “kill the rebel leader” or PVP as in “kill the other factions covert team” so that the PVE and PVP players could both enjoy the content in this zone). Ignore the opposing factions covert actions long enough and the planet starts to rebel and the owning faction loses the bonuses on the planet and uprisings occur and start to damage the defense facilities and bases on the planet. If it lasts long enough the planet would revert to neutral status.


Finally, all of these space battles, planetary invasions, diplomacy would contains various story elements that are changeable and that randomly open up new things for players to access such as a new type of crafting schematic or a new special resource etc. I am really hoping that we would see some real different outcomes from the dialogue choices we are given in game and I would support having some random surprises put in as well so that replaying the mission might result in different outcomes even if the same choices are chosen. Having said this I do understand that this would be a lot of work to do and would take a lot of time to create such rich system of options and outcomes in game.


So then, we have this zone with PVP fleets actions and so but how to we balance it, how do we get balance with such large battles and then not have to wait in ques for enough players on both sides to join? After all these would not be 10 nor 20 man raids but large raids potentially consisting of 100s of players. The idea to balance this is that to launch an attack you would need a minimum amount of say 15-20 players but more could join in the attack later on with no limit. The defending side would get a chance to muster defenses via a general alert in game … “Spies have found an incoming raid headed for planet xxx!” “Our monitoring station has spotted a large enemy fleet inbound to* planet xxx” . Defending players would be able to join the battle as it starts and also during the during too (in game a shuttle would come and pick them up and take them to the zone similar to the quick travel function we have now). Any defending PC players would receive NPC reinforcements to help them out and balance it if there are too many PC attackers. If no defending players join in then if becomes a PVE type raid. If lots of enemy players respond and they actually end up outnumbering the attacking PCs then the attackers get some reinforcements to help them out. Also as mentioned, during the battle defending and attacking players would join in and the NPC reinforcements would be added or subtracted from the battle as needed to help keep the balance of player strength roughly even. This should help keep these epic battles balanced and fair and at the same time ensure that players do not have to wait too long to participate in these battles because NPC players are going to fill in when there is a lack of PC players. The last point to make is that rewards given to players in the battle would depend on how much time they played that particular battle (and how much they contributed) thus allowing late comers to get some reward but not as much as those who got in early. In addition this helps prevent someone from jumping to a battle near the end and sitting there doing nothing and collecting a reward. The system should be designed to reward contribution to your faction.

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