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Kicked out of guild for mental disability- what do i do?


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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D




Good luck with that one



You'll probably have a better chance at becoming president then winning some sort of lawsuit.




If this is the individual that I am thinking of... then it was VexX that kicked him. I mean... how many Autistic people have been kicked this week?




You, sir are absolutely correct. OP (if this is the same person) has left out quite a large chunk of the story. He was NOT kicked for being Autistic. He made that detail perfectly clear from the very beginning and we all knew it. He was kicked for his repeated inability to co-exist in a peaceful manner in TS3. He was warned on several occasions to keep his extremely inappropriate comments to himself and if he could not then to stay out of the TS3 server. He was not kicked for anything he did in game. He was removed after the guild realized that there was a total of 2 people that did NOT have him on mute so they did not have to listen to him talk about the subjects he seemed to enjoy talking about and repeatedly SCREAMING into his mic.


Again. He was warned. He was spoken to. He was even removed from the TS3 server. After all of these steps were taken he was THEN removed from the guild. He was NOT removed for having a disability. He was invited with his disability known by all.


SIDE NOTE: VexX treats all their members with equality. Whether you have a mental disability or not means absolutely nothing to us. You WILL be held to the same standards as any other member of the guild. This means that following the rules of conduct is NOT only applicable if you "feel like it". We don't treat any single member with a different level of respect or temperance than any other member. If you decide to not follow direction... if you decide to act like d-bag... if you do not heed the warnings of the guild leadership you will be removed. End of story.


We are not just a TOR guild. We are a gaming community comprised of RL friends and "internet friends" alike. We get rowdy. We talk smack to each other. But above it all we respect one another to the fullest. Some of us have known each other for several years and these rules are in place for a reason.



Sounds like you guys have a nice little group going on

Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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If this is the individual that I am thinking of... then it was VexX that kicked him. I mean... how many Autistic people have been kicked this week?




You, sir are absolutely correct. OP (if this is the same person) has left out quite a large chunk of the story. He was NOT kicked for being Autistic. He made that detail perfectly clear from the very beginning and we all knew it. He was kicked for his repeated inability to co-exist in a peaceful manner in TS3. He was warned on several occasions to keep his extremely inappropriate comments to himself and if he could not then to stay out of the TS3 server. He was not kicked for anything he did in game. He was removed after the guild realized that there was a total of 2 people that did NOT have him on mute so they did not have to listen to him talk about the subjects he seemed to enjoy talking about and repeatedly SCREAMING into his mic.


Again. He was warned. He was spoken to. He was even removed from the TS3 server. After all of these steps were taken he was THEN removed from the guild. He was NOT removed for having a disability. He was invited with his disability known by all.


SIDE NOTE: VexX treats all their members with equality. Whether you have a mental disability or not means absolutely nothing to us. You WILL be held to the same standards as any other member of the guild. This means that following the rules of conduct is NOT only applicable if you "feel like it". We don't treat any single member with a different level of respect or temperance than any other member. If you decide to not follow direction... if you decide to act like d-bag... if you do not heed the warnings of the guild leadership you will be removed. End of story.


We are not just a TOR guild. We are a gaming community comprised of RL friends and "internet friends" alike. We get rowdy. We talk smack to each other. But above it all we respect one another to the fullest. Some of us have known each other for several years and these rules are in place for a reason.


doesn't surprise me in the least, reading something like this.


and now a TL:DR

to the OP, and really buddy, I mean this from the bottom of my heart:



do not .ever. use it as a means to act irresponsible.


I know it's far from easy, because sometimes control is hard. I'm an aspi, and you kinda seem like the kind of autist who still is able to communicate 'properly'.


you probably .do. think that you didn't act out of the ordinary in voice chat, but when others think your behaviour isn't ok, then maybe you should get your acts together and do the wise thing (not go online on team speak, or at least mute yourself)


talk to one or two persons at a time.


I'm actually surprised you ended up talking to them at all, because I myself take a looooong time before I actively seek out contact with other people, no matter how often they tell me they love me .because. of my crazyness (then again, I'm a girl, and for some reason people often think it's 'cute' when a woman tells them she's completely nuts)



I can only say it again.


don't hide behind your autism.

it's not a good excuse to act stupid. ever.

man up already and deal with consequences.


is it fair? no. and yes.

everyone deals with one problem or another. maybe your self-control is harder to obtain than for the majority of people, but my generel experience is that the gaming community as a whole is a lot more accepting than most other scenes. granted it's gotten worse over the years with gaming no longer 'nerds-only' territory but it's hardly unsurvivable.


maybe enjoy the game without a guild for a while. my old guild doesn't play the game, so I'm running around alone right now. I still found a few people to party with every once in a while - or I just chat in general. (and I bet some people there think I'm totally silly and annoying aswell. I can live with that. not everyone is going to love me)

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You know I could would feel sympathy but the fact that I don't know the other side of the story or you for that matter makes it hard. I do not see how people can automatically assume what you are saying is true when you didn't even mention what guild discriminated against you. I know if some guild discriminated against me for what ever reason I would name the guild at least not just make some vague post about how I was kicked out of a guild for being autistic and am looking for medical advice... Of course I wouldn't seek legal advice from the SWTOR forums either.


I would be interested to hear from the guild owner and the person responsible for your dismissal.


P.S I am totally behind Amnie's post one shouldn't use their disability as an excuse for their failures they should use their failures as a excuse to better themselves.

Edited by TheOrigReaper
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My Wife suffers from ASD and I understand how difficult it is for you, it is also difficult for people who don't know you too.


The first thing you must do is be straight and tell people you have this condition, tell them to read a website about it, and let them learn. if they refuse to then that is their problem and you don't want to be associated with bigots and idiots.


Any mature guild will understand and should realise that often people with ASD are very useful assets. One part of ASD that I am not sure if you suffer with or not is, often people can enjoy and handle repetative tasks, often a person with ASD will be a great farmer and will enjoy repetative work others don't.


in any guild having someone who is will to gather 1,000,000 things without complaint is a great assest.


Good luck and I bet you find a really good guild soon.


Can't believe no one called you on this.


On that note, any Asians out there, consider going into proctology. Your small hands will be a benefit to us all.

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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D


Here is some legal advice... you don't have a case. Guilds are private. They have the freedom to assemble with who they wish to assemble with. They can exclude members for any reason they wish, or no reason at all.

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Speaking from the side of the guild, i had an experience like this 10 or so days ago. We invited someone into our guild, and got him setup on TS3 and were very nice. As soon as he got on TS3, he talked for a solid 30 minutes, mostly about getting sniped by a gundark. Everyone on TS3 was completely silent because we couldn't even talk with him in the channel. We decided that we were not enjoying his company, and to be as un-dickish as possible, banned from TS3 and kicked from guild.


He then PMd the guild leader and accused us of being retard haters (first time we heard of this btw)


TLDR: a guild can kick anyone at its own discretion. If they do not enjoy the company of a member, more importantly, if they dislike the company of a person in the guild; it is in the better interest of both parties for the person to leave.

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I have a sibling with Asperger's, which is a mild form of autism. Most of her social interactions tend to be... put delicately, less than graceful. She speaks plainly and bluntly and also pursues conversation topics with almost no modesty. Its not like she means any harm by it but it just isn't a factor to her. From what I know, and what I've been told, people with autism often miss social queues that those without take for granted. Its not easy for people who aren't used to it because it can be a tad uncomfortable to keep a conversation going with them. Still, that is pretty poor grounds for removing someone from a guild and I feel bad that you were served this injustice based on your disability.


I wish you good luck in finding a group of people that are more accepting and understanding.

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I have a sibling with Asperger's, which is a mild form of autism. Most of her social interactions tend to be... put delicately, less than graceful. She speaks plainly and bluntly and also pursues conversation topics with almost no modesty. Its not like she means any harm by it but it just isn't a factor to her. From what I know, and what I've been told, people with autism often miss social queues that those without take for granted. Its not easy for people who aren't used to it because it can be a tad uncomfortable to keep a conversation going with them. Still, that is pretty poor grounds for removing someone from a guild and I feel bad that you were served this injustice based on your disability.


I wish you good luck in finding a group of people that are more accepting and understanding.


please, the guild already responded, and they definitely seem far more right than the OP (notice how he hasn't replied to anything going in the direction of 'eh. you are in the wrong'?)


btw, it's not fool-proof fact that asperger's syndrome is actually a 'mild form of autism'. it might be, or it might not be. (remember, borderline syndrome used to be called a 'mild form of shizophrenia')

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I'm not sure exactly why, although the admin himself told me in a private convo that my symptoms, or in his words "state of mind" were definitely a factor.


my .02 here



be glad that your gone.





saw the post from the guild, if thats true, its called learning how to play with others....


jeeze im an uncouth ex infantryman and i even know to **** when im told too...but then again if i didnt/dont i do a ton of pushups :p

Edited by Crohadan
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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D


If your the type of person that would try to sue for getting kicked out of a video game guild, there is a good chance your autism had nothing to do with it.

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This thread, is inspiring. I have some autistic friends and they are just like any other regular person, except for the fact they are diagnosed with a mental disease. And for a guild to kick you just for being autistic is wrong. I'm glad you decided to share this with the rest of us. Edited by Ludanyke
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I was just kicked out of a certain guild because I'm autistic, what should i do?


You should cry and whine about it on the game forums?


Who cares, we've kicked people out of our guild for way worse reasons for that and no one ever made a cry for me forum post about it.


Perhaps you were a failure of a player?


But then again you did say whenever some one joined your TS you made a point to say you were autistic. We've kicked a guy out of our guild for saying Lord in front of every ones name "Oh welcome Lord someone-not-in-the-guild"

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In my guild, we couldn't care less. If you can do your job in PvE and PvP then that should be what matters. My two brothers are in the extreme spectrum, and i've spent time with many high-functioning autistc people, and I can assure anyone looking down on this person that if he is the latter(which he is since he can type a coherent thought, it was a rhetorical statement), he would be nothing but a great asset. Edited by Runsta
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Only a true douchebag would do that to someone who has a disability.. seriously that is pathetic to say the least.Try and find a guild that is accepting of people with special situations and find people that care.This game ive noticed is full of elitist jerks trying to be " pro " where they have no chance as this game isn't even on a pro circuit standing with any other competitive game . I feel for you man,i really do.If i had a guild i would take you on without argument or any explanation.I hope you find some guild that will accept you.Personally im staying away from guild,there's nothing i can do with a guild that i can't arrange myself so im flying solo hehe
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Only a true douchebag would do that to someone who has a disability.. seriously that is pathetic to say the least.


if a disability is hampering ones ability to play effectively in my guild, you're absolutely right I will kick them. I'm not going to give someone an advantage or special treatment because they might have a handicap. Isn't that what they're always crying about anyways "OO ALL WE WANT IS FAIR TREATMENT except when it comes to something that i can't do, then i'm going to force every one in the world to bend to my will because OMG IM HANDICAPPED LOOK AT ME"



I do not care about your disability, I care whether you can play the game or not.

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