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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: October 24th, 2017


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The plus side about the extended maintenance is that the forums are more lively! I see more than the usual two hands full of people who post on the forums.:rak_03:


It'll be like last month again!!!


Everybody united in despair over Terry's inability to do stuff right!!

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Just relax guys, they are giving us a free mount soon (KOTOR inspired swoop bike). It's the same exact one you get from buying the sub-pack from origin.com. They didn't even put a new paint job on it unlike what they do with the cantina mounts. IT'S AMAZING! :rolleyes:


Like all those anniversary droids. My gawd...alllllll those droids....

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Just relax guys, they are giving us a free mount soon (KOTOR inspired swoop bike). It's the same exact one you get from buying the sub-pack from origin.com. They didn't even put a new paint job on it unlike what they do with the cantina mounts. IT'S AMAZING! :rolleyes:


IKR? Like I saw the post about it and I looked at it and thought "Didnt they give this one to use already??" But whatever...free swag is free swag..

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I'm never sure if the people complaining every time are trolls or just really sad disgusting people. Either way go home and rethink your life. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Sad the downtime is extended. Good you extended it and keep it up. Nobody wants nasty surprises waiting for them cause maintenance was rushed.

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That explains it all. I've been wondering why the maintenances here have always began an hour later than it has been said it would begin (I live in Finland, so we're two hours ahead of British time) so if for example it was said that the maintenance would begin at 12.00 British time, it would be 14.00 here. But since it's summer time, you need to add one more hour to clock. I do still wonder why it hasn't been switched so that the maintenance (that I used as an example) begins at 1300 British time instead of 1200 due the summer time?

It's easier for them to use GMT because not everybody in the world uses summer time and to be honest BW got them mixed up themselves in the past so it's probably wiser they stick to GMT :)

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I'm never sure if the people complaining every time are trolls or just really sad disgusting people. Either way go home and rethink your life. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Sad the downtime is extended. Good you extended it and keep it up. Nobody wants nasty surprises waiting for them cause maintenance was rushed.


Noone is giving you extra prizes for that brown shirt.

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  • Dev Post

Hi all,


Today’s maintenance was part of the United Forces effort!


We have completed the upgrade of the Game Servers along with all their supporting infrastructure in the Data Centers. We made a large investment of new hardware and software and one of our primary goals was to substantially reduce our footprint while improving our overall server capacity. During our evaluation of the new servers, we determined we could also combine our North American datacenters. That also occurred today and we have officially moved out of our West Coast location. Our testing showed no impact on the gameplay experience, but we expect some of you playing on formerly West Coast servers may see higher ping times. We’ll use the next two weeks to smooth out any kinks and resolve any performance issues encountered.


You’ll see the same Servers today that you saw yesterday. They’re just running on new hardware and, some, in different locations. As announced previously the move to the five (5) new Servers will be on Wednesday, November 8, 2017. At that time all Game Servers and the SWTOR website will be down for up to 12 hours. We’ll let you know the actual start time a few days before.


Report any specific issues you encounter to Customer Service as we’ve established an escalation process for critical issues. Please be a bit patient with us over the coming weeks as we unite players from a variety of servers and try to make this a smooth and painless process for everyone.





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I'm having deja vu ... didn't we have 'last minute issues' not so long ago?





Now Europe has lost another day and nothing has been mentioned about possible compensation from the last time.

They unleashed Theron's new hair and everyone was distracted :D ToS gives them their out - they don't have to offer anything for short maintenance related outages & they know no-one in Europe is going to spend/waste money on a lawyer to sort it out, even if it breaches any UK/EU law (and frankly most lawyers would probably tell any who tries to piss off and get a life).


Yeah SWTOR is not online for an evening. Don't know what to do with my life now.


Close enough or shall we discuss how many cents of your sub payment these hours come down to?

I already said £0.29 British PENCE! :p Eurozone can keep their cents! Brexit and so forth \o/ :cool:


Be prepared for MAINTENANCEMAGGEDON coming 8th November. I predict the servers will be unavailable for 5 days - that will be worthy of compensation.

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Weird hours? Now they always have maintenance during their night... That are normal work hours for Americans? Learned something new here today... :D


I think you're confused... Maintenance began at 5am BW:A time. Pretty early, but I wouldn't call it night time.

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Hi all,


Today’s maintenance was part of the United Forces effort!


We have completed the upgrade of the Game Servers along with all their supporting infrastructure in the Data Centers. We made a large investment of new hardware and software and one of our primary goals was to substantially reduce our footprint while improving our overall server capacity. During our evaluation of the new servers, we determined we could also combine our North American datacenters. That also occurred today and we have officially moved out of our West Coast location. Our testing showed no impact on the gameplay experience, but we expect some of you playing on formerly West Coast servers may see higher ping times. We’ll use the next two weeks to smooth out any kinks and resolve any performance issues encountered.


You’ll see the same Servers today that you saw yesterday. They’re just running on new hardware and, some, in different locations. As announced previously the move to the five (5) new Servers will be on Wednesday, November 8, 2017. At that time all Game Servers and the SWTOR website will be down for up to 12 hours. We’ll let you know the actual start time a few days before.


Report any specific issues you encounter to Customer Service as we’ve established an escalation process for critical issues. Please be a bit patient with us over the coming weeks as we unite players from a variety of servers and try to make this a smooth and painless process for everyone.






Thanks Keith and the team for trying to make this go as smoothly as possible. :)

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Hi all,


Today’s maintenance was part of the United Forces effort!


We have completed the upgrade of the Game Servers along with all their supporting infrastructure in the Data Centers. We made a large investment of new hardware and software and one of our primary goals was to substantially reduce our footprint while improving our overall server capacity. During our evaluation of the new servers, we determined we could also combine our North American datacenters. That also occurred today and we have officially moved out of our West Coast location. Our testing showed no impact on the gameplay experience, but we expect some of you playing on formerly West Coast servers may see higher ping times. We’ll use the next two weeks to smooth out any kinks and resolve any performance issues encountered.


You’ll see the same Servers today that you saw yesterday. They’re just running on new hardware and, some, in different locations. As announced previously the move to the five (5) new Servers will be on Wednesday, November 8, 2017. At that time all Game Servers and the SWTOR website will be down for up to 12 hours. We’ll let you know the actual start time a few days before.


Report any specific issues you encounter to Customer Service as we’ve established an escalation process for critical issues. Please be a bit patient with us over the coming weeks as we unite players from a variety of servers and try to make this a smooth and painless process for everyone.





Thank you very much for the detailed post!

My raid group's been gotten bad server lag the past few months, specifically in the Iokath operation, where the game would freeze 1-2 seconds for everyone; I'm hoping these lags will no longer happen with the new hardware.

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I have a bad feeling about this...


I rarely play when the servers are busy so I was wondering if this is something that happens when lots of folk are trying to log in at the same time but it seems to be taking a bit long even for that, plus I'd expect to see a queue.


Holy run-on sentence!


ETA: After 15 minutes staring at the blue spinner of trepidation, I closed client, restarted and lo! The blue spinner of trepidation remains.


Might want to look into this, guys.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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During our evaluation of the new servers, we determined we could also combine our North American datacenters. That also occurred today and we have officially moved out of our West Coast location. [b]Our testing showed no impact on the gameplay experience, [/b]but we expect some of you playing on formerly West Coast servers may see higher ping times.




As a west coast resident, I logged in today to find my server lag (ping) tripled from what it has been for the past several years. That is a serious impact on pvp, and a very discouraging development. I live in a large metropolitan area with 256 mbps internet connection, and my lag has been tripled. No impact? Who are you guys kidding? And to throw this news out at the last minute as if it's not a big deal ... I honestly don't why I hold any optimism for this game. It's always one step forward, two steps back. I was excited about the server merge and the upcoming new content. Now I'm wondering why I came back to this game :( :( :(

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