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Kicked out of guild for mental disability- what do i do?


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I'm not going to take sides here, but just want to share:


On Playstation Home I had a club, with members that would meet up daily. One of the members had a episode one day and went mad at everyone, then one of the club officers kicked him out and banned him. It was only after that I found out he has ADD and Autism.


I reinvited him back and removed the officer's rank from them just to teach a lesson, however he was never the same and sadly he ended up getting kicked out again by another officer. He began stalking the club members, myself and my friends and as begrudged as I was, I had to end up blocking him.


Some people find these kind of conditions hard to understand or deal with, personally I'm not one to discriminate, and I like to give everyone a chance, however many people do not have that kind of patience and understanding.


Unless you did something very out of the ordinary and gave them a reason to kick you, then **** them, they sound like douchebags

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I have worked with mentally handicapped people in my life (actually trying to get a job right now doing just that to hold me over while in college.) Personally, I know you must have a lot of compassion and Patience in dealing with people with mental disabilities. Having said that, you could actually probably fool me (forum wise) that you are normal, you def show the signs that you are quite smart and highly functional, but I think what you had to deal with is advice we could all use. Sometimes we try to say stuff, even with good intentions and we just say it in a wrong way. No one is a perfect speaker. So maybe some stuff you were saying you saw as harmless and unoffensive, but others didn't see it that way. I know I have a problem with that a lot. I am very blunt sometimes and then other times sarcastic. My main advice, look at this as only a game. Don't stop yourself from making friends, but don't take things as a personal attack on you or your character as a person. We all make mistakes even when we were def. not meaning too. Find a new guild and just be yourself. Some people will hate you, but then some will love you so if you are being yourself then they love you for you and not a fake. :D
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youre all right. I DONT need to take legal action, when there are plenty of other guilds who arent asinine.


Oh my are you serious lol....'oh hi mr or mrs lawyer I was kicked out of an internet make believe guild in a video game so I want to take this to court' Lawyer goes 0.o


Lawl is all I can say.

Edited by GweedoBane
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My Wife suffers from ASD and I understand how difficult it is for you, it is also difficult for people who don't know you too.


The first thing you must do is be straight and tell people you have this condition, tell them to read a website about it, and let them learn. if they refuse to then that is their problem and you don't want to be associated with bigots and idiots.


Any mature guild will understand and should realise that often people with ASD are very useful assets. One part of ASD that I am not sure if you suffer with or not is, often people can enjoy and handle repetative tasks, often a person with ASD will be a great farmer and will enjoy repetative work others don't.


in any guild having someone who is will to gather 1,000,000 things without complaint is a great assest.


Good luck and I bet you find a really good guild soon.

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As a lawyer, yes you can sue the guild owner and BioWare for everything they got. If the guild ever sent you credits you were an employee (yes virtual currency counts has compensation for work done trust me I'm a lawyer). I am assuming you live in the U.S (where I practice law in the state of N.Y.). We have laws here that protect against discrimination based on medical conditions/disabilities and some other stuff.

I urge you to seek out a lawyer near you. You want someone competent. They should have lots of diplomas and awards on their wall.

Did the guild leader ever poke your toon? We could get them on sexual harassment as well.

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As a lawyer, yes you can sue the guild owner and BioWare for everything they got. If the guild ever sent you credits you were an employee (yes virtual currency counts has compensation for work done trust me I'm a lawyer). I am assuming you live in the U.S (where I practice law in the state of N.Y.). We have laws here that protect against discrimination based on medical conditions/disabilities and some other stuff.

I urge you to seek out a lawyer near you. You want someone competent. They should have lots of diplomas and awards on their wall.

Did the guild leader ever poke your toon? We could get them on sexual harassment as well.


...I see what you did there.

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Isnt it possible that in addition to being autistic the OP also has major issue that are not disablities and thats why he was kicked?


I knew a guy who sued for being fired because he had a disablity but in reality he was just really bad at his job.


maybe he was bad at his job because of the disability.

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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D


Ok what the what? While I think what they did is wrong, you are looking to sue them because they kicked you out of the guild? Um the ADA doesnt apply to video games.

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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D


Sadly, segregation is not illegal. At least not in video games. But hopefully guilt is a big enough punishment for them. Because kicking someone for being mentally disabled is just wrong.

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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D


Sadly none pal.


Each guild can and do whatever they want, while they cannot harass you into the ground they have the right to kick you.


But in the rules of the game they cannot harass you that is for sure.



If your on Shadow Hand feel free to look me up.



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While were talking about mental disabilities...


Good lord this is the most bi-polar community I have ever seen. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around this thread. One post is compassionate and offers assistance and genuinely good advice, the next trolls the OP in a way to take advantage of his stated disability, after that is a string of guild invites interlaced with questions as to the veracity of the OP.


Total mindf*ck.


Good luck OP. I hope you find a good virtual home with some of the nice people in this thread. As for the others, ignore the BS and more on with your game!

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whats the guilds name :cool:


If this is the individual that I am thinking of... then it was VexX that kicked him. I mean... how many Autistic people have been kicked this week?


Okay, wait. The guy just says he was seeking legal recourse over a clash of personalities, and no one here stopped to think maybe there's a good reason he was kicked out?


There's a whole lot of blank spots in the OP's story, and lacking full disclosure of the conversations...


You, sir are absolutely correct. OP (if this is the same person) has left out quite a large chunk of the story. He was NOT kicked for being Autistic. He made that detail perfectly clear from the very beginning and we all knew it. He was kicked for his repeated inability to co-exist in a peaceful manner in TS3. He was warned on several occasions to keep his extremely inappropriate comments to himself and if he could not then to stay out of the TS3 server. He was not kicked for anything he did in game. He was removed after the guild realized that there was a total of 2 people that did NOT have him on mute so they did not have to listen to him talk about the subjects he seemed to enjoy talking about and repeatedly SCREAMING into his mic.


Again. He was warned. He was spoken to. He was even removed from the TS3 server. After all of these steps were taken he was THEN removed from the guild. He was NOT removed for having a disability. He was invited with his disability known by all.


SIDE NOTE: VexX treats all their members with equality. Whether you have a mental disability or not means absolutely nothing to us. You WILL be held to the same standards as any other member of the guild. This means that following the rules of conduct is NOT only applicable if you "feel like it". We don't treat any single member with a different level of respect or temperance than any other member. If you decide to not follow direction... if you decide to act like d-bag... if you do not heed the warnings of the guild leadership you will be removed. End of story.


We are not just a TOR guild. We are a gaming community comprised of RL friends and "internet friends" alike. We get rowdy. We talk smack to each other. But above it all we respect one another to the fullest. Some of us have known each other for several years and these rules are in place for a reason.

Edited by Gryn
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Full disclosure here, I had a nasty bit of tourettes that compromised much of my early childhood, making me a social pariah. I eventually straightened myself out and have a lot of fun in college, but I had some bad social skills that haven't totally disappeared. But these guys are good guys, and we let JutoNash (that's his ingame name) go because he was a hard person to enjoy the game with. He may do great somewhere else, but not with VexX.


His disabilities meant nothing. The way he conducted himself did.

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