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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Hey I've been restless the whole day!


I'm listening to

right now. It's my go to song for my warrior and Arcann since Kotet:rak_03:


Niemand by Oomph!

I was making a video with my jugg and Arcann using that song, I should finish it now that we got the romance.


Waiting here ready to record it, can't wait!!

Edited by Tadagyt
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I just came home from work and did not turn on the game yet.:o

Has someone already tried romance? Share your opinions!


I am in the same situation as you :).


Looks like some already done it :rolleyes:. It took 1 minute?


Edit: No Eshvara bouncing around. That good or that bad?

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4 minutes scene so worth it! Never thought Arcann would be that shy... but damn, he kissed my lady like he wants it. YASSS!


Also I've been thinking about getting Zakuul Knight armor but darling gave me for free :D




was it at least how shepard shoved his tongue down jack's throat in the mass effect 3 reunion

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4 minutes scene so worth it! Never thought Arcann would be that shy... but damn, he kissed my lady like he wants it. YASSS!


Also I've been thinking about getting Zakuul Knight armor but darling gave me for free :D





Oh no! Free stuff? I never seen THAT coming. Brace for the rage!


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I'm still smiling now. It was totally worth it and I can't get over how adorable and shy Arcann was.

I was so amused he was all 'this is unfamilar territory to me, I don't know what to do.' Like, my Jedi up to that point had been following the no attachment/romance rule of the Jedi pretty well, and he's the one giving direction. Utterly precious.



Glad I recorded it though so I can go squee over it whenever I want. :)

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Use spoiler tags people! Also about his personality​, let it be a surprise to those who want to see it for themselves. :)



What I did miss was a letter however. Senya/Arcann. That's my only complaint* Other than that very minor disappointment I am very happy.:)


Edited by Eshvara
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I did not remove the customization from Аrcann!:eek:



He kissed the PC in the mask!:D:D:D

And so everything was wonderful! Even I have no complaints! And it was longer than 4 minutes!



Remove from it customization before romance.

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I'm coming from the other world. I'm been playing MMOs for 20 years now (oh my...) but not that many single player games. I did not really like to play alone... Among others, I played the other SW MMO, Star Wars Galaxies before SOE broke it totally. It was an incredible experience, so many things possible! So I found SWTOR quickly really boring because it was not really flexible and you have to solo a lot. Now I moved to the other side. I prefer playing solo most of the time to enjoy the story or go at my own pace, I tend to hate group missions because I want to have time to look around and everybody is always running ahead. So frustrating! I must be getting too old... So I left the game when I reached 50 with my two main characters and came back quite recently and loved it again. The only thing is that the fights in history mode are too easy. But at least I can play and remain relaxed. :p

Yeah, my brother refuses to game with me :o:D

`there's nothing round that corner :mad:` -Brother

`I know but my SW doesn't know that` -Me

`Cooomme on` -B

`Uh oh, just skipped some dialogue, gonna have to start again :)` -M

`...` -B


Right reckon I'm going to go focus on leveling :D See you all later.

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omg :o


The cutscene is so freaking precious. Him approaching us with a gift and not being remotely pushy is incredibly sweet. His nervous body language - his shame over his past actions and how unworthy he feels in spite of being deeply grateful for this second chance - it's all really endearing.


On my main sage, I've been exploring the various things I can imagine her saying and esc'ing out. I am totally torn between not taking the initial flirt option and taking it but then not beginning a romance. In favour of not taking the flirt option is the wish to not lead him on when she's committed to Felix, plus the fact that (aside from cutscene curiosity on my part that I esc'd out of) she's never flirted with anyone but Felix. But in favour of taking the flirt is the fact that she does feel some kind of bond to him that she doesn't fully understand but would explore if Felix wasn't in the picture. Taking the flirt option could be a way of saying he's worthy of her love but she can't actually go down that path. It feels like the closest thing to the "in another life" option that I've sorta wanted.


Gosh, this is exactly why not having the ability to load a save in this game destroys me. Sometimes conversations end quicker than you thought - sometimes, once the last line of dialogue is being spoken, even if there's a long animation after it, you can't esc out of the cutscene anymore, it just ends it with the conversation having happened and you're stuck with the choice you didn't really want to make. I think I need to do the full cutscene on a different character first! I can't risk messing up my sage. :D


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I did not remove the customization from Аrcann!:eek:



He kissed the PC in the mask!:D:D:D

And so everything was wonderful! Even I have no complaints! And it was longer than 4 minutes!



Remove from it customization before romance.


Yeah I didn't remove it either. :p

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It's as I expected! Short but sweet.


I already knew about the gift before so no surprise there. It's quite sweet he made the armor by himself. My favorite line:"I'm not sure how to proceed". Headcanon confirmed!

Also as it turns out, the customization does show lol. My DS warrior totally kissed the hard cold mask.


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