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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sparkly eyes


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From my observations, Purebloods and Red Zabraks don't have that problem. Twi'leks seem to have it. At least mine does.


Also, what was that about Zabrak Skin Color?


My Pureblood has the bright yellow eyes and a hood up and she doesn't get all twinkly. In fact as you say Purebloods don't seem to get it at all.


My Dark V Zabrak (Iridonian) doesn't get it either, though he seems to change colour altogether sometimes.


Humans always seems to sparkle though.

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It's not much sparkly as it is glassy looking, like they have moist eyes from crying or something (they're all crying over the Dailies having been returned to 75 CXP). It's a bit weird looking yeah but not game breaking to be honest.


Right now I'd prefer it if the team focuses on the server merges to make sure those will go right and without issues. Little silly things like the glass eye bug really can wait until after the server merges :)

Edited by Ylliarus
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It's not much sparkly as it is glassy looking, like they have moist eyes from crying or something (they're all crying over the Dailies having been returned to 75 CXP). It's a bit weird looking yeah but not game breaking to be honest.


Right now I'd prefer it if the team focuses on the server merges to make sure those will go right and without issues. Little silly things like the glass eye bug really can wait until after the server merges :)

It may seem like "little silly thing that can wait" to you, but alongside the Jedi robe big butt syndrome, this issue stops me from recording cutscenes, which makes it game breaking to me. So don't speak for everyone, please.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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It may seem like "little silly thing that can wait" to you, but alongside the Jedi robe big butt syndrome, this issue stops me from recording cutscenes, which makes it game breaking to me. So don't speak for everyone, please.


So much this. Please do something about this, devs!

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Just chiming in...

A little reflection in the eyes is important to not make them look dead, but this just looks bad.

Sometimes, the reflections are so bright the eyes look glassy black with no whites. Sometimes they just look like mirrors.

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It may seem like "little silly thing that can wait" to you, but alongside the Jedi robe big butt syndrome, this issue stops me from recording cutscenes, which makes it game breaking to me. So don't speak for everyone, please.


Jedi Robe big butt ...what? Got an example?


I also agree with this. Lucky for me, my next recording is an Iridonian, so I will not be affected by this at all. In fact my next recordings are an Iridonian, a Sith and a Rattattak(last two aren't really important though ; they're more of cool figures than anything else). But I can only sympathize with those who have humans or Twi'leks to record.

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I know this is a really tiny blip among the rest, but I just noticed that when my Agent had her romance cutscene with Vector when he changes his eyes back to human....well, they didn't. They were still Killik black. See pic link below:




So I guess this means that he's a bugged....bug....?


(I know, I know....I couldn't resist!:D:cool:)

Edited by feylyndiira
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Hah...logging in just to see if it was just me with the eyes thing. It's driving me crazy. I did notice that Lana's don't seem to be doing it but all my other toons and most npc's, you can barely even see what they eyes look like for the glare. :confused:
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I know this is a really tiny blip among the rest, but I just noticed that when my Agent had her romance cutscene with Vector when he changes his eyes back to human....well, they didn't. They were still Killik black. See pic link below:




So I guess this means that he's a bugged....bug....?


(I know, I know....I couldn't resist!:D:cool:)


Lol.. surprise..!..? :confused::D


I'm seeing the Balmorra reflection now that a previous posted mentioned, Balmorra no matter where we are. Sounds like some kind of Star Wars love song, Balmorra in your eyes, Balmorra everywhere we go...


(Btw, I wonder what the agent says when you pick that last option - stay back, don't move. Like, does she think he's someone else all of a sudden? Is she going to shoot him because his eyes look different?! Maybe it's just a spider crawling over his shoulder? Don't move I'll get it!)

Edited by grania
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It's not much sparkly as it is glassy looking, like they have moist eyes from crying or something (they're all crying over the Dailies having been returned to 75 CXP). It's a bit weird looking yeah but not game breaking to be honest.


Right now I'd prefer it if the team focuses on the server merges to make sure those will go right and without issues. Little silly things like the glass eye bug really can wait until after the server merges :)

So are you also wondering what the big deal was about putting the stations in the SH so you could "rewatch" the SH cut scenes???? Every time my companion lags then ends up bombing me from above or ends up fighting from below ground I am glad that they took the time to create those instead of repairing that bug that has gone on for some time now.

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I'm glad someone else noticed that thread lol. I'm still sad some of the cool Jedi sets like the Stormguard and Resolute Guardian suffer from a big-butt glitch. Apparently the devs actually fixed it once earlier in the games life too.


Hopefully it'll be fixed along with the shiny eyes. Both are quite annoying visual bugs.

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While doing the Trooper storyline on Corellia, the sparkling eyes are ridiculous and terribly distracting. It looks like the NPCs in cut-scenes have strings of white beads glued to their eyes. If I look really close, it also seems as if the exterior terrain is being reflected in their eyes, even though we're inside a building.
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